Wednesday, 2024-10-02

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zeddiimoto-timo, here. you need to tag it as "hardware" to get the warning02:43
moto-timozeddii: hmm. it is
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zeddiimoto-timo: is this a config that I can test ? I can see what's up with it tomorrow03:07
moto-timozeddii: it turns out WDAT isn't supported on the target platform anyway, so no efibootguard for this project03:08
zeddiimoto-timo: aha.  I  ran the config_analysis task on the option, if I had the right BSP, it would have told me more, but I have qemux86-64 in that build,03:15
moto-timozeddii: this was meta-intel intel-skylake-64 linux-intel-rt 6.6 in scarthgap03:16
zeddiibut in linux-yocto-dev at least, it only depends on ACPI and WATCHDOG03:16
moto-timoI ran menuconfig and then diffconfig and that's where CONFIG_ACPI_WATCHDOG=y barfed out03:17
zeddiiit actually selects ACPI_WATCHDOG in 6.11+, so it doesn't depend on it per-se, but does try and enable it, but could still show up in the .config even without ACPI_WATCHDOG03:17
moto-timoeven though I was just (re) setting CONFIG_WDAT_WDT=m which should already have been there from intel-x86.cfg inheritance03:17
moto-timoapparently WDAT table has to be supported at BIOS level ... and it isn't on this skylake platform from 2016/2017 era03:18
moto-timoif this was newer than skylake I would still be able to use ITCO_WDT, but v4 is not supported by efibootguard03:18
moto-timoand efivarfs is not supported on -rt kernel03:19
moto-timorunning in circles03:19
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mckoangood morning06:36
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diego_rGood morning! @RP I guess release year for Walnascar is incorrect and should be 2025, right?
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Guest46is there anyone who is familier with phys. I have upgraded my linux from 4.9 to 6.136. My phy is connected to mac over mii through smi interface. Nothing needs to be configured so using generic linux driver. I have used the same device tree as in older kernel. In Uboot I am able to read registers through mii dump where the link is shown do be08:27
Guest46established. In linux link is never established. The dmesg comparison between old and new kernel has a difference in it. I am using nxp's soc. Only changes being made in "arch/arm/mach-imx/mach-imx7d.c" in "static void __init imx7d_enet_clk_sel(void)" to set clock to external oscillator. I have also tried with kernel 6.6.23 without any luck. Any08:27
Guest46suggestions would be highly appreciated08:27
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RPdiego_r: yes, fixed thanks08:37
RPJPEW: is a failure on ubuntu2404-vk-2.yocto.io08:39
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guest92what needs to be changed if I wan to add this in my project . I am having error in my customized yocto : (not in COMPATIBLE_HOST)11:05
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RPseems on fedora41, pseudo can't see what tar is doing :(11:19
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RPif I build tar-native and use that it works. If I use the host's tar, it does not11:50
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RPLooks like it is acl functions in glibc we're missing12:18
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ThomasRoosHi, gettting an error only when building arm32 (raspberrypi-2) in a docker container:12:57
ThomasRoos2024-10-02T12:47:32.7929040Z ../xorgproto-2023.2/ ERROR: Executables created by c compiler arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc -mthumb -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a7 -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security -D_TIME_BITS=64 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=6412:57
ThomasRoos--sysroot=/codebuild/output/src3044033969/src/actions-runner/_work/meta-aws-demos-private/meta-aws-demos-private/build/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-poky-linux-gnueabi/xorgproto/2023.2/recipe-sysroot are not runnable.12:57
ThomasRoos-> any ideas?12:57
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rburtonThomasRoos: the machine probably doesn't set qemu-user13:10
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teppersonfor a native recipe, how would I update the paths or environment variables for binaries installed by the recipe?13:25
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rburtontepperson: you mean hardcoded paths in the binaries?13:38
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ThomasRoosrburton you mean -> adding QEMU_TARGETS:append = " armeb" to the local.conf?13:47
rburtonyou're not doing a BE build so no13:48
rburtonThomasRoos: can you share the entire configure log for that recipe?13:49
teppersonrburton: I mean like I am building a native recipe that installs into ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/blabla/bin and I need ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/blabla/bin added to the PATH environment variable13:50
rburtontepperson: easier to just put it into the right place?13:51
rburtonensure the binaries are in ${bindir}, sorted13:51
rburtonEXTRANATIVEPATH can be used if the binaries end up in STAGING_DIR_NAME/usr/bin/somename13:53
rburtonif you _can't_ just put the binaries in the right place then just add STAGING_DIR_NATIVE/blaba/bin to PATH in the recipes that need to know where the binaries are13:53
ThomasRoosrburton Thank you!13:54
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rburtonThomasRoos: i'm guessing your machine explicitly disables the qemu-usermode MACHINE_FEATURE. its typically backfilled into the configuration.13:57
ThomasRoosrburton using just this: and locally this also works just not in Docker?14:02
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rburtonThomasRoos: very odd.  have a look at the generated meson.cross file in the xorgproto work directory. it should have an exe-wrapper assignment.  maybe its set but qemu crashes?14:04
rburtonthat can happen14:04
rburtonsomething like qemu does fun memory allocation games and docker breaks it14:04
ThomasRoosraspberry-64 machine works just fine...14:05
ThomasRoosrburton checked: MACHINE_FEATURES: #   " apm usbhost keyboard vfat ext2 screen touchscreen alsa bluetooth wifi sdio ${@bb.utils.contains('DISABLE_VC4GRAPHICS', '1', '', 'vc4graphics', d)} qemu-usermode"14:07
ThomasRoosso this looks right14:07
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ThomasRoosrburton thanks for pointing me into the right direction - this does the trick: sysctl vm.mmap_min_addr=6553614:19
rburtonyes thats the one :)14:20
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RPfray: I think there is some new exec() codepath in python 3.13 which bypasses pseudo's environment preload protection :/15:06
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RPit turns out we rely on that quite a bit15:06
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khemGlobal Interpreter lock is gone, thats a huge architectural change15:21
qschulzkhem: i think it's disabled by default, so current behavior (with GIL) is maintained15:27
qschulzlike disabling GIL is opt-in, lemme check15:28
qschulz"CPython now has experimental support for running in a free-threaded mode, with the global interpreter lock (GIL) disabled. This is an experimental feature and therefore is not enabled by default"15:28
paulbarkerqschulz: I was reading up on that this morning:
qschulzpaulbarker: account-walled now :(15:29
tgamblinyeah, RealPython has upped their enshittification game15:30
qschulzFWIW, I find eht official python docs to be so good that I only want to read stuff from there15:33
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RPI think this is fork() vs vfork()15:43
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RPpseudo has no vfork wrapper but is probably shouldn't have15:44
RPwell, can't15:44
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teppersonis there a guide for writing native recipes somewhere?16:08
CroftonBBCLASSEXTEND += "native" hopefully16:14
rburtontepperson: there's very little special.  either inherit native if the recipe is _explictly and only_ native, or just bbclassextend a normal recipe16:15
rburtonuse the variables and they typically just work16:15
rburtonor ask a more concrete question16:15
teppersonrburton: for install, files get installed to ${D}, like ${D}/usr/blabla ?16:16
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rburton${D}${bindir} etc16:16
rburtondon't hardcode /usr, that's wrong16:16
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teppersonrburton: would ${D}${prefix}/blabla be ok?16:20
rburtonif you insist on putting binaries in a special directory to make it harder to run them16:20
teppersonrburton: I am trying to write a native recipe for quartus lite and it seems to do odd things16:21
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RPtepperson: the paths in the native case do look a little odd at first glance as we build and install them to <workdir>/<sysroot>/usr/bin, not the /usr/bin. That means prefix has a longer value than you'd expect, not just /usr. It also means there is path duplication for ${D}${prefix}16:28
RPthat is all expected/normal and just disconcerting when you first see it16:28
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alcroitoHi. I'm trying to find out if yocto collects copyright assignments to embed them into its generated spdx SBOM. Looking through some of the source code, so far I think it doesn't. Is that a correct assessment?16:41
rburtonJPEW: ^16:43
RPalcroito: we collect up source references. You'd have to process the sources to collect any copyright assignments16:43
JPEWalcroito: No copyrights16:43
alcroitoOk. Thank you for confirm. And for collected licenses, is it correct that the main source is the LICENSE key from each recipe?16:44
RPJPEW: there should be broken mingw builds on ubuntu2404-vk-2 and ubuntu2404-vk-3 btw16:44
JPEWalcroito: We scan sources for the SPDX license expression16:44
JPEWRP: Ya, I'm logged in.... where are the failed builds?16:44
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RP and
JPEWalcroito: We report both the LICENSE and the license strings found in the sources16:45
JPEWRP: Still in /srv/pokybuild then?16:45
RP(mv build-renamed to build to match it as built)16:45
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alcroitoJPEW: Interesting that the source files are scanned for spdx license expressions, but not spdx license copyrights texts. I guess it might be related to the fact that there's a DB of licenses, but copyrights are arbitrary?16:47
JPEWI don't think there is a standard way of expressing copyright like there is for licenses16:47
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JPEW(at least AFAIK)16:47
RPJPEW: there is, it is just ugly and people don't really see what it adds16:47
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RPwe could scan for that and just Copyright I guess16:48
alcroitoat least reuse spec mentions a common way to specify copyrights via SPDX-FileCopyrightText16:49
RPalcroito: how much code uses it?16:49
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alcroito specifically also mentions lines starting with Copyright and ©16:49
JPEWSPDX-SnippetCopyrightText would be fairly simple to add support for. Look for where SPDX-License-Identifier is used16:50
alcroitoI obviously can't say authoritatively, but at least all the Qt framework sources use "Copyright"16:50
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JPEWYa, I can't say I've ever seen SPDX-SnippetCopyrightText16:50
RPI've seen the proposal/spec and wondered what it adds compared to simply "Copyright"16:51
JPEWRP: Unambiguous regex matching16:51
JPEWBut not much else16:51
alcroitoJust Copyright is fine to, according to spec. I guess they added it for grepping, as mentioned16:51
alcroitoOne final question, i briefly watched the FOSSDEM sbom presentations, and there was a brief mention about trying to integrate 3rd party spdx sboms into the yocto generated ones. I assume there's no integration point for that at the moment, and no immediate plans to introduce that?16:52
JPEWalcroito: No. It's a dream ATM :)16:52
alcroitoI figured. :'(16:52
JPEWIt's a more reasonable dream with SPDX 3, but still just a dream16:53
alcroitoOk. Thanks a lot for the info.16:54
JPEWRP: ubuntu2404-vk-2:/srv/pokybuild/yocto-worker/meta-mingw/build ?16:54
JPEWSorry it's been a while since I've been on the AB16:54
RPJPEW: ubuntu2404-vk-2:/srv/pokybuild/yocto-worker/meta-mingw/build/build-renamed/16:57
JPEWRP: Ah, I'm just blind :)16:57
RPJPEW: I was wondering :)16:58
* RP could swear he'd given the right path16:58
alcroitoBy the way, do you know what would be a good place to hang out around to hear news about spdx sboms in general? Would that be the mailing lists only?17:01
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norvilhi! I'm working on a beagleboardx15 and I'm trying to enable libgpiod to be able to use gpio pins, so I added this at the local.conf: PREFERRED_VERSION_libgpiod = "1.6.3"17:22
norvilIMAGE_INSTALL:append = " libgpiod libgpiod-dev libgpiod-tools"17:22
norvilbut when I open the image on the beagle, i can´t use it. It doesn't show any erros, the leds just don't turn on17:22
norvildoes anyone know how to fix it or what packages am I missing??17:22
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teppersoni have a script that runs the locale command during the build, what is the proper way to make that available to a recipe?18:00
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JPEWRP: Sorry, how do I rename the directory as the pokybuild user? Am I missing some permission to sudo or su to that users?18:23
RPJPEW: "sudo -iu pokybuild" will let you become that user?18:26
JPEWRP: it wants my password when I do that18:27
RPhalstead: ?18:29
RPhalstead: can you help JPEW with ubuntu2404-vk-2 access?18:29
halsteadRP: JPEW: Yes.18:30
halsteadJPEW: You are missing the groups needed for that. I'll see why.18:31
halsteadJPEW: Yeah the builders group is commented out from setting up your account on the hashserv. I'll fix it everywhere. two minutes.18:32
halsteadJPEW: Please log out and reconnect then try again.18:35
JPEWhalstead: That fixed it. Thanks18:40
halsteadJPEW: You're welcome. Hopefully it didn't slow you down too much.18:40
khemqschulz: yeah its disabled and I am also curious about JIT and its impact on bitbake with log running builds18:40
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hcgI wonder if anyone could supply some advice on an issue we have currently - we are using fitImages as out boot images. We have a single kernel, 2 devicetrees and 2 config sections. We have multiple different products using the same core SoC, but each product has it's own baseboard which can have many additional devices. The 2 devicetrees are19:34
hcgbascally the main devicetree we normally boot with and the secondary is a devicetree used for recovery boot. The recovery boot requires a different devicetree to the primary boot. Giving the known that we have multiple devices using the same base core image and devicetree, we now provide additional devices, and these are provided in Yocto recipes -19:34
hcgIn each of these recipes, we provide reference to the real hardware, but then we also apply devicetree entries to the rank...19:34
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teppersonis there a recipe to build locale for native use in yocto?20:20
RPI'm still struggling to debug this pseudo issue after spending a day beating it up :(20:44
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RPbrute force shows it is in python that breaks things, which makes sense. Now to find out what posix_spawn does and how to make it and pseudo play nicely21:23
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JPEWRP: Sent the patch to fix MinGW22:55
RPJPEW: thanks. The fix looks so "simple", I hope it didn't take too long to track down23:04
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JPEWWasn't too bad. I worked on it off and on today23:16
RPJPEW: I merged it and tried a test build23:16
RPJPEW: green test build thanks :)23:26
khemtepperson: nativesdk will have it but for native I am not sure23:32

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