Tuesday, 2024-10-08

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Guest38Is it normal to not be able to follow the quick start build guide using crops in docker using macos, trying to build scarthgap00:43
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khemdeadb33fy: I can say it does work with full VMs on MacOS e.g. using parallels or virtualBox01:55
khemI have not tried hard enough using docker, what errors do you see ?01:56
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wojciA bit off topic .. Is it just me or is Labgrid documentation very hard to understand? Anyone uses Labgrid for testing Yocto on real HW that could answer some questions?09:20
rburtonthe problem is that there's so many use cases for labgrid. i agree the docs are a little terse :)09:25
rburtonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65n0kIyHJDk might be useful09:25
rburtonor ask in #labgrid :)09:25
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hnezwojci: I am the person in the video rburton has linked to. But there should also be other Pengutronix/Labgrid people around here. Asking questions in #labgrid sounds like a good idea though.09:45
hnezwojci: We have recently published the labgrid/pytest testsuite for our LXA TAC hardware (which is Yocto based): https://github.com/linux-automation/labgrid-lxatac that may be useful to you as a real-life example09:47
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rburtonoh that git repo looks very interesting!09:49
wojcihnez, rburton: Thanks. :D09:52
wojciI will ask in #labgrid.09:53
wojcihnez, I looked at the contents of https://github.com/linux-automation/labgrid-lxatac and I see no mention of the exporter config yaml file.10:01
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mcfrisk_RP: is there a problem with the uki related patches in master-next?13:42
rburtonmcfrisk_: i suspect they made a broken image for me last week.  i'll replicate now :)13:43
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RPmcfrisk_: rburton told me there was an issue but hasn't provided details yet ;-)13:44
mcfrisk_ok, I'll wait for the details too :)13:46
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aduskettHello! Is it possible to have a kernel module recipe install multiple modules onto the root file system? I currently have a recipe that builds four modules, but only the one matching the name of the recipe makes it onto the file system.  To be clear, all four .ko files show up in the tmp-glibc/work/${machine_name}/kernel-module-${package_name}/git-r0/image/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/ directory, but only one module14:05
aduskettmakes it to tmp-glibc/work/${MACHINE_NAME}/image/1.0-r0/rootfs/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/14:05
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mcfrisk_aduskett: kernel modules are split into multiple binary packages by default. maybe your recipe builds more than one binary package so all of the would need to be installed to rootfs14:07
aduskettmcfrisk_: yes, the recipe builds four kernel modules from a single source directoy14:08
rburtonhe means the modules would be split into separate _packages_14:09
aduskettBasically, I have kernel-module-metis_git.bb which builds axl-pcie-reset.ko, dmabuf-triton-exporter.ko, dmabuf-triton-importer.ko, and metis.ko in the source directory, but only metis.ko makes it to the rootfs14:09
aduskettrburton: bleh, but why would I need to make four separate packages if one package can build all four .ko files at once?14:10
rburtonbecause we package a module per package14:10
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rburton$ oe-pkgdata-util list-pkgs --recipe kernel-module-metis14:10
rburtonthe options: 1) all kernel modules are always installed. 2) kernel module packaging has to be hand-written and maintained in the kernel recipe 3) automatically split module-per-package and let dependencies do the right thing14:12
aduskettoof, fair enough I guess14:12
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rburtonaduskett: feel free to add RDEPENDS in your recipe to pull them in at once if they're basically all needed at once14:12
aduskettrburton:  Thank you for the help, it is much appreciated. And yeah, they are all needed on the rootfs14:13
aduskettIt's a clients makefile, so I am also patching this thing to work with cross-compiling14:13
aduskettI guess I can make a base level .inc and inherit 99% of everything yeah?14:14
rburtonto do what?14:14
rburtonsounds like you've one recipe that builds four kernel modules so will generate four packages14:14
rburtonthat's fine14:14
aduskettyes, using one makefile it builds four .ko files14:15
rburtoneither install them all explicitly, or add rdepends to the recipe so that installing one pulls the others in14:15
aduskettoh, I do install them explicitly14:15
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aduskettor, at least I think I do?14:16
rburtonrun that oe-pkgdata-util command i posted and see what packages the recipe generates14:16
rburtoncheck that is actually four kernel-module-* packages...14:16
rburtonand if it is then you've the list of packages to install (or add rdepends)14:16
aduskettrburton: https://pastebin.com/DEQqXWgh14:17
aduskettYeah, hang on, I'll run the command14:17
rburtonfwiw, install -d creates parents, so you can remove all of those apart from the list14:18
rburtonalso remove your FILES* as the module packaging will do that for you14:18
aduskettah ok14:18
aduskettdone and done14:19
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aduskettrburton: ERROR: Unable to find packaged recipe with name kernel-module-metis14:21
aduskettbut `bitbake -c do_build kernel-module-metis` works fine?14:21
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aduskettok, figured it out! I renamed the bitbake recipe to something other than metis15:01
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aduskettthanks for the help rburton!15:01
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sofsalhi, i'm trying to add all necessary packages like gnupg, systemd-container, dbus, debootstrap, systemd as init manager, so I can use systemd-nspawn containers with my yocto image. but still the containers aren't working as they should, am I missing something?15:44
rburtonsofsal: debootstrap?  define "not working"?15:49
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aduskettis there a way to only check what is used in the kernel for cve exceptions?15:54
rburtoncan you expand on what you mean?15:55
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aduskettrburton: The kernel has over a thousand CVE exceptions being reported, but most of them are for files/modules/subsystems that we don't use15:56
aduskettis there a way to say "hey, only scan what we compiled/are using?"15:57
rburtonnot with cve-check15:57
rburton(the kernel people will tell you to upgrade if you're getting thousands)15:57
aduskettyeah, it's unfortuantly a rockchip kernel and there isn't much I can do right now. Stuck on 5.10 :(15:58
rburtonlatest 5.10.226?15:59
rburtonthe new kernel approach to CVEs is "challenging"15:59
rburtonrant at rockchip about upstreaming their changes, every little helps and hopefully they might just hurry up get it done15:59
aduskettwouldn't that be nice lol16:00
aduskettoh for sure16:00
aduskettthey even have a propritary meta-rockchip layer16:00
aduskettit's maddening16:01
rburtonaduskett: you know of https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-rockchip/ right16:01
rburtonthat has a new kernel :)16:01
aduskettooo, fancy. Unfortuantly, the client has these shitty modules that only build against 5.1016:02
mrybczynaduskett some people try to do such a thing, but you need to add metadata to each kernel cve... IMO not worth the pain. Would be better to fix those out-of-tree modules and upstream them :)16:04
mrybczynthe kernel people did what they did, and one of the reasons was to force people to upgrade16:05
aduskettmrybczyn: you are preaching to the choir lol16:06
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mrybczynaduskett I understand their reasons. Your customer has other reasons...16:16
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aduskettI was going to say to him, the customer has bad reasons16:21
aduskettI agree with them 100%16:21
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frosteyeskhem: FYI the latest version of samba in scarthgap meta-openembedded (4.19.8) seems to depend on pyldb-util >= 2.8.1, but latest libldb in scarthgap is 2.8.0. So it fails to configure.20:00
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frosteyessamba 4.19.6-r0 seems to work20:03
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khemfrosteyes: should be already fixed with today's update from Armin to stable starthgap PR20:22
frosteyeskhem: perfect :)20:22
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