Thursday, 2024-10-17

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ScorpiHi, can I tell bitbake to print some sort of timestamp into its output, so I can later look at a build log and see which steps took very long?05:38
JaMaScorpi: check buildstats bbclass05:44
JaMaI'm using it to print top20 longest tasks at the end of the build05:45
ScorpiJaMa: thanks, I'll take a look05:45
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rber|resif I define PR="r0.5" in my recipe the package is named r0.5.0 - Where does the 0 come from?06:54
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khemrber|res:its roughly based on
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jpmanHi. How are number of old images kept in the deploy directory handled? I have an issue with old copies of my initramfs image being kept and would like them to be automatically removed.08:50
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DvorkinDmitryhow to write the WIC file that includes initramfs kernel image IF INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE is 1 ?11:54
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mcfriskDvorkinDmitry: two wks files, one with initramfs kernel image, one without. Then set WKS_FILE in image recipe/distro config/build config based on value of INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE11:57
DvorkinDmitrymcfrisk, thanks11:57
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LetoThe2ndgentle reminder (a.k.a kick by Josef): the Yocto Project Summit 2024.12 CFP closes in one week from now!
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Guest89Hi can anyone please help me with runqemu. I created core-image-minimal and was running it through runqemu but due to network outage i dropped out of the server and now when i give runqemu its showing host uptime but doesn't give any console. I am running scarthgap on ubuntu 22.0415:55
Guest89i killed all the qemu process on the server but to no avail15:55
Guest89runqemu - INFO - Host uptime: 1101842.8615:56
Guest89Can someone please help ?15:56
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rosenxt-robsteiGreetings. At yocto zeus (EOL) I am looking for hints on how to add an environment variable to the execution of “bitbake <recipe>”. Specifically, I want to set DISTRO_VERSION with each execution. Or am I completely on the wrong track?16:14
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rosenxt-robsteiGot a workaround: sourcing oe-init-build-env, setting an environment variable (lets call it 'X') and prepend 'X' to 'BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE'16:53
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rburtonyou can't just quit IRC all the time, rosenxt-robstei>16:54
rsalvetigetting quite a few tls handshake and connection timeouts against today, on multiple machines16:55
rsalveti*handshake issues16:56
rburtonrsalveti: best to mail with details about times if you can, and what IP that name resolves to for you17:10
hexbrex2What's the best resource to learn about writing kernel device tree patches17:23
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rsalvetirburton: cool, thanks!18:38
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