Friday, 2024-10-25

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GranjowHi! My kernel says that trace_printk() is being used and that it is a debug kernel and should not be used in production. How do I disable this?06:53
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GranjowOk, according to other sources like it is probably a kernel module which runs some trace_printk() commands07:06
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olaniI have a question about FIXMESTAGINGDIRHOST. For reasons I may bring up later I have 'devtool modified' autotools-native.  But the generated sysroot is broken when used in dependent recipes.08:06
olaniAs far as I can tell, this is because the replacement of paths with the FIXMESTAGINGDIRHOST is done when the sstate is created. And sstate creation is disabled by externalsrc.bbclass.08:07
olaniI can probably hack my way around this for now, but it seems like a bug.08:07
olaniWhy is this processing done by the sstate creator instead of the populate_sysroot task?08:07
olaniThis is all on styhead, and while our own layers are included they really shouldn't affect anything here.08:07
RPolani: the paths the data is created with/in is only known at creation time. At install time you only know where you're installing it to.08:11
RPolani: the replacement is therefore done in two halves, creation puts a marker in and then install replaces the marker08:11
olaniYeah, I think I get that.  But if I look in the sysroot-destdir folder of a normal autotools-native build, the replacement is done there.  In the devtooled case it is not.  And the unpacked sysroot in say libtool-native does not have the marker, and so is not corrected.08:17
RPolani: It potentially sounds like a bug but it is hard to know exactly what you're doing08:20
olaniRP: Should I file a bug and try to flesh out the details?08:21
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RPolani: I think it would be worth it just to establish if there is an issue and where08:24
olaniRP: OK, I'll do that08:24
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ak77ok. so packagegroup-core-weston RDEPENDS on weston-examples, I try to remove that runtime dependency (it's not really runtime dependency). how do I do that? RDEPENDS:packagegroup-core-weston:remove = "weston-examples" doesn't work09:02
ak77(from image recipe)09:03
olaniak77: You need to do that from your local.conf or equivalent, or in a packagegroup-core-weston.bbappend.09:12
olaniak77: I would recommend a bbappend.09:13
ak77olani: thank you09:13
RPolani: could you expand on "devtool modify automake does not work for me" in that bug - perhaps if we fix those issues, the rest would fall into place?09:38
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olaniRP: When I run 'devtool modify automake' I get an error:10:08
olaniRP:  ERROR: Command '['rm', '-rf', '/mnt/build/poky/fixmestagingdirhost/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/automake/1.17/devtooltmp-2l27ojdj/workdir/sources-unpack']' returned non-zero exit status 1.10:08
olaniRP: I don't get that for 'devtool modify quilt', so I think it's something special with automake.  I tried to figure out what was going on, but it was blocking me so I created the workspace by hand instead.10:10
RPolani: I suspect something in the by hand approach didn't quite work10:11
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olaniYeah, you are probably right.  The sysroots-component folder for quilt-native has the fixmepath* files.  They are empty because quilt apparently did not need to be fixed.10:13
olaniRP: I'm not sure how my automake workspace differs from quilts though.10:14
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olaniRP: I guess I need to find a package that is more similar to automake and see what is different.10:16
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RPolani: some of the "toolchain" bootstrap components are a bit special10:22
qschulzdo we have the new maintainer of the YP docs on IRC by any chance?10:27
qschulzabelloni: you'd probably be the one with this info :)10:28
olaniRP: Turns out 'devtool modify automake-native' works.  I suspect this is because automake-native is on automakes DEPENDS-path somehow.   It still doesn't work though.  I've updated bugzilla.10:33
qschulzRP: abelloni: <insert doc maintainer nick>: I think we should add an entry in the QA section for telling people how to read logs10:35
qschulzwe get regularly mails like that one
qschulzMaybe there's something we could do to improve the log output so it's more explicit what to do next10:36
qschulzbut in the worse case maybe explaining how to actually start debugging this and not stop at the "failed with exit code" line would help people10:36
qschulz(and we could then simply point people at this QA entry instead of repeating ourselves (or rather, try to repeat ourselves less often :) )10:37
RPqschulz: very happy to see FAQ entries added10:39
RPqschulz: less happy about pages of text on log output10:40
qschulzRP: I think my idea was more "don't stop at that line, read a bit further down where you get a path to the actual error log file, its path usually looks like that <insert path>, this is where your debugging adventure starts"10:41
RPqschulz: works for me10:41
qschulzBecause now the next mail that k anavin (don't want to ping him unnecessarily :) ) is going to send to that person is "look a bit more in the log and tell us what's in the log file"10:42
qschulzs/in the log and/in the bitbake output and/10:42
RPqschulz: agreed10:43
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mathieudbqschulz: agodard just joined if you want to talk about docs :)10:47
qschulzagodard: o/ welcome to the chat :)10:47
qschulzmathieudb: thanks :)10:47
agodardqschulz: o/ hello!10:48
qschulzagodard:; for the context :)10:48
qschulz(and the few lines below)10:48
qschulz(I'm not asking you to write this new FAQ just to be clear; just asking for an opinion)10:48
agodardqschulz: right, I see, I agree. like what was suggested by RP on class appends, it makes a good pointer to give to people - and the FAQ seems to be a good place for that10:53
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asgj-gomDoes anyone here know how I would host a custom opkg package repository? Like, is there a docker image available or do I just host a simple ftp server? Or should I ask in the openwrt irc instead?11:24
RPasgj-gom: should just be a simple http server if you create the index files11:26
RPasgj-gom: we have examples of it in the lib/oeqa/runtime/cases iirc11:27
asgj-gomThanks! I will take a look11:29
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RPkhem: could you sort the busybox append in meta-clang please?15:04
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khemyeah its in flight, will be in once CI is done btw. there is a hexdump defect in busybox 1.37 thats impacting kernel builds in alpine I wonder if OE is impacted too see
khemthere is a fix posted as well
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RPkhem: I suspect we will be affected too16:53
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mbulut_does anyone recall a race condition like scenario with create-spdx in kirkstone or earlier?19:31
mbulut_i'm seeing build failures in CI that can't be reproduced locally19:32
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mbulut_on CI, it regularly fails while attempting to read a runtime dependency (kernel-5.15.52.spdx.json) of package X19:35
mbulut_the dependent package seems to vary but the dependency is always kernel-5.15.52.spdx.json19:35
mbulut_the file does not exist while executing do_create_runtime_spdx on package X19:36
mbulut_comparing the create-spdx class of kirkstone to that in scarthgap i see there was quite some movement in that area... not sure if that class is easily backportable though19:38
mbulut_(and i don't have evidence that there is actually a race going on, just guessing)19:38
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Guest55Hi, do I become a contributor?19:41
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tgamblinGuest55: you could look at this list of newcomer bugs and try submitting fixes for them:
tgamblinGuest55: you could also find recipes in one of the main layers (openembedded-core, meta-openembedded, etc.) that don't have a maintainer and focus on submitting upgrade patches, adding ptests, etc. (you can do this even for recipes that do have maintainers, FTR)19:52
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tgamblinor not19:52
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