Tuesday, 2024-12-10

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rburtonMazami92: looks like you're using ubuntu 24.04 or similar.  note that kirkstone isn't supported on that release yet but the workaround would be to allow user namespaces in apparmor, see https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/39890#unprivileged-user-namespace-restrictions11:22
rburtonsakoman: i wonder if b6af956fe6e876957a49d4abf425e8c789bf0459 should be backported to kirkstone11:22
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patersoncHello world! Who handles applications made on https://www.yoctoproject.org/compatible-registration/? I submitted an application about 3 weeks ago and haven't heard back since :(11:41
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Guest94Hi everyone. I'm facing a problem where I seems to struggle to fetch lfs files inside a submodule using gitsm. I'm on Scarthgap (using xilinx release 2024.2). When I check the file sizes of the lfs stored files in my compile step, they all are small (just the "pointer" files). I saw there was some recent work to fix this as it was broken in11:49
Guest94Landgdale, can it be that it's still broken?11:49
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derRichardi'm puzzled by the fitimage creation mechanism in yocto, it seems that there is very little control on how a fitimage it build. i'd like to define my own boot configs. e.g. one with and one without an initramfs12:07
derRicharddo i miss something?12:08
rburtonderRichard: there's a thread on the list about fit image generation, there more variables and hooks were being added. i was wondering if we just need to generalise it massively and instead of glueing it into kernel or uboot recipes, have a recipe class that just takes a .its source and dependencies and simply runs mkimage.  your thoughts would be great.12:09
* derRichard looks12:09
rburton"uboot-sign - support ATF and TFE ITS generation"12:09
derRicharda recipe that builds a .its is exactly what i need12:11
rburtoncool please reply :)12:11
rburtonseemed like an easier solution than adding yet more variables into a complicated class12:11
rburtonjust a class that lets you have an .its in SRC_URI, depends on eg firmware and kernel, and it runs mkimage.12:12
derRichardis it on openembedded-core@?12:13
derRicharddamn, i hate group.io so much12:13
rburtonyes and yes12:15
derRichardnew member moderated, so i can't post nor see messages12:16
rburtonhttps://lore.kernel.org/openembedded-core/20241118063233.698679-1-jamin_lin@aspeedtech.com/ <-- that thread12:18
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EmantorderRichard: there is also fitimage.bbclass in meta-oe.12:24
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derRichardEmantor: sure? never saw that one. i also don't see such a file. i'm on scarthgap12:28
EmantorderRichard: unfortunately it only arrived in meta-oe on styhead, but a backport is trivial.12:29
derRichardEmantor: let me check :)12:29
derRichardrburton: thx, i found the thread with google. but still need to find a way how to reply12:30
ak77hmm... i am rusty around edges... ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'networkmanager-nmtui-native'. Close matches: networkmanager-native RPROVIDES networkmanager-nmtui-native  ? is having PACKAGES += "..." not enough ?12:32
rburtonEmantor: ah that's interesting.  do you find that better than "just write an its file"?12:32
derRichardEmantor: this class sounds cool! i'll give it a try12:33
Emantorrburton: We do, generating its files can be pretty complicated if you need to support i.e. multiple boards.12:33
rburtoni didn't notice that12:34
rburtonyou should have submitted it to core ;)12:34
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Emantorrburton: You'll need to argue with enrico about that :)12:34
ak77i need nmtui on host, and will be connecting to networkmanager via dbus  on a target.12:37
ak77I already do that, but there is a version mismatch, and would like to build proper nmtui native12:37
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rburtonak77: the "proper" way considering -native recipes are pretty limited by design would be build a nativesdk version and use that12:41
derRichardEmantor: how is this class supposed to be used? i thought i can inhert it to my rootfs image. but i get circular dependency on do_populate_mfgtool12:42
rburtonderRichard: separate recipe?12:43
ak77rburton: ok. what about... just getting nmtui out of networkmanager recipe12:43
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ak77networkmanager-nmtui-native that is12:43
rburtonyou might find some of the dependencies don't exist in native and there'll be resistance to add them12:44
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derRichardrburton: ah. sure :D12:47
derRichardstupid me12:47
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psvSorry, I lost connection for a minute there. Unfortunately I don't have any history here in the web client, so if someone was so kind to answer me, I didn't see it. :-(13:21
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EmantorderRichard: separate recipe is the way.13:41
sakomanrburton: it required a bit of tweaking for kirkstone, but I now have it in my test queue for kirkstone and scarthgap13:42
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rburtonsakoman: might be worth testing if you have a 2404 machine to hand, not sure if theres anything else needed with that13:43
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sakomanrburton: I don't. Will autobuilder testing on 2404 suffice?13:44
rburtonsakoman: i can test tomorrow if you mail me to remind me :)13:45
sakomanrburton: OK, will do!13:45
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derRichardEmantor: is there a reason why i have to define loadaddress and entrypoint manually?13:49
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EmantorderRichard: Hm, at least for barebox it's not a requirement.13:51
EmantorDoesn't U-Boot choose a suitable entrypoint and loadaddress if none is given?13:51
* Emantor has to confess that he very rarely has to touch U-Boot.13:51
derRichardEmantor: i have to confess that i'm using an old u-boot13:52
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derRichardmaybe recent u-boot does something sane13:52
derRichardat least here, u-boot hates the generated fit images beacause load/entry addrs are missing13:52
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NoorHello guys, I need a recommendation from you guys. we have our own distro layer. So, what does community say regarding changing PACKAGECONFIG. Should it be changed in bbappend for a particular recipe or it should be done in ditro file? Both will work but what is the recommendation15:26
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psvTrying my luch again :)15:50
psvHi everyone. I'm facing a problem where I seems to struggle to fetch lfs files inside a submodule using gitsm. I'm on Scarthgap (using xilinx release 2024.2). When I check the file sizes of the lfs stored files in my compile step, they all are small (just the "pointer" files). the problem with submodules fetching in general, but I'm still not able to make it fetch LFS inside a submodule.15:51
psv I saw there was some recent work to fix this as it was broken in Langdale, and has since gotten a fix. This seems to solve15:51
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psvthe submodule fetching, but not LFS fetching in my case.15:51
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psvThe issue seems to be an surplus "--no-fetch" in unpack line 255.16:26
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psvin gitsm.py16:27
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rber|res@derRicher, @Emantor: as far as I remember if you use a uImage the entrypoints need to be defined UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT, UBOOT_LOADADDRESS, you can define them as 0, then you need to pass them from the u-boot environment or so17:16
rber|res@derRichard ^^^17:17
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rber|resLet's say you build a core-image-minimal and a core-image-sato-sdk from sources (no sstate) on 2 different machines and you would like to __merge__, __combine__ the 2 sstates. Is this possible? How?17:20
rber|resJust copy one over the other?17:20
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derRichardrber|res: sure sure. so did it. i assumed to get this automatically like the kernel-fitimage bbclass does17:33
rber|res@derRichard: I am also not sure how you can automatically determine where load the kernel and the device tree, it depends on the kernel size and the device tree size so they don't overlap17:35
rber|res@derRichard: it's something like ramstart + 0x8000 for the kernel if I remember well17:36
rber|res@derRichard: so it's also hardware dependent17:37
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olkuhi there. Is it possible to disable build of kernel and uboot ( temporary )?18:44
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derRichardrber|res: well, kernel-fitimage.bbclass gets it from the bsp layer. e.g. meta-freescale sets UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT, etc.19:21
vmesonolku: yes, there's a way to just build userspac for a container image for example. Let me check for the variable...19:22
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vmesonolku: seems ot be: PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-dummy"19:28
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rber|res@derRichard: yes the same for all others19:36
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AdrianFderRichard: we set UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT and UBOOT_LOADADDRESS in the machine.conf file. And we use KERNEL_CLASSES += "kernel-fitimage".20:14
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derRichardAdrianF: yep, that's a common approach. all i'm saying is that fitimage.bbclass (not to be confused with kernel-fitimage.bbclass) should also use these variables20:21
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KanjiMonsteralso the dtb address in ram has a 8-byte alignment requirement, which isn't guaranteed within the fitimage, so you need to set a dtb loadaddr either in u-boot or the fitimage itself20:35
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AdrianFderRichard: fitimage.bbclass is something your are working on?20:37
derRichardAdrianF: no. see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded/refs/heads/master/meta-oe/classes/fitimage.bbclass20:38
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AdrianFderRichard: Interesting. This approach can potentially simplify things a lot in comparison to using the kernel-fitimage.bbclass. I was not aware that this already exists in meta-oe. My learning was that the kernel recipes should not support fitImage at all. It should provide the kernel and an independent recipe should then pack it into a fitImage.20:47
AdrianFWas on my todo list to try this. But now I see this. Thanks.20:47
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derRichardAdrianF: i learned about that class today20:57
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khemderRichard:maybe rsysnc would work good for merging the sstates20:58
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derRichardkhem: ?21:05
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khemderRichard: I was looking through old msgs and did you ask about merging sstate cache from two different builds21:11
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derRichardkhem: ah. that must have been a long time ago :D21:14
derRichardand yes, i'm using rsync these days :)21:15
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Adolphson & Falk - 1-0-0-1-0 ♫21:26
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*** Fanfwe42 is back21:27
*** LocutusOfBorg is back21:28
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - And Then... ♫21:29
*** paulbarker is now away: Auto-away21:30
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer.21:34
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Sibelius - Finlandia ♫21:34
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khempsv: do you have git-lfs  installed on build machine ?21:38
*** RP is back21:38
khemderRichard: it was in my scrollback now I cant even scroll that far back so I guess it could be old21:38
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*** jbo is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 21:42:26 2024 UTC21:42
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Nordman - Förlist ♫21:43
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Everlasting Love ♫21:46
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer.21:48
*** LocutusOfBorg is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 21:48:23 2024 UTC21:48
*** halstead is back21:50
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Def Leppard - Hysteria ♫21:50
*** KanjiMonster is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 21:53:26 2024 UTC21:53
*** ptsneves is back21:55
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Patty Smyth & Don Henley - Sometimes Love Ain't Enough ♫21:56
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alison Moyet - You Got Me Wrong ♫22:00
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday ♫22:04
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*** Bardon_ is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 22:06:11 2024 UTC22:06
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues ♫22:09
*** chrissi^|lxa is now away: All Quassel clients vanished from the face of the earth...22:12
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Sidman64 - Bangkok Knights Loader ♫22:13
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 22:15:24 2024 UTC22:15
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Hubbard arr. Abbott - Monty/Commando Highscore ♫22:18
rber|res@khem: this was my question with sstates22:19
khemrber|res:oh ok :)22:22
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khemtab completion foxed me then22:22
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Cock Robin - Just Around the Corner ♫22:23
rber|resI am torturing myself with CI and gitea act_runner, which refuses to run longer than 3 hours - I think they have a bug somewhere. 3 places where you can change the timeout and it stays 3 hours ;) So I split my jobs in chunks less then 3 hours - each job produces it's own SSTATE22:25
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Czech Studio Orchestra with Robin Tait - Ark Pandora ♫22:27
zeddiikhem. looks like vboxguestdrivers (as usual) blows up with the new kernel. I'll take a look at it tomorrow.22:29
zeddiibut zfs and turbostat (two others that blow up) are building. so might just be that for the most part.22:29
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RPzeddii: small typo: https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/commit/?h=master-next&id=4411b1006e362bb635c4aa8dbe994ce9d39a20aa ironic given our conversation the other day! :)22:29
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour ♫22:30
RPzeddii: I've added that and am retesting. I can squash that in22:30
*** rburton is back22:30
* zeddii fixes locally as well.22:30
zeddiiI have overrides in my local.conf, so I didn't notice.22:30
RPzeddii: I figured. The AB threw warnings everywhere so I'm restarting it so I don't have to try and filter them all out22:32
zeddiithere. fixed locally as well, in case I resend at any point. Would be extra dumb to do it twice.22:32
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Miami Vice ♫22:33
zeddiialmost as work as compression tools ;)22:33
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Bass Trap ♫22:35
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now22:38
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - The Mission - Gabriel's Oboe ♫22:39
*** RP is back22:39
RPzeddii: I'm assuming you know about meta-virt failing with this: https://valkyrie.yoctoproject.org/#/builders/89/builds/572/steps/12/logs/stdio22:40
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fastloaders - Final Fight ♫22:41
zeddiimaster-next has the fix22:41
RPzeddii: cool22:41
RPzeddii: some green appearing, so far so good :)22:43
* RP heads afk22:46
*** Fanfwe42 is back22:47
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 22:47:47 2024 UTC22:47
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enigma - Modern Crusaders ♫22:48
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 22:51:47 2024 UTC22:51
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way ♫22:52
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Heartland ♫22:54
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Billie Myers - Kiss the Rain ♫22:59
khemzeddii:yes I saw that in last build of meta-oe on AB23:00
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Czech Studio Orchestra - WAR ♫23:04
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Tears for Fears - Woman in Chains ♫23:10
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enought (Schizo ♫23:17
*** _lore_ is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 23:20:08 2024 UTC23:20
*** Fanfwe42 is back23:21
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enya - The Council of Elrond (Featuring "Aníron (Theme for Aragorn and Arwen)") ♫23:24
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 10 23:25:58 2024 UTC23:25
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Talk Talk - Talk Talk ♫23:27
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - First We Take Manhattan.mp3 ♫23:30
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Rain Man - Las Vegas ♫23:36
*** rburton is now away: Auto-away23:38
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Huey Lewis and The News - The Power of Love ♫23:38
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alphaville - To Germany with Love ♫23:42
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Simple Minds - Love Song ♫23:46
*** patersonc is now away: Auto-away23:46
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Di Leva - Ber om ljus ♫23:50
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Ashkenazy-FavoriteBeethoven1-04.mp3 ♫23:56

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