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khem | rburton: I have fixed php patch and dropped poke and libgphoto2 since they dont work | 00:34 |
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mckoan | good morning | 07:53 |
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mischief | RP: what would i need to do to get the git-make-shallow change i contributed backported to scarthgap? | 10:39 |
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rburton | khem: define don't work? they depend on patches that are not yet in master. | 10:48 |
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rburton | khem: all our clang builds failed with Exception: FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/builds/software/yocto/meta-arm/work/build/tmp/sysroots-components/aarch64/llvm-native/usr/include/llvm-c/lto.h' -> '/builds/software/yocto/meta-arm/work/build/tmp/work/genericarm64-poky-linux/linux-yocto/6.12.13+git/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/include/llvm-c/lto.h' | 11:07 |
RP | mischief: the performance related one? It is an interesting one as it isn't quite a feature but not quite a bugfix either. Normally you'd post the patches against the branches (2.8 and 2.10) needed | 11:08 |
RP | mischief: in this case it did break for some use cases and we'd need my fixup too | 11:08 |
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mischief | RP: well, we're upgrading to scarthgap, and we have ~many repos with ~many tags, so much so that executing make shallow takes multiple minutes for each repo. it is very slow. :-) | 11:10 |
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RP | mischief: post the patches and we'll see what people think | 11:30 |
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mischief | a recipe is calling mv on a file in ${D} after installing it there during do_install and it seems to make psuedo unhappy with an inode mismatch. is this expected that ${D} can't be touched like that? | 11:49 |
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RP | mischief: is the task making the mv running under pseudo? | 11:49 |
mischief | it's oe_runmake under do_install. | 11:50 |
mischief | doesn't that normally run under psuedo? | 11:50 |
RP | mischief: which release, which host distro are you running on and have you the latest uninative? | 11:51 |
RP | mischief: do_install runs under pseudo and mv should work there | 11:51 |
mischief | scarthgap on debain 12. how would i check for the latest uninative? | 11:51 |
RP | mischief: are you using the latest scarthgap? | 11:52 |
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RP | also, are you using the latest pseudo? | 11:52 |
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mischief | no, my scarthgap tree is about 40 commits behind. i can try to update it and see what happens. | 11:53 |
mischief | how would i check for the latest psuedo? | 11:55 |
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RP | mischief: I'm not seeing any pseudo or uninative updates in scarthgap in the last 40 commits... | 11:57 |
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RP | mischief: by staying up to date with the scarthgap branch you've probably pulled in the fixes for the known issues we found with newer distros | 11:57 |
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RP | mischief: the inode mismatches usually happen when pseudo fails to intercept some operation. We test debian12 on the autobuilders so I'm not sure why you'd see that and we wouldn't :/ | 11:59 |
mischief | i think this makefile is just doing something dumb but i cannot figure out what it is | 12:00 |
mischief | i'm trying to fix https://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded/tree/meta-networking/recipes-support/netsniff-ng/netsniff-ng_0.6.8.bb?h=scarthgap with a local bbappend that installs trafgen in addition to netsniff-ng itself | 12:01 |
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mischief | https://paste.debian.net/1356096/ | 12:02 |
mischief | trafgen_install dies at https://github.com/netsniff-ng/netsniff-ng/blob/v0.6.8/trafgen/Makefile#L57 with "| mv: cannot stat '/home/mischief/src/fenrir/build/tmp/work/cortexa72-poky-linux/netsniff-ng/0.6.8/image/etc/netsniff-ng/trafgen_stddef.h': No such file or dir | 12:03 |
mischief | ectory" but trafgen_stddef.h does exist in image/ :| | 12:04 |
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mischief | hm, maybe the issue is that do_install can't be executed twice without a clean in between. that's silly. | 12:13 |
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rburton | yeah that's a good way to break things | 12:31 |
RP | mischief: the clean gives a big clue on what is going on | 12:36 |
RP | mischief: deleting files out of "sight" of pseudo can be problematic as the references are left in the database and can confuse later runs | 12:37 |
rburton | tasks should always be able to re-run cleanly, so mving files in do_install has to be done carefully. don't mv from S or B, for example. | 12:37 |
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mischief | rburton: this makefile does install $S -> $D, and then mv $D $D. seems the mv breaks when do_install is rerun. since it seems to complete okay after a clean, i'm going to forget about it and move on to the bigger fish for scarthgap upgrade ;) | 12:45 |
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mcfrisk | RP: how frequently is psplash systemd service failure happening? I'm running tests in a loop and don't hit the race. I think full systemd "journalctl -b -a" output would be needed if I can't reproduce this. But is that too much logging in autobuilder test runs when things fail? | 12:58 |
RP | mcfrisk: I think having the systemd test run that when it fails might be ok | 13:02 |
RP | mcfrisk: I'm not sure on the frequency | 13:02 |
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guest12 | I am on yocto scarthgap. Opnssh 9.6 is standard for scarthgap which gets build. Once I patch openssh 9.9 to my poky. I get error install: cannot stat '/sshd_config': No such file or directory. The difference what I could figured out isinstall -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/sshd_config ${B}/ in 9.6 to install -m 0644 ${UNPACKDIR}/sshd_config ${B}. Is there any | 15:06 |
guest12 | working solution for it because I don't want to change locally ${UNPACKDIR} to ${WORKDIR}. Thank you very much | 15:06 |
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Saur | guest12: With Scarthgap you should continue to use ${WORKDIR} rather than ${UNPACKDIR} in the recipe. | 15:10 |
guest12 | Saur then I have to make changes locally in poky. I don't really want that. Is there any other solution? | 15:11 |
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Saur | guest12: Umm, you just said that you pached the openssh recipe in poky and then it broke. If you do not want to make the changes in poky, then you have two alternatives: 1) backport the 9.9 version of the recipe and all its patches to one of your own layers, or 2) add a versioned bbappend (i.e., openssh_9.6p1.bbappend) in one of your layers and make the relevant changes there including backporting updated patches and files. Personally I | 15:17 |
Saur | p | 15:17 |
Saur | refer the latter as it (intentionally) gives a build error if the version of the upstream recipe changes. | 15:17 |
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guest12 | Saur I want to use openssh 9.9 since it improves on some cve's. I however don't want to make changes direct in openssh_9.9p1.bb. If I do openssh_9.9p1.bbappen and do do_configure:append () { install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/sshd_config ${B}/ }, would it work | 15:32 |
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rburton | khem: sent a v2 for meta-oe. about half of it is existing breakage in meta-oe, the other half depends on the autoreconf changes queued for core master. i can split if you want. | 15:51 |
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RP | rburton: they are ready to merge FWIW | 15:53 |
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kilobyte_ch | Anyone using ifupdown in Yocto? Is it correct, that there is just an init implementation for it, but no systemd one? | 15:58 |
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rburton | kilobyte_ch: you can use ifupdown with systemd | 15:59 |
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rburton | the "systemd solution" would be networkd, but that's different so it might not match your needs. | 16:00 |
rburton | or it might be perfect | 16:00 |
kilobyte_ch | rburton: I have the issue that `auto eth0` works, but `allow-hotplug eth0` not. Ever encountered this? | 16:01 |
kilobyte_ch | I also discovered that there are systemd files available in the debian repo: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ifupdown/-/blob/master/debian/networking.service | 16:02 |
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khem | rburton:php-native breakage is still there in your v2, I will use the improved version of my patch instead | 16:40 |
rburton | what was the breakage? it might be entirely because you're not testing with the patches queued for core? | 16:40 |
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tgamblin | hmm, what is the right approach for adding a recipe that is dual-licensed, and one license doesn't currently seem to be in oe-core's common-licenses directory? Specifically, Zero-Clause BSD isn't but CC0 is: https://github.com/AA-Turner/roman-numerals/blob/master/LICENCE.rst | 16:41 |
rburton | tgamblin: add to core, or add to another layer? | 16:42 |
tgamblin | rburton: to core | 16:43 |
rburton | tgamblin: oh 0BSD is the spdx name and thats in core | 16:44 |
tgamblin | rburton: aha, thanks | 16:44 |
rburton | https://spdx.org/licenses/0BSD.html fwi | 16:44 |
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khem | rburton: could be, I am using latest master | 17:00 |
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khem | bitbake php-native breaks in do_compile | 17:01 |
khem | https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/valkyrie/#/builders/81/builds/419 | 17:01 |
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rburton | i've now built all the packagegroups in meta-oe with my changes and fixed the problems, got a few more patches. networkmanager and uim fails to build with master, and i can't fetch four other recipes | 17:08 |
rburton | khem: those fails are because they need acpaths set. my patches for core remove that variable. | 17:09 |
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rburton | last few more sent for meta-oe | 17:22 |
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vmeson | khem: re gcc-15/ clang testing. I've passed that message along and we'll get to it post-M3-freeze for oe-core. | 18:01 |
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Ch^W | Well that was weird... Doing a patch review, do a git-blame on the old code, realize I need to copy the original developer, and Gmail beats me to the punch and politely asks me if I want to add that person to the reply. | 18:05 |
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dvergatal | how can I override PACKAGE_ARCH in bbappend when package has already set in original recipe `inherit allarch`? | 20:18 |
dvergatal | becasue setting PACKAGE_ARCH to something else in bbappend does not work | 20:19 |
rburton | khem: fwiw my autoconf patches for meta-oe are in meta-oe-contrib:ross/autoconf2 | 20:19 |
rburton | dvergatal: easiest in that case is to copy the recipe and remove the allarch, and point out to the original author that maybe it shouldn't be allarch if you need to set the package arch | 20:20 |
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dvergatal | rburton: :( | 20:21 |
dvergatal | not good | 20:22 |
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dvergatal | rburton: and difficult way? | 20:22 |
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rburton | anonpy to undo the effect of allarch | 20:26 |
dvergatal | anonpy? what is it? | 20:27 |
rburton | have a look at allarch.py | 20:27 |
dvergatal | because I see that allarch_package_arch_handler is setting PACKAGE_ARCH when MULTILIB_VARIANTS is empty | 20:27 |
rburton | which it normally is | 20:28 |
dvergatal | you mean bbclass | 20:28 |
rburton | i do yes | 20:28 |
dvergatal | ok i didn't mention i'm on scarthgap | 20:28 |
dvergatal | sorry | 20:28 |
dvergatal | so ahhh I meant anonymous function | 20:29 |
rburton | yeah sorry, anonpy == anonymous python blocks | 20:29 |
dvergatal | ok | 20:29 |
dvergatal | i will check that | 20:31 |
dvergatal | yes indeed now it worked | 20:34 |
dvergatal | I have overriden this allarch_package_arch_handler | 20:34 |
dvergatal | rburton: thx | 20:34 |
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khem | rburton:thanks, I will schedule them after the current bundle is in master | 20:55 |
khem | I saw xdebug failure perhaps due to php acpaths change - https://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Details/844989/ | 20:55 |
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khem | zeddii: we need to backport https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/8ba14d9f490aef9fd535c04e9e62e1169eb7a055 to kernel < 6.14 | 21:53 |
zeddii | I'm doing -stable updates right now, I'll add this to those. | 21:53 |
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zeddii | 6.12 already has it in -stable | 21:59 |
zeddii | checking the other active kernels | 21:59 |
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zeddii | so does 6.6 | 22:00 |
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zeddii | 6.1 didn't have it yet, I cherry picked it. | 22:05 |
zeddii | 5.15 updated | 22:07 |
zeddii | that's as far back as I'll go, since likely there are other issues building those older kernels with the new gcc. | 22:08 |
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