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mckoan | good morning | 08:13 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pandora's Box - It's All Coming Back To Me Now ♫ | 09:02 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 09:02 | |
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fhost | Hi, I have a question for a possible fix on branch scarthgap. On recipe systemd, when enabling packageconfig pcre2, we end up without libpcre in the image, as it is dlopen by systemd. Should the dependency be added as a rdepends, or a rrecommends? | 09:25 |
fhost | Looking to previous commit, it seems that for other cases it hass been put as rrecommends, but I do find that a bit strange (at least for pcre2). If you enable the feature, it means you want it working in anycase (even when you want a small image (without rrecommends)), even more as, for pcre2, for exmaple with journalctl --grep, you won't get any error message, it will just return nothing (whereas when you | 09:30 |
fhost | have the feature disable, you get an error message). So I'm not sure what the good call is. | 09:30 |
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rburton | fhost: sound like it should be a depends. master actually has code to magically add those dependencies so you could backport that to the stable branches... | 10:28 |
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fhost | rburton: yes i know, but in v255, systemd does not have the "notes" (nor the script) to do that | 10:40 |
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rburton | in that case just add the recommends/depends to the recipe, yeah | 10:42 |
fhost | rrecommend or rdepends? | 10:43 |
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rburton | the auto-depends says recommends so that would be best for consistency | 10:51 |
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fhost | okay | 10:53 |
fhost | thanks! | 10:53 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pandora's Box - It's All Coming Back To Me Now ♫ | 11:03 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 11:03 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pandora's Box - It's All Coming Back To Me Now ♫ | 11:56 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 11:56 | |
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pvogelaar | Hi all, | 13:04 |
pvogelaar | We are using scarthgap with Bitbake 2.8 and experienced a bug there. This bug was fixed on master and know I am wondering what the process is in general for bitbake. Will it be backported automatically or should I send a patch to the mailing list for backporting it? or maybe there are no backports if not critical. Thanks for your help. | 13:04 |
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rburton | pvogelaar: if you care, send a patch to make it happen. you'll ideally need to backport it to all the releases in between master and 2.8 so you don't discover it again if you upgrade. | 13:11 |
agodard | pvogelaar: here are the steps for backporting and setting the appropriate subject prefix https://docs.yoctoproject.org/contributor-guide/submit-changes.html#submitting-changes-to-stable-release-branches | 13:12 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Pandora's Box - It's All Coming Back To Me Now ♫ | 13:42 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Midnight Oil - Scream in Blue ♫ | 13:50 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Howard Shore - Minas Tirith (Featuring Ben del Maestro) ♫ | 13:56 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Shakespears Sister - Moonchild ♫ | 14:00 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alphaville - Red Rose ♫ | 14:04 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jean Michel Jarre - Orient Express ♫ | 14:09 | |
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pvogelaar | Thanks | 14:12 |
*** rhadye is now away: Auto-away | 14:12 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Hubbard arr. Abbott - Delta ♫ | 14:13 | |
*** patersonc is back | 14:14 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Matt Gray - Commando Main Theme ♫ | 14:15 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Take Her to Sea, Mr. Murdoch ♫ | 14:22 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Annie Lennox - No More "I Love You's" ♫ | 14:27 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Emma Shapplin - Favola breve ♫ | 14:36 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Midnight Oil - Maralinga ♫ | 14:40 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Sting - I Hung My Head ♫ | 14:45 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gary Jules - Unlucky ♫ | 14:50 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Sting - Lithium Sunset ♫ | 14:51 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Headscarf ♫ | 14:54 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Mauro Scocco - Det finns ♫ | 14:58 | |
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*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 14:59 | |
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RP | rburton: any ideas on https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/valkyrie/#/builders/75/builds/1073/steps/22/logs/stdio ? :/ | 15:01 |
RP | rburton: sbsa again | 15:02 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gregorian - Wish You Were Here ♫ | 15:02 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Brian Eno - Deep Blue Day ♫ | 15:08 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gregorian - Comfortably Numb ♫ | 15:12 | |
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*** chrissi^|lxa is now away: All Quassel clients vanished from the face of the earth... | 15:17 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alanis Morisette - Forgiven ♫ | 15:20 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 15:20 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Hallelujah Here She Comes ♫ | 15:25 | |
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*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 15:28 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Toto - The Seventh One ♫ | 15:29 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Matt Gray - Last Ninja 2 - The Sewers Main Theme ♫ | 15:35 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - The Hands That Built America {Theme From 'Gangs of New York'} ♫ | 15:44 | |
*** sakoman is back | 15:47 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Simple Minds - The American ♫ | 15:49 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow ♫ | 15:52 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Lene Marlin - Flown Away ♫ | 15:56 | |
*** pilonsi_ is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 15:58:15 2025 UTC | 15:58 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Titiyo - Time ♫ | 16:00 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 16:01:06 2025 UTC | 16:01 | |
*** chrissi^|lxa is now away: All Quassel clients vanished from the face of the earth... | 16:03 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Howard Shore - The Fallen ♫ | 16:05 | |
*** piie is now away: Detached from screen since 2025-03-03 17:09:55+0100 | 16:09 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Midnight Oil - Used and Abused ♫ | 16:10 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Supergrass - Alright ♫ | 16:13 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is back | 16:15 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Def Leppard - Animal ♫ | 16:16 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 16:19:42 2025 UTC | 16:19 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Mysterious Ways ♫ | 16:20 | |
*** chep is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 16:23:22 2025 UTC | 16:23 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Moonlighting ♫ | 16:24 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Matt Gray - Ocean Loader 1 ♫ | 16:27 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Alison Moyet - Stay ♫ | 16:31 | |
*** cyxae <cyxae!~cyxae__@2607:fad8:4:6:927:f605:e89b:51a5> has quit IRC (Quit: cyxae) | 16:34 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Cars - Drive ♫ | 16:34 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:37 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Czech Studio Orchestra - Aztec Challenge ♫ | 16:38 | |
*** florian <florian!~florian@port-217-146-132-69.static.as20676.net> has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) | 16:40 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Mikael Rickfors - Vingar ♫ | 16:43 | |
*** berton <berton!~quassel@bl18-24-185.dsl.telepac.pt> has joined #yocto | 16:43 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:45 | |
*** berton <berton!~quassel@bl18-24-185.dsl.telepac.pt> has quit IRC (Client Quit) | 16:47 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations ♫ | 16:48 | |
*** sakoman is back | 16:50 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Enya - Once You Had Gold ♫ | 16:52 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 16:55 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Simple Minds - Alive and Kicking ♫ | 16:55 | |
*** goliath <goliath!~goliath@user/goliath> has joined #yocto | 16:56 | |
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*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 16:58 | |
*** halstead is back | 16:59 | |
*** enok <enok!~Thunderbi@> has joined #yocto | 17:00 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Yazoo - Nobody's Diary ♫ | 17:00 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is back | 17:03 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 17:04 | |
*** Kubu_work is back | 17:04 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Emiliana Torrini - Gollum's Song ♫ | 17:04 | |
*** sakoman is back | 17:05 | |
*** halstead is now away: Auto-away | 17:06 | |
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*** druppy is back | 17:07 | |
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*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 17:08:13 2025 UTC | 17:08 | |
*** frieder <frieder!~frieder@> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 17:08 | |
*** neverpanic is now away: gone | 17:09 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Reel 2 Real - I Like to Move It ♫ | 17:10 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 17:11 | |
*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 17:15 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 17:21 | |
*** Kubu_work is back | 17:23 | |
*** darko311 <darko311!~darko@> has joined #yocto | 17:24 | |
*** cyxae <cyxae!~cyxae__@2607:fad8:4:6:aadd:4013:41a2:514a> has joined #yocto | 17:29 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 17:30 | |
*** Danct12 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 17:33:20 2025 UTC | 17:33 | |
*** halstead is back | 17:33 | |
*** dankm <dankm!~dan@user/dankm> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 17:37 | |
*** ndec is now away: Auto-away | 17:38 | |
*** halstead is now away: Auto-away | 17:39 | |
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*** dankm <dankm!~dan@user/dankm> has joined #yocto | 17:39 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 17:39 | |
*** Kubu_work is now away: Je ne suis pas là pour l'instant. | 17:40 | |
*** florian <florian!~florian@2a02:3100:3d8f:3400:381b:51eb:2732:bb83> has joined #yocto | 17:41 | |
*** druppy <druppy!~Thunderbi@user/druppy> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | 17:43 | |
*** Kubu_work is back | 17:46 | |
*** Crofton is now away: Auto-away | 17:46 | |
*** druppy <druppy!~Thunderbi@user/druppy> has joined #yocto | 17:47 | |
*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 17:47 | |
*** druppy <druppy!~Thunderbi@user/druppy> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | 17:53 | |
*** dash_hope <dash_hope!~dash_hope@108-198-210-198.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed) | 18:00 | |
*** Kubu_work <Kubu_work!~kubu@lfbn-nan-1-335-137.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) | 18:04 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is back | 18:04 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 18:05:50 2025 UTC | 18:05 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 18:08:14 2025 UTC | 18:08 | |
*** adadad is back | 18:17 | |
*** RP is back | 18:20 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 18:22 | |
*** davidinux <davidinux!~davidinux@> has joined #yocto | 18:25 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 18:27 | |
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*** RP is back | 18:33 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 18:35:41 2025 UTC | 18:35 | |
*** adadad is back | 18:39 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 18:42:56 2025 UTC | 18:42 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 18:44 | |
*** adadad is back | 18:44 | |
*** LainExperiments <LainExperiments!~LainExper@user/LainExperiments> has joined #yocto | 18:46 | |
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*** Fanfwe42 is back | 19:05 | |
*** amitk <amitk!~amit@> has joined #yocto | 19:06 | |
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*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 19:09:46 2025 UTC | 19:09 | |
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*** dash_hope is now known as anish[1] | 19:11 | |
*** anish[1] is now known as dash_hope | 19:12 | |
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*** LainExperiments <LainExperiments!~LainExper@user/LainExperiments> has joined #yocto | 19:23 | |
*** LainExperiments7 <LainExperiments7!~LainExper@user/LainExperiments> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | 19:26 | |
*** Bardon_ is back | 19:29 | |
*** halstead is back | 19:37 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is back | 19:39 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 19:44:47 2025 UTC | 19:44 | |
*** fhost <fhost!~fhost@176-147-181-65.abo.bbox.fr> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | 19:47 | |
*** gchamp <gchamp!~champagne@> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 19:50 | |
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*** druppy <druppy!~Thunderbi@user/druppy> has joined #yocto | 19:51 | |
*** druppy is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 19:51 | |
*** RP is back | 19:55 | |
*** Bardon_ is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 19:56:25 2025 UTC | 19:56 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 20:00:04 2025 UTC | 20:00 | |
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*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 20:08:51 2025 UTC | 20:08 | |
*** druppy <druppy!~Thunderbi@user/druppy> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | 20:09 | |
*** frgo <frgo!~frgo@p548a3eea.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #yocto | 20:20 | |
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*** Kubu_work <Kubu_work!~kubu@lfbn-nan-1-335-137.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr> has joined #yocto | 20:24 | |
*** Lihis is now away: I'm away.. | 20:24 | |
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*** Ram-Z_ is now away: Detached from tmux since 2025-03-03 20:29:35+0000 | 20:29 | |
*** ptsneves <ptsneves!~Thunderbi@088156093164.unknown.vectranet.pl> has joined #yocto | 20:33 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 20:33 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 20:33 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 20:33 | |
rburton | RP: huh i wonder why its unplugging a display | 20:34 |
rburton | mcfrisk: the udev/drm errors in https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/valkyrie/#/builders/75/builds/1073/steps/22/logs/stdio wouldn't have anything to do with psplash? | 20:35 |
*** frgo <frgo!~frgo@p548a3eea.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #yocto | 20:36 | |
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*** sakoman is back | 20:46 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 20:48:09 2025 UTC | 20:48 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 20:58 | |
*** ptsneves is back | 21:00 | |
*** sakoman is back | 21:03 | |
*** berton <berton!~berton@bl18-24-185.dsl.telepac.pt> has quit IRC (Quit: berton) | 21:03 | |
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*** rburton is now away: Auto-away | 21:07 | |
*** adadad is back | 21:08 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 21:09 | |
*** ptsneves is back | 21:12 | |
*** adadad is now away: I'm not here right now | 21:13 | |
*** fhost <fhost!~fhost@176-147-181-65.abo.bbox.fr> has joined #yocto | 21:15 | |
*** ptsneves is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 21:18 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 21:18 | |
*** sakoman is now away: I'm not here right now | 21:28 | |
*** dash_hope <dash_hope!~dash_hope@user/dash-hope:65586> has joined #yocto | 21:29 | |
*** paulbarker is now away: Auto-away | 21:30 | |
*** RP is back | 21:31 | |
*** pilonsi is back | 21:41 | |
*** pvogelaar is back | 21:41 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is back | 21:48 | |
*** dash_hope <dash_hope!~dash_hope@user/dash-hope:65586> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | 21:49 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 21:49 | |
*** pvogelaar is back | 21:49 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 21:52:27 2025 UTC | 21:52 | |
*** Kubu_work <Kubu_work!~kubu@lfbn-nan-1-335-137.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) | 21:53 | |
*** rburton is back | 21:54 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 22:01 | |
*** pvogelaar is back | 22:01 | |
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*** ptsneves <ptsneves!~Thunderbi@088156093164.unknown.vectranet.pl> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | 22:06 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 22:08:36 2025 UTC | 22:08 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 22:11 | |
*** pvogelaar is back | 22:16 | |
*** dash_hope <dash_hope!~dash_hope@user/dash-hope:65586> has joined #yocto | 22:20 | |
*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 22:28:23 2025 UTC | 22:28 | |
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*** pilonsi is back | 22:39 | |
*** GNUmoon <GNUmoon!~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | 22:40 | |
*** rburton is now away: Auto-away | 22:41 | |
*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 22:42:24 2025 UTC | 22:42 | |
*** GNUmoon <GNUmoon!~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon> has joined #yocto | 22:43 | |
*** LainExperiments <LainExperiments!~LainExper@user/LainExperiments> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | 22:48 | |
*** LocutusOfBorg is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 22:57:22 2025 UTC | 22:57 | |
*** pilonsi is back | 22:58 | |
*** LocutusOfBorg is back | 22:58 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 23:01 | |
*** pvogelaar is back | 23:01 | |
*** _lore_ is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:01:55 2025 UTC | 23:01 | |
*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:02:17 2025 UTC | 23:02 | |
*** pilonsi is back | 23:04 | |
*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:07:26 2025 UTC | 23:07 | |
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*** pilonsi is back | 23:11 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:14:50 2025 UTC | 23:14 | |
*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:15:55 2025 UTC | 23:15 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 23:16 | |
*** pvogelaar is back | 23:16 | |
*** LainExperiments <LainExperiments!~LainExper@user/LainExperiments> has joined #yocto | 23:18 | |
*** pilonsi is back | 23:19 | |
*** fhost <fhost!~fhost@176-147-181-65.abo.bbox.fr> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | 23:21 | |
*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:22:27 2025 UTC | 23:22 | |
*** RP is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:34:45 2025 UTC | 23:34 | |
*** pilonsi is back | 23:36 | |
*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:40:28 2025 UTC | 23:40 | |
*** Crofton is back | 23:41 | |
*** frgo <frgo!~frgo@p548a3eea.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #yocto | 23:45 | |
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*** pilonsi is back | 23:55 | |
*** Fanfwe42 is back | 23:55 | |
*** pvogelaar is now away: I'm not here right now | 23:56 | |
*** pilonsi is now away: Auto away at Mon Mar 3 23:59:15 2025 UTC | 23:59 |
Generated by irclog2html.py 4.0.0 by Marius Gedminas - find it at https://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/!