Wednesday, 2025-03-05

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OxbefAdrianF: Thanks for the reply and for your work on ide-sdk. I watched your presentation a few days ago actually04:14
OxbefI'm waiting for my test environment to finish compiling so I can try that out04:15
OxbefIs it your recommendation that it be used directly in a yocto build environment rather than from a standalone eSDK ?04:16
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AdrianFOxbef: Yes, is is used directly from the bitbake environment. It is not included in the eSDK installer. We updated also the documentation to cover that recently.06:47
AdrianFOxbef: There is no reason for a static installer, if it is possible to replicate a bitbake environment as simple as installing an eSDK installer and if the bitbake environment has all the features of the eSDK installer. That's basically the feature of providing a cross-compile environment-... file.06:50
AdrianFOxbef: Feature wise, I think there is no longer any advantage with the eSDK installer.06:51
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AdrianFOxbef: Replicating the bitbake environment basically means: Setup the layers and the build folder with the build configuration (e.g. with git sub-modules, bitbake-setup, kas...). The you need a shared sstate-cache which is now also an official feature.06:52
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derRichardsometimes "checking sstate mirror object availability" runs over and over. is this normal? currently it runs the 12th time in a row. all i did was moving from one scarthgap release to another one.08:34
derRichardmy sstate mirror is fast, but each run still takes about one minute.08:35
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ederibaucourtAdrianF: I did make fixes for ide-sdk to work through the eSDK during the initial submission. Is this no longer supported?09:07
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ederibaucourtAdrianF: BTW, I received feedback on the VSCode extension of people using ide-sdk for "complex CMake applications". They were loving it :D09:08
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derRichard :-(09:18
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AdrianFederibaucourt: First of all we need to define the term eSDK. It can be understand as "The eSDK installer" generated by populate_sdk_ext or it can be understand as "an eSDK bootstrapped directly from the bitbake environment" set up e.g. by devtool ide-sdk.09:21
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AdrianFederibaucourt: The devtool ide-sdk is now only available from the bitbake environment. If devtool gets called from a eSDK installer setup, it's no longer there. I'm pretty sure that this never really worked.
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AdrianFI think we should replace the current implementation of populate_sdk_ext with two new approaches to replicate the full bitbake environment: The dynamic approach with shared state cache and bitbake setup driven by Alex. And if necessary, a populate_sdk_ext that just creates a tar of the bitbake environment without relocating anything or restricting09:44
AdrianFthe environment that provides e.g. devtool but not bitbake. Maybe the second one is easy to implement later based on the first one.09:44
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RPAdrianF: you are right that reworking the eSDK was being put off until we worked out what bitbake-setup was doing09:50
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AdrianFJust to be clear. The goal is not to force anyone to use bitbake. Tools like CMake, Meson or Cargo need to be what application developers see. Absolutely.09:55
AdrianFBut the goal must also be that bitbake is available in any environment if you want to use it to change your SDK. Providing a special, static Yocto environment without bitbake hardly makes sense. If the user does not change anything, bitbake simply reuses everything from the sstate-cache. That's how it works anyway.09:56
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AdrianFIn a nutshell, I think we are aiming for: bitbake-setup replicates the bitbake environment as easy as calling populate_sdk_ext and install the installer.10:02
AdrianFdevtool ide-sdk bootstraps the SDK with the tool-chain environment file and/or with IDE configuration for a particular recipe.10:03
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kanavin_AdrianF, "populate_sdk_ext that just creates a tar of the bitbake environment" - I have a working prototype for that too. We should launch bitbake-setup first, then we can look into that.10:33
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JaMaRP: was "bitbake.conf: Start to separate out gcc related variable definitions" pushed to master and then removed or is mirror out of sync again? as I've seen it in master on one server when CI was running and don't see it now10:37
kanavin_probably mirrors out of sync. It's seen here
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RPJaMa: it was meant just to be added, it shouldn't have been removed10:40
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RPJaMa: I suspect an out of sync mirror10:40
JaMaok, will send e-mail to helpdesk if it doesn't re-appear soon10:40
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* RP feels a bit better now the release information is being used a bit more consistently, the toaster fixtures get checked and we validate SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS10:42
JaMahalstead: if you happen to be here, then mirrors went backwards again as last week, will send e-mail to helpdesk later if you want10:42
AdrianFkanavin_: That looks awesome!10:43
kanavin_AdrianF, I initially tried to make it as a bitbake task, but quickly ran into the problem of running bitbake inside bitbake (it goes into deadlock). It's probably solvable, but it was faster to get to a working prototype in the form of an external script.10:44
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kanavin_AdrianF, bitbake task implementation would also have difficulty in being tweaked or customized. A script can just take command line options. I'm sure you know the confusing zoo of ESDK variables.10:46
AdrianFkanavin_: Would it make sense to have something like --sstate=[included,manifest,none] Instead of just --no-sstate? I'm thinking about a possibility to relax the requirement for providing a full featured sstate mirror infrastructure. There are still a few challenges to make the working secure, fast, world-wide and whatever requirements different10:49
AdrianFusers have on top.10:49
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kanavin_AdrianF, what's the difference between included and manifest?10:52
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AdrianFkanavin_: Offering a manifest (a file containing all the artifact names which are needed for this SDK) as a basis for a script which downloads the sstate-artifacts into SSTATE_DIR independently from bitbake. In theory that's not needed. But in practices it would probably enable users to handle sstate artifacts in a custom way.10:55
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kanavin_AdrianF, maybe, I don't know. The vast majority will want the sstate that is needed for the build they currently have, and only that sstate, and the script figures this out for them.11:04
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AdrianFkanavin_: The challenge which I see is providing a sstate-cache mirror infrastructure. Yocto does that publicly with a CDN without security. That's not a solution for most downstream projects. So who does then a easy to setup and maintainable solution look like (with or without hash equivalnce server)? When security and scalability is needed,11:08
AdrianFthat's not so easy. Saying that's the list of files we need, drop it into SSTATE_DIR is at least easy to understand and to implement somehow. It also allows incremental updates which is not possible with "included in the tar".11:08
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kanavin_ah, you want to replace the actual sstate objects with a list of them in the tarball itself?11:10
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AdrianFkanavin_: yes.11:11
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kanavin_but bitbake can do this for you too: if targets are known you can ask it to run setscene-only or something similar, and then you'll have populated SSTATE_DIR11:12
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AdrianFkanavin_: Yes, I know and that's the perfect solution. But there are many use cases and requirements which make it very hard to get that working (with security).11:14
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AdrianFkanavin_: Another use case for the manifest, which I see: You have a build machine with many sstate artifacts. Which artifacts are part of a released SDK, which are obsolete and can be deleted?11:14
kanavin_AdrianF, you can check what went into the tarball, and delete the rest. I agree that the tarball can simply always have the manifest, and actual objects are optional. Maybe it already does, I forgot!11:17
kanavin_I guess you should just play with the script, take the branch because it has important supporting commits for it.11:17
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AdrianFkanavin_: Having alsway a manifest would probably be the best. Agree.11:18
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Guest9884i currently working on a project that uses multiple architectures (x86 / ARM etc.)13:09
Guest9884The current goal is to create a common base for all systems. The first step is to unify the bootloader.13:09
Guest9884My decision was u-boot - Currently i'm working on x86 (generic intel mainboard with efi support)13:09
Guest9884I already build u-boot for efi and can load and execute the kernel.13:09
Guest9884At the moment i have the following issue: When i load the kernel i have to specify a fixed path - For example "ext4load efi 0:2 03000000 /boot/vmlinuz"13:09
Guest9884When there is no other storage device this is not an issue, but when i add an usb drive the device id is changing - Now i have to load it from "...efi 1:2..."13:09
Guest9884Is there any way to use names/uuids/paths directly as devid alternative?13:09
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kanavin_I guess this question is better asked in a u-boot forum?13:36
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tchx84Hi everyone, quick question about PERSISTENT_DIR... I understand that keeping that directory's contents for future builds can speed up things, but can that directory be shared across multiple parallel builds like with SSTATE_DIR? This is, assuming a scenario where I have multiple builds running on a single machine, already sharing SSTATE_DIR.13:38
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kanavin_tchx84, PERSISTENT_DIR is specific to a particular build, so no.13:59
kanavin_it can speed up that one build, but you can't use it to speed up other builds.13:59
kanavin_in any case, sharing SSTATE_DIR will give you 99.99 percent of possible speedups14:00
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NishanthMenonjust checking for additional eyes.. i am missing something basic, i suspect: core-image-weston build with kas am i missing something?14:00
kanavin_NishanthMenon, weston RPROVIDES weston-xwayland but was skipped: missing required distro feature 'pam' (not in DISTRO_FEATURES)14:02
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NishanthMenonI did try DISTRO_FEATURES:append = "pam" but that didn't seem to help (same log)14:04
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rburtonleading whitespace is important14:04
rburtonyou need " pam"14:04
NishanthMenonuggh.. ofcourse #facepalm :(14:05
NishanthMenonthanks guys..14:05
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tchx84thanks kanavin_14:07
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RPhmm, ruby build failing on debian12-vk-8 with a bus error :/14:21
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khemRP: use after free, buffer overflow overwrting mem boundary, deref null ptr, could be anything. Is there coredump ?14:45
khemcould also be that shared memory is full14:47
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RPkhem: I don't know :/14:49
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RPkhem: is the log14:50
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RPmathieudb: The above is from the repoducible fail on master-next, probably not from any patches there :(14:52
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khemone corelation I can make is that uninative got glibc 2.41 lately, so it could be that too since its invoking native libraries and uninative15:00
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RPperhaps but I'd have probably expected it sooner15:12
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OxbefAdrianF: Thank you for your response regarding the use of the eSDK vs other approaches.15:15
OxbefI've got a lot of pieces to tie together in my org to come up with a standard environment for us. I am actively trying out the ide-sdk feature to see if this will fit with the workflow.15:16
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JaMaRP: I see that most of -next branches were removed from oe-core, but not origin/rocko-next was that intentional?15:40
JaMaRP: it has couple gnupg commits from rburton which aren't in rocko branch, but I don't think anyone will miss them now :)15:41
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RPJaMa: it was the only one which was unmerged. I wasn't sure what to do with it15:45
RPJaMa: I was tempted to delete  it...15:45
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JaMaRP: ok, I see (I thought it as just overlooked)15:49
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