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wojci | I have some recipes which don't follow the name_version.bb naming convention (I assume that there is one) for recipe files. How do I write a .bbappend file for a recipe like this? | 08:04 |
wojci | The recipe that I have trouble with is just named "name.bb" without any version. | 08:05 |
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wojci | This seems like a stupid question .. name.bbappend should work, right? | 08:08 |
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qschulz | wojci: I believe it should yes | 08:53 |
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dvergatal | hi all i have a question how can I run function which is in my include file for layer configuration just once? because if i have it as anonymous it is being run multiple times and I just want it to be run once | 08:58 |
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RP | dvergatal: when does it need to be run? event handlers may be an option... | 09:09 |
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dvergatal | RP: to download tarball | 09:11 |
dvergatal | from some secure storage | 09:11 |
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dvergatal | RP: i think at the very beginning | 09:12 |
dvergatal | during the start of building of everything? | 09:12 |
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RP | dvergatal: there is a BuildStarted event... | 09:25 |
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dvergatal | RP: cool | 09:27 |
dvergatal | RP: i see an example in here https://docs.yoctoproject.org/bitbake/2.0/bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata.html#events | 09:28 |
dvergatal | RP: but i'm encountering an error using this example | 09:28 |
dvergatal | ERROR: Unable to parse /work/build/yocto/bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/ConfHandler.py | 09:28 |
landgraf | Is it possible to create filesystems defined in wic and save them deparately? without combining in the sparce wic file? | 09:28 |
* landgraf is fighting with meta-tegra and jetson :-/ | 09:29 | |
dvergatal | 'myclass_eventhandler[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildStarted' | 09:29 |
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RP | dvergatal: you probably need to use this from a class, not a conf file | 09:44 |
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dvergatal | ok cool | 09:56 |
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rburton | landgraf: if you're battling wic and its fighting against you, consider genimage instead | 10:16 |
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qschulz | I have a python script that needs to run natively in a target recipe, this python script has a /usr/bin/env python3 shebang but it seems to be using the host's python instead when executing | 10:21 |
qschulz | is this supposed to work? or is there some sed magic I need to run somehow? | 10:21 |
qschulz | https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rkbin/blob/master/tools/ddrbin_tool.py this is the script in question | 10:21 |
qschulz | https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rkbin/blob/master/tools/ddrbin_tool.py#L1134 returns the host's version | 10:22 |
qschulz | instead of the one from the native sysroot | 10:22 |
rburton | qschulz: do you mean you want it to use the python in python3-native? by default python is the host python, yes. | 10:23 |
qschulz | rburton: oh ok, I thought it was a case of host poisoning | 10:23 |
rburton | nope, there's a perfectly good python on the host (as it runs bitbake) so we use that unless told otherwise. | 10:23 |
qschulz | So follow up question, why would one want to use host's python rather than the one built by Yocto (or vice-versa) | 10:24 |
rburton | the host python is already there | 10:24 |
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dvergatal | RP: can i inherit a class in layer.conf file? | 10:25 |
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qschulz | rburton: ah yes, BitBake needs python, had forgotten about that /me facepalms. | 10:25 |
rburton | qschulz: you only need to use the native python if you also depend on some third party modules (and tbh i want to allow recipes to pull in pure-python modules so that doesn't involve building python) | 10:25 |
qschulz | rburton: mmmmmm, that means I should be able to have a very simple native recipe that just installs this python script in the SYSROOT_DIRS and not have it DEPENDS on python3-native | 10:26 |
rburton | yeah just drop the script into bindir and it will just work | 10:27 |
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qschulz | thanks, very helpful (feels dirty though :D) | 10:27 |
rburton | you don't feel dirty about using sh on the host though i presume? | 10:27 |
qschulz | rburton: I really don't like it | 10:28 |
rburton | you could just do all the builds inside the build appliance, which is a container for building yocto built by yocto. | 10:28 |
qschulz | not the running on host's shell but rather it's running on whatever is the default shell no? | 10:28 |
rburton | hosttools will symlink to the host /bin/sh | 10:28 |
qschulz | yeah, that I don't like, can allow to have bashism (or any other shell-specific thingy) creep in tasks :/ | 10:29 |
rburton | i wonder what distros have sh->bash still | 10:30 |
qschulz | rburton: wdym? what did I miss? | 10:30 |
rburton | our tasks run in sh, which on debian is dash not bash | 10:31 |
RP | dvergatal: you can set INHERITS | 10:31 |
rburton | qschulz: the accidental bashism thing happens a lot less these days so i wonder if most distros don't use bash as sh now | 10:32 |
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dvergatal | RP: in layers.conf of the layer? | 10:32 |
qschulz | rburton: fedora seems to default to bash? at least fedora:41 container seems to be doing that? | 10:33 |
rburton | bah | 10:33 |
rburton | khem: qemuriscv32 has kernel warnings in master ( [NOTE]: 'CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET' last val (0xC0000000) and .config val (0xc0000000) do not match). presumably an easy fix as its just case :) | 10:34 |
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qschulz | rburton: podman run --rm --security-opt label=disable fedora:41 ls -l /bin/sh | 10:35 |
qschulz | lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 4 Aug 12 2024 /bin/sh -> bash | 10:35 |
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RP | dvergatal: not ideal but yes it will work | 10:37 |
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dvergatal | RP: currently i have "inherit ${@bb.utils.contains('IS_OFFICIAL_BUILD', 'true', 'user-keys', '', d) }" | 10:56 |
dvergatal | and how to use INHERITS? | 10:57 |
RP | dvergatal: I said INHERITS, not inherit | 10:57 |
dvergatal | RP: yes and i asked how to use INHERITS | 10:57 |
RP | dvergatal: sorry, it is INHERIT | 10:57 |
dvergatal | INHERIT += "autotools pkgconfig" something like this? | 10:58 |
RP | dvergatal: if you grep for that you'll see examples in core | 10:58 |
dvergatal | ok | 10:58 |
RP | dvergatal: but yes, like that | 11:00 |
dvergatal | ok testing it | 11:01 |
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dvergatal | RP: thx it is working, btw. how can i do same thing on build finish but as failure? | 11:15 |
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dvergatal | RP: does this bb.event.BuildCompleted is also on failure? | 11:15 |
RP | dvergatal: I'd have to check the code to be honest, I don't remember | 11:16 |
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dvergatal | RP: what code? can you recall? | 11:20 |
RP | dvergatal: If you grep bitbake for "BuildCompleted" you'll see some lines like bb.event.fire(bb.event.BuildCompleted(len(rq.rqdata.runtaskentries), buildname, item, failures, interrupted), self.databuilder.mcdata[mc]) | 11:22 |
RP | dvergatal: it is also in the bitbake manual | 11:22 |
RP | dvergatal: that implies to me that there is failure information in the event | 11:23 |
dvergatal | RP: i will search for it | 11:23 |
dvergatal | RP: failure information for event? i don't see it in bitbake manual | 11:24 |
dvergatal | ahhh to catch it when completed | 11:25 |
dvergatal | RP: actualy it does not matter if it has failed or not i would like to run some code when completed or failed | 11:25 |
dvergatal | RP: so if BuildCompleted is on failure as well than it's fine | 11:26 |
RP | dvergatal: the event happens regardless and contains information about whether there were any failures | 11:26 |
qschulz | tlwoerner: finally managed to post those Rockchip DDR bin customization patches :) | 11:27 |
dvergatal | RP: cool which is what i wanted to read :) | 11:28 |
dvergatal | RP: thx a lot | 11:29 |
dvergatal | RP: btw. did pidge mentioned you about the issue with USER_ADD and sstate cache? because we had a session together and finally we know what is the cause when building from just sstate_cache without build directory | 11:30 |
RP | dvergatal: I thought we'd fixed those issues? Are you saying there is still a useradd bug left? | 11:30 |
dvergatal | yes | 11:31 |
landgraf | rburton: looks like exactly what I need. Cheers (I have a year old ticket to take a look at genimage even :D ) | 11:31 |
RP | dvergatal: First I've heard of it, I would like to understand/fix it though | 11:31 |
dvergatal | RP: than you need to ping pidge she knows exactly what happens | 11:31 |
dvergatal | RP: when building from sstate-cache dependency postinst scripts are not being pulled only the one from the package | 11:32 |
RP | dvergatal: ideally we'd write a test case for selftest that illustrates the problem | 11:34 |
dvergatal | RP: yeah pidge knows already about it, because as i said i had a session regarding this issue with her | 11:35 |
dvergatal | RP: and i demonstrated the issue how it is occuring and so on | 11:36 |
RP | dvergatal: with master? | 11:36 |
RP | dvergatal: I'm not going to go and try and extract this info from pidge, it needs a bug report or patches or a test case reproducing it | 11:37 |
dvergatal | RP: with scarthgap dunno if with master | 11:38 |
dvergatal | RP: i can create a bug report regarding the issue | 11:38 |
RP | dvergatal: checking it master has the issue would be very helpful | 11:38 |
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dvergatal | RP: it is harder for me to do it | 11:39 |
RP | dvergatal: and harder again for me to since I know nothing about it! | 11:40 |
dvergatal | RP: ok will try to do | 11:40 |
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guest21 | Hi everyone! Can anyone please tell me what is the best way to change the ARGS in https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core/blob/master/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-cron? There is no option in menuconfig to change it. | 12:07 |
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rburton | guest21: with a bbappend that replaces that file. the docs cover doing that | 12:25 |
guest21 | rburton you mean by copying whole script file and only changing ARGS in my own layer? I though there could be something more elegant | 12:27 |
rburton | guest21: you could extend the recipe to be more elegant and submit a patch, but the easy way is to copy the script. its not exactly a complicated file | 12:29 |
guest21 | rburton thank you very much | 12:29 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Lenny Kravitz - It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over ♫ | 12:31 | |
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dvergatal | RP: what if i have in this class which i'm using in this INHERIT a call to d.getVar('LAYERDIR') and it reurns me None? | 12:34 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fastloaders - Shadow of the Beast - Inside Tree ♫ | 12:34 | |
dvergatal | returns* | 12:35 |
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RP | dvergatal: LAYERDIR doesn't make sense outside of a layer.conf file | 12:38 |
RP | "which layer?" | 12:38 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jean Michel Jarre - Rendez-Vous 4 ♫ | 12:38 | |
dvergatal | RP: mine layer | 12:39 |
dvergatal | RP: i call it in this class which is added to INHERIT in layer.conf | 12:40 |
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dvergatal | RP: because i'm downloading some stream which is *something* and want to put in a location of THIS layer | 12:40 |
RP | dvergatal: My point being that INHERIT is a generic deferral mechanism so it has no idea which layer the inherit came from and bitbake would have no idea how to set LAYERDIR correctly for that | 12:40 |
dvergatal | d.getVar('LAYERDIR')}/files | 12:40 |
dvergatal | RP: ok | 12:41 |
RP | dvergatal: define some variable to point to LAYERDIR in your layer.conf, then use that | 12:41 |
dvergatal | RP: ahhh ok cool thx | 12:41 |
RP | but watch out for hardcoding buildpaths into the task hashes | 12:41 |
dvergatal | sure thx a lot | 12:41 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ DNA & Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner ♫ | 12:42 | |
Saur | We have this in all our layers: LAYERDIR_foo := "${LAYERDIR}" (where "foo" is the same name as used in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS). It also needs LAYERDIR_foo[vardepvalue] = "" to avoid affecting the sstate cache when using the variable. | 12:43 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gustav Holst - Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age ♫ | 12:45 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Vogon Poetry - Serenity ♫ | 12:46 | |
*** enok is now away: I am currently away from the computer. | 12:47 | |
*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 12:48 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind of Love ♫ | 12:50 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jean Michel Jarre - Magnetic Fields ♫ | 12:54 | |
dvergatal | RP: yeah it works | 12:56 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Anne-lie Rydé - Segla på ett moln ♫ | 12:58 | |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 12:59 | |
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dvergatal | Saur: this was to mee? | 13:01 |
dvergatal | me* | 13:01 |
Saur | dvergatal: Yes, it was. :) | 13:02 |
dvergatal | Saur: k thx | 13:02 |
Saur | dvergatal: Those two lines in each layer.conf file has solved all our problems where we need to refer to some specific file in another layer. | 13:03 |
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dvergatal | Saur: ok will do that thx a lot | 13:04 |
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dvergatal | Saur: can foo have - sign in names? | 13:06 |
Saur | dvergatal: Yes. It should be the same as with, e.g., LAYERDEPENDS_foo and LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_foo. | 13:06 |
dvergatal | yeah exactly | 13:07 |
dvergatal | as it is | 13:07 |
dvergatal | Saur: thx | 13:07 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Shakespear in Love - End Titles ♫ | 13:17 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fleetwood Mac - Dreams ♫ | 13:22 | |
dvergatal | btw. can i use if else when assigning to this variable? | 13:23 |
dvergatal | Saur: RP: ^ | 13:23 |
dvergatal | because i'm trying to use my normal approach like in different places e.g. INHERITS += "${@'user-keys' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("VAR")) else ''}" | 13:24 |
dvergatal | and it doesn't work | 13:24 |
Saur | dvergatal: Why would you want to do that? Those variables are intended to give the path for each layer. | 13:24 |
RP | dvergatal: it will depend on where VAR is defined. You're probably doing an immediate expansion and if it wasn't set yet... | 13:24 |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 13:26 | |
dvergatal | Saur: because i want to set it when i need to | 13:28 |
dvergatal | RP: ok | 13:28 |
dvergatal | RP: it was | 13:29 |
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dvergatal | RP: VAR is being passed with BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH_ADDITIONS and as bitbake variable when bitbake is run | 13:33 |
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dvergatal | RP: if i changed d.getVar("VAR") to 'true' than it works as expected | 13:38 |
dvergatal | RP: and when using VAR from bitbake variables than it doesn't work | 13:39 |
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dvergatal | and before when i had this as ${@bb.utils.contains('IS_OFFICIAL_BUILD', 'true', 'user-keys.inc', '', d) } | 13:45 |
dvergatal | wrong | 13:45 |
dvergatal | require ${@bb.utils.contains('VAR', 'true', 'user-keys.inc', '', d) } | 13:45 |
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dvergatal | than when VAR was containing true the include file was included | 13:46 |
RP | dvergatal: I tried to give you a hint this morning on a specific issue but I'm not really able to help you debug everything. This all sounds expected behaviour to me... | 13:46 |
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dvergatal | RP: OK i get it but is it that variables which are passed through BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH_ADDITIONS and bitbake are not immediate? | 13:48 |
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JPEW | RP: Sent patch for SPDX dep code. It passed the sstate_allarch_samesigs test locally. The offender was OVERRIDES not being vardepsexclude'd | 14:04 |
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RP | JPEW: that makes sense, thanks | 14:09 |
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Fleetwood Mac - Dreams ♫ | 14:12 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Yello - Pumping Velvet ♫ | 14:13 | |
*** Saur is now away: ♫ U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name ♫ | 14:14 | |
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dvergatal | RP: i'm a morron VAR was not being set to true but to false... | 14:30 |
dvergatal | RP: sorry for pissing you off:P | 14:30 |
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*** Emantor is now away: Auto away at Tue Mar 11 15:22:08 2025 UTC | 15:22 | |
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JPEW | RP: Weird incongruency for gcc-source: SSTATE_ARCHS has "allarch" but SSTATE_ARCH is "all"; meaning SPDX can't find a document written earlier in the build since it uses those 2 variables | 15:41 |
JPEW | Should SPDX be doing something different? | 15:41 |
*** Dracos-Carazza is now away: Auto away at Tue Mar 11 15:41:39 2025 UTC | 15:41 | |
JPEW | Sorry, SSTATE_PKGARCH is "all" | 15:43 |
khem | rburton: ah CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET yes, we should perhaps review the defconfigs with 6.12 I have not booted qemurv32 in a month or so | 15:48 |
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*** Fanfwe42 is now away: Auto away at Tue Mar 11 15:54:25 2025 UTC | 15:54 | |
RP | JPEW: I wonder where that comes from? :/ | 15:55 |
JPEW | gcc-source.inc does `PACKAGE_ARCH = "all"` | 15:56 |
RP | JPEW: we could try changing PACKAGE_ARCH in gcc-source.inc to allarch | 15:56 |
RP | JPEW: just spotted that :) | 15:56 |
JPEW | I cna't figure out why it's a problem now though | 15:58 |
ashux88 | hi members | 15:58 |
ashux88 | do we have any link to get openstack on yocto | 15:59 |
ashux88 | and which all modules of openstack are supported by yocto | 15:59 |
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JPEW | ashux88: There is https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-cloud-services but I don't know anything about it | 16:03 |
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*** Lihis is now away: I'm away.. | 16:13 | |
ashux88 | thanks ...will go through this | 16:13 |
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*** RP is now away: I'm not here right now | 17:39 | |
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