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khem | halstead:is AB under maintenance right now ? | 02:41 |
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khem | vmeson: minifi-cpp is giving me headaches as it does not build with latest clang and I see its stuck at 0.15.0 and latest release is 0.99.1 from Feb this year, it was added by WRS devs, Can you help in getting it upgraded to 0.99.1 ? | 08:16 |
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ak77 | hello. | 08:42 |
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mcfrisk | in oe-core selftests, can I set the target MACHINE? Or are the tests expected to run on all target machines supported by oe-core? | 09:17 |
RP | mcfrisk: in theory they're supposed to run for a variety of machines. I think we use qemuarm64 and qemux86-64 | 09:17 |
RP | mcfrisk: we do skip some tests for some arches | 09:18 |
mcfrisk | RP: I'm adding tests to uki.bbclass for systemd based initrd variant, and test runs easily on qemu, u-boot firmware and genericarm64 target machine on aarch64 build host. the same config will not run on x86_64 | 09:20 |
mcfrisk | so @skipIfNotArch(['aarch64']) will make sure test only runs if target is aarch64 based, I presume. this will include running on x86_64 and aarch64 build host. But can I set the target MACHINE to be genericarm64 since there are dependencies to kernel config etc | 09:22 |
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