Monday, 2014-01-13

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pt__i'm using sstate-cache06:27
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pt__but i'm getting error06:31
pt__fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory06:31
pt__after using sstate06:31
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nrossidoes anyone know if you can make a INSANE_SKIP = "installed-vs-shipped" apply to only a specific directory?07:56
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pt__i'm using sstate-cache08:12
pt__but i'm getting error08:12
pt__fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory08:12
pt__after using sstate08:13
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bluelightningmorning all09:42
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ramoseHow Do I compile kerenel module in yocto?12:04
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RPramose: see the exmaple in meta-skeleton (hello-mod)?12:18
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ramoseHow work directory has bee decided?13:11
ramoseI kept two recipe files in same layer but for one recipe workdirectory is different for other work directory13:12
ndecramose: the 'work' dir, is set like this13:13
ndecso it depends on the recipe name (among other things), not the recipe location in the layer tree.13:13
ramoseok ndec:13:14
ramosefor me this MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS is different is for both recipe13:14
ramosendec: Can you let me know where  ${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS} this path is set for both recipe files?13:15
ndecmost variables are defined (at least their default) in meta/conf/bitbake.conf13:16
ramose*I kept two recipe files in same layer but for one recipe workdirectory is different for other recipe13:16
bluelightningmaybe one recipe sets PACKAGE_ARCH?13:16
ndecyes, this is 'normal'. you shouldn't worry about where the actual workdir is. OE has good default.13:16
ramosendec : I wanted to set same workdirectory for both my recipe ,how should I go about it13:18
ndecwell, maybe you need to explain why. this isn't how OE works, really.13:18
ndeceach 'recipe' is built independently from the others in its own 'sandbox'.13:18
ndecrecipes that have inter-dependencies communicate through the 'sysroot' which is where header files and libs are exported.13:19
ndecramose: can you please explain more about what it is that you want to do?13:19
ramoseI have recipe file which is compiling all the kernel modules and now i have writen a new kernel modules which I wanted to compile standalone and which is requires by some other module which resides in workdir other than where13:22
ramosereceipe for compiling kernel modules resides13:23
ramosendec: for example I have written a kernel module uart_driver.ko which I could compile with the recipe comiple all other kernel module) but then it will place the compiled kernel module uart_driver.ko in the workdir where it is not needed.13:26
ndecramose: hmm. each recipe produces a set of 'deliverables' (binaries, modules, header files, libs) that can be exported into the 'sysroot' during the do_install. each recipe is built in its sandbox, and you cannot access another recipe's workdir.13:26
ndecthe expectation is that the workdir can be 'safely' deleted after the recipe is built. so all you need must be 'installed'.13:27
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ramoseI tried the option of fetching the uart_driver.ko from sysroot path ,i could not provide a standard path in recipe file which need uart_driver.ko and resides in different workdir13:29
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ramosendec: Can you tell me how should install as suggested by you13:30
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ndecramose: have you checked hello-mod example?13:31
ndeceverything you install in ${D} in the do_install() will end up in the image.13:31
ndecif/when you install the generate package13:32
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ramosei checked the hello-mod in poky/meta-skeleton/recipes-kernel/hello-mod13:34
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ndecramose: ok. that recipes inherits module.bbclass which has a default do_install function13:36
ndecin meta/classes/module.bbclass13:36
ramosendec: shall I inherits same thing in recipe file which requires uart_driver.ko module?13:37
ndecramose: if you build a kernel module, yes you need to inherit the module class.13:38
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ndeci recommend you have a look at the Yocto documentation as well to become familiar and get started with OE.13:39
ndecit is quite a powerful build environment, but it has some learning curve ;-)13:39
ramosendec : What I was thinking is i will provide the source of uart_driver.ko and inherit the module class in the recipe which require my uart modules,right?13:40
ndecramose: if you use a 'standard' kernel module makefile, that should work.13:41
ramoseYes ndec: it is indeed powerful/complex  build environment and people like you making it easy to this world :)13:41
ndecbasically, if you do something like hello-mod, it will build your source in the recipe WORKDIR using the do_compile() function in module.bbclass, and it will install the files using do_install().13:41
ndecso, if these functions do what you need, you are good to go.13:42
ndecramose: as i said, the docs are good too, and worth reading!13:42
ramoseok ndec ,Thanks13:43
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TuTizzhi everyone, is there a non GPLv3 texinfo available in yocto? I found /poky/meta/recipes-extended/texinfo/ but LICENSE = "GPLv3+" :S14:08
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TuTizzbrb need to reboot14:12
ramosendec: I tried approach of inherriting modules and provided the uart_driver.ko in recipe file where it is required but when compile the recipe file ,getting error like14:12
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ramoseNo targets specified and no makefile found14:12
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rburtonTuTizz: currently not as texinfo is normally only needed on the host, where the usual GPLv3 concerns don't really apply.  do you need texinfo for the target, or are you concerned about gplv3 on the build host?14:15
TuTizzI want to add libsdl-mixer, and my build failed with the following error : "ERROR: texinfo was skipped: incompatible with license GPLv3+". Maybe I should clear my repository and try a fresh build?14:18
TuTizz"NOTE: Runtime target 'libsdl-mixer' is unbuildable, removing...14:19
TuTizzMissing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['libsdl-mixer', 'libmikmod', 'texinfo']"14:19
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rburtonTuTizz: that dependency should probably be texinfo-native14:20
rburton(in libmikmod)14:20
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TuTizzrburton, yes it's building, thanks14:26
rburtonTuTizz: can you sent the patch please14:27
TuTizzyes omw14:28
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TuTizzgit commit -s with an short explication should be enought doesn't it?14:32
rburtonfollow the format of the other commits but yes, then send to the oe-devel list14:33
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TuTizzrburton, I think I need some help. What should I exactly do ( bluelightning tell me to follow this link but I am probably doing it wrongly) ? Create my patch, add it to the git tree, commit it, send an e-mail?14:47
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gjohnsonSince there is a discussion about sending in patches, what am I supposed to do to get someone to sign off my patch?  I am assuming signed-off-by shouldn't be myself.14:58
rburtongjohnson: you sign it off yourself first14:59
bluelightninggjohnson: basically, you're signing off that you're OK with contributing the patch and if anyone else's work is included you've obtained authorisation from the other author(s)15:00
gjohnsonOk, that is what I will do then15:00
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gjohnsongagi: ping16:14
gagigjohnson: pong ?16:14
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gjohnsongagi: I have a question about one of your patches for meta-qt5.  In the qt.conf file, why do you use relative paths?16:16
gagigjohnson: Because i don't know the path where you install the SDK on your computer. This way i don't need to change the file afterwards16:17
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gagigjohnson: If you take a look at my clone on github, i have also added other meta-sdk files and a script which enables you to build a full fledged working qt5 SDK16:18
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gagigjohnson: including a script which can create qtcreator targets for it for you16:18
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gjohnsongagi: Yeah, that is what I have been looking at.  I will have to try your clone exactly because I used the nativesdk packages in mainline but I can't get it to work with qt creator.  Creator just keeps telling me that my qt install isn't valid16:19
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gjohnsongagi: What is the difference between meta-sdk and meta-toolchain?16:22
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gagigjohnson: if you add "require recipes-qt/meta/" into your file it will include all qt libs you are using also in the SDK (didn't tested this) i'm also doing IMAGE_INSTALL += "packagegroup-qt5-essentials" to include all essentials libs16:22
JaMagjohnson: I'm sorry, but maybe I'll merge qt5-5.2.0 branch into master before applying your nativesdk-qtbase patch (and it won't be needed with 5.2.0)16:22
JaMagjohnson: if you can then please test 5.2.0 version instead16:23
gjohnsonJaMa: No problem, I will wait.16:23
gjohnsonJaMa: When are you going to be merging in 5.2.0 changes?16:23
gagigjohnson: meta-toolchain is for directly invoking bitbake meta-toolchain-qt5 (which does a do_populate_sdk) the meta-sdk can be used directly for files and is only executing once you use bitbake image -c populate_sdk16:23
JaMamaybe today or in next few days16:23
gjohnsongagi: k, that makes sense.16:24
JaMadepends on how fast world build will finish16:24
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gagigjohnson: going home now, feel free to drop me a message on github (or query me here, i'm always on)16:26
gjohnsongagi: K, thanks for the help16:26
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WarheadsSEbest way to have a package override the rm_work16:41
WarheadsSEI am having trouble locting how to override/remove that options16:42
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bluelightningWarheadsSE: RM_WORK_EXCLUDE perhaps?16:43
WarheadsSEAH, i see the exlude now16:43
WarheadsSEmissed seeing that prior.16:43
bluelightningnp :)16:43
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WarheadsSEfighting with an openconnect issue, need to make sure I can see the resulting build env16:45
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WarheadsSEGot a compounded issue.16:50
WarheadsSEbasic fault: something is too derp to use the certificates installed in this image16:51
WarheadsSEAnd openconnect is always looking for /usr/lib/ssl/cert.pem, which never exists.16:51
kergothhuh. might need to reconfigure openconnect, assuming the ca-certificates package is sinstalled16:53
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kergoththere are a number of cert things that should really be sorted in yocto today16:53
WarheadsSEit is installed, they has a layer using 4.07, which of course is out of date16:53
kergothwe don't pass any configure args to set the ca path or ca bundle path of anything afaict16:53
WarheadsSEso I am doing 5.02 now, and seeing if it is less derrr16:53
* kergoth nods16:53
WarheadsSEchecking For location of system CA trust file... /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt16:53
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WarheadsSEwhich layer is the existin openconnect package?16:54
WarheadsSEThis is conglomerated pile layer from in-house..16:54
WarheadsSEthat just feels like host pollution.16:56
kergothi'd check the layer index. you can search for recipes16:56
WarheadsSElunch, bbiab16:57
kergothyeah, curl right now autosets the ca / ca bundle path by poking at host files, i haven't gotten around to pushing our current workaround —
kergothwe had to do this in order to get the certificates into the nativesdk curl package, so the nativesdk git could actually clone from https repositories when using the buildtools-tarball, which isn't hte case otherwise16:58
kergothits on my to-push list, but i'm guessing there may be other recipes that need such paths, and we may want to add a variable to hold the path rather than hardcoding it this way16:58
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WarheadsSEkergoth: 40418:14
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WarheadsSEkergoth: btw, no openconnect recipe4s18:16
WarheadsSEalthough it looks like the updated ca-certificates should have the PEM files which will help!18:18
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MraMariaHello, is there any information for yocto Build Appliance on VirtualBox on linux as of for VMware on Windows 7 ( ) I'm planning in working with Intel x86-64 based PCs and devices (genericx86-64)18:23
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j6V6tnoob ? what package enables USB to auto connect a keyboard or notify on the connection of a jumpdrive etc...19:09
mr_scienceat most, that should be kernel modules and udev19:11
mr_sciencewhat options are enabled in your distro features?19:13
j6V6tI am using the am335x-evm machine and meta-ti layer which i thought configures most of that.19:13
mr_scienceyou might need usbhost19:13
j6V6tI am just building the core-image basic from the poky distro19:13
mr_sciencedo a bitbake <your_image> -e and grep DISTRO_FEATURES19:14
denixj6V6t: which board do you have?19:14
j6V6tam335x-SK the purple board with 4.3inch display19:15
j6V6twhich is the am335x-evmsk.dtb19:16
denixj6V6t: hmm, it should work... can you send an email to so I won't forget to look into it?19:18
j6V6tsure, thanks19:18
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WarheadsSEand yes, this is in the bastard.. pulled in the newer recipe to our layer, which caused this19:50
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WarheadsSEkergoth any thoughts appreciated.19:51
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WarheadsSEhave to manuall -c fetch / -c patch20:02
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WarheadsSEand.. yeah.. no progress.20:45
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Garibaldi|workI have a recipe that contacts a remote server for package signing purposes.  Typically, it would use my passwordless ssh credentials to contact the server, but it seems bitbake doesn't pass that though to the recipe -- it asks for my password mid-stream.  Is there some good way to get it to pass throught that information?21:15
Garibaldi|workI tried adding my SSH* variables to BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE21:18
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Garibaldi|workdidn't seem to have any affect21:29
kergothGaribaldi|work: I have bitbake fetch recipes over ssh for git quite often, using my ssh agent21:33
Garibaldi|workkergoth: hum, this isn't really a fetch.  I call a script that computes a checksum and uses ssh to run a command on a remote server to get a signed version of the checksum.  When I run the script manually, it works as expected.  When I run the script from my recipe, it prompts me for my password.21:37
Garibaldi|workIt's possible I'm doing something else wrong21:37
Garibaldi|workbut I don't know what21:37
ndecyes, i confirm that i can fetch git over ssh with password less config (.ssh/config + key). however the do_fetch might export variables that might not be exported in other tasks.21:42
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Garibaldi|workndec: yes, looking at bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/, runfetchcmd seems to explicitly handle things like SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AGENT_PID, etc.22:09
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Garibaldi|workmy activity isn't at fetch time, I'm signing and artifact that will get included in the image.22:10
Garibaldi|workI've verified that those variables are not set when I call the script in my recipe22:20
Garibaldi|workis there some mechanism to ask bitbake to not strip variables from the environment?  I thought the EXTRAWHITE was intended for that?22:20
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kergoththats what BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE is for, yes22:21
Garibaldi|workso I have BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE set to "... SSH_AGENT_PID SSH_CLIENT SSH_TTY SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_ASKPASS SSH_CONNECTION".  My shell has those variables exported (and BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE), but those SSH_ variables are not in my environment within the recipe22:22
kergothuse bitbake -e to examine the global config metadata which flows into all recipes22:23
kergothmake sure thingsa re set to what you think they're set to22:23
kergothwhenever something seems inexplicable, it's almost always a mismatch between my assumptions and reality, and inspection tools like bitbake -e are invaluable for that :)22:23
Garibaldi|workgood idea, will do22:24
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Garibaldi|workso bitbake -e looks good.  EXTRAWHITE has the variables, the variables are there with the appropriate values22:26
Garibaldi|workyep, looks good22:27
Garibaldi|workbut if I do an 'env' in the recipe, I don't see them22:27
Garibaldi|work(e.g., env > /tmp/env)22:27
Garibaldi|workfor instance, in 'bitbake -e <image>' I see:     # $SSH_AGENT_PID     #   from env [inheritFromOS]    #     "28719    SSH_AGENT_PID="28719"22:30
kergothit's possible the vars got set in the metadata, but not *exported* from the metadata22:31
kergothvars in the metadata that aren't flagged as export don't end up in the spawned shell scripts for the shell tasks22:32
kergothtry adding 'export SSH_AGENT_PID' and 'export SSH_AUTH_SOCK' to local.conf22:32
kergothto see if that's what's happening22:32
Garibaldi|workok, I'll give that a shot22:32
kergothiirc bitbake was supposed to re-export the vars it got from the env, but it could be it doesn't in whatever bitbake version you're using22:32
Garibaldi|workyeah, that makes sense22:33
mr_scienceGaribaldi|work: i think putting the vars in EXTRAWHITE should work, but in cases where i do that, i also export them in the jenkins job first22:42
mr_sciencein that case they get passed as expected22:42
Garibaldi|workmr_science: that's what I expected, but it didn't do what I wanted.  I exported them in my shell, I added them to EXTRAWHITE, but they didn't make it into my recipe22:43
mr_scienceso export FOO="bar" and then adding FOO to BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE works in classic22:43
Garibaldi|workI should mention I'm still using Yocto 1.3, just in case the behavior has changed since22:44
mr_sciencei'm talking oe-classic and bitbake 1.1022:44
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Garibaldi|workah, ok22:44
Garibaldi|workI'm at 1.19.122:44
Garibaldi|workwe'll see if adding the export in local.conf helps22:45
mr_sciencein poky master i just set them in local.conf and use them22:45
Garibaldi|workyeah, but these are dynamic22:45
mr_sciencedon't think i've tried that with poky yet22:46
Garibaldi|workadding the exports to local.conf triggered a rebuild of everything; we'll see if it works once that's done22:48
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kergothdownside to 'export' of any shell var of that sort, it affects the checksum of every shell task22:48
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kergothbecause it not only puts it in the env of shell tasks, but also exports it from them22:48
kergothwhich means we can't know which exported vars are used by what the task runs, and which aren't22:48
Garibaldi|workyeah, that makes sense too22:49
kergothideally, we'd have task level export control22:49
kergothe.g. do_foo[exports] += "CC CFLAGS"22:49
kergothbut we don't have that yet..22:49
kergothits possible to rig it manually in particular cases by using python in the recipe, e.g. create a python task which runs your shell task, and which exports particular vars before running it, or somesuch, if it's worth the bother22:50
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Garibaldi|workyeah, and these SSH_ variables change frequently :-/22:54
Garibaldi|workkergoth: do you know of an example of the manual rigging I can look at?22:55
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kergothGaribaldi|work: try
kergothGaribaldi|work: just threw it together, so it's had only limited testing, but it seems to work23:18
Garibaldi|workI'll take a look -- thanks23:19
kergothbe warned the use of bitbake internal variables isn't really kosher, the alternative is to use the commented out line instead, where there's a var with the tasks you want to support task level exports, rather than operating against all added tasks23:19
kergothdoes work, though23:19
* kergoth thinks about experimenting with reworking the base classes and bitbake.conf to reduce the global exports and convert them to task level exports where possible23:20
kergothGaribaldi|work: figured it might be cleaner to do something generally useful rather than a single hardcoded example, but i can throw one of those together too if you end up preferring that approach23:21
* kergoth thinks this is relatively clean23:21
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Garibaldi|workkergoth: so for the commented out version, in local.conf I would have have TASKS_WITH_EXPORTS="my_recipe_name"23:21
kergothnope, its tasks23:21
Garibaldi|workand the resut would be the same23:21
kergothin the recipe, you'd add TASKS_WITH_EXPORTS += "do_yourtask"23:22
Garibaldi|workah, ok23:22
kergoththen do_yourtask[exports] += "... the ssh var names ..."23:22
kergothalong with the inherit, if you dont inherit it globally23:22
Garibaldi|workunderstood, thanks23:22
Garibaldi|workI appreciate you putting that together23:22
kergothupdated the gist to show the var use in the .inc alongside the rest23:23
kergothi'd already started doing it before you asked, i figured i'd see how much work it'd be to support an exports flag in a generic way23:23
kergothturns out, not much work23:23
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Garibaldi|workI'm guessing __BBDELTASKS is also a internal variable23:27
Garibaldi|workis there a kosher way of doing that too?23:28
kergothits only needed when using __BBTASKS23:31
kergothto support the built in deltask directive23:31
Garibaldi|workah, of course23:31
kergothanonymous python functions are run before that processing happens23:31
kergothso the deleted tasks will still bein __BBTASKS at that time23:31
kergothif you reload the gist, that's what it looks like without the bitbake-internal bits23:33
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kergothGaribaldi|work: posted an improved version which supports both methods, with the automatic task selection only used if you opt-in to it:
* kergoth goes to grab food23:47
Garibaldi|workkergoth: I'll give it a try -- thanks again23:47
Garibaldi|workenjoy :-)23:47
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