Monday, 2014-11-03

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junlandHow would I change hob to have free space for the hddimg02:20
junlandOr would I just have a partition for extra space.02:22
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irontiagood morning everybody07:27
irontiaI feel dizzy07:28
irontiaMy code doesn't compile yet with dizzy. Somehow build intermediates are in a work/.../build folder now, so are my autogenerated header files. But that location is not in the include paths...07:29
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mckoangood morning07:57
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bluelightningmorning all09:47
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lpapp_hi, how can I check if Yocto is trying to pass the correct ld library path to my build system?12:08
lpapp_bitbake -e foo12:08
lpapp_| grpe ^LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not bring up anything.12:08
lpapp_but my tool run during the buildsystem steps cannot find the libncurses library even though it ought to be available.12:09
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hundebolllpapp_: my guess is that the built target compiler uses its own sysroot by default12:17
hundebollinto which libraries are installed12:18
hundebolle.g. build/tmp/sysroots/qemux86-64/usr/lib12:18
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lpapp_hundeboll: hmm?13:04
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ericbuttershi. i am wondering how to extract a basic toolchain from a yocto sdk, so i can use it with buildroot?13:34
lpapp_ericbutters: lol13:35
ericbuttersi only got the sdk, so i need to build some packages.. but not with yocto in that case13:37
ericbuttersi did not built the sdk by myself13:37
ericbutterslpapp_: any idea?13:39
lpapp_ericbutters: cannot you tell buildroot to use the path from the yocto sdk with regards to the toolchain?13:40
bluelightningericbutters: the SDK basically is just the toolchain, so I don't think there's much to extract...13:40
ericbuttersbluelightning: yes that is right, and i thought it should be clear to use it. but i got erros at first buildsteps og BR and i read "We do not support toolchains or SDK generated by OpenEmbedded or Yocto, because these toolchains are not pure toolchains"13:42
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bluelightningericbutters: you'd have to talk to the buildroot folks about that I guess13:43
bluelightningI'm no expert for sure, but I'm not sure what qualifies as a "pure toolchain"13:43
ericbuttershey, lets say i have only got the yocto sdk.. is it possible to use yocto with that sdk to build a package?14:00
lpapp_yocto does not need the yocto sdk14:02
ericbuttersto be clear: i only want to build a package, not an sdk14:02
lpapp_still, you do not need the yocto sdk generated for that.14:02
ericbuttersbut yocto first must generate a toolchain, so you mean first is to say 'bitbake meta-toolchain' and then 'bitbake package' ? but as i got already a yocto toolchain from my supplier i want to use that one14:04
ericbuttersi want to tell yocto to use that provided toolchain to build a package14:04
lpapp_I think it is better to generate it once and use sstate cache, eventually.14:04
lpapp_rather than messing with untested external toolchain setup like that.14:05
ericbuttersto generate it i need the setup from the supplier which i do not have14:05
lpapp_sorry, do not know what you mean.14:06
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lpapp_I mean the same setup you need to build any package, more or less.14:09
lpapp_whether it is toolchain or/and some other thing, that is nearly identical.14:09
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bluelightningericbutters: our build system is not designed to take its own SDK as an external toolchain14:14
bluelightningyou may need to contact your supplier and ask them for a layer which supports the target hardware14:14
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ericbuttersbluelightning: i see, thanks for information14:16
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lpapp_hundeboll: I am a bit surprised how ncurses works just fine for gdb-cross14:20
lpapp_wait, I actually have not tried to run gdb-cross from a buildsystem, just separately.14:21
lpapp_I guess that is a totally different issue because when you run it, it will likely know where to look for the libraries based on the path, I would assume so.14:21
lpapp_but during buildtime, I am not sure...14:21
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lpapp_as a workaround, I would happily hand-craft some LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the make fucntion of the Yocto recipe, but I do not even know which path to hard code there...14:22
lpapp_I guess I will use the one from build/tmp/sysroot or something.14:23
hundebolllpapp_: I think you have ${sysroot} available in the receipes14:28
lpapp_hundeboll: returning the target sysroot or the generic?14:31
lpapp_I should probably print it out to see, I guess.14:31
hundebollno idea :)14:31
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lpapp_hundeboll: echo $sysroot -> empty output :(14:41
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lpapp_dylan here.14:42
ericbutterswhat is "meta-ide-support" ?14:46
lpapp_check the layer description, if it confirms the guidelines, it should explain it.14:47
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Crofton|workit isn't in the layer index14:48
ericbutterslpapp_: please provide a link to detail14:48
lpapp_ericbutters: to what detail?14:48
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lpapp_ah, it is in oe-core14:49
ericbutterslpapp_: cman :) detail to meta-ide-support14:49
lpapp_DESCRIPTION = "Meta package for ensuring the build directory contains all appropriate toolchain packages for using an IDE"14:49
ericbutterslpapp_: thanks14:50
ericbuttersdoes this what i need? a simple toolchain extraction? why there is not such functionality in yocto?14:52
lpapp_heh, you are still stuck with that :D14:52
lpapp_why don't you just ask your supplier if you need support from them?14:53
lpapp_it is possible that even if you set it up, you will need to know platform specific details, etc.14:53
ericbutterslpapp_ because i can not ask them each time i need to build 3rd party sw14:53
ericbuttersyocto sdk from a customer pov help with build their own sw, but as soon as they need 3rd party they are stuck with yocto14:54
ericbuttersyou always need to know how to cross compile.. instead of using buildroot or yocto for that14:55
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ericbuttersand i really can not believe that yocto as no option to generate a "pure" toolchain14:56
lpapp_it seems to me that you have insufficient communication with your partner.14:57
lpapp_I still have no idea what pure toolchain means.14:57
lpapp_just assuming it means vanilla, but I do not see Yocto heavily patching the toolchain.14:58
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ericbutterswhat would be great: let users install any yocto sdk and then use bitbake and meta layers to build packages with that :)15:10
lpapp_I think that makes not much sense, really.15:12
lpapp_Yocto is meant for doing that, but then you want to avoid Yocto... what is the point?15:12
lpapp_not to improve the communication with your co-workers?15:12
ericbutterslpapp_: that makes perfect sense to me.. why not making life easy? why making it hard?15:13
lpapp_if one has to generate recipes, that person needs to work with the rest of yocto developers.15:13
lpapp_exactly my point, imho you are making it hard15:13
lpapp_you both need to work with _yocto_, yet you do not communicate15:13
ericbuttersi want to use receipes not making one15:13
lpapp_you do not share the work, etc. Based on my experience, it happens to people when they do not communicate properly.15:14
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ericbutterslpapp_: you do not get my point.. i do not contribute to yocto in that case.. i want to use yocto without building a sdk.. just to build a package to use with a target based on my suppliers sdk.. so in the world today with yocto i have to ask my supplier to build that for me and that costs money.. or i cross compile by myself and that takes time and money. so why not using yocto then? that would be easy, take the sdk from supplier and use yocto.15:17
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bluelightningericbutters: lpapp_ isn't necessarily speaking for all of us.. FWIW whilst we might not be able to do exactly what you are asking (for a number of reasons) we do intend to provide an easier means of building additional pieces of software for the target15:17
ericbuttersi heared that suppliers can do meta-layers for that purpose15:17
lpapp_ericbutters: I would fix your business model.15:18
lpapp_if your established deal is so inflexible to work together, it is screwed imho.15:18
ericbutterslapp_: i think you did not work much with suppliers :)15:18
lpapp_I mean it is quite common in every project that someone contributes back.15:18
lpapp_ericbutters: never, I am begging on the street :p15:18
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lpapp_joke aside, I am actually currently heavily working with a supplier.15:19
bluelightningericbutters: however if your current work is to build an image that goes onto the target device, then you should really have a proper BSP layer to support that15:19
lpapp_bluelightning: he clearly indicated he does not want to build an image, just a package15:19
lpapp_so that he can, I guess, install that by the package manager.15:19
lpapp_I was missing that feature a while ago and complained about it, but then I was told it is corner case, so I accepted that.15:20
bluelightninglpapp_: right now, yes... but is that the end goal?15:20
lpapp_and eventually moved on.15:20
lpapp_bluelightning: this is my understanding: his supplier provides the image, and he would like to package his software onto the target using the Yocto sdk. If it is deb or rpm, I do not understand why recipes need to be used though.15:21
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lpapp_(even if it is ipkg, it could be done separately, so I am not sure what is the matter with recipes)15:21
lpapp_perhaps it would be easier, that is why, and more portable.15:22
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ericbuttersbluelightning: i got the image (kernel and rfs) as well as the sdk from the supplier. and everything building my own software is fine.. but sometimes i need some tools which i always need to cross compile myself, and i was wondering why there is no option to use yocto15:22
ericbutterslpapp_: i would love it to be able to use a package manager for that. but that is not an option15:23
lpapp_please read this:
bluelightningericbutters: part of the goal of our system is to avoid the situation where you are cobbling together images out of binary pieces outside of the build system, leaving you with something that in the long term is difficult to maintain15:24
bluelightningericbutters: maybe you aren't doing that, but FWIW enabling that particular use case isn't really what our project is for15:25
lpapp_ericbutters: if you cannot use a package manager, but you want to package, just confuses me even more.15:26
lpapp_I guess you would need to explain what packaging means in your definition.15:26
ericbuttersbluelightning: that makes sense to me.. and i see what you mean further. so with yocto you are stick to your sdk provider. or you are doing it on your own. so do not get me wrong, i like what yocto does. but as i said, from my POI, it would be nice to be able to use yocto without building an image/sdk15:27
lpapp_I do that every day, cannot see the problem15:27
lpapp_you definitely do not need to build an sdk for using Yocto15:28
ericbuttersi also do not want to build a toolchain, just using it15:28
lpapp_but again, your definition of SDK may vary... that is why it is confusing to discuss it. It would be nice to know all the details including the definitions.15:28
lpapp_you have to build it once.15:28
lpapp_what is the matter?15:28
lpapp_I mean, sure, 1 > 0, but if you have got zero from your supplier, what is the problem?15:30
lpapp_what target is it, etc? You did not share much details.15:30
lpapp_does it require difficult BSP?15:32
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ericbutterslpapp_: no it is simple as i explained. and it is no matter iof what is the target or the BSP. all i say is that let yocto reuse a given yocto sdk. thats it.15:43
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lpapp_ericbutters: OK, I disagree. IMHO, there is no use case for that :)15:51
lpapp_(or if there is any, that means either corner case or an issue elsewhere)15:52
lpapp_the thing is, you already made up your mind.15:52
bluelightninglpapp_: if you are going to talk to people in here can I ask that you do so politely... right now you aren't helping15:54
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lpapp_bluelightning: I am sorry to disagree.15:54
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lpapp_and I do intend to help. It is not my problem that someone has made up his mind, and will not change it no matter what help he gets. I did ask for clarification, but could not get any response out of it.15:55
lpapp_so probably he does not actually need help to solve the issue for today.15:55
lpapp_otherwise, I assume he would have provided answers so that I can give advices.15:55
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lpapp_and complaining here about it will not help anyway; if you want a corner case to be considered, go to the bugtracker.15:57
lpapp_(although that is usually closed, too, in such cases in my experience)15:57
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lpapp_ericbutters: please do not complain here about as it will not get implemented here; you do not want to pay to your suppliers, fair, the Yocto people may be cheaper. Go to the bugtracker and report it:
lpapp_but do not be surprised if it is closed as won't fix.15:59
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lpapp_if you want workarounds for today, you have to share more details, otherwise you will remain without proceeding, really.16:00
bluelightninglpapp_: please do not discourage people from discussing things here16:04
ericbutterslpapp_: i kindly wanted to ask for thinking about such a feature in future. but as bluelighning explained, that is not what yocto is meant for.16:05
lpapp_ericbutters: I do not understand bluelightning, imho he is saying conflicting things16:06
lpapp_initially he wrote that yocto would support such things and then not.16:06
lpapp_I am lost at that conflict, but if you think it is such a cool feature, I would surely report it, no matter what one person thinks here.16:07
lpapp_I did that many times myselef.16:07
bluelightningI give up16:07
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lpapp_15:16 < bluelightning> ericbutters: lpapp_ isn't necessarily speaking for all of us.. FWIW whilst we might not be able to do exactly what you are asking (for a number of reasons) we do intend to provide an easier means of building additional pieces of software for the  target16:07
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lpapp_15:23 < bluelightning> ericbutters: part of the goal of our system is to avoid the situation where you are cobbling together images out of binary pieces outside of the build system, leaving you with something that in the long term is difficult to maintain16:08
lpapp_15:23 < bluelightning> ericbutters: maybe you aren't doing that, but FWIW enabling that particular use case isn't really what our project is for16:08
lpapp_to me, those two points are conflicting, so I cannot make sense out of them together currently.16:08
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lpapp_that is with due respect before people start becoming emotional and losing the track of being objective.16:09
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lpapp_ericbutters: and fwiw, he is not the main yocto maintainer, so if I was feeling cool about a feature regardless one person thinks - except if it is the main maintainer -, I would say, I would just report it, or even then if everyone disagrees for public recording when the blame game starts later.16:11
ericbutterslpapp_: i am going to report it as a feature request16:12
lpapp_good luck :>16:12
JaMaI don't see is as conflict, my understanding is that 1st part is about not making 3rdparty binary components un-necessary difficult, 2nd part is recommendation to try to prevent it and build everything from source in one OE build16:12
JaMaand I agree with both parts, we have a lot of binary components built outside OE and it's a lot of pain16:13
JaManot inflicted by OE as build system16:14
ericbuttersJaMa: building outside OE means you did not use bitbake and yocto meta layers?16:14
lpapp_but that is not what ericbutters wants based on his description.16:14
lpapp_(in my understand of course)16:14
ericbuttersyes, that is what i say, it it lot of pain then.. it would be nice to be able to re-use yocto then16:15
JaMasorry I haven't read whole backlog, I was responding mostly to parts you copy-pasted from bluelightning16:15
lpapp_well, it needs to be put in context ^_^16:15
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ericbutterslpapp_: that is what i said.. you got a yocto image on and a yocto sdk delivered, and then you want to build a tool like a browser, ie firfox for this.. so you got two options: 1. ask the supplier to build it -- or 2. build it on your own. but the later is not that easy.. and therefore there is yocto or buildroot16:18
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ericbutterslpapp_: but maybe that is a corner case, okay.. but i am stuck here right now. and i thought why not re-using the sdk i got..16:20
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ericbuttersbut that is not working, not with yocto and not with buildroot16:20
JaMaericbutters: is there 3rd option? because these 2 are relatively well covered by OE16:20
lpapp_ericbutters: I still do not get why 2) is difficult16:20
lpapp_ericbutters: in my experience, you source the environment script16:20
lpapp_and then you build your software the regular way unless its buildsystem is silly.16:21
ericbuttersJaMa: no not as i know :)16:21
JaMaericbutters: the 1st one is pain, because you need to send your SDK to browser supplier16:21
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lpapp_and that is the whole point, you know?16:21
ericbutterslpapp_: for building my software it is okay16:21
lpapp_I keep telling you that you do not need a recipe16:21
ericbuttersbut for 3rd party sw...16:21
lpapp_you do not need Yocto for that.16:21
JaMaericbutters: and in some cases you're maintaining multiple versions at the same time, but your browser supplier needs to build the same code multiple times for each SDK you delivered to him16:22
lpapp_ericbutters: why?16:22
ericbutterslpapp_: okay explain how to do it16:22
lpapp_"in my experience, you source the environment script and then you build your software the regular way unless its buildsystem is silly."16:22
lpapp_you said you did not need packages, so that oughta suffice, I presume?16:22
ericbutterslpapp_: right, that is how i do with my own source16:23
ericbuttersbut how to configure correct for cross build? that all is done proved and correct by yocto receipes16:23
ericbuttersand i need to do by my own.. that is my problem16:23
ericbutterslpapp_: i said i *need* packages..16:24
ericbuttersyou have to read carefully16:24
lpapp_I will quote yourself, sec.16:24
ericbuttersthat is all about here.. all the discussion.16:25
lpapp_15:21 < ericbutters> lpapp_: i would love it to be able to use a package manager for that. but that is not an option16:25
lpapp_so how can you use packages if package manager is not an option, please?16:25
ericbutters"but that is not an option" -- what does this mean? i can not use an package manager16:25
lpapp_if you cannot use a package manager, how can you use packages?16:25
ericbutterseyyy.. i want to build a package and then use it16:26
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lpapp_how if you cannot use a package manager to use the package?16:26
ericbuttersokay.. package=some program/source that is build with bitbake.. so sorry for that..16:27
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lpapp_by package you mean an executable?16:28
lpapp_see, this is why your definitions make it confusing to discuss16:28
lpapp_that is not what usually people think about packages.16:28
lpapp_and that is why I keep telling you to share your definitions to be on the same page.16:28
ericbuttersokay you are right.. that was very confusing16:28
lpapp_right, so what is wrong about regular cmake/qmake/make/autotools/ninja/scons/whatnot?16:28
lpapp_they will generate executables for you, too.16:28
ericbuttersbut why to use different things and not using all in one called yocto.. that does this for me with one command?16:29
ericbuttersand what is the matter re-using an yocto sdk with yocto?16:30
ericbuttersor why there is no option to extract a simple toolchain out of the sdk?16:31
lpapp_too unusual; Intel and LF did not need it.16:31
lpapp_my opinion is that the business usually does not demand such an unreasonable scenario where you cannot collaborate for good.16:31
lpapp_since if you do the layer Y on top of layer X yourself, that layer Y will not be usable for others.16:32
lpapp_if it is integrated back to your supplier, they can give it to others off-hand.16:32
lpapp_or at least you should get the BSP Yocto sources, etc.16:33
ericbutterslpapp_: i do not touch any layer or create one.. i simple want to use yocto to build an executable for my target platform.. simple..16:33
lpapp_but then again, I asked many times what your BSP is16:33
lpapp_it is possible it just works, and you do not need any customization16:33
lpapp_but you did not want to share that bit...16:33
lpapp_how will you build your software without an own layer?16:34
ericbuttersfreescales imx6 bsp.. but the supplier made his own things, so the toolchain has special tune parameters etc.16:34
ericbuttersmy supplier is not freescale, and i really do not know what all is done by him to the freescale meta layers.. but all that is not what i want to know..16:35
ericbutterslpapp_: i see, there is no way today for my needs here..16:36
lpapp_there sure is :)16:36
ericbuttersJaMa: how did you build 3rd party software outside yocto?16:37
ericbutterslpapp_: then please tell me.16:37
ericbutterslpapp_: i got: yocto sdk for my target platform -- i need: let yocto build firefox with that sdk16:39
lpapp_ericbutters: try to hard code the toolchain for your "image".16:40
lpapp_in some common config.16:40
JaMaericbutters: unpack SDK, source the script, run whatever build system your component is using to generate the binaries16:40
ericbuttersJaMa: okay.. i see. i do not have a build system for that.. that is the issue. yocto is a build system16:41
JaMaby build system I meant cmake,qmake,automake,...16:42
ericbutterslpapp_: that is the feature i am asking for.. why do i need to hack this? but anyway that is a solution.. so please advise more16:42
lpapp_advise more? :O16:42
ericbuttersJaMa: okay, but there you got the configuration already setup16:43
lpapp_ericbutters: I would consider your use case valid, if the situation is really that broken, but it is luckily not the usual case in my experience.16:43
JaMathe configuration (of the tools) is part of SDK script, the rest is configured by cmake/qmake/autotools16:43
ericbutterslpapp_: that is no magic that you do.. that there is a way by hacking is clear to me.. magic is to tell where and how to hack.. better provide some gist/patch :D16:44
lpapp_JaMa: the only problem I see with that if you need to build multiple software pieces with dependencies, etc.16:44
lpapp_but I still think that is a very rare case based on my industrial observation.16:45
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JaMalpapp_: yes that's the pain I was mentioning before, we have multiple SDKs (with different versions of dependencies) and we need to get the 3rdparty binaries rebuilt multiple times even when it's from the same source16:46
JaMaand then we include SDK indentifier in the filenames of binary packages we're receiving back16:47
lpapp_ericbutters: read about the config files. You could do it in your distro, image, local, site, etc.16:47
lpapp_ericbutters: but if some buildsystems override that insanely, you are outta luck.16:48
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ericbutterslpapp_: i would really appreciate if you can help here16:48
JaMalast time we were even running ABI checker to see what differences in SDK versions are important and we're rebuilding only components which are linking against some dependency with incompatible ABI (compared to previous SDK version)16:48
lpapp_ericbutters: well, that is all that my resources allowed me today...16:49
JaMawe save some work to 3rdparty builders, but make it a bit more complicated to get consistent set of binary packages all with compatible ABIs16:49
lpapp_ericbutters: I suggest you to listen to JaMa.16:50
lpapp_JaMa: do you know by any chance how I could access to the ncurses library in my buildsystem?16:54
lpapp_since the tool that I run during the make run does not find it which depends on it, I thought I would work it around with modifying the LD_LIBRARY_PATH16:54
lpapp_but I cannot find a variable to the library path.16:55
lpapp_so the use case is that I build for arm, and try to run an intel tool during the buildsystem run, but it cannot find the libncurses "so" file.16:55
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JaMalpapp_: ncurses's pkg-config file doesn't provide the path?16:57
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lpapp_JaMa: hmm, that is a good hint, thanks, I will look at it. Perhaps I can use a variable in Makefile that way.17:04
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lpapp_jama: it seems it cannot be found because my yocto environment is in x86_6417:19
lpapp_and that particular tool is 32 bit17:19
lpapp_how can I enforce the ncurses-native to be available in 32 bit (too?)17:19
JaMadunno, I would probably use 32bit SDK if you need to call 32bit tools from it17:20
lpapp_yeah, that would make sense for a bit more complex clash, but it is just one package and I have the setup already for everything17:21
lpapp_so the porting would take quite a bit of effort.17:21
lpapp_is it not possible with yocto to say DEPENDS = ncurses-native:32 or something?17:21
lpapp_also, we need 64 bit tools as well at other places... a bit of mess, it is ...17:22
lpapp_my only idea is to copy the recipe and enforce 32 bit in our layer17:23
lpapp_(if the buildsystem of theirs supports that at all)17:23
lpapp_so what I need is not only the dependency name, but dependency arch and platform.17:23
lpapp_JaMa: as I need to leave soon, I asked this on the mailing list.17:31
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JaMalpapp_: sorry I'm on conf call17:34
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lpapp_ericbutters: sorry if I had sounded impolite before. ;-)18:56
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pevEvening. I've got a custom type of file that I use to produce fully self contained loads that  I want to produce via an image recipe. They combines kernel, filesystem and a few other bits and bobs. I can easily run a script to generate it from a recipe but is there a more elegant way to do things? I've noticed "DEPLOYABLE_IMAGE_TYPES" when looking around, would that be a sensible mechanism to use and has anyone produced any examples of extending?20:52
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