Wednesday, 2015-02-18

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RagBalWhat recipes do I need to include in my image for maliit in QT5?07:53
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iontehi. anyone involved with meta-ti? i need kernel 3.16 or later because of some bugfixes, but meta-ti only supports up to 3.14. is there any work in progress on this?09:10
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abelloniprobably not, it is not an LTS kernel09:12
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bluelightningmorning all09:28
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Nilesh_Does any one know how to enable Qsqlite ?? i created a .bbappend file in meta-qt with the content "PACKAGECONFIG_append = " sql-sqlite" . But it seems to not build the Qsqlite? I'm i missing something10:18
AndersDNilesh_, if you add a qtbase_XXX.bbappend with that line, it should build the Qt sql-plugin.10:20
AndersDI know that we're using it in our own bbappend10:20
AndersDWell, we're using PACKAGECONFNIG += "sql-sqlite" but it shouldn't matter10:21
Nilesh_AndersD:ok , I'll give a fresh bitbake and check out.10:21
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pohlyDoes OE package feed support include any kind of package signing or at least securing the https download? Does require valid  SSL certificates? Python for a long time by default allowed https without valid certificates.10:55
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Lern-XHello, I have something to ask about bitbake errors. Is it the good channel ?11:34
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_daltonI am trying to compile hello world using bitbake12:13
_daltonI ran into an error12:13
_daltonwould anyone help me out if i paste the error here?12:14
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AndersD_dalton, post the error and the recipe on pastebin (a lot easier to read them there), and a link here12:38
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pevDaft question I know, but is there a way to *remove* something from an RDEPENDS in a bbappend?13:20
abelloniRDEPENDS_remove = "stuff" ?13:21
pevPoint in case, I've added i2c-tools from meta-openembedded to my target and it's pulled in perl and 40 odd extra dependancies13:21
pev(for an irrelevent feature)13:21
pevCool, I'll try that thanks13:21
pevAlso, I've never looked into stripping out udev within yocto before - is it a big deal or straightforward?13:26
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bluelightningI suspect you will find just removing an item from RDEPENDS won't work for that, you will have to attack how the unwanted dependencies get there in the first place13:43
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abellonibluelightning: if it depends on perl only to run a script, I believe it doesn't do any harm13:50
abellonithe main utilities from i2c-tools are in c13:50
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bluelightningabelloni: right, that's not really what I meant - whether or not touching RDEPENDS in that way depends on how that RDEPENDS got there in the first place13:52
bluelightningI wonder if we adjusted the packaging in master to address this13:52
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abellonibluelightning: maybe with a PACKAGECONFIG ?13:53
abelloniI would say that the main complain I hear about oe/yocto is about the number of dependencies13:54
bluelightningwell, in OE-Core master (i2c-tools got moved to OE-Core at some point recently, in dizzy perhaps, the perl-requiring scripts were moved to a separate package13:54
bluelightningit is a common complaint I agree13:54
bluelightningit's not always easy to remove a dependency, since they come in through different means and not all of them are added conditionally13:55
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bluelightningI think we could develop some better tools to handle some situations in future13:55
abellonithe one that surprises me the most is qemu-native :)13:56
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bluelightningyeah, there are two reasons for that - for qemu* machines it's a bit more understandable (and comes in via POKYQEMUDEPS); but otherwise we have it around for running certain postinstall scripts that just have to be run with the target architecture13:59
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pevThat's OK, I'm back-burnering it for a bit and will re-visit :-)14:07
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pevAnother interesting question - in my layer i have several image types. I'd like to munge /etc/issue in a different way for each image to make it obvious what you're booting into. However, doing a bbappend for base-files isn't image specific. Is it "nice" to directly append into issue from a do_install task in the image recipes or is there a cleaner way to do this?14:12
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bluelightningwell, it wouldn't be do_install, it would need to be a function called from ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND14:15
bluelightningif you are using runtime package management you'd have to mitigate any future updates to base-files wiping out the customisations applied there14:15
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pevNo runtime package management14:17
pevI'm not that much of a masochist :-)14:17
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bluelightningok, then at least that's one issue you don't have to worry about :)14:17
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bluelightningso yeah, your function within the image would just modify ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/issue as desired, and that should do the trick14:18
pevAnd I guess too? (not that ive seen it before but it gets changed in parallel)14:19
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bluelightningpev: right, yes14:21 is for remote logins14:22
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abellonibluelightning: I have a hard question :)14:46
bluelightningsure, I love hard questions :)14:46
abelloniis it possible to make a PACKACONFIG depending on the presence of another package ?14:47
abellonito be clear14:47
abelloniqtwebkit needs icu to be set in qtbase14:47
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abellonithat one is a bit tricky because qtwebkit itself will not fail14:50
abellonibut anything trying to use qtwebkit will fail14:50
bluelightningyeah, JaMa and I have talked about this kind of problem in qt5 before14:51
abelloniI'm wondering whether we should add icu to PACKAGECONFIG_DEFAULT14:51
bluelightningthere is no definitive mechanism for handling it, but you could in theory conditionally add something to PROVIDES in qtbase such that the qtwebkit build would immediately fail if it hasn't been configured in the right way14:52
abellonibecause now, it means that stock poky is failing to build any image having an application using qtwebkit14:52
bluelightningthat's certainly not ideal...14:53
abellonibuildroot is handling that a bit more gracefully ;)14:53
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abellonimaybe we should build all qt components from the same recipe14:54
abellonithat would allow to add -icu when qtwebkit is selected14:54
bluelightninghow is it handled there? by a config option that they share (which we could do), or by enabling icu by default?14:54
abellonifrom any package, they can check whether another package is selected14:55
abellonithat is kind of how they handle the DISTRO_FEATURES14:55
bluelightningok, that wouldn't really work with the way our system is designed14:55
abellonilike "is openssl selected, is udev selected, ..."14:56
abellonithey just check whether qtwebkit is selected in the qtbase recipe and add -icu in that case14:56
JaMagentoo has nice syntax for this14:56
JaMabut until we have that, reading README is the next best thing :)14:57
bluelightningwe should be able to do better right now14:57
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JaMabut we don't have even versioned dependencies14:57
abelloniyeha, I'm actually concerned about having poky failing to build14:57
abelloniand I'd like to not mess with the qt PACKAGECONFIG in a BSP layer14:58
bluelightningfailing to build is OK if it fails early enough with a message that gives the user enough of an idea of how to deal with the problem14:58
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bluelightningand, setting this should be the domain of your distro layer rather than the BSP ;)15:02
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abellonibluelightning: obviously, that is why I want to avoid it15:03
abellonibut honestly,  it seems that people just like to use poky instead of creating their own distro15:04
bluelightningthat's fine for getting started... but I worry if people think that's OK for anything more than that15:04
abelloniI saw a few customers using it in production15:05
bluelightningoh, I'm positive there are15:05
abelloniMaybe it should be documented a bit more that you should actually define your own distro15:05
bluelightningwell, we did add a section to the manual stating exactly that a release or two ago15:06
bluelightningwe could always do more (make it easier, more obvious, etc.)15:07
abellonihum, maybe a warning when building pky ;)15:07
abelloniwith a link to the doc15:08
abelloniI didn't see that section can you give me a pointer ?15:08
bluelightningthe wording wasn't quite as I remembered it to be honest15:08
bluelightningit may be part of another area about development vs. production; e.g. in development it's perfectly fine to use debug-tweaks, but in production you may not want to allow logging in as root with no password ;)15:11
bluelightningat the moment it's easy to forget to remove that15:11
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kergothThe other day I started poking at minisat and picosat solvers, and started experimenting with the possibility of using one of them to resolve the deps in a Packages file for construction of an eclipse p2 repository based on it.. but it made me wonder about using such a solver for bitbake rather than home-rolling it15:25
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pevDoes bitbake cleansstate imply clean?16:23
paulgI think so ; pretty sure you actually see it run clean on the console if you are watching it.16:25
pevCool, cheers...16:25
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funmanIs there a method for submitting a BSP to be published on ? specifically for hardkernel boards (I see a couple of machine specific layers on github)16:44
abelloniI guess you'd have to become a yocto project member16:45
abelloniwhat's wrong with being on github ?16:45
abelloniif it is registered at, people will find it16:46
funmanah that would work too I guess16:46
funmani'm mostly concerned with people starting their own board specific layer and not sharing the work16:46
funman'Submit layer' is what I was looking for, thank you16:47
Crofton|roadfunman, that is good news16:47
Crofton|roadwhere is the bsp now?16:47
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funmanCrofton|road: I have which should work for 2 boards I don't have, I will give some news when I get it working for odroid-c1 and/or odroid-xu316:48
funmanI never worked on a BSP but since afaiu the u-boot and kernel sources come from the same tree it should just be a matter of giving it the right config16:50
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funmanI hope to use as well16:51
bluelightningFWIW, anyone can have a repo on for YP/OE related stuff16:57
bluelightningbut to be fair setting one up on github is slightly easier in that you don't have to ask anyone :)16:57
bluelightningand yes, if you want people to find your layer, please submit it to the layer index16:58
bluelightningwhoever submits it there though should be the maintainer or acting on the maintainer's behalf16:58
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abellonifunman: for a bsp layer, maybe it can be better to have a look a my elc talk, rather than the one at fosdem17:02
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Lern-XHello everyone, I have some questions to ask about a problem concerning bitbake. Is it the good channel ?17:11
bluelightningLern-X: certainly, please ask your question17:13
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Lern-XOkay, thanks. So, I want to build a tizen-common-img_minimal-dev image thanks to the command bitbake -k [recipe]. (here the recipe is tizen-common-imge_min-dev).17:15
Lern-XSome errors occured during the building17:16
Lern-XFirst, do_patch seems to have bugued :17:17
Lern-XERROR: Task 95 (virtual:native:/home/dvegara/Documents/tizen-distro/meta-tizen/meta-tizen-common-base/recipes-devtools/rpm/, do_patch) failed with exit code '1'17:17
Lern-XAnd then, others functions, like do_prep or do_patch, bugued.17:17
bluelightningpohly: this may be a question for you ^17:18
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Lern-XSo I think I should re-build with -v option, to know more about the problem ? Or is there just a package to install int my Fedora 21 ?17:18
funmanabelloni: was the fosdem talk more general audience?17:23
abellonifunman: they are overlapping but they don't take the same approach17:24
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Lern-Xbluelightning: my problem isn't very common ?17:27
bluelightningLern-X: it's almost certainly specific to building tizen with meta-tizen, which is not something I have tried17:28
bluelightningLern-X: if nobody here can help you may try asking on the tizen mailing lists17:28
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Lern-Xbluelightning: However, I don't think I used meta-tizen ?17:31
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Lern-Xbluelightning: Hmm, should I ask ontizen mailing list, or on yocto ones ?17:34
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bluelightningLern-X: it's mentioned in the error you pasted, so I can only assume you did17:37
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Lern-Xbluelightning: ah okay, so I'll use mailing lists^^17:40
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Lern-Xthank you even though :)17:41
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_dalton_If anyone is free, please help me compile hello world18:22
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neverpanic_dalton_: as you've been told before: "_dalton, post the error and the recipe on pastebin (a lot easier to read them there), and a link here"18:25
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_dalton_i am sorry, will do that in a sec18:41
_dalton_its just that i saw the logs, but now that i am in my hostel, away from the workstation, i had to go through the recepie making again...18:43
_dalton_will now pase the recipe18:43
_dalton_ok, here is the recipie18:44
_dalton_i tried the steps here:18:45
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neverpaniclooks like your $PATH is wrong18:51
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_dalton_waita sec, leeme check18:51
_dalton_this is my PATH18:52
neverpanicthat's BBPATH, not PATH18:52
neverpanicfollow A.3. again.18:52
_dalton_u see, im a bit of a noob18:52
_dalton_actually, i was lazy18:53
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_dalton_now i get a new error19:02
_dalton_uploading to pastebin so that you could take a look19:02
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_dalton_in the mean time, con u briefly tell be how to compile a .c file?19:06
neverpanicthat looks like an inconsistent working copy, like mixing different versions of bitbake; I'm not sure though19:11
neverpanicAnd I don't have the time to explain you how to compile a .c file, but maybe somebody else has19:11
_dalton_i just colned poky19:13
_dalton_so still there is aposssiblinily of existance of different versions of poky?19:14
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abelloniJaMa: I just sent my patches for meta-qt5, I hope I took the correct approach19:32
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JaMaabelloni: I don't see them in ML yet, did you send them to oe-devel ML?19:32
abelloniI used what is in the readme :)19:32
abellonithat's oe-devel19:32
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JaMaok maybe just mailman has longer delay today19:33
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abellonior is it subsribers only ?19:38
JaMaabelloni: 1/2 just arrived19:38
JaMaand I don't like it :) please move -r to separate variable (like we have OE_QMAKE_DEBUG_OUTPUT) and just set it to empty in recipes which shouldn't receive -r19:39
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JaMaabelloni: and please squash 2/2 to it when sending v219:44
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abellonijust to be clear no qt recipe should use -r19:50
abelloniSo I'll set it from qt5.inc19:50
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macbugHello, i'm working with a Intel® Atom™ E3845 atm. I can't give out any more hardware spec's so i appologise. My problem occurs during the boot, the screen turns black and then the unit seems to die. I'm using the intel vanilla bsp and a bsp from the manufacturer for the module the cpu is mounted on. I'm courius to know any hints of howto debug this issue.20:39
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abelloniJaMa: setn v2 which I did not call v2 :)21:02
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JaMaabelloni: thx, will look tomorrow21:02
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Matulishey all, I swapped my kernel and I am getting the following error when trying to build my image: kernel-module-ipv6 not found in the base feeds21:26
rewittMatulis: What do you mean exactly when you say you swapped your kernel? That makes it sound like something has an RDEPENDS on the ipv6 module but the ipv6 module isn't getting built.21:28
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Matulisso I changed the machine conf to point to a different kernel recipe, the image had an IMAGE_INSTALL += kernel-modules21:29
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rewittTry deleting tmp and rebuilding21:30
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rewittThe documentation doesn't say that is necessary when changing kernels like that, but I THINK I remember someone suggesting I do that if I changed the kernel.21:32
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Matulisokay sounds good, i will update here if it works or not21:33
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Matulisis there a way to specify which version of gcc I would liek yocto to use?21:46
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Matulisrewitt, it looks like it didnt work22:02
rewittif you run bitbake -g and look at the then you should be able to tell who has the dependency on the ipv6 module22:05
Matulishmm, theres no ipv6 in the file22:10
Matuliserr, whoops opened task-depends22:10
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Matulisi mean my image depends on it, because I include all kernel modules22:11
rewittThat's a meta package, it only contains the modules that the kernel actually built22:11
rewittis ipv6 in your DISTRO_FEATURES?22:13
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rewitt"bitbake -e image | grep "^DISTRO_FEATURES="22:13
Matulisyes its in there22:14
rewittbecause what it sounds like is happening is that ipv6 is on in DISTRO_FEATURES and hence a dependency on kernel-module-ipv6 is coming from but your kernel isn't configured to build the ipv6 module22:14
Matulisah okay22:14
Matulisso I can just defconfig the kernel to include ipv6 right?22:15
rewittHowever that is done, I'm not extremely familiar with the mechanism :)22:15
rewittBut, ipv6 is tristate which means it's possible that it's getting built into the kernel instead of as a module22:16
rewittAnd if that's the case you just need to get rid of the kernel-module-ipv6 dependency if you don't want it built as a module.22:17
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rewittSo either way, it's just whichever fits your goals best.22:18
Matulislooks like i didnt have it selected at all in the defconfig22:18
rewittYeah that would do it22:18
Matulisyeah sorry I keep bugging you guys, still new to the embedded world, so its hard for me to tell whether its a linux or a yocto issue22:20
rewittWell each time you should learn more of how to debug, so eventually you'll be able to figure things out yourself. :)22:22
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Matulisyeah, every time someone responds I add a new tool to my collections ;)22:30
Matulisokay rewitt, seems like I have more modules missing but now I know what to do, thanks!22:36
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eicordobHi, anybody knows what is the meaning of the variable "$$@" inside a Makefile?23:42
rewittand the extra $ is

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