Sunday, 2015-10-25

Ulfalizerhow come recipes can include/require files from the same directory? is the search path the current directory + BBPATH? i don't see the current directory in BBATH.00:07
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Ulfalizerseems to implicitly include the current directory from looking at include() in parse/parse_py/ConfHandler.py00:28
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #527 of nightly-multilib is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
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Ulfalizeris e.g. bb.utils.contains() considered a stable API? there's a bunch of undocumented but commonly-used stuff in bb it seems.10:37
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #518 of nightly-ppc-lsb is complete: Failure [failed Running Sanity Tests] Build details are at
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Christian___Does anybody use the eclipse yocto plugin? I have a problem making it recognize std headers, I added their directory to the project but still the indexer refuses to take them15:53
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zerusHi. I'm using latest fido branch and get some problems when trying to use: IMAGE_INSTALL_append " pkgname" within local.conf when building core-image-minimal. I'm quite sure I have used this methid in older releases from local.conf and the documentation describes using this method. Anyone with ideas if this is expected to work or not? It works fine when using: IMAGE_INSTALL_append_pn-core-image-minimal = " pkgname" instead.. But since the documentation says o16:02
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neverpaniczerus: your message was cut off after "documentation says o[...]"16:20
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qknighthey. what is the most recent cmake for yocto master?16:37
qknighton daisy it is and i need something like cmake 3.x so i have to backport it and it would be cool to have some pointers16:37
qknighti guess when i replace the current cmake with 3.x some other builds won't work anymore (requiring 2.x cmake)16:38
zerusqknight: It's 3.3.1 on master16:40
qknightoh that is a cool site! thanks for pointing that out16:40
qknightcan yocto handle two cmake parallel installations?16:40
qknightlike SLOTS on gentoo?16:41
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zerusneverpanic: Ok, thx for pointing that out here it comes again...16:54
zerus Hi. I'm using latest fido branch and get some problems when trying to use: IMAGE_INSTALL_append " pkgname" within local.conf16:55
zerus               when building core-image-minimal. I'm quite sure I have used this methid in older releases from local.conf and the documentation16:55
zerus               describes using this method.16:55
zerusAnyone with ideas if this is expected to work or not? It works fine when using: IMAGE_INSTALL_append_pn-core-image-minimal = " pkgname" instead.. But since the documentation says othwerwise I'm curious..16:55
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kergoth_append_pkgname has never worked, so no idea what documentation you're reading, but that has never been supported. pn-<recipe name> is how you manipulate a recipe variable from the configuration metadata17:26
zeruskergoth: Thx for this info. Then I know that this is a expected behaviour and that the method I got it working with is the recommended one.17:29
kergothit's not just a matter of recommendations, it's a matter of what works and what doesn't17:29
zeruskergoth: Sorry a bad choice of words, since like you say it doesn't even work with INSTALL_append in that context.17:33
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jozzanHi, I've built an image using the yocto project. But now I want to change the machine I built it for. But no matter what I put in my local.conf it keeps building it for the previous target which is: genericx86-64. Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?18:00
jozzanDo I need to remove previously built images to make it work!?18:01
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qknightmaybe i could add the cmake 3.x as mycmake package and then depend on that18:15
qknightso i have two differnet cmake versions and i don't have to touch the cmake which is used to build parts of the image itself18:16
qknightwould that be an possible way to add a 3.x cmake into a 2.x cmake system?18:16
qknighti actually just require cmake 3.x for my own project18:16
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jozzancan somebody help me?19:43
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Snert__well, maybe, ask your question.20:04
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jozzanI've built an image using the yocto project. But now I want to change the machine I built it for. But no matter what I put in my local.conf it keeps building it for the previous target which is: genericx86-64. Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?20:14
jozzanI'm actual using: MACHINE ?= "intel-corei7-64" in my local.conf20:14
jozzanbut when I build bitbake says:  Build Configuration:20:15
jozzanBB_VERSION        = "1.26.0"20:15
jozzanBUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"20:15
jozzanNATIVELSBSTRING   = "Ubuntu-12.04"20:15
jozzanTARGET_SYS        = "x86_64-poky-linux"20:15
jozzanMACHINE           = "genericx86-64"20:15
jozzanDISTRO            = "poky"20:15
jozzanDISTRO_VERSION    = "1.8.1"20:15
jozzanTUNE_FEATURES     = "m64 core2"20:15
jozzanTARGET_FPU        = ""20:15
jozzanwhy does it say MACHINE="genericx86-64"?20:16
Snert__rename the config file and start again?20:16
Snert__or local1.conf20:17
Snert__keep it around.20:17
bluelightning_that's not going to help20:17
Snert__I am NOT a yocto expert so I bow out now. But that's a general technique for software - renaming the file or folder.20:17
bluelightning_the reason it's not working is you are using ?= after a previous assignment... ?= only sets a variable's value if it hasn't already been set20:18
bluelightning_either comment out the previous line setting it with ?=, or change it to = and all will be well20:18
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bluelightning_jozzan: ^20:19
jozzanI already tried checking out a clean version of yocto but still no success20:19
jozzantried that already, too.20:20
jozzanThe thing with the = sign20:20
jozzanalso cant see why or where the machine variable should have been set!?20:21
zibrijozzan: bitbake -e should be able to tell you20:30
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jozzanokay bitbake -e gives lots of output yet I'm not quite sure what the contents are21:50
jozzansearched the output for MACHINE declerations but I can't even find my MACHINE = "intel-corei7-64" from my local.conf is that typical ?21:57
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