Thursday, 2016-05-12

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mfornanderApologies if this is RTFM (spent 20mins searching) but what are some errors to expect if TMPDIR is on nfs?  Also, I had to create an empty sanity.conf but how can I selectively just turn off the nfs check?00:39
mfornander(and greetings from an NVIDIA automotive team getting used to Yocto :)00:40
khemmfornander: usually nfs has issues and is generally not recommended00:44
khemmfornander: do you have any particular error messages to share00:46
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mfornanderHi Khem, no it's working fine so far, just wondering why there isn't even an option to disable the check without disabling all sanity.00:54
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khemit has had many issues reported in past and even 0 sized files01:04
khemit was thought good to disable it01:04
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mfornander@khem: So with a VM farm with little local VM storage (that is actually a low level NFS mount anyway) what do people do?  I don't think I can convince the VM admins to give me 100+GB of storage per VM instance.01:11
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khemmfornander: these are build VMs01:42
khemand you are building whole distro from source01:42
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khemWe usually spin VMs on demand e.g.01:43
khemwhich have 100G ephemeral storage01:43
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maciejjohi, how hard would it be to create an image containing multiple kernels?10:05
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maciejjoI am thinking about fit image with eg. 3 zImages built in10:13
maciejjois some solution for this scenario available or must be implemented from scratch?10:16
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boucman_work(not sure if this is a yocto or uboot question) how is the default environement changed in u-boot ? is there a way to do that in a recipe ?10:25
hanthings_Hello. I have one recipe that provides 2 packages. It is possible to specify that only one of these is native?10:34
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mortderirehow do I specify I need a given development tools to build, doesn't seem to fit with depends or rdepends.10:49
mortderirein this case unifdef.10:49
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mortderireDEPENDS = "unifdef-native" does the trick10:52
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shiftee_Hello, Is there any way to undo the effect of a PROVIDES_remove="xxx" in a different layer??11:12
mortderireshiftee_: you could do a PROVIDES_add .. as long the ordering was right, you would be ok ... feels like a bad way to fix this.11:13
boucman_worki'd figure out why it's forcibly removed first... sounds like something fishy is happening11:14
shiftee_They're using a kernel module to provide imx gpu support. I want to use linux-yocto kernel and no modules.11:15
shiftee_I have tried PROVIDES_append_atlas = " dog"    PROVIDES_remove_atlas = " dog"   PROVIDES_append_atlas = " dog"   but dog is still removed11:16
boucman_workremove might have priority on everything else... check the bitbake documentation11:17
boucman_work(and I think you change kernel with11:17
boucman_workbut I have never tested that11:17
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shiftee_Bitbake docs dont seem to specify. Kernel builds fine - am using preferred-provider option, thanks11:18
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shiftee_Essentially _remove trumps _append regardless of order. Any ideas for adding something after this point??11:24
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boucman_workshiftee have you tried XXX_remove_remove ? :P11:38
boucman_work(probably won't work, but that's the only hting I can think of)11:38
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shiftee_I will try it, thanks - it's pretty crazy :)11:40
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lewiatan11hi there.11:54
lewiatan11is this a proper list to ask about creating packages in bitbake?11:55
Crofton|workthere are many places you can ask, but this will do for now :)11:57
lewiatan11Ok. I have a problem, because I'm trying to install a file into a package I created, but it fails during install with "opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package XXX-aa" where XXX is name of my main package and aaa is a subpackage added with PACKAGES+="${PN}-aaa"11:57
Crofton|worknow be patient :)11:58
rburtonlewiatan: check that the package didn't get renamed, or that it got generated in the first place11:58
lewiatan11but that's not everything :-)11:58
rburtonlewiatan: (have a look in tmp/deploy/ for the package feeds)11:58
lewiatan11I have 2 files in my git repository and I want to install them in the same path in 2 different packages11:59
rburtonless than trivial.  why?  :)12:00
rburtonhave a single package that contains that shared file12:00
lewiatan11so I have added to do_install_append() { install -d ${PKGDEST}/${PN}-aaa/etc/XXX/aa.file ; install -m 0644 ${S}/file1.from.repo ${PKGDEST}/$PN}-aaa/etc/XXX }12:01
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lewiatan11I'm not sure if I have explained clearly.12:01
rburtonso that's lovely but i'd put money on do_package() deleting PKGDEST before it starts12:02
lewiatan11do you think I can put that in do_package_append()?12:02
rburtonwhat are you actually trying to achieve?12:02
lewiatan11basically my goal is to have one package, say XXX and two sub packages XXX-aa and XXX-bb with some config file which I will add to proper image12:03
lewiatan11because I also have two images12:03
lewiatan11both use package XXX12:03
lewiatan11but one needs config files from XXX-aa and the other from XXX-bb12:03
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rburtonbut thats the same config file name?12:04
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rburtonyou'll need a recipe for each one12:04
rburtonfive-line recipe to grab the git repo and install the right config file to the right place12:05
lewiatan11in my repository it has two different names but I want to put it in the same path12:05
lewiatan11ok. This will do, but are you sure that I cannot do it inside one of my current recipes?12:06
lewiatan11ok. thanks12:07
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lewiatan11@rburton: it worked, but with all AUTOREV, etc. it's 19 lines ;-) Thanks12:18
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presentthe fewest the better :P12:36
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PiziwateHello everybody, I'm building a custom AM335x hardware who works fine. Our OS came from yocto fido release + meta-ti layer. I've a strange issue with u-boot-ti-staging version 2015.07... the SPL (MLO file) doesn't work and doesn't display anything. Every works fine with the poky u-boot. Any idea ?13:16
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kteza1Hi. I have a python script which depends on python-systemd -->
kteza1How do I package this while building image14:17
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rburtonyou write a recipe for it14:17
rburtonit uses setuptools etc etc, should be trivial14:17
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otavioWARNING: weston-1.10.0-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL, attempting MIRRORS if available14:23
otavioERROR: weston-1.10.0-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 4, no output14:23
otaviomaster-next seems to point to a missing weston tarball14:23
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kteza1@rburton Thanks. Will try that14:25
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rburtonotavio: works here14:26
rburton4 is network failure, so maybe some transient network woe?14:26
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khemhalstead: can we pune poky-contrib tree ? its gigabyte+ to clone14:48
kteza1@rburton Can you please help me with this? -->
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rburtonkteza1: looks like the setuptools assumes that the headers are in /usr/include, when they are not for your build.  you'll need to fix the build scripts14:51
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armpitcan anyone submit to ?15:18
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* armpit has been "finding" h/w to build a build farm at work15:20
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rburtonarmpit: you'll regret that when you get the power bill :)15:27
rburtonhm how did i read "work" as "home"15:27
rburtonignore me :)15:27
frayI had a bunch of high-end Dell workstations that had been retired..  I figured out why..15:34
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fraynone of them would power up..  I finally got 5 machines and built one working one..15:35
fraythen about a week later it failed too..15:35
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fray(apparently dell must have designed in a 3 year life span into these machines.. they hit about that and started to all fail)15:35
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vmesonarmpit: we've build a build farm using lots of automation at WR. puppet and stuff for base configs, docker for testing distros, mesos for dispatching jobs to the cluster.15:35
frayshame too.. dual quad core 3 GHz xeons w/ 64 GB of ram each15:35
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fray(they all ended up in the e-waste now... hard drives in the end were the only thing useful I got out of them..)15:36
rburtonfray: that's what the management engine is for15:36
frayeverything from RAM to power supplies, to main boards were flaky.. (and I didn't have any other motherboards that could use the CPUs)  :(15:36
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fray(I stongly suspect that the machiens were made with really bad capacitors that just wore out)15:39
armpitMV has their own build farm but they don't share. I am doing OE/Yocto builds for the branches I maintain. systems located at work so now electric bill15:39
fraythat is what I was trying to do.. (I was going to play with fossology and such.. that all fell apart)15:39
armpitI wonder the halls and pick up new system ; )15:39
frayI think our next big workstation upgrade cycle is coming up.. so I may get to try again15:39
fraylol, my 'halls' are much smaller then yours..  (we've got 4 workstations in the little office I'm in.. and but there are only two of us in the office  :)15:40
fray(and the ahlls going to get smaller.. work is not going to pay for my office much longer, so I have to move everything home.. which means -my- power bill, which means fewer machines..)15:41
armpitI work from home most of the time so on hall here15:41
armpitI share the office with the dogs15:41
fraymy office is 2 miles from my house in a small town in southern MN..  but I work out of my house much of the time.. the office is really machine storage and server lab..15:42
fray(I might end up paying fo rthe office out of pocket for a while to keep the machines out of my house)..15:42
frayI dont have air conditioning [other then window units] so machine heat is a concern until Fall.. :P15:42
armpitMV is 1.5 hours from my house  and go in 2x/week15:42
frayI'm starting ot investigate split units or a remodeled central air system.. (I've got hydronic / raditators now.. so no duct work)15:42
armpitI have a pool : )15:42
fraylol, I have 20 acres, a barn and a marsh.. :)15:43
frayI couldn't afford to even look at 20 acres in your area... ;)15:43
fray(not sure i could afford 1 acre)15:43
armpityou could have a pond15:43
frayyup, I could..15:43
fray(my neighbor has 3 ponds.. he's selling his land for $500k [100 acres].. seems a bit pricey to me.. and needless to say, I don't have $500k)15:44
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armpitthat is cheep15:45
frayland in this area (that is GOOD for farming) is going for $3k an acre..  typical small property is around 5-7 acres here..15:45
fraythe land he has is aweful for farming, and really is only worth -maybe- $1k-$2k an acres for most of it..15:45
frayof the 100 only about 20 acres of it is really good land.. everything else is marshy and not a good building site even15:45
kergothhuh, that's cool, don't think i knew you were from MN. most of my family is in the minneapolis suburbs15:46
fray(was talking to another neighboar.. he said the land is work -maybe- $350k... but my neighbor put it up for $500k looking for an idiot who wants a large property and has money to burn)15:46
kergothsome days i miss having an office to go to that's outside the house.. particularly now that my 1.5 year old comes running down the hall to bang on my office door on a regular basis :)15:46
frayI grew up in Bloomington, near the airport/Mall of America15:46
frayI'm south now closer to Northfield..  (i.e. the place that fought back against Jesse James many years ago)..15:47
fray(they've made movies about it, so some people have actually heard of it)15:47
rburtonkergoth: when we move we're converting the largish garage into 1/3rd office, so my working space isn't off the main living area15:49
frayabout 8 years ago.. I had the choice [bad housing market] to either buy 1/3 acre space in Bloomington and do a big remodel to get what I wanted.. or move 'south' out of the cities and get 20 acres, no real neighbors and a bunch of 'projects'..15:49
frayI voted the later..15:49
fray8 years layer, I'm still working on projects.... :)15:50
frayand nobody complains if I'm doing construction at 10pm, or working on a car or...15:50
kergothrburton: nice15:50
fray(in bloomignton I used to have a next door neighbor that yelled at me for taking out my trash at 9pm, cause I was too noisy.... ugh.. really?)15:51
frayone of the reasons I got the hell away from people..15:51
kergoththat's pretty sad. 2am, i could see. 9, that's sad15:51
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frayI admit I wasn't being 'quiet' about it.. but they didn't have any kids.. and I had to get all of the trash in the can and then wheel the can to the curb.. :P15:55
fraythat and the neighbor who was behind me was an asshole.. (the one next to me was nice, I just didnt appreciate him to accepting 10 minutes of noise once a week)  :P15:55
Crofton|worksitting in your bath robe until noon isn't as great as people would think15:56
rburtonCrofton|work: the trick is to never get out of it15:57
Crofton|workMy wife gets unhappy15:57
frayrburton spoken like a true work from home employee.. :)15:57
Crofton|workneed to go ride bike soon and put on real clothes15:57
frayand if you need video conferencing, just put on a clean shirt15:57
Crofton|workG+ default to cam off now15:57
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Crofton|workthank god15:57
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rburtonwe're still old school and doing voice-only meetings15:58
rburtonso then you just have to remember to mute before flushing15:59
rburton(pretty sure it was tf_ who learnt that the hard way)15:59
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otaviorburton: I sent the rename for https which fixed it for me17:07
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kergothseebs: ping18:03
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seebsit's user error, pseudo is fine18:10
seebs... hey, it's worked a couple of times18:10
seebsi mean, the tactic. not pseudo. pseudo never works.18:11
kergothseebs: i sent a patch to the list about having pseudo obey LDFLAGS from the env, mind taking a look? it's on oe-core, but i forgot to cc you18:11
seebsFor the build or at runtime?18:11
kergothjust a makefile patch, trivial18:11
seebsThat looks eminently reasonable, yes.18:12
kergothk, thanks18:12
seebsSo I have this pending issue, which is that I have some large and intrusive changes to pseudo which I want to merge, but for which I need to find code review, and it turns out that the pool of likely reviewers for large complicated changes to pseudo is limited.18:12
seebsI will probably have to actually do something about this, except I always have Other Tasks that I need to look at.18:12
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kergothi have that problem with bitbake and parts of oe-core, richard ends up the bottleneck there. and at work, any nearly core change basically has no review, it makes me sad :(18:13
seebsNormally I'll just say "hah, whatever, I know this code pretty well", but the rework of how the client gets launched is above my self-confidence, and that is saying something.18:15
seebsIt's way better, though. Also I finally comprehended the extremely strange problem causing the daemon to get launched inside the pseudo environment, if and only if the client was in a bash process.18:15
seebsTurns out bash redefines setenv(3).18:15
seebsFor, terrifyingly enough, sound technical reasons.18:16
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CircuitsoftHello - I'm trying to make an image that is a PXE server that can serve another image.18:16
CircuitsoftRight now, I'm getting " * opkg_prepare_url_for_install: Couldn't find anything to satisfy 'my-client-image'."18:16
CircuitsoftHow can I place output files of one core-image recipe in a location in the sysroot of another core-image?18:17
kergoththe best you can do is add do_rootfs[depends] += "some-other-image:do_image_complete" and then grab the other image file from DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE, IMO18:18
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Guest99695hi yocto team, how to avoid running update-alternatives for a recipe?19:04
Guest99695my yocto image for virtualbox is not booting because the /boot/bzImge is a symlnk to /etc/alternatives/bzImage19:08
Guest99695that made by update-alternatives19:09
Guest99695So i want to avoid run update-alternatives for linux recipe custom written19:09
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davisi am trying to find the source of the /etc/network/interfaces layer. In my build src dir, I did a find . -name interfaces and it only shows up in my tmp/work dir.  Is that normal?19:57
neverpanicif you have package managent, use that to find out which package installs the file and then use oe-pkgdata-util lookup-recipe with the package name19:59
rburtoniirc its netbase19:59
neverpanicbut yes, it would be expected that you'll only find it in tmp/work if it's in some tarball19:59
Circuitsoftdavis: It's init-ifupdown20:00
rburtonyou can search packages using oe-pkgdata-util, no need to involve the target20:00
CircuitsoftYou can find it in poky/meta/recipes-core/20:00
davismany thanks20:02
Circuitsoftkergoth: Trying to copy in that image - when I define do_rootfs_prepend() in my core-image recipe, I get a Syntax error, but it's hard to tell exactly where.20:04
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Circuitsoftkergoth: Otherwise, is there a way I can add DEPLOY_DIR_IMG as a source directory for another recipe and other_image:do_image_complete as a dependency for the same recipe?20:07
kergothCircuitsoft: do_rootfs is a python task. you can't prepend shell to it. use prefuncs instead20:20
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Circuitsoftkergoth: What variables are available in do_rootfs[postfuncs] that point to the directory the rootfs is being built in?20:37
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CircuitsoftOr just point me to where they're called from (I can't find it).20:38
kergoththe current, or the one used by the other image? the rootfs is constructed in a path relative to WORKDIR, isolated to the recipe in question20:38
kergothdid you actually read the bbclasses?20:38
CircuitsoftI'm reading some of them.20:38
CircuitsoftI've been grepping them for postfuncs and do_rootfs, but I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out what environment they're actually called with.20:38
CircuitsoftThe current image.20:39
kergothin this case, you're having trouble finding it because the var is defined in bitbake.conf,a nd it's used in meta/lib/oe/ python modules, not directly in the bbclass20:39
kergothit's IMAGE_ROOTFS, which is ${WORKDIR}/rootfs20:39
CircuitsoftI've tried IMAGE_ROOTFS, but that doesn't seem to be it.20:39
kergothno, that's it20:39
kergothbut prefuncs is before the task is run, not after20:39
kergothhence "pre"20:39
kergothuse postfuncs to run something after th erootfs is constructed but before the image is built20:40
CircuitsoftI'm trying "do_rootfs[postfuncs] += my_function" right now20:40
kergothor one of the rootfs/image construction hooks20:40
kergothi.e. ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND, etc20:40
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CircuitsoftBut my outside image is still way smaller than the inside image.20:40
CircuitsoftSo, clearly, the inside image rootfs is not showing up in the outside image yet.20:40
CircuitsoftI just added a call to xmessage to my ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND and it's not getting called.20:53
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kergothROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND is a list of functions,  you can't put actually shell in there21:01
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presentHi guys!!!21:04
presentI'm in the psplash recipe and sources. I just found out that we can specify the framebuffer device.21:04
present"fbdev = getenv("FBDEV");"21:05
presentExtracted from the source code.21:05
presentThe question is where should I set this FBDEV?21:05
presentI need to target /dev/fb1.21:05
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* sri waves.21:05
kergoththat depends on the init you're using. i don't think sysvinit provdies a way to alter the environment of init scripts in a generic way, so the initscript would need altering to source /etc/default/psplash or so and you could put it in there21:06
kergothsystemd has its own configuration handling for services21:06
presentIf I set FBDEV in a /etc/profile file it will be useless?21:07
presentI'm actually withsysvinit right now.21:07
presentBut that can change. :P21:07
kergoththat won't do anything, as profile is sourced for user shells, not startup scripts21:07
kergothafaik, anyway21:08
kergothnot only user shells, but user login shells21:08
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kergoths/only//; s/but/but only/21:08
kergothi'd suggest reading the psplash startup script to see if it sources anything from /etc/ to configure it21:09
kergothit's a common pattern for the startup script to source a file in /etc/default/ so the admin can set variable sthere to alter behavior21:09
kergothmore often variables used by the startup script to pass commandline arguments, but i don't see why you ccouldn't use it for this sort of thing too if you export it there21:09
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presentNope it doesn't.21:09
presentIt only checks cmdline for psplash=false.21:10
presentYou're right!!!21:10
present /usr/bin/psplash --angle $rotation &21:11
presentI just need to get FBDEV as a parameter instead of an environment variable.21:11
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present /etc/fbdev :)21:11
presentOtherwise systemd would make it also?21:12
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presentLet's just say that the command line parameter will be more important than the environment variable.21:14
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presentThanks kergoth!21:15
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kergothHmm, wonder why wic bmap wasn't merged yet. would think everything could be merged but the bmaptool in DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE thing, since that piece is more controversial23:02
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Crofton|workshouldn't that just be a native?23:03
kergothCrofton|work: it's a generated wrapper script for easier use. a native will be in the sysroot, which we encourage people not to run directly23:06
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #837 of nightly is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
seebsSo it turns out, if you don't have runtime package management listed in IMAGE_FEATURES, automatically and unconditionally removes a handful of packages, such as "shadow", on the grounds that they are "unneeded".23:16
seebsThis is biting me in this particular case because of a smallish filesystem on which we want to run the ptest tests for acl, which require gpasswd.23:16
seebsBut more generally, is it really a safe assumption that no one would ever need to modify users or groups unless they were going to be doing package management?23:17
Crofton|worksounds liek some comments on a systemd issue23:17
Crofton|workbut I think they were related to ahving package management on23:18
seebsMy problem is that if I create a package and put RDEPENDS_${PN} += "shadow", I don't really *expect* to have the shadow package forcibly removed thereafter.23:18
seebsI mean, it seems surprising.23:18
kergothseebs: i've seen complaints about that before before. but yes, that does seem a bit strange to me as well23:18
* kergoth shrugs23:18
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seebsI'm not even convinced that the "remove_unneeded" thing is a good choice anyway. Or at least. I'd probably make it a configurable thing, rather than a hard-coded dependency on an only marginally-related feature.23:21
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