Monday, 2017-05-08

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T_UNIXI was wondering about the LICENSE_PATH and what I have to put as LIC_FILES_CHKSUM to reference a file from there?09:04
T_UNIXcause right now I'm referencing it with "file://MY_DUBIOUS_LICENSE" and bitbake complains, saying something like: "Could not find MY_DUBIOUS_LICENSE in my_dubious_pkg/git/c0ffee/"09:06
T_UNIXI was following
T_UNIXand bitbake -e shows that my LICENSE_PATH indeed contains the license directory that contains MY_DUBIOUS_LICENSE09:07
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MarcWeim having trobble setting up QT for  a qt qml application. When i open the main.qml qt shows a red line under: import QtQuick.Controls     and list it as it cant be found10:28
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ilialhello all10:36
ilialI'm having troubles with the " libndp-1.6-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL"10:37
ilialis this a know issue?10:37
T_UNIXMarcWe: have you checked the QtQuick module within the root directory?10:37
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T_UNIXiirc you need to list it as a RDEPENDS of your main application. The build won't fail if it does not exist.10:38
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MarcWeT_UNIX QtQuick module in the root dir????        the QtQml folder with content is existing in the cortexa8hf-neon-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/qt5/QtQml/ path10:43
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msvb-labAnyone seen this (or something similar) before?10:46
msvb-labERROR: Recipe avahi-ui is trying to change PR from 'r11.0' to 'r0'. This will cause do_package_write_* failures since the incorrect data will be used and they will be unable to find the right workdir.10:46
msvb-labERROR: Function failed: read_subpackage_metadata10:46
msvb-labThe command line was:10:47
msvb-labbitbake cube-essential cube-dom0 cube-dom1 cube-gw cube-server cube-desktop10:47
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msvb-lab...because I'm building Wind River Pulsar 8 Linux (a yocto distribution.)10:47
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LetoThe2ndmsvb-lab: probably unrelated to your original problem: bitbake does not support multiple targets in one go, at least not that i knew of10:48
LetoThe2ndmsvb-lab: and to go even more nitpicking: WRLInux is a yocto compatible OE distribution, not a yocto distribution ;-)10:49
msvb-labLetoThe2nd: Interesting. Do you think if I rebuild from scratch using one target after another, that the errors will disappear?10:49
LetoThe2ndmsvb-lab: no idea. maybe that has changed lately or WR patches bitbake. you can of course give it a try.10:49
LetoThe2ndmsvb-lab: but generally, this kinda sounds more like something related to maybe a PRSERV in use?10:50
joshuaglwhat makes you think bitbake doesn't support multiple targets in one go?10:50
joshuaglwe most certainly do support it, the YP autobuilders do that all the time10:51
msvb-labLetoThe2nd: By the way, I've reduced my set of customizations (vanilla Wind River now) and using the same multi target command I believe the build is working.10:51
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LetoThe2ndjoshuagl: ah really? thanks for the clarification, i happily stand corrected.10:52
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joshuaglLetoThe2nd: np, have you observed a case where it fails?10:52
msvb-labThe PR from 'r11.0' to 'r0' problem is probably related to my customizations. Probably from including rabbitmq-server from meta-openembedded/meta-openstack or a similar addition I made.10:53
msvb-labI've grep(1)ed the entire 1GB of Wind River yocto source for 'PR.*avahi-ui' and similar.10:54
joshuaglPR shouldn't go backwards, and if a layer affects it that's a concern. Sounds like you might be using a PRServer and there's a recipe/bbappend somewhere explicitly setting PR ?10:54
msvb-lab...and not figured out where things are changing from r11.0 to r0.10:54
LetoThe2ndjoshuagl: no i haven't i just thought it was discussed in some way. did i maybe mix it up with devtool?10:54
joshuaglhmm, perhaps. I don't really know devtool10:55
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joshuaglmsvb-lab: if it's a bbappend or recipe setting PR it'll just be an assignment line like `PR = "r0"` somewhere10:57
joshuaglrather than a PN override10:57
msvb-labjoshuagl: I find the place where avahi-ui PR is defined to r11.0 in:10:57
msvb-lab...but I can't find a second overriding 'PR.*=' line anywhere.10:59
joshuagl"Not Found"10:59
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msvb-labThe line in question (that I did find) is:10:59
msvb-labPR = "${INC_PR}.0"10:59
bluelightningjoshuagl: you really should check it out ;)10:59
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msvb-labjoshuagl: I'm trying to get the tree URL for you so you don't need to check it out, but Wind River integrates oe-core as a submodule or something, so the canonical location is elsewhere (in another repository.)11:04
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T_UNIXMarcWe: never mind. It seems you're talking about QtCreator. So either your paths are incorrect (e.g. you didn't source the environment script before starting qtcreator), or you're missing files.11:07
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eduardas_mhello, when trying to build an extensible sdk for my image that has qt5 in it I get this error:
eduardas_mmy image is based on standard example fsl-image-qt5 from Freescale community BSP and contains inherit populate_sdk_qt5 in its recipe11:18
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MarcWeT_UNIX: ty11:20
eduardas_mhere is the full error log:
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MarcWeT_UNIX: if done some searching in the sdk but i cant finde .qml files11:25
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msvb-labjoshuagl: I figured out the canonical URL for the oe-core submodule in Wind River's yocto compatible OE distribution.11:41
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msvb-labINC_PR is defined in: the question is 'why does the PR = r11.0 definition get changed to r0 and where does this happen?'11:42
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msvb-labERROR: Recipe avahi-ui is trying to change PR from 'r11.0' to 'r0'. This will cause do_package_write_* failures since the incorrect data will be used and they will be unable to find the right workdir.11:44
msvb-labERROR: Function failed: read_subpackage_metadata11:44
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msvb-labThere's all kinds of recipes defining 'PR = r0' like gdb or nss, but this would seem unrelated since avahi-ui/ is clearly setting 'PR = r11.0' only once.11:47
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msvb-labThere is where 'INC_PR = r0' at:11:48
msvb-lab...but I don't think is including it?11:48
msvb-labWild goose chase...11:48
rburtonmsvb-lab: bitbake avahi -e | less, search for PR=, and see what sets it11:50
rburtonavahi-ui, even11:51
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msvb-labrburton: Thanks, going to try that now...11:53
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ilialregarding the libndp_1.6.bb11:55
msvb-labrburton: ERROR: Only one copy of bitbake should be run against a build directory11:56
msvb-lab...because I11:56
msvb-lab...because I've got a bitbake(1) operation in another window.11:56
rburtonso abort that, or wait for it to finish11:56
msvb-labShould I just mkdir build-2 && cd build-2 and try again.11:56
ilialthe host is down. Is someone taking care to update the with mirrors?11:56
rburtonmsvb-lab: not worth the risk in case its a local.conf change that is causing problems11:57
msvb-labrburton: Okay, with a heavy heart I'm going to abort my 11 hour build now...11:57
rburtonilial: you can be the proud author of the patch! :)11:57
rburtonmsvb-lab: it will continue where it left off11:57
LetoThe2ndrburton: a proudthor!11:58
msvb-labrburton: Even if I kill -TERM the residual cc1plus(1) and other processes?11:59
msvb-labA ton of stuff keeps running when I abort a bitbake(1) and usually keeps me waiting 5 minutes.11:59
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msvb-labI'll try anyway, since I haven't tried bitbake(1) avahi-ui -e yet.12:00
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eduardas_mhow to I build extensible SDK with qt5 support?12:01
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rburtonmsvb-lab: control-c once to tell bitbake to stop when all current tasks have ended, control-c again to make it abandon the tassk12:08
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hattzyI am developing my own image and application to run on it. I need some help with 2how i get my applications to autostart preferably with systemd as i have some prior knowlege about it.12:24
hattzyThe applications uses autotools and the recipes for them just contain the description, license and git remote data. Could someone point me to a guide or tutorial for extending an autotools recipe with systemd start/stop service?12:24
LetoThe2ndhattzy: i'd have a look at something that already is systemd enabled, like dropbear:
hattzyThanks. I'll do that12:29
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msvb-labIf my bblayers.conf includes oe-core and the build breaks, then I mv oe-core.old && git clone oe-core (that's a different version)12:45
msvb-lab...will bitbake completely rebuild all packages in the oe-core layer?12:45
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rburtonit will rebuild everything that changed yes12:46
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msvb-labMy test with bitbake avahi-ui -e didn't tell me much. 23000 lines where I learned that if PR is not defined bitbake considers it to be 'r0.'12:47
msvb-lab...but still no smoking gun. I can't figure out why avahi-ui is changing from r11.0 (found that definition!) to r0 (nowhere?)12:47
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msvb-labrburton: My new theory is that because I updated oe-core to the tip revision (Wind River used a version missing rabbitmq recipes) that may be the place where r0 is getting implicitly defined.12:48
msvb-labImplicit means that I can't search and find a 'PR = r0' anywhere in the 1GB sources.12:49
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rburtoncurrent oe-core only sets PR if absolutely required12:52
rburtonit shouldnt have gone backwards without a PV bump too though12:52
msvb-labrburton: You're saying I can gain insight in the bitbake avahi-ui -e dump by searching for 'PV'?12:53
rburtonyes, we upgraded to 0.6.32 and removed the PR12:53
msvb-labrburton: What do you recommend to grep for, 'PV .*' or something better?12:53
rburtontbh i'm not sure what your problem is12:54
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msvb-labWind River is using which I guess includes 'PR = r11.0' (after variable expansion.)12:55
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msvb-labAnd the problem is that bitbake is failing with the message:12:56
msvb-labERROR: Recipe avahi-ui is trying to change PR from 'r11.0' to 'r0'. This will cause do_package_write_* failures since the incorrect data will be used and they will be unable to find the right workdir.12:56
msvb-labSince I'm neither manually upgrading avahi-ui to 0.6.32 nor is this version anywhere in the sources (at the time of failure) I can't imagine that the new change (implicitly setting PR = r0) is the root of the problem.12:57
msvb-labMaybe if I turn this problem on its head and explicitly update to 0.6.32 then my build error will go away?12:57
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rburtonmsvb-lab: can you replicate that error if you try again with the provided layers?12:59
rburton(at first glance it sounds like you're changing the recipe during the build)12:59
msvb-labrburton: If you mean 'try again without making my custom changes' then that's what I'm building to test right now. A vanilla Wind River (with old oe-core and other old stuff) layers.12:59
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rburtonjust bitbake avahi-ui will do, obviously13:00
msvb-labrburton: I've changed recipes quite a lot, but only in response to build errors (trying to solve them.)13:00
msvb-labrburton: Okay, doing bitbake(1) avahi not and will follow that with avahi-ui.13:01
msvb-labrburton: Typo, I'm trying bitbake(1) avahi now...13:02
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msvb-labSo bitbake(1) avahi completed successfully, trying avahi-ui now with the old (original Wind River) oe-core and new (git clone master) meta-cloud-services, which is the only customization I've made.13:05
msvb-labSpoke to soon, I'm still waiting for avahi to finish (it was only a fetch operation that succeeded.)13:06
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ilialrburton: that was not answer to my question, but I'll try. thank you13:15
msvb-labDoes this make sense:13:16
msvb-labCurrently 4 running tasks (904 of 973):0: binutils-native-2.25.1-r0 do_compile13:17
msvb-lab1: coreutils-8.24-r0 do_compile13:17
msvb-lab2: avahi-0.6.31-r11.1 do_compile13:17
msvb-lab3: readline-6.3-r0 do_package_write_rpm13:17
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msvb-lab...I mean, if avahi depends on coreutils then it obviously can't build at the same time.13:17
msvb-labIf avahi depends on coreutils, then coreutils must first finish building before avahi can start surely?13:17
rburtonwhere does avahi depend on coreutils?13:18
msvb-labAnd if avahi doesn't depend on coreutils, then whey does coreutils build when I type $ bitbake avahi13:18
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rburtonbecause dependencies \o/13:18
rburtonits probab;y working up to building rpm or something13:18
msvb-labrburton: Oh, so linking avahi.o doesn't require some coreutils thing, but packaging avahi (to avahi.rpm) requires rpm(1) which depends on coreutils.13:19
msvb-lab...that's your theory right?13:19
rburtonyeah something along those lines13:19
rburtonyou can ask bitbake for a full dep tree if you want13:20
msvb-labSeems correct, and would explain why avahi has a weak dependency to coreutils but can indeed build at the same time (until packaging starts.)13:20
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msvb-labrburton: I don't want to look at a dep tree, but thanks for the advice.13:21
msvb-labI'm just sad that $ bitbake avahi output states '973 tasks to build' which seems like quite a bit.13:21
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msvb-labSure, many things might depend on avahi but I can't image that avahi depends on hundreds of libraries.13:22
msvb-labHmm, good guess with dbus.13:24
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msvb-labOkay, finally I can say that avahi succeeded, and now I'm going to try with avahi-ui. If avahi-ui doesn't crash, then this test was inconclusive.13:28
msvb-labReally hoping that avahi-ui crashes now, and proves that a vanilla Wind River build with meta-cloud-services updated localizes the error.13:29
rburtonor it works fine and it proves that WR isn't broken, you broke it somehow13:30
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msvb-labrburton: That's what I mean, that I included a package that caused the error.13:32
rburtonit won't be another package, it would have to be a change to the recipe (or a layer that appends it)13:32
msvb-labrburton: That's my suspicion as well, I think I added a meta-<something> to the bblayers.conf and the new recipes are defective, causing a double inclusion (and incompatability) of avahi-ui.13:34
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msvb-labJust for example, after including some (not sure which of 5) meta-<paths> in bblayers.conf I started seeing the 'consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry' warning due to having perl-avahi and avahi-ui both in the build.13:36
rburtonthat's special13:36
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msvb-labMeaning that one of the recipes in one of the new meta-<paths> depends on either perl-avahi or avahi-ui, and the vanilla Wind River config depends on the other one, I guess?13:38
rburtonmore likely that perl-avahi is a fork of avahi-ui, just tweaked differently13:38
rburton(the summary is that the avahi recipes need to be destroyed and rewritten)13:39
rburtoncan't find perl-avahi on layers.yp13:39
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rburtonif you get a preferred provider warning its because two recipes provide the same names13:40
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msvb-labrburton: About the preferred provider warning, it seems those are harmless. Just to be sure I've specified preferences, but unfortunately those preferences are my best guesses. No idea if one of the alternatives are fresher, less buggy, more feature rich, or whatever.13:41
rburtonthey're not harmess :)13:42
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msvb-labrburton: Hmm, well Wind River's config doesn't specify any preferences so I assume it's okay to ignore the wanings? At least Wind River thinks so, and I think their vanilla build succeeds.13:43
msvb-labBack to my new theory, the vanilla oe-core layer includes and my updated meta-cloud-services layer includes
msvb-labrburton: So if you're right about perl-avahi being a renamed avahi-ui recipe, then this would explain the error.13:45
rburtonpython-avahi wouldn't conflict13:45
rburtonoh maybe it would13:45
msvb-lab...since PR was reset to r0 when avahi-ui reached
msvb-labThe PR numbers would conflict if I only update one of the two layers containing incompatible recipes.13:46
rburtonstill not sure why you're getting a conflict13:46 that's a pretty strong indicator, and I hope I've solved the mystery. The bitbake build will prove this theory right or wrong.13:46
msvb-labrburton: You're not sure? I believe it's because inside avahi-ui v0.6.31 there's an explicit PR = r11.0 but in the newer perl-avahi v0.6.32 the PR definition is removed (implicitly meaning PR = r0.)13:48
msvb-labDoes that make sense?13:48
rburtondo you mean python-avahi13:48
msvb-labSorry, not perl rather I mean python, yes.13:49
msvb-labrburton: But if you're thinking 'they are two separate packages and could each have their own version and PR' then I understand your concern.13:49
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rburtonno i'm wondering why you got that error mid-build and why avahi-ui conflicts with python-avahi13:50
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msvb-labrburton: Maybe avahi-ui doesn't conflict with python-avahi. Looking at the latter's bb file it doesn't include anything nor depend or reference avahi*.13:53
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msvb-labAnd avahi-ui*.bb does include but seems quit isolated from the python-avahi logic.13:54
pohlyRP, rburton: when I include layers with BBLAYERS = "/fast/work/intel-iot-refkit/openembedded-core/meta /fast/work/intel-iot-refkit/meta-yocto/meta-poky /fast/work/intel-iot-refkit//meta-intel" I end up with an error ("BBPATH references the current directory, either through an empty entry,...") because meta-yocto prepends and OE-core appends.13:55
pohlyThis leads to: BBPATH="/fast/work/intel-iot-refkit/meta-yocto/meta-poky::/fast/work/intel-iot-refkit/openembedded-core/meta:/fast/work/intel-iot-refkit//meta-intel:/fast/work/intel-iot-refkit//meta-intel/common"13:55
pohlyI'm not sure how to avoid  that. I'm not even sure why it works in Poky :-/ Need to check...13:57
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pohlyAh, I am missing the BBPATH = "${TOPDIR}" in my artificial bblayers.conf.13:59
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JaMapohly: it's not mandatory to put anything in BBPATH, is it? Isn't it a bug in meta-yocto?14:18
pohlyJaMa: I don't know. Both layers assume that BBPATH isn't empty, so perhaps initializing BBPATH with TOPDIR is an established convention that has to be followed.14:20
msvb-labrburton: So bitbake(1) avahi-ui just finished with no build errors. There is a including 'PR = r11.0' from Wind River's oe-core (chosen revision) layer and a file with an implicit 'PR = r0' from my custom git clone meta-cloud-services layer update.14:20
JaMaI've recently dropped TOPDIR from all our build setups, but I'm not using meta-yocto anywhere luckily14:20
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JaMaalso discussed here:14:21
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egavinhi! just a question about network-manager15:26
egavinWhen I try to install networkmanager instead of connman, and try #nmcli d15:27
egavinreturn NetworkManager is not running15:27
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vm_hi, is freescale git down or dead?15:28
egavinany clue about how I can run the NetworkManager in core-image-sato?15:28
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lsandovvm_:  which URL?15:34
vm_web interface is accessible15:36
vm_but not git15:36
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lsandovvm_: rigth, something is wrong15:37
vm_since minimum 2 days15:37
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vm_lsandov: can you do something there?15:47
lsandovvm_:  let me ping Otavio15:47
vm_that would be nice, thx15:48
lsandovvm_: Otavio is aware and will check in two hours15:49
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vm_thx alot15:50
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msvb-labAnyone know what results from a (1) successful bitbake <target> build, defining new PREFERRED_PROVIDER entries in local.conf, and then (2) carrying out the same bitbake <target> command?15:57
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msvb-labI'm trying to understand the meaning of PREFFERED_PROVIDER, and I guess that the *.bb files which specify IMAGE_INSTALL contents use the preferred packages.15:59
msvb-labIf no preferences are defined then those images make a random choice?15:59
*** mkelly <mkelly!~martin@> has quit IRC16:00 it would seem that if the random choices coincide with the fresh build's new PREFERRED_PROVIDER definitions, then nothing new would be build.16:00
msvb-labBut if even a single IMAGE_INSTALL definition changes implicitly (due to a new PREFERRED_PROVIDER definition) then the image would be rebuilt using a different set of packages?16:01
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neverpanicThat's my understanding yes.16:01
kergothafaik it's undefined, not random. might be the same, might not, depends on circumstances which are entirely unknown, but there's no guarantee it'll work at all, particularly if multiple providers for a thing both end up built16:02
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msvb-labneverpanic: Cool, I'm about to rebuild (bitbake with same arguments) after changing PREFERRED_PROVIDERS, and I'm hoping to make a better image.16:02
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msvb-labkergoth: Random is the wrong word, thanks for correcting me. There's probably some bitbake internal logic which make the choice based on a set of conditions (like if a similar component was already used.)16:03
msvb-labThe problem I'm having is that after adding six new meta-<file> paths to bblayers.conf, I see a bunch of bitbake warnings recommending that I make PREFERRED_PROVIDER entries.16:05
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msvb-labBut I don't have time to go down rabbit holes inspecting each alternative and how it interacts with the sofware dependent on it. So I make semi-educated guesses when entering PREFERRED_PROVIDERS.16:06
kergothnot too surprising. the layer that adds the new provider that conflicts with oe-core should define weak defaults in layer.conf, IMO. I'm not sure if DEFAULT_PREFERENCE will do that context or not16:07
kergothin either case it's a bug in the layer that added the new provider, in my opinion..16:07
msvb-labI guess this workflow is okay? Or maybe there's a better way, like no PREFERRED_PROVIDER entries at all until one is sure of which alternative is safe to prefer?16:07
kergothdoes the readme for that layer indicate how it should be set?16:07
kergothmeta-java, for example, has multiple providers, and iirc the readme explicitly covers it16:07
kergothyou're far, far better off setting it to *anything* Than nothing16:07
kergothas i said, the behavior is undefined otherwise16:07
kergothbetter to know what you're getting, even if you don't know what's best16:07
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msvb-labThe preference guesses I've made are:
msvb-labkergoth: I've never seen a README give advice on how to set a PREFERRED_PROVIDER, but I'm not using yocto or bitbake too often.16:10
msvb-labSome things are obvious, like my choice to stick with NodeJS 6 (LTS) rather than 7 (dev) but that's only because I know my way around.16:11
msvb-labLike the preference of mdns version 'git' as opposed to '544' is totally opaque. I have no idea even which one is newer or contains less bugs.16:11
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msvb-labkergoth: Thanks for confirming that any choice is better than no choice.16:12
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markaRP: I have something to run by you if you have a minute16:35
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RPmarka: I have a few minutes16:43
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markaI was noticing some QA warnings on older builds  "pointed to by the S variable doesn't exist - please set S within the recipe to point to where the source has been unpacked to"16:44
markawhen I went to reproduce these on master I notice they don't show up16:44
markaso I dug in16:44
markaI noticed there was some anon python added to base.bbclass16:45
markaaround do_unpack, it adds S to cleandirs16:45
marka    if d.getVar('S') != d.getVar('WORKDIR'):16:45
marka        d.setVarFlag('do_unpack', 'cleandirs', '${S}')16:46
markathis is hiding the QA warning, since cleandirs not only removes the directory but also creates it16:46
markaaccording to build.py16:46
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marka            bb.utils.remove(cdir, True)16:47
marka            bb.utils.mkdirhier(cdir)16:47
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RPmarka: unintended side effect I think16:47
markais it an important one though? ie. should we care?16:48
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markathus why I thought I would bring it up16:48
markait really does not make any difference, other than you end up with an empty directory16:48
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markaand we are executing do_qa_unpack which will never do anything16:49
markaor usually do nothing I suppose16:49
RPmarka: Its a good question. That code should probably just clean that directory if it exists and not create it. We don't have a bitbake "shortcut" for that right now. We could however tweak do_unpack directly I guess16:51
RPI don't think its hugely important but ${S} pointing at invalid directories was annoying16:51
markasounds like it is a 50/50 issue, damn, I was hoping for clarity :D16:52
markaI will raise a defect and somebody who is more invested could make the call then16:53
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RPmarka: I'd be tempted just to move the directory deletion into base_do_unpack. I do worry how many warnings that might trigger though16:56
markaya, been like this since Mar 2016, so a pretty long shaddow16:57
markaI will toy with it and see what the fallout is, regardless I will writeup a defect so this is documented16:58
RPmarka: I created to play with locally FWIW16:59
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markasounds good17:02
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paulgRP, you really need to work on not being so verbose in your long logs of commits.  :)17:06
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khemrburton: the updates were already pushed17:25
khemto kraj/master17:25
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jrsharp_hey all, I'm receiving a "ParseError in configuration INHERITs: ...".  Is there a way to add verbosity to bitbake to determine the precise ParseError?18:31
jrsharp_(-v, -D do not appear to work)18:31
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lsandovjrsharp_:  -DDD ?19:00
jrsharp_yeah, same thing... I tried -D, -DD, -DDD, -DDDD, -DDDDD each19:00
jrsharp_desperate for more output, I tried "-D -D -D -D -D", also19:01
lsandovjrsharp_: is it a custom class?19:02
jrsharp_so, it is the 'machine-overrides-extender.bbclass' from the meta-freescale repo19:03
jrsharp_using the 'morty' branch19:04
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markajrsharp_: related?!topic/mender/I7dsq385bYY19:07
kergothRP, rburton: are patches being accepted for 2.4 on master yet, or has it not yet diverged from pyro?19:08
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rburtonkergoth: we were discussing this on friday and we're about to branch.  master-next has stuff in, and i have another ~80 or so patches queued.19:11
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jrsharp_marka: maybe? hard to say... it's related to the imx, for sure, and yes, I suspect it's related to a variable that's not being set properly... I was hoping for some way to add debugging output in order to determine what the missing var might be19:12
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markawhenever I have run into similar issues I haven't been able to rely on logging, just do what you can to get isolate conquor19:14
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markais it a specific recipe throwing the error, you can potentially devshell into the recipe and run the failing task by hand from the temp/ dir19:14
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jrsharp_I don't even know how to isolate to a specific recipe19:15
markaso this happens right at parse time? I suppose that makes sense19:15
jrsharp_yeah... it's happening up front, I think19:16
markadump your bblayers.conf in a pastebin19:16
markajrsharp_: always worthwhile to try out master if at all possible19:17
markaif only to see if you are attempting to fix something that is already fixed19:18
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jrsharp_yeah... I think the vendor in this case has only recenly released support for morty...19:18
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jrsharp_I updated to morty in part to address issues in build that I have attributed to my Ubuntu 17.04 build machine19:19
jrsharp_and was hopeful that the OE/yocto base parts had been updated to support 17.04 in morty19:19
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markaI assume there is a filename as part of the "..." in your "ParseError in configuration INHERITs: ..."19:22
lsandovjrsharp_: in the d.getVar(X,Y) function call, not sure if currently the boolean Y is needed19:25
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lsandovjrsharp_: I mean, there is no need to use the Y argument, which is True in that bbclass19:28
lsandovtry removing it19:29
jrsharp_ok, I will try...19:29
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lsandovvm_: is URL now alive?19:33
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jrsharp_thanks all! with your hints, it looks like I was able to sort this out...20:18
vm_lsandov: no its not working20:25
lsandovvm_: ok, I wonder if there are mirrors for that repo20:27
lsandovjrsharp_: which was the issue?20:27
jrsharp_heh, me. ;)  the older (deprecated) meta-fsl-arm repo was being referenced somehow20:28
jrsharp_so, both meta-fsl-arm and meta-freescale layers were being included somehow20:29
lsandovjrsharp_: got it. well the s/fsl/nxp/qualcomm is confusing20:29
jrsharp_yeah... I'm still picking up yocto... have always used buildroot in past20:30
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vm_lsandov: should it work?20:33
lsandovvm_: i think so20:33
vm_lsandov: did otavio said that? it still does not work20:35
lsandovvm_: I have not talked to him since this morning :(20:35
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lsandovso, better to send a email to the proper mailing list20:36
vm_lsandov: if it does not work in some hours i will try that, thx for your help20:37
lsandovvm_: ok20:37
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