Tuesday, 2018-07-31

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robbawebbaHello, I'm in the middle of bring-up for a custom intel x86-based board with a linux-based OS created using yocto. I'm currently working on getting the kernel to boot into userspace, but there seems to be some issue with the initramfs live installer. The last kernel log I see through the UART console is "Freeing initrd memory...". And then nothing else.00:41
robbawebbaI think this could be caused by a number of things. One of them being that the userspace init program is logging out to /dev/console, but I'm not connected to the right console for userspace applications (kernel was started with console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 and i do get kernel logs)00:44
robbawebbathe other possibility would be something incorrectly configured in the initramfs.00:44
robbawebbaRight now I'm looking for documentation on the initramfs system that seems to be included with OpenEmbedded by default. Where would I be able to find this?00:45
rsalvetiRP: awesome, will give it a try tomorrow, thanks for fixing the issue!00:48
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #639 of nightly-musl-x86-64 is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-musl-x86-64/builds/63901:15
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1167 of nightly-no-x11 is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-no-x11/builds/116701:25
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1191 of nightly-musl is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-musl/builds/119101:42
aehs29robbawebba: I think there was issues with the console, can you try hooking up a monitor to your device to make sure its not getting a different output?, also you can try adding debug prints to the init script to see if it actually gets started01:55
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robbawebbaaehs29: Thanks for the suggestion! Do you know if the discussions around this issue were in the mailing list, a bug tracker, or elsewhere?02:03
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1151 of nightly-world-lsb is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-world-lsb/builds/115102:03
robbawebbaaehs29: unfortunately HDMI is not an option at the moment since the necessary lines for HDMI display are not fully hooked up to the CPU. I02:04
robbawebba'll doublecheck with my colleague if we can enable HDMI output somehow02:05
robbawebbaaehs29: I've given the log outputs a shot, but no luck there. I'm about to try a custom initramfs that just enters a busybox shell.02:06
aehs29robbawebba: You can try bugzilla, Im sure there are bugs about the serial stuff, there was different behavior on genercix86 and core2/i7 machines, look that up02:24
aehs29robbawebba: debug prints to /dev/kmsg you should be able to see (I think)02:24
aehs29robbawebba: you can try with poky-tiny that does a little more than just dropping to shell02:25
aehs29robbawebba: poky-tiny + core-image-tiny from meta-intel02:26
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1151 of nightly-world is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-world/builds/115103:55
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1184 of nightly-multilib is complete: Failure [failed Running SDK Sanity Tests] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-multilib/builds/118405:25
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malanecoraPlease, take a look over this post! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51496061/using-files-generated-by-other-recipes-in-yocto06:27
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jozohello i need to update some files in SDK07:26
jozoin yocto build it is placed in /home/jozo/0/boards/my/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-nativesdk-company_sdk-linux/opt/dm/2.3-r4/sysroots/x86_64-company_sdk-linux/usr/include07:27
jozohow can I access this directory from my .bb recipe ?07:27
jozobitbake -e shows nothing07:27
jozoi need to apply dirty hack in my recipe07:28
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Alex___I have a project in which I would like for a recipe in layer A to include a bbclass that is in a layer B07:36
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Alex___I tried to modify the recipe from layer A " inherit ../metalayerB/classes/bbclass07:38
mckoanAlex___: no problem, inherit it07:39
mckoanAlex___: recipes in various layers are all taken into account by bitbake, considerig the layer priority though07:39
mckoanAlex___: you don't need to specify the full path07:40
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malanecoraWhy does my /tmp/sysroots/ directory is empty? As far as I know there should be inter-recipe shared files...07:51
Alex___thank you mckoan07:56
Alex___can I inherit only a single task from that bbclass? eg inherit bbclass task1 ?07:58
mckoanAlex___: why? you inherit the class and you use only the functions you need07:59
jozois there a way how to get path to pdk ?07:59
mckoanjozo: what do you mean?08:00
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jozomckoan: i have yocto with openssl 1.008:00
jozoin my project i need openssl 1.108:01
jozobut can't upgrade yocto08:01
jozoso easyest way is to create openssl11 package and replace headers/libraries08:01
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jozobut i don;t know how to get path to dir where SDK is generated08:02
jozoin my system it is /home/jozo/0/boards/my/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-nativesdk-company_sdk-linux/opt/dm/2.3-r4/sysroots/x86_64-company_sdk-linux/usr/include08:02
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styx_I'm using a tmpfs for the workdir, but I dont have enough RAM to build a complete image in it. Is there an alternative solution how I can keep the workdir in RAM as long as possible?08:24
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jozostyx_: tmpfs ?08:29
styx_jozo: tmpfs has a fixed sized afaik08:29
jozostyx_: you can remount it with desired size08:29
jozomount -o remount,size=[NEW MAX SIZE HERE] tmpfs /tmp08:30
styx_I dont have enough RAM to make it big enough08:30
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rburtonstyx_: rm_work to remove the work dirs as they're finished with09:06
rburtoni do all my builds in a 32gb tmpfs, webkit in parallel with llvm is the only time it fills up09:07
rburtonobviously put the sstate outside of the tmpfs  then if you need to unmount/remount you still have sstate09:07
styx_rburton: I already have the sstate cache out of the workdir and also rm_work. I increated the ramfs size and then added some swap to balance it09:09
rburtonhow big is your tmpfs?09:10
rburtonif you're putting a tmpfs in swap then what's the point?09:10
rburtonthe entire point is that you have enough ram spare that you can do builds in memory without touching disk09:11
styx_80GB has the tmpfs and the SWAP is a swap file on disk.09:11
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rburtoni've 64GB of RAM, 30GB tmpfs, no swap09:13
rburtonbut i do avoid building llvm or webkit09:13
JaMaI guess you're building only small "oe-core", with world builds I was getting quite close to 80GB with TMPDIR09:17
JaMaand it wasn't enought every time more components were broken (so rm_work wasn't executed for them)09:18
JaMawith few *webkit*, chromium, llvm recipes included in the same build it's difficult to fit09:18
rburtonJaMa: yeah, if i need to build llvm/clang/webkit  i tend to just build those on their own first09:20
JaMaand the scheduler still doesn't allow to run rm_work as soon as possible, so the only option which worked for me for quite long time, was to build in couple steps, instead of whole image at once09:20
JaMayes, with 8GB tmfps long time ago I remember running gcc-cross, virtual/kernel, gcc, minimal-image, bigger-image, full-image :)09:21
JaMabut now even with rm_work it leaves (or rather recreates) bunch of files, so the separate steps aren't as efficient as they used to be and 8GB isn't worth trying even for smallish images09:22
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1152 of nightly-world-lsb is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-world-lsb/builds/115209:34
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1168 of nightly-no-x11 is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-no-x11/builds/116809:35
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1152 of nightly-world is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-world/builds/115209:41
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #640 of nightly-musl-x86-64 is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-musl-x86-64/builds/64009:44
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1192 of nightly-musl is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-musl/builds/119209:45
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RPmaxin: sad that we still have those issues 4 years later :(12:09
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maxinRP: true , in the case of vulkan-demos, gitsm fails to fetch behind the proxy :(12:12
RPmaxin: I'd have hoped that would work but clearly not. That is perhaps worth a bug12:14
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maxinRP: will file a bug for it12:15
RPmaxin: thanks12:15
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RPrburton: I've an fallocate change I'll queue locally12:20
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deuteronCan anyone point me to where I should send a patch for https://github.com/Freescale/kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv ?12:30
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mckoandeuteron: you could try to send it back to the repo itself12:42
mckoandeuteron: probably otavio[m] will take it into account12:43
otavio[m]deuteron: send a PR12:44
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deuteronCan I just tell you what's wrong? It really is trivial.12:45
otavio[m]deuteron: it would be better if you fork the repository and send a PR against master. So we can review and merge it.12:46
kinsifousim trying to understand what is "POKYQEMUDEPS_remove = "packagegroup-core-device-devel"" doing12:46
kinsifousi checked packagegroup-core-device-devel and its a recipe from openembedded12:46
kinsifousits this one12:47
kinsifousand im trying to understand if that line, pokyqemudeps_remove is removing the packages specified in the recipe12:47
kinsifousRDEPENDS_${PN} = "\     distcc-config \     nfs-export-root \     bash \     binutils-symlinks \     "12:47
rburtonit removes 'packagegroup-core-device-devel' from the variable POKYQEMUDEPS12:47
kinsifousThese ones12:47
kinsifousaha i see12:48
kinsifousand where can i see the the packages on pokyqemudeps?12:48
kinsifousis there a manual where pokyqemudeps is specified or ?12:48
rburtonits part of the poky.conf distro config12:52
rburtonif you're not using poky then it does nothing12:52
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kinsifousim using poky, im building a qemu image with it13:04
kinsifousand im tring to understand what that line is doing13:04
kinsifousim still quite new tho13:04
kinsifousso i checked on poky/meta/conf/distro13:05
kinsifousand i found a conf there but i dont see anything related to pokyqemudeps nor the packagegroup-core-device-devel13:05
kinsifousdid i misunderstand you or?13:05
kinsifousnvm found it13:07
kinsifousits on meta-poky not meta :/13:07
rburtonyes, poky is in meta-poky13:08
kinsifousPOKYQEMUDEPS = "${@bb.utils.contains("INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE", "GPL-3.0", "", "packagegroup-core-device-devel",d)}" DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_append_qemuarm = " ${POKYQEMUDEPS}" DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_append_qemuarm64 = " ${POKYQEMUDEPS}" DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_append_qemumips = " ${POKYQEMUDEPS}" DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_append_qemuppc = " ${POKYQEMUDEPS}" DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_append_qemux86 = " ${POKYQEMUDEPS}" DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS_append_13:09
rburtonall your statement is doing is removing packagegroup-core-device-devel from POKYQEMUDEPS13:10
rburtonso that packagegroup gets removed from images (unless something else pulls it in)13:10
kinsifousnow my aim is to check whether that package is being removed or not13:11
kinsifousand im assuming that package contains these tools: RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\     distcc-config \     nfs-export-root \     bash \     binutils-symlinks \     "13:11
kinsifousfrom this13:11
rburtonimage manifest will tell you what is in the image, in deploy/images13:11
kinsifousassumely, if i run the qemu image now, bash shouldnt be installed there13:12
rburtonwell, thats just one way that bash can get into an image13:12
rburtonyou might find it easier to say what youre actually trying to do13:12
kinsifousi need to make a testcase to check if the packagegroup is being removed or not, but since im new to yocto, im trying to understand if on the way13:13
kinsifousthe project im working on is https://github.com/pelagicore/pelux-manifests13:14
rburtonthen you just need to look at the image manifest13:14
yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: Use Cmake with Yocto <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51614176/use-cmake-with-yocto>13:15
kinsifousimage manifest? you mentioned that this will be on deploy/images13:15
rburtonyes, if you want to know what actually ended up in an image, you look at the image manifest13:15
kinsifousall i've got here are the images.. i dont understand what u mean by image manifest?13:16
kinsifousyou mean run the image?13:16
deuteronotavio[m]: Done!13:16
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kinsifousrburton: sorry for the stupid question, found it now13:20
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karthik_neverpanic : Thank you for taking time and putting me in the right direction. The folder had some files which was indeed in wrong architecture.13:38
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deuteronotavio[m]: Do I need to do another pull request to change the commit log?14:09
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deuteronotavio[m]: I think I did it wrong. The pull request now refers to my new changeset but your original comments have gone missing.14:42
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qantelHi guys & gals. Does anyone know how to use header files from another recipe to the one I am trying to build?15:20
frayyou have to package them in the first recipe into a dev package..15:21
fraythen require the recipe/dev package in the recipe that is going to use them..15:21
frayyou can not 'directly' access stuff from one recipe to another, intentionally15:21
qantelOkay thanks for the fast reply!!15:23
qantelWhen you say require the recipe/dev package do you mean via depends?15:24
rburtonthe package you want to build should just have DEPENDS = "the-other-recipe-name" in15:25
qantelThat is what I tried to do but it does not seem to work. Also when I use the bitbake -e |^WORKDIR i cannot find the headers in there while they are being built when I use the other recipe15:26
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qantelI mean in the Work Directory*15:27
qanteland this happens with a meta-intel-qat recipe, so I find it quite odd15:28
tprestonHi, after applying a patch, I get the following error when building https://paste.gnome.org/pu9gddqwx. I checked out back a known working state and am still getting the same error. If I `rm -rf build/tmp` I can get it to build again (~30m to build), but applying my patch causes the error again. How can I clean just enough state for this to build properly. It looks like this dir is missing `/home/tpreston/muos/build/tmp/sysroots-components/jetson_tx2/dep15:28
deuteronqantel: You have to install the headers as part of the do_install task.15:28
qantel@deuteron : you mean of the first package that I need?15:29
deuteronYes. The one you want the headers of.15:29
deuterontpreston: bitbake -c cleansstate <recipe> perhaps?15:30
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tprestondeuteron: now it can't seem to find `/home/tpreston/muos/build/tmp/sysroots-components/aarch64`15:37
tprestonHow can I find out what provides sysroots-components?15:37
deuteronSorry, the latest yocto I've used is 2.2 (I think). Never seen sysroot-components before.15:38
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neverpanicsysroots-components isn't provided by anything, it's a folder that contains subfolders that contain files a recipe would put into the sysroot if you declare a dependency on it15:39
tprestonokay so the error is that it can't find15:39
tprestonAnd the first thing missing is15:39
tprestonWill `bitbake -c cleansstate resin-image-initramfs` not clean up/rebuild it's dependencies?15:40
neverpanicit should15:40
neverpanicdid you check that it has a dependency on the task that provides qemuwrapper-cross?15:41
deuteroncleansstate won't rebuild dependencies15:41
neverpanicoh, right. But cleansstate also shouldn't cause this error?15:42
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deuteronYou probably need to rebuild qemuwrapper-cross15:42
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tprestondeuteron: how does one "rebuild" in yocto? I feel lost just throwing out random incantations of `-f` `-c clean` `-c cleansstate`15:44
neverpanicjust bitbake $recipe should usually be enough, unless the sstate cache is broken15:45
deuteronI usually do 'bitbake -c cleansstate <repcipe>; bitbake <recipe>'15:46
deuteronThat's a rebuild from scratch without (re)fetching the source.15:47
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rburtonfwiw a better way is bitbake foo -C unpack15:49
rburtonbuild foo, forcibly running the unpack task15:49
rburton*but* remember a proper rebuild like that implies that your recipe is broken15:49
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tprestona clean rebuild of qemuwrapper-cross has another dependency15:51
tprestonit's dependencies all the way down!15:51
neverpanicand that also fails?15:52
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tprestonException: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/tpreston/muos/build/tmp/sysroots-components/x86_64/qemu-native/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper' -> '/home/tpreston/muos/build/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/qemuwrapper-cross/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper'15:53
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neverpanicthat suggests the sysroot for the build of qemuwrapper-cross cannot be set up, because files from sysroots-components are missing15:53
neverpanicthose shouldn't be missing if bitbake thinks it doesn't need to repeat the do_populate_sysroot task of qemu-native, so something's off in your installation15:54
neverpanicCan I recommend wiping your tmp/ and re-trying? That should re-setup the sysroot components from sstate cache15:54
tprestonbah, I did this earlier and it took 30 mins to build. I think you're right though, let's see where a clean rebuild gets us15:55
neverpanicIt should just be a lot of IO due to the sstate cache15:56
rburtontpreston: is that with master, or a release?15:58
tprestonrburton: if you're asking about yocto we're on rocko15:59
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tprestonah ha, it didn't take so long for that recipe. Looks like the rm tmp fixed this one.16:04
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kergothwiping tmp doesn't rebuild anything under normal circumstnaces, as rburton  just said, it just involves i/o to extract the sstate cache archives16:10
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Guest454209<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth16:54
Guest454209With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/16:54
Guest454209I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:54
Guest454209or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/16:54
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18VAESHNY<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth16:59
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18VAESHNYWith our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/16:59
18VAESHNYI thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:59
18VAESHNYor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/16:59
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fwilson97<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth17:03
fwilson97With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/17:03
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aehs29what is up with these bots17:04
neverpanicsomebody is on a personal vendetta against some freenode staff, apparently.17:06
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otavio[m]deuteron: merged; thanks.17:14
otavio[m]Are you going to send a bump for the recipe?17:14
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Olipro15<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth17:29
Olipro15With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/17:29
Olipro15I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/17:29
Olipro15or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/17:29
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1186 of nightly-multilib is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-multilib/builds/118618:04
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1266 of nightly is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly/builds/126618:06
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rigel29<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth18:38
rigel29With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/18:38
rigel29I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:38
rigel29or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:39
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peaches<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth18:43
peachesWith our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/18:43
peachesI thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:44
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peachesor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:44
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PrettyKittie12<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth18:54
PrettyKittie12With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/18:54
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PrettyKittie12I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:54
PrettyKittie2014<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth18:54
interd0me142021<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth18:54
PrettyKittie12or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:54
PrettyKittie2014With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/18:54
interd0me142021With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/18:54
interd0me142021I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:54
PrettyKittie2014I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/18:54
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PrettyKittie2014or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:54
interd0me142021or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/18:54
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dystopia_174<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:04
dystopia_174With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/19:04
dystopia_174I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/19:04
dystopia_174or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/19:04
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shah2920<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:21
shah2920With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/19:21
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shah2920or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/19:21
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yateswhat task/function sets up the initial variable names like DEPLOY_DIR, WORKDIR, etc?19:24
JPEWyates: meta/conf/bitbake.conf sets most of those19:25
JPEWyates: bitbake -e can help you figure out where those sorts of things come from19:26
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yatesso it's done by bitbake itself? then i can assume they are available in my custom bbclass functions?19:28
kergothno, it's not done by bitbake itself19:28
kergothit's done by bitbake.conf in oe-core19:28
kergothas JPEW just indicated19:28
kergothand yes, it's in the global configuration metadata, which is accessible by classes and recipes19:28
yatesso what dependency or inherit fires off functions in the oe-core stuff that reads this file?19:30
yatese.g., if i had a recipe which used a simple custom bbclass that inherited/depended on nothing, the bitbake.conf variables would not be defined. hwo do i get them defined?19:32
yatesis there some top-level inherit to be done in my bbclass?19:33
yates"inherit oe-core"19:33
kergothi just told you all recipes and bbclasses get access to the configuration metadata19:33
kergothbitbake parses conf/bitbake.conf from BBPATH, then inherits all classes in INHERIT, then parses recipes and classes inherited by the recipes, then assembles a runqueue and does the build19:34
kergothwith appropriate event handlers called along the way19:34
kergothclasses and recipes always go based on the globalconfiguration metadata, so always have access to those variables19:34
kergothyou might benefit from reading http://www.aosabook.org/en/yocto.html, it has a high level overview of what bitbake does. it's not 100% current, but the basics hold true19:35
yates"bitbake parses conf/bitbake.conf from BBPATH". how does that make my statement "so it's done by bitbake itself" false? (of course the BBPATh has to be deifned, but big deal)19:36
yatesok, thanks i will definitely have a look19:36
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kergothbitbake parses a file19:37
kergoththe contents of that file are up to the layers, not bitbake itself19:38
kergothit's like make, a build tool. what's done with it is not up to it19:38
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yatesbut bitbake does not have to be instructed to scan BBPATH and load the .conf file(s) there. that behavior is built-in to bitbake. sure, the conf files are custom19:40
yatesis that not true?19:40
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kergothvery few specific files are hardcoded. bblayers.conf, layer.conf in each layer, and bitbake.conf. everything else, and the contents of those files, are all controlled by the layers19:41
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kergothyou may think the distinction is academic, but 1) it helps to understand the dividing line between bitbake and oe if you want to understand what's actually happenign, and 2) oe/oe-core isn't the only project using bitbake19:42
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yatesmakes perfect sense to me, and it is these academic distinctions are fundamental to my ability to build a model of how this system works. so i am good with academic.19:45
yatesa mental model, that is.19:46
JPEWkergoth: Out of curosity, who else uses bitbake?19:46
kergothyeah, some folks prefer bottom-up learning, others top-down. i find an understanding of the big picture and how the pieces fit together to be helpful19:48
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pskosinski164<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:48
pskosinski164With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/19:48
kergothJPEW: isar for one, they use bitbake to build debian images from debian package feeds, and has classes to use debian tooling to build debian packages from recipes19:48
pskosinski164I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/19:48
yatessection A.4, "The Hello World Example" in the bitbake manual is one of the most useful pieces of info i've come across in the project19:48
pskosinski164or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/19:48
kergothJPEW: https://github.com/ilbers/isar19:49
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yatesi loathe bottom-up.19:49
kergoththeir priorities are very different than oe-core, and doesn't cross-compile at all, or didn't until recently19:49
kergothuses debootstrap/multistrap/etc to construct a chroot (not just a sysroot) for the builds, and requires sudo19:50
* kergoth worked on it a little recently19:50
JPEWkergoth: Interesting19:50
kergothit really is, yeah. one of the first real world non-oe uses of bitbake i've seen other than oe-lite (which is worth mentioning too, they do a number of things differently)19:51
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pabdaddyI just moved to Yocto Rocko and for some reason its as if bitbake no longer sees the system $PATH20:23
pabdaddyanyone ever see this?20:23
pabdaddyif I put the full path to my application it will find it, but then fails later because it can't find xsltproc (even though that is in my $PATH as well)20:26
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neverpanicpabdaddy: you may hit recipe-specific sysroots?20:26
neverpanicpabdaddy: make sure your recipes declare all their dependencies.20:27
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pabdaddyneverpanic this worked on morty but now it doesn't20:35
pabdaddyits very weird20:35
pabdaddyother issue I'm having is i keep getting 'no provider' errors on things like /bin/perl20:35
pabdaddybtw, looked in sysroots and I don't have anything but sysroots-components i have files but no files for recipe i'm interested in20:38
neverpanicIf I read the branches correctly, morty didn't have recipe-specific sysroots, and rocko does20:39
neverpanichttp://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/meta/classes/staging.bbclass?h=rocko&id=9107d6ca144ac1f6169830dee25dae2dad775333 for an explanation what it does20:40
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neverpanicBasically, everything your recipe didn't specify a dependency on isn't there. So if you're lacking /bin/perl, check whether its in your DEPENDS. If it isn't, it should be.20:41
yatesi have a recipe and bbclass that should run do_mkfat32 and do_copyfiles. i see them in the dependencies of the -e output, but they don't seem to be actually running: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/eKPbe8MnJbYftGUBnZSBbQ20:42
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Ambroisie<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth20:43
AmbroisieWith our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/20:43
AmbroisieI thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/20:43
Ambroisieor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/20:43
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lestaty129<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth20:43
neverpanicpabdaddy: also: https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#migration-2.3-recipe-specific-sysroots20:43
lestaty129With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/20:43
lestaty129I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/20:43
lestaty129or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/20:43
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yatesgosh, that's annoying...20:44
yatesthe recipe bitbakes without error...20:45
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yatesany ideas why they aren't being run?20:46
neverpanicYour _task_deps don't seem like anything is depending on your two custom tasks20:48
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yatesneverpanic: i don't see why you're saying that. they are both in the _task_deps list.20:52
yatesperhaps i'm not interpreting _task_deps correclty20:54
neverpanicthey're in, but only mentioned in the list of tasks. Non of your custom tasks have parents.20:54
neverpanicI'd suggest you format the struct in $task_deps20:54
yatesdid you do that by hand?20:55
neverpanicNo, I piped it through python -mjson.tool20:55
neverpanic(after replacing the single quotes with double quotes)20:55
yateslike this:  cat bitbake.out | python -mjson.tool20:57
yatesi get "No JSON object could be decoded"20:57
yates(i replaced ' with ")20:57
neverpanicNo. I copy-pasted the relevant part form the output, replaced single quotes with double quotes in vim and piped it through python -mjson.tool20:57
yatesoh, crap. yeah.20:58
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yatesgot it21:20
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MobileMatt1315<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth21:24
MobileMatt1315With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/21:24
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MobileMatt1315or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/21:24
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yatesif i modify <recipe>.bb and write it to disk, then shouldn't bitbake <recipe> definitely rerun it? i am getting "Attempted n tasks of which n didn't need to be rerun"21:24
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neverpanicyates: It will only re-run the tasks that changed21:26
kergothonly if your modifications affect the tasks being run, and bitbake knows about it21:26
neverpanicE.g. if the SRC_URI and checksums didn't change, why would it re-run the fetch and unpack phases?21:26
yatesdoes -c cleansstate subsume -c clean?21:27
neverpaniccleansstate cleans the work directory + the sstate cache (ie the cache that it uses to restore tasks that were already completed), clean just cleans the work directory21:27
neverpanicUsually if you're recipe is written right, you sholdn't have to run cleansstate. Reality sometimes differs and it's a helpful tool to debug.21:28
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yatesis there a function that will emit a message on the screen when running a recipe? i've tried "echo" but i don't see its output21:36
yatesjust for debugging21:36
kergothwe don't run recipes, we run tasks, but yes, you can use bbnote/bberror/bbwarn or bb.note/bb.error/bb.warn if shell or python, respectively21:37
pabdaddyneverpanic: Let me ask you another question.  We have a recipe with a library that uses openssl 1.0.0 but when I try to build the recipe it says that openssl 1.0.0 is not provided (only 1.0.2 is provided) .  However, the library that we use was built with openssl 1.0.2 but if you grep the library it will say
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yatesok, my tasks now have parents, but they are still not running: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/BRIfVrVewQK10Yuc8ztB3g21:40
pabdaddyneverpanic: Just wondering if yocto should label all providers as 1.0.0 and not worry about the minor rev21:41
yatesand yet the recipe completes without error21:41
neverpanicpabdaddy: SOVERSION is often not equal to the recipe version, and especially in OpenSSL's case I think it isn't.21:41
neverpanicpabdaddy: And no, Yocto should use the SOVERSION to label things, as that's what matters for linking.21:41
pabdaddyneverpanic: I was able to work around the issue by manually changing 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 in the library21:42
pabdaddyneverpanic: its a hack but it seems to work21:42
neverpanicyates: this would be easier if you shared your recipe, but making do_mkfat32fs a dependency of do_build looks like a good first step.21:42
neverpanicpabdaddy: It's a hack. Don't do that.21:42
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1187 of nightly-multilib is complete: Failure [failed Running SDK Sanity Tests] Build details are at https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-multilib/builds/118721:43
yatesneverpanic: here is image_type_fat32.bbclass: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/RZN5Qs10zisxca3sZxVQCw21:43
pabdaddyneverpanic: so how then do you fix it?  I recompiled our library and it still says 1.0.0 in the library itself even though it built with 1.0.2 openssl21:43
yatesand linux-fs.bb: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/4GYpFluveStupZ7MANfxdg21:43
neverpanicyates: I think do_build is the last task to execute, so you may want to do mkfat32fs before that21:44
neverpanicthere needs to be a dependency chain copyfiles -> mkfat32fs -> build (or mkfat32fs -> copyfiles -> build, not sure in your case)21:45
yatesyes, i thought that's what i was speicfying21:45
neverpanicpabdaddy: It's absolutely fine that the library links against libssl1.0.0, that's the SOVERSION provided by OpenSSL (the project) 1.0.221:45
neverpanicyates: you specified mkfat32fs *after* do_build21:46
yatesnow we got some action, baby!21:47
yateserrors, but that's action...21:47
pabdaddyneverpanic: this is where i get confused.  How do you specify the provider in your recipe if the provider version doesn't exist?  In this case openembedded is building openssl 1.0.2n I believe but my recipe has a library that says its using 1.0.0?21:53
neverpanicpabdaddy: You don't. Just specify a dependency on the OpenSSL recipe. Yocto will automatically figure out that the openssl 1.0.2n recipe provides libssl1.0.0 and libcrypto1.0.021:54
pabdaddyneverpanic: so are you saying that i should create a .bbappend and then add DEPENDS += <my recipe PN>?21:56
pabdaddyneverpanic: bbappend for openssl that is21:56
neverpanicDidn't you say *your* library uses openssl? Shouldn't your recipe specify a dependency on OpenSSL then, not the other way around?21:56
pabdaddyneverpanic: you are correct.  So i guess I should be adding the DEPENDS to my recipe.  The next question would be what then would that line look like?  'DEPENDS = "openssl"??21:58
neverpanicpabdaddy: https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#var-DEPENDS and 3.1.7 to 3.1.9 of https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual.html#appending-and-prepending21:59
pabdaddyneverpanic: thanks!22:01
pabdaddyneverpanic:  I still have the issue of bitbake not seeing my $PATH22:01
pabdaddyneverpanic: any idea how that could happen?22:01
neverpanicwhy do you need it to?22:01
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Macuser11<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth22:02
Macuser11With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/22:02
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Macuser11or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/22:02
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pabdaddyneverpanic:  we have a recipe that relies on a binary to compile yang files.  and this binary is in the $PATH.  if i put an absolute path in the recipe it fixes that issue but then can't find xsltproc which is also in the $PATH22:06
pabdaddyneverpanic: just seems like I'm missing something.  this seems basic and worked when we were using morty22:07
neverpanicYou should write a recipe that puts your compiler binary into the proper sysroot location; that would (a) fix the path issues automatically, and (b) you could have it depend on libxslt-native, which would provide xsltproc22:07
neverpanicpabdaddy: this may or may not be the result of recipe-specific sysroots. Hard to tell.22:07
pabdaddyneverpanic: let's just say it is, would the fix then be to add the path to the recipe?22:09
neverpanicYou can try, but then you'll still need a dependency on libxslt-native for xsltproc to be in $PATH?22:09
yatesis there a way to perform a function in a task that requires root privileges?22:09
yateslike mount?22:09
kergothyates: no22:09
neverpanicNo, you can't mount.22:10
kergothwhich is part of why i suggested use of wic or investigation of other methods for partitioning and fs construction, lacking root means you often need to use other tools22:10
yateslike a jail?22:12
yateswell, let me see how the existing rootfs image does it for ext422:13
yatesremember i am on an old morty branch...22:13
pabdaddyneverpanic:  i have xsltproc in /usr/bin.  If /usr/bin is also in the path i add to the recipe would that work?  Or would I also need a DEPENDS += "libxslt-native"22:14
neverpanicpabdaddy: The "correct" way to re-use it from /usr/bin used to be declaring a dependency on libxslt-native and the adding ASSUME_PROVIDED="libxslt-native" in your local.conf, but that may have changed with recipe-specific sysroots, so I can't answer that question right now22:15
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yatescan wic create fat32 partitions?22:23
pabdaddyneverpanic: I'm gonna run, but thanks for all your help.  And just an FYI...adding this as the first line in do_compile worked,PATH=$PATH:~/confd/bin:/usr/bin, but it seems like bad practice22:23
kergothvery bad practice, yes22:24
pabdaddykergoth: I just don't understand why its not seeing my $PATH22:24
kergothbitbake uses a sanitized path to avoid build reproducibility problems22:25
kergothonly tools listed in HOSTTOOLS are allowed to be used from the host22:25
kergothassuming you're on a recent oe-core, anyway22:25
kergoth(or poky)22:25
kergothwithout that we run into tons of problems with projects we build automatically enabling optional features and dependencies on some hosts but not others22:26
kergothhuge headache22:26
kergothleads to non-reproducible builds22:26
kergothalso tends to cause failures when using sstate cache binaries built on one host on another host22:27
kergothso yeah, add your tool to HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL22:27
kergothbetter would be to follow neverpanic's advice and use -native recipe dependencies22:28
neverpanicyeah, if you have the choice, do it right from the start and save yourself the headaches down the road when you don't have the time to fix them.22:28
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pabdaddyso is the correct format for an application called ~/confd/bin/confdc 'HOSTOOLS_NONFATAL += "~/confd/bin/confdc" ?22:32
yateswhere is the help (user manual) for wic? i've googled and don't see it22:34
yatesno manpage either22:34
neverpanicyates: always a good bet to start in the mega-manual: https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#creating-partitioned-images-using-wic22:35
yatesthank you!22:35
kergothpabdaddy: no, HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL += "confdc"22:35
kergothpabdaddy: grep oe-core for HOSTTOOLS22:35
pabdaddykergoth: i tried that and it doesn't work22:36
pabdaddykergoth: run.do_compile.20161: confdc: not found22:36
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pabdaddykergoth: confdc is our binary22:38
kergothas i said, HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL += "confdc"22:39
pabdaddykergoth: thats exactly what i id22:40
kergothif it's in your PATH and is in HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL, then it'll be able to run in your recipe22:40
kergothmost likely PATH isn't what you think it is, or you're on an older release, or it's not re-running the hosttools setup22:40
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kergothworst case wipe tmp and build again22:41
kergoththat'll force it to re-run the hosttools setup22:41
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pabdaddykergoth:  in recipe HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL += "confdc xsltproc" and here is the $PATH22:42
kergothit's not a recipe configuration setting22:42
kergothit's a global variable used by a one-time setup before running any recipes22:42
kergothset it in local.conf22:42
yateswhy couldn't i just sudo such commands?22:43
yatesdoes bitbake block that somehow?22:43
kergothyates: you could, assuming your user is set up to allow it, but it's horrible, violates all oe-core policies, you'd be on your own22:43
kergothbut yes, it's workable, assuming you're set to NOPASSWD22:44
pabdaddykergoth: can this go in my layer.conf instead?  We don't check in the build directory to our repo22:44
kergothpabdaddy: better would be your distro22:44
kergothlayer.conf changing build behavior violates yocto layer compliance rules22:45
kergothmaybe you don't care about that, it might work, but it's not the way to go22:45
kergothchanges you'd normally put in local.conf but you want to persist belong in your distro22:45
pabdaddywe rely on nxp distro to start and have never changed it22:45
kergothsounds likke it's time to start your own. you can use that as a starting point, though, either by copying it or including/requiring it in your distro .conf (and ensuring both your distro and nxp are in DISTROOVERRIDES, if you care about that)22:46
kergothfolks greatly overestimate the difficulty of creating 1) a distro and 2) an image recipe. both are actually really trivial, particularly since you can copy existing ones if needed22:47
pabdaddyok.  you and neverpanic have given me a lot to think about.  Thanks for all the help!!!!22:47
kergoththe number of folks that either put everything in local.conf or start bbappending oe-core images make me sad :)22:48
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RPkergoth: we should probably document it really clearly...23:11
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