Wednesday, 2018-11-07

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armpitkergoth, do you want me to add that to the 2.7 planning00:12
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kergotharmpit: if appropriate, sure. it's proposed still, haven't discussed it at all yet01:05
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: How to re-generate yocto SDK in deploy folder <>08:44
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: lib32-ncurses not installing into rootfs <>09:44
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jofrI can't seem to get rid of the NOTE complaining that there are multiple providers available for my "virtual/appmod" and that I should consider defining a PREFERRED_RPROVIDER for it. I've gone so far as to put the two lines right in my image-recipe, and it still complains: PREFERRED_RPROVIDER_virtual/appmod = "appmod-molly" [\n] RDEPENDS_${PN} = "virtual/appmod"09:58
jofrAm I missing something obvoius?09:58
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erbojofr: It should go into global configuration (like local.conf or distro conf) and not a recipe10:07
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erbooh wait, I was missing the R as in RPROVIDERS10:08
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jofrI reverted my change back to IMAGE_INSTALLing appmod-A, and IMAGE_INSTALLing appmod-B.10:11
jofrBoth images require an and I was trying to IMAGE_INSTALL my "virtual/appmod" in there, and then just defining a different provider for each of the other images that depend on it..10:12
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jofrAlso tried having my RDEPEND on virtual/appmod, but it had the same effect.10:13
erbojofr: have you tried setting it in global configuration instead of in a recipe scope?10:16
erboBut then I guess it doesn't fit your usecase10:16
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zagorI'm writing a recipe for a cmake-based package, and I'm running into the sysroot /not/exist issue. this feels like it is solved generically somewhere, but I fail to find where/how.12:35
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zagorthe specific issue I have is that the cross-compiler does not find libc and libcc header files such as cstdint and assert.h12:39
zagorsince its' sysroot is set to /not/exist12:40
zagorthis can be configured per-package, but that would be a huge duplication of code and I also don't see packages doing that. so what is it I should do?12:40
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OutBackDingook whats a FIT image ?12:51
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Croftonkernel glued to device tree and possibly rootfs12:57
Croftonall the cool kids use them now12:58
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jofrI'm using a custom in-house build-system (.....don't ask...) to build a package. It supports a "threads" argument, similar to make's "-j". Is it considered bad practice to use multiple threads for a recipe like that?13:14
jofrBecause bitbake does it's own threading/forking and builds multiple packages simultaneously.. That's why I'm wondering about it..13:15
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neverpanicjofr: Nope, bitbake parallelizes on multiple levels, by building multiple recipes at the same time and by executing tasks in parallel while building those recipes.13:20
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rburtonzagor: the cmake file is overwriting the provided cc/cflags/ldflags13:33
rburtonas they have the path to the right sysroot in13:33
zagorrburton: are they set in the environment?13:34
zagorenvironment variables, I mean13:34
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rburtonzagor: a toolchain file is used to set CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_C_FLAGS13:34
rburton(see cmake.bbclass13:34
zagorok. thanks!13:35
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: conflicting requests error while building SDK <>13:45
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: NTP daemon on Yocto Krogoth <>14:15
jofrneverpanic: Ok, but does that mean that there is a variable I can use to pass the number of threads to the sub-buildsystem?14:23
rburtonwe pass PARALLEL_MAKE to make calls14:31
rburtonPARALLEL_MAKE ?= "-j ${@oe.utils.cpu_count()}"14:31
rburtonit's sad that -j is in there, because it means everyone has to replicate the logic to rip out the -j14:32
rburtonoh, that's right, someone fixed this already14:33
rburtonoe.utils.parallel_make() will give you the number14:33
rburtonand a helper function below14:33
rburton    e.g. if PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j 10", parallel_make_argument(d, "-n %d") will return "-n 10"14:33
rburtoncan't help think that a proper fix would be to redefine PARALLEL_MAKE as '-j ${BB_NUM_SUBTASKS}' or similar, default that to cpu_count, deprecate PARALLEL_MAKE, then fix everyone else to use BB_NUM_SUBTASKS instead of parsing PARALLEL_MAKE14:35
rburtonactually that seems like a totally sensible thing to do.  PARALLEL_MAKE will exist but the recommendation will be to set BB_NUM_SUBTASKS or something instead.  the default is just 'number of cores' now so fewer people set it than before14:44
yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: How to copy content from .repo/manifests during repo sync? <>14:45
kergothrburton: probably a good idea, yes. repeatedly parsing something make-specific is a bit silly14:51
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armpitRP rocko-next clean build last night with 4.4 kernel updated. want me to prep QA build run?15:15
armpitzeddii, the kernel updates passed AB, I sent patches to list on my changes15:17
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rondo-dei'm looking for same actuel good tutorials to build em. linux for rpi64 with WIFI support , have somebody an Idea ?15:48
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donsterHi All, having some problems getting openssh sshd running under systemd. I'm including ssh-server-openssh to my image features and sshd is being installed on the target. But when I use systemctrl to get a status, it can't.15:54
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stefans__Hi. I'm having a build error when doing populate_sdk on the same build dir and re-using sstate when changing machine (same arch though):  ERROR: my-image-1.0-r0 do_populate_sdk: The recipe my-image is trying to install files into a shared area when those files already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:  /home/builder/build/tmp/depl16:08
stefans__Basically I'm doing MACHINE=machine1 bitbake my-image && MACHINE=machine1 bitbake my-image -c populate_sdk && MACHINE=machine2 bitbake my-image && MACHINE=machine2  bitbake my-image -c populate_sdk16:09
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RParmpit: ok, great. I'll do the release bits shortly (ba srcrev bump and check DISTRO_VERSION. Did we set DISTRO_VERSION already?)18:00
RParmpit: I'm just a little worried an autobuilder fix made today may have broken some oe-selftests18:00
armpitRP, we have not set DISTRO_VERSION18:01
RParmpit: right, means I need to find time to concentrate for a few minutes then :)18:02
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armpitRP, just bumped the distro version18:06
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armpitI don't believe I can set the build-appliance-image as the hashes wont match18:07
yatesare there any yocto-supported file systems besides aufs and unionfs that supported "merged" filesystems for read-only and read/write access?18:08
yatesit looks like unionfs is not supported for 4.1.1518:08
yatescorrection: aufs is not supported for 4.1.1518:09
JPEWyates: overlayfs?18:12
kergothoverlayfs seems to be the most common one for folks that want an overlay filesystem, anyway18:13
kergothothers use bind mounts, symlinks, or both for writable areas18:13
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yatesok, thank you18:19
RParmpit: thanks, I have scripts for the ba rev18:30
RPI wish we could avoid them :/18:30
rondo-dei'm looking for same actuel good tutorials to build em. linux for rpi64 with WIFI support , have somebody an Idea ?18:35
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armpitrondo-de, have you looked at
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rondo-dearmpit, ok thank you18:43
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: Yocto - Exporting STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR as part of extensible SDK <>19:16
yateswith the techniques like static wear leveling which are implemented by controllers on flash memories these days, does using a read-only filesystem really help with flash lifetime?19:24
yatesor rather, something like an overlay filesystem where there is a writeable area and a read-only area?19:25
yatesat the end of the day, the underlying device doesn't care about filesystems, it just manages the blocks, right?19:26
yatesor said another way, overlayfs won't help flash lifetime UNLESS the writeable filesystem is on another device (e.g., tmpfs). correct?19:42
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kergothbut read-only rootfs buys other functionality as well, particularly for recovery and avoiding filesystem damage, etc19:52
kergothalso extremely useful if you're going to set up a dual-partition swupdate mechanism or similar19:53
kergothi.e. it downloads an updated image, flashes it to whichever rootfs isn't currently booted, then reboots onto the new one, leaving the old as a fallback in case it fails19:53
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yatesi don't see how a read-only fs helps with that, per se20:02
yatesbut ...20:03
yatesi can see where having an extra partition acting as the writable portion of an overlayfs would be most convenient, so that you could upgrade without wiping away your nv data20:04
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litbhello folks20:11
litbi successfully built the poky-linux for my zedboard zynq board and booted from it.20:11
litbnow i want to add n FPGA part to the design. I want to use u-boot-SPL (not Xilinx FSBL)20:12
bluelightningany known issues for the 2.6 release notes?20:13
litbwhat's the recommended way to do this? I am about to create a new layer "meta-myfpga", and put TCL scripts and recipes there which build the HDF file, and specify for the recipes that they provide this file for the meta-xilinx layer (I think it has a u-boot-xlnx recipe that can take this HDF file)20:13
bluelightning^^ rburton RP20:13
litbis this the recommended approach? or am I doing it all-wrong?20:13
bluelightninglitb: that seems reasonable20:13
Croftonlitb, so there are ps7_init.c,h fils from vivaado20:20
CroftonI forget exactly how they are added to u-boot at th em moment20:20
litbi think that there is that file, and then there's the bitfile20:20
Croftonwhich et of layers are ytu using?20:20
litbbut then there's also a "hdf" file which somehow contains both20:20
Croftonlook at the u-boot recipe and see if that source has ps7 files20:21
litbmeta-xilinx, meta and meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp20:21
litbCrofton, it has none20:22
Croftonwhat branch?20:22
litbgit status says "Your branch is up to date with 'origin/sumo'."20:23
litbCrofton, i did a find, and there's a ps7_init_gpl.c/h in ./recipes-bsp/platform-init/platform-init/picozed-zynq7/ps7_init_gpl.h20:23
litbhowever I'm using the zedboard. but maybe they just use that init file for all boards. on the other hand, the vanilla core-image-minimal with meta-xilinx doesn't include an fpga bitstream, so maybe they have a prebaked boot.bin file with the FSBL somewhere?20:24
Croftonps7 files setup mio and ddr ontroller, tends to be baord spcific :)20:26
litbhm i see20:29
litbCrofton, ah i found one in the build directory20:30
litbthis seems to indicate that the image it created for me actually already uses u-boot spl. otherwise it would create the image with bootgen instead of mkimage20:31
litbCrofton, my target for this experiment is to have a framebuffer device working in the FPGA that sends encoded output to the HDMI of the zedboard and has KMS drivers for the linux host to communicate to it20:34
Croftonso likely in mainline u-boot20:34
litbhm i see20:34
Croftondid you make any changes to mio (not likely) maybe fpga clocks?20:34
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Croftonthe defaulty ps7 files may just work20:34
litbCrofton, ah i think i found it here: build/tmp/work/zedboard_zynq7-poky-linux-gnueabi/u-boot-xlnx/v2018.01-xilinx-v2018.1+gitAUTOINC+949e5cb9a7-r0/git/board/xilinx/zynq/zynq-zed/ps7_init_gpl.c20:37
litbso it's in the GIT repository20:38
litbCrofton, i didn't do any FPGA design works yet20:38
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RPbluelightning: we need to highlight the number of CVEs coming onto the release branch post release20:51
bluelightningRP: ok, I guess I should get Tracy to collect a list?20:52
bluelightningtgraydon: ^20:52
tgraydonRP, bluelightning, do we just need a count or do we need to capture what they are as well?20:53
tgraydonRP. bluelightning: I am assuming we want to include this info in the release notes in some fashion, yeah?20:54
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bluelightningtgraydon: we should put it in the known issues, and IMHO I think we should list all the ones we at least have patches for (assuming we aren't also aware of others)20:55
tgraydonbluelightning: gotcha.20:56
bluelightningtgraydon: thanks!20:57
tgraydonbluelightning: I've got to run off to an appointment shortly. Be gone for a bit, but will work on this once I get back. Just FYI.20:59
bluelightningok no worries21:00
RPbluelightning, tgraydon: you can get an idea of the list from master-next21:01
tgraydonRP: should I be using master-next to generate this list or use the thud branch. I would guess I want everything from the RC revision we built to HEAD on thud?21:02
tgraydonRP: or is master-next going to be closer to the truth?21:02
bluelightningtgraydon: I already have the list of CVEs that is fixed, RP means the list of issues not yet fixed in thud21:02
tgraydonbluelightning: ah, gotcha. These fixes are not on thud yet. Was thinking we were saying they had been pushed to thud at this point.21:03
RPtgraydon: not yet, but master-next CVEs will be going into thud imminently21:04
bluelightningRP: for the next point release though right ?21:04
tgraydonbluelightning, RP: got it. Will work on this this afternoon, based off master-next.21:04
RPbluelightning: yes. THe release notes should say they're being queued on the branch though ready21:04
RPbluelightning, tgraydon: btw, halstead and I discovered our sstate release artefacts have been bust for a number of releases :(21:05
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tgraydonRP: yuck. Have we root caused that yet and fixed it?21:06
RPtgraydon: autobuilder issues and the new autobuilder code will do better21:09
tgraydonRP: cool.21:10
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armpittruth... what is truth21:26
RPbluelightning: any idea why would happen?21:27
RPbluelightning: $ oe-selftest -r recipetool.RecipetoolAppendsrcTests.test_recipetool_appendsrcfile_basic in the same build directory passed21:27
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bluelightningRP: er... looks like there's a lot going wrong with that build :(21:28
armpitRP so is master-next the thud-next or should it be pruned ?21:29
RPbluelightning: its stable sumo :/21:29
armpitsumo... /me sighh21:29
RParmpit: the first part of it is21:29
RParmpit: sorting thud-next is next on my list after rocko which is after figuring out whether we broke the autobuilder. I think we didn't and this is some sumo bug :/21:29
* armpit sumo passed for me.. WT heck21:30
RParmpit: hence my worry we broke something21:30
RParmpit: but I think it is sumo21:30
armpitwell, I can pull things in for thud-next in the normal process to filter out other master-next21:31
armpitthud-nmut process21:31
RParmpit: thud-next is up to
RParmpit: or was what I was thinking anything21:32
RPer, thinking anyway21:32
RParmpit: some things at the end of -next are untested21:32
armpitshould I look into sumo ?21:33
armpitwhile you look into thud?21:33
armpitrocko is the next in for QA21:33
RParmpit: We probably need to rerun that sumo build. I suspect some early test fail took out the others21:33
armpitI will fire off a sumo build and look at that21:34
armpitsumo has some time to settle. thud next ie cve's higher prio21:35
* armpit contrib/sumo-next 21:36
RParmpit: can you glance at the rocko branches and see if they look right?21:36
RParmpit: if so, I'll run the build21:37
armpitrocko looks good21:38
armpiteven though I had to ++++ firefox to read it ; )21:38
* RP fires21:40
* RP feels he should be firing pyro21:40
armpitso sanity reasons ?21:40
RParmpit: sanity reasons?21:40
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armpityou said pyro.. its in community supported21:41
RParmpit: just word association, pyro and fire21:41
armpitI will re-run stable/sumo-next for a base line on the sumo status21:42
armpitlater todaey21:42
RParmpit: just fyi michael and I are in the same physical location this week so we've been working on AB stuff for that reason21:42
armpitI have a pyro US TSA story to tell you later21:43
* armpit wife was not happy21:43
RPrandom facts - sources for OE-Core come in at 3.7GB and sstate for the 2.5.1 release build is 265GB21:43
RParmpit: pyro and TSA likely isn't a good combination and we're both likely on watch lists now ;-)21:44
armpitC4 and TNT21:45
armpitalarms... not a goog thing21:45
RParmpit: I think you're trying not to travel? :)21:45
CroftonRP, undisclosed location?21:49
RPCrofton: I did not disclose it but it isn't exactly a secret21:50
Croftonold joke :)21:50
CroftonDick Cheney and his undisclosed location21:50
RPCrofton: I clearly missed that one...21:51
armpitCrofton, I am Dick Cheney21:54
armpitCrofton, you thought the stores at the "Hanging Bat" where crazy.. there are more21:55
RParmpit: at least this rocko build has a nice hot sstate cache :)22:01
RPand it appears to have an sstate release directory which has the right files in it22:01
armpithot sstate.. I was looking for fiery sstate. the better of the best sstate ; )22:04
armpitlava sstate???22:05
armpitI think we can graph that22:05
armpitRP is halstead wear shorts yet?22:06
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derek_HI, Something went wrong with source extraction - the devtool-source class was not active or did not function correctly, I always got this error, when I use command  "devtool modify syslinux-native"22:08
derek_anyone met this error before?22:08
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RParmpit: he commented it feels much colder than Edi here22:25
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armpitRP, as you have told me.. just wondering if he is growing a thinker skin22:29
RParmpit: he's only been here a few days22:29
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RParmpit: sumo build can go, or -next will be ready shortly23:11
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armpitRP, stable/sumo-next build underway..23:15
* armpit releases.. juggling chainsaws23:17
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RParmpit: looks like the release artefact collection for rocko is bust :/23:33
RP(for beaglebone-yocto)23:34
* armpit sigh23:34
RParmpit: we can rerun those I guess23:35
* armpit scratches head over reproducibility... should be the same... 23:36
* armpit wonders how to make thing better for release time???23:41
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* armpit pub time23:42
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