Tuesday, 2019-01-01

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naknickHello. Can someone please explain what is the purpose of lines such as: "echo "# Enable PITFT35r display" >> ${DEPLOYDIR}/bcm2835-bootfiles/config.txt"? It writes into a folder that won't affect the image. Am I wrong?08:10
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TurBossI'm building core-image-rt13:01
TurBossI set this on conf/local.conf13:02
TurBossPREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-rt"13:02
TurBossCOMPATIBLE_MACHINE_genericx86-64 = "genericx86-64"13:02
TurBossCOMPATIBLE_MACHINE_quilt-native = "genericx86-64"13:02
TurBossbut I get this error13:02
TurBossCould not locate BSP definition for genericx86-64/preempt-rt and no defconfig was provided13:02
TurBossfull log13:12
xtronyou need a defconfig to build kernel,  start with qemux86-64 and replicate the bsp definition for your target13:17
TurBossok I'll try thanks!13:20
TurBossits compiling !!! for qemux86-64!!!13:27
naknickHello. Can someone please explain what is the purpose of lines such as: "echo "# Enable PITFT35r display" >> ${DEPLOYDIR}/bcm2835-bootfiles/config.txt"? It writes into a folder that won't affect the image. Am I wrong?13:52
naknickSecond question: If I want to run bash command on the first boot of the machine - where should I add it?13:53
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kroonCan bitbake autodetect variable dependencies when they are used in python functions ?17:15
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RPkroon: mostly. It wouldn't see anon python, only any effects of it17:26
kroonRP, ok17:28
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raviGood evening20:08
raviI recently bought a SBC Phyboard Wega with AM335x SOM and yocto support. The company provides documentation and quickstart guides. The last days I was working through it and also managed to get hardware up and running, created a new yocto poky image by using the companies BSP (yocto layer) and wrote it to an SD card and booted the board. I also configured the eclipse and remote GDB configuration and was able to create hello world and20:20
ravidirect FB painint. The company provides also a QT exampe project (.pro file + rest). Actually, the support of QT was the reason for me to buy it, because I know some QT from past. But then I figured out, the example is a QT Quick Application. And also the Cross COmpiler Toolchain, when I go to the includes and libraries (.so), the ist no "QApplication" (to #include <QApplication>), and no QWidget (QPushButton, QLabel) at all. So to me, it20:20
raviseems, that the meta-qt layer in yocto morty does not compile qt with widgets. There is also a configure option (-widgets, -no-widgets), i think, since qt 5.8 if i am correct. Then in the end, i was searching through the meta-qt subdirs, to find anything helpful, without success.20:20
raviMay be my question is, how can i clarify/ figure out how Qt is built, especially, where can i find the list of modules, that are configured to be compiled (within in the bitbake process), and maybe, if some thing can help with that (more QT related maybe), how can enforce all QWidgets to be compiled with ?20:23
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kroonravi, morty is pretty old, but I would check if there is PACKAGECONFIG support for "widgets" in the Qt recipe20:45
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raviI'll have a look, thanks!20:55
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raviAgain, another question, may be to kroon? In "sources/meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase_git.bb" if found this line: PACKAGECONFIG_DEFAULT ?= "dbus udev evdev widgets tools libs freetype". So "widgets" is beeing excluded caused by this line? "?=" causes the exclude of "widgets" here?21:34
kroonno it looks like "widgets" is turned on by default in morty21:37
raviOh my god21:38
kroonravi, so maybe you are not getting all required qt5 packages installed21:38
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kroonThe ?= is the weak assignment, similar to gnu make, meaning "set unless already set"21:39
raviAh, ok, thanks21:39
raviI guess, this is very basic yocto knowledge, which I dont know shame21:40
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kroonravi, I wouldn't call this basic knowledge honeslty, yocto has a steep learning curve21:41
kroonravi, check which qt packages are being built, you are probably just missing installing the "widgets" qt package21:42
raviBut, i found something,else: There is a file "sources/meta-yogurt/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase_%.bbappend" Meta-yogurt is some additional layer from the vendor, i bought the SBC from. Somewhere in between, the file says: "#for qt widget applications add this in your layer \n  #PACKAGECONFIG_append = " widgets".21:42
raviI will uncomment this line, and recompile poky.21:43
kroonravi, you can always check what the resulting PACKAGECONFIG is by doing something like "bitbake -e <recipe> | grep ^PACKAGECONFIG="21:43
raviI spent the whole day on that. Arg21:43
raviThis is really good information, i will check this now!21:44
raviThank you!21:44
kroonravi, no problem21:50
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