Friday, 2020-04-03

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moto-timoRP: next round of docs changes (especially install-buildtools and buildtools-extended-tarball) inbound00:54
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chola79im getting the below build error with openssl (jethro)04:39
chola79| sha256-x86_64.s: Assembler messages:04:39
chola79jethro_ide/sources/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/openssl/, do_compile) failed with exit code '104:40
khemwhats the Assembler Message ?04:52
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chola79sha256-x86_64.s: Assembler messages:05:44
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spielhi just added two layers to conf and running bitbake-layers show-layers i get ERROR meta-development is not compatible with core layer witch only supports these series: layer is compatible with zeus warrior. I have not included meta-development in my conf/bblayer ? This has not been a problem before?09:34
LetoThe2ndspiel: that doesn't sound right.09:35
spielThe whole error message: ERROR: Layer meta-development is not compatible with the core layer which only supports these series: dunfell (layer is compatible with zeus warrior)09:36
LetoThe2ndspiel: and you claim (e.g. have at least triple-checked) that  your build/conf/bblayers.conf does *NOT* refer to that meta-development layer?09:37
spielhmm. It seems to be the layer I have made myself09:37
spielI will tripple check. Give me two sec09:38
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spielLetoThe2nd: Sorry, you were right, there was something wrong with my layer.conf in my new layer.10:09
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chola79getting the below build error while compiling openssl (jethro).10:55
chola79| sha256-x86_64.s: Assembler messages:10:55
chola79expression `-'10:55
LetoThe2ndchola79: since when, and on which host distribution?10:56
LetoThe2nd(and leaving aside the fact that jethro is basically out of support since more than 3 years)10:58
chola79i am building on RHEL server 7.610:58
chola79i am able to build the sumo version10:58
chola79but not the Jethro10:58
LetoThe2ndchola79: if i had to guess then, try on a distro that is from the jethro era.10:59
chola79ok, i tried it on Ubuntu 16.04, it works!11:04
LetoThe2ndsee, there is a reason we call it "End Of Life" :)11:06
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: Building GO application fails with error subpackage missing <>11:44
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emriusHi, I need to overwrite the DEFAULTTUNE. I did this in my conf/local.conf but as this should rather be build host specific configurations I reckon that there is a better place to do that. Where would that be? I was thinking maybe to have a `conf/machine/` configuration by I seem to fail to `require` the confugration from another11:55
emriuslayer to overwrite the DEFAULTTUNE there. Am I somewhere on the right track here?11:55
emriusfeel free to drop comments here
LetoThe2ndemrius: DEFAULTTUNE is an absolute classic to go into your MACHINE configuration file12:04
emriusLetoThe2nd Thanks! thank I will dig deeper there12:05
emriusBut wait. That means to overwrite the machine configuration of the BSP provider? Assuming that their configuration is wrong?12:07
LetoThe2ndemrius: create an own mymachine, include their machine and just overwrite below the inclusion.12:09
emriusLetoThe2nd Ok. Will do!12:09
yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: override `DEFAULTTUNE`. Best (correct) practice <>12:14
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emriusheureka! working. I did something wrong on including the original bsp machine configuration before....12:16
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Crofton|roadLetoThe2nd: ever do a live coding on developing kernel modules using the sdk?13:21
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RPanyone around with an arch system that hits the seccomp issue with a few minutes to test a patch?13:27
RPJPEW: I'm leaning towards my patch fwiw13:27
rburtonRP: neutering seccomp?  disappointed i didn't think of that at the time.13:28
RPrburton: yes, me too.
rburtonwhy does the comment says renameat213:28
RPrburton: heh, copy and paste error. I can delete the 'else too13:29
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rburtonwas about to say the else is beyond pointless :)13:29
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kroonstupid question: does this mean yocto might get selinux support ?13:33
RPrburton: Better:
RPkroon: no13:33
RPkroon: I think there are layers doing that13:34
kroonRP, Crofton|road, aha13:34
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kroonRP, hmm I think you meant "incompatible" in the commit message ?13:40
RPkroon: indeed, fixed13:41
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JPEWRP: Do we know why SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is whitelisted?13:48
TartarusJPEW: U-Boot, and I think other things too, use that for consistent build time for reproducible binaries13:50
RPJPEW: yes, you'd get different values at parse time verses run time13:50
TartarusI'm pretty sure others too and we didn't invent the name, vagrantc told us to use it13:50
RPTartarus: its indeed a standard and we use it in our code for the same reason13:51
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JPEWRP: Ah, right. You're patch seems fine... I suppose any variable that relies on external state like that would *have* to be whitelisted for the same reason13:57
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RPJPEW: yes, that is my thinking13:58
RPJPEW: we do already exclude these values, this just changes the timing of it in the code and avoids some execution13:58
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: override `DEFAULTTUNE` and other machine configuration parameters <>14:45
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yannI have a problem with a kernel package name change not being propagated to the packagegroup-machine-base Depends: field (bumped kernel from 5.3.8 to 5.3.18, and packagegroup-machine-base with its "Depends: kernel-image-5.3.8-yocto-standard" for some reason does not get rebuilt, which naturally fails at image creation time15:03
yannAccurding to bitbake -e, we should have RDEPENDS_packagegroup-machine-base=" kernel-image", how does this replaced by a full version ?15:06
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paulbarkeryann: Have you checked the dependency graph for your image (via `bitbake -g <image>`) ? Make sure packagegroup-machine-base and the kernel recipe are there, if not you may have a dependency issue15:21
paulbarkerI mean the recipe that provides packagegroup-machine-base which is packagegroup-base15:23
yannI had that last point already :)15:27
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: Building GO application fails with error subpackage missing [closed] <>15:45
yannpaulbarker: I see no dep from packagegroup-base to anything kernel15:47
yannhow is it this "kernel-image" string got "expanded" to "kernel-image-5.3.8-yocto-standard" to start with ?  (note: that's still sumo here)15:48
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zeddiithe kernel.bbclass does it. see:         d.setVar('PKG_%s-image-%s' % (kname,typelower), '%s-image-%s-${KERNEL_VERSION_PKG_NAME}' % (kname, typelower))15:52
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paulbarkeryann, zeddii: I think the issue is that lack of dependency, if the dep was there the expanded string will be updated15:55
paulbarkerCheck your kernel recipe and any appends15:56
zeddiiyah, that line is just the package part, what it provides to match a versioned dependency.15:57
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yannoh, so that's expanded in do_packagedata ?16:06
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yannbut what's the point in doing expansion before building the package, in fact ?  wouldn't opkg be able to match "kernel-image" to the package providing it ?16:08
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emriusHey, I'm running qemu and it get's stuck with a message "A start job is running for /dev/mmcblk0p4". AFAIK the partition mmcblk0p4 is due to be mounted but the device is missing. Is this thought reasonable? How can I define the devices for qemu? basically prividing what usually would be defined in /etc/fstab?16:31
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freeuserhello, I have a simple, maybe dumb, question about yocto. What is the situation that I must consider myself obliged to create my own layer in yocto project ?17:40
freeuserwhat is the big use of creating an own layer and instead of editing what you want from local.conf file17:40
zeddiipresumably your layer is vesion controlled.17:41
zeddiiversion controlled.17:41
zeddiiand not transient like local.conf17:41
zeddiibut if you are ok with transient, then local.conf is fine.17:41
freeuserzeddii sorry but what do you mean with " version controlled " ?17:42
zeddiimeaning, if you are working on a layer, I hope you have it in git.17:43
zeddiiif you are just creating layers and leaving them lying around that's ok too, but obviously you aren't tracking changes in that workflow, etc.17:43
freeuserI am not making too big changes , I just add some packages , libraries , features , to my generated image, or sometimes modify package version ..17:46
freeuserdoes this need to create my own layer ?17:46
paulbarkerfreeuser: A layer lets you structure things and split things up so you've not gone a huge messy local.conf17:47
paulbarkerMaking a layer is easy17:47
freeuserpaulbarker can you give me please an example that make me think of creating a layer ?17:50
paulbarkerfreeuser: An example of how to create a layer? or an example of why you'd want to create one?17:50
freeuserwhy I would want to create a layer17:50
paulbarkerTo structure and version control the modifications you need to make, or if you need to add new recipes (can't do that from local.conf)17:51
freeuserpaulbarker humm I see ..17:53
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[Sno]RP: is initscripts / init-system-helpers now fine enough for testing?18:10
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mfnyHi all18:21
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[Sno]otavio: will do some LSDK-20.04 later - but u-bot-qoriq don't build18:22
mfnyI am trying to set up Yocto to build for a STM32 DK2 Discovery Board but am having some difficulty as there does not appear to be any step by step instructions for this board anyware ?18:23
otavioSaur: we need a small patch. also does the trick18:25
otavio[Sno]: we need a small patch. also does the trick18:26
otavio[Sno]: but merged new u-boot too18:26
Saurotavio: And here I thought I was needed... ;)18:27
[Sno]You have a PR in github - that's oky, isn't it?18:27
otavio[Sno]: merged18:27
[Sno]I see that I do qoriq tests with the newly ordered honeycomb lx216018:28
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[Sno]otavio: my co-developer at libstatgrab ( created some CI tests on Gitlab for libstatgrab ( -> - better than Github allowes - can you imagine something similar for meta-freescale?18:42
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otavioWhy better to use this than GitHub actions?18:49
neverpanicbecause it was there first18:51
neverpanicerrr, ignore me, wrong channel.18:51
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[Sno]otavio: I'm not very familiar with Github actions and don't know the limitations18:52
otavio[Sno]: but we have CI inside O.S. Systems. I'd love to move it to GitHub for sure.18:57
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[Sno]otavio: I just see that QorIQ isn't covered in that CI19:19
[Sno]otavio: that's why an open one would help getting patches to extend coverage19:20
otavio[Sno]: if you are willing to help to set it up, I am more than happy to help19:24
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mfnySo i am trying to bitbake but am getting the following error: "No recipes available for:19:32
mfny  /home/mfny/Yocto/DK2/layers/meta-st-stm32mp/recipes-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_git.bbappend" and the file referenced has the following contents:
mfnyanyone know what is going on ?19:32
Saurmfny: It means there is no in any of the layers you have included in "bblayers.conf".19:33
mfnySaur: I am using the BSP layer from here so I did not write any of this ..19:34
[Sno]otavio: I will take a look what I can do19:34
otaviomfny: so contact them and report it there19:34
[Sno]would of course easier to jump in :D19:34
otavio[Sno]: :-)19:34
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mfnySaur: that file does exist in the directory it is being looked for though19:35
otavio[Sno]:;a=summary is what we use to make it easier to automate a build19:35
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[Sno]otavio: for the very first shot, I set up some CI in Safran Data Systems - and after that I go forward19:36
[Sno]otavio: bookmarking that to come back on that later (~June or later)19:39
Saurmfny: My guess is that you are using the latest version of meta-st-stm32mp with and older version of OE-Core than Zeus. The linux-firmware recipe used to have a date in the name as version, but since Zeus the version is "git".19:40
Saurmfny: You must use a version of meta-st-stm32mp that mateches the version of OE-Core that you use.19:41
mfnySaur: This is what I have in my bblayers.conf pretty much default apart from the last 3 lines19:41
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Saurmfny: That tells nothing about what versions of the layers that you are mixing.19:42
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otavioSaur: it is the other way around. Now it has a date on linux-firmware recipe19:44
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Saurotavio: Right, correct you are. Which means that the version of meta-st-stm32mp being used is aimed for an older version of OE-Core.19:45
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mfnySaur: it is unclear what branch meta-st-stm32mp is expecting, the readme for the package does not explicitly say19:48
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RP[Sno]: Its going to break as there is no maintainers entry for the new recipe19:49
Saurmfny: It is expecting thud (see LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_stm-st-stm32mp in conf/layer.conf).19:49
[Sno]RP: add me and mail me if something breaks19:49
RP[Sno]: It will break. No question.19:50
[Sno]RP: but that's weird - initscripts is broken and new recipe to fix that requires new maintainer o.O19:50
[Sno]RP: what shall I do to fix that?19:51
RP[Sno]: Every recipe in oe-core has to have a maintainer entry19:51
RPIts enforced by the CI19:51
[Sno]okay ...19:51
RP[Sno]: Its really late in the release cycle to be going through this kind of fixing of a totally new recipe :(19:51
[Sno]RP: that's fine - adding it after release is cool19:52
RP[Sno]: gives a hint on what you need to add19:52
[Sno]it's just a question whether I can do something now19:52
RP(which file anyway)19:52
[Sno]RP: so the patch would require touching meta/conf/distro/include/ ?19:54
[Sno]regardless whether now or after release19:54
RP[Sno]: "oe-selftest -r distrodata.Distrodata.test_maintainers" is the test which will fail19:54
RP[Sno]: correct19:54
mfnySaur:  so doing "git clone -b thud git://" and "git clone -b thud git://" should make it happy with the versions then ?19:55
Saurmfny: Probably19:55
[Sno]RP: I wondered that's even not in master-next - I told last week, that it's broken since long time and backporting fix after release or have it for 3.2 is better than keep it broken :D19:56
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mfnyalso since there seems to be no dedicated image for this BSP i use something like core-image-base for bitbake right ?19:59
RP[Sno]: We've just got our hands full of issues and with that patch it clearly needed more work19:59
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[Sno]RP: when I know what kind of work is needed, I'm already on it and can do something20:01
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Saurmfny: You have three images in recipes-st/images. But I have no idea what any of them do.20:07
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jpuhlmanRP: What is the project policy on fixing broken patches? Is it okay to provide change to the patch or should it be regenerated? A new supplemental patch?20:42
jpuhlmanThe change in question:
jpuhlmanFor further context:
yoctiBug 13853: normal, Undecided, ---, jpuhlman, NEW , buildtools-extended-tarball: link search for librt not relocated20:44
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: Override compatibility of recipe <>20:46
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rpi3_poky_newbhello world!20:59
rpi3_poky_newbcould anyone point out me in a direction to figure out how to change yoctos default image lang to utf-8?21:01
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RPjpuhlman: its fine to patch the patch21:04
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jpuhlmanRP: Thanks.21:13
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mfnySaur: those 3 images seem to be seprate parts of the overall image, and i have no idea how to build them all at the same time ?22:16
mfnyatm i am just building core-image-minimal, to make sure the very basics work22:17
mfnywill work out the rest later ? this seem sane ?22:17
Saurmfny: Sorry, I have no experience with that layer so I do not know anything about how it is supposed to be used. You will have to read its documentation or contact its maintainer if you need more information on how it is supposed to be used.22:18
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rpi3_poky_newbany advise setting the locales for the images produced?22:32
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mfnySaur: it seems i may be making this more difficult then it needs to be, there is an official distro build package from stmicro based on yocto but i could not quite figure out how it worked but ive just looked again and yeah ..22:35
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