Sunday, 2020-04-12

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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: How to use the latest oe-depends-dot in Yocto <>07:25
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Yocto_newbsup world17:41
Yocto_newbi noticed yocto makes the images with busybox is there any way to bring in a bash ver of a app ie "date"?17:43
Yocto_newbsup nameclash17:43
Yocto_newblots of time on my hands do to cv-1917:44
nameclashadd the corresponding package to your image (e.g. core-image-minimal.bbappend)17:45
neverpanicYocto_newb: The "bash" version is usually from the coreutils package, which does exist in Yocto, you just have to include it in your image.17:45
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Yocto_newbwell "date" is on the image but it is using busybox ver of "date".17:46
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neverpanicYocto_newb: Yes, you need to install coreutils for its version of date.17:46
nameclashIMAGE_INSTALL += " coreutils"17:46
neverpanicThe update-alternative mechanism should automatically prefer the coreutils version.17:46
Yocto_newbso you saying if i bitbake date it will compile the bash ver?17:46
neverpanicThere's no such thing as the "bash" version, bash is a shell, coreutils a completely separate package of small utility binaries.17:47
neverpanicAnd you can't "bitbake date", you need to add the coreutils package to your image using IMAGE_INSTALL.17:47
Yocto_newbsweet thank you so much17:47
nameclashit should update the alternatives to point to the coreutils version instead of the busybox one17:47
Yocto_newbthank you! thank you ! i dont know why yocto hasnt gotten better faq's and these mailing lists are a nightmare17:50
neverpanicIt's a powerful system, but it comes with quite a bit of complexity. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a good alternative other than putting your own share of debugging time into it to understand how it works.17:51
neverpanicThe documentation isn't bad, though, if you know what to look for.17:51
Yocto_newbive been workin round the clock for last 4-5months or so.. ive started to understand most of the basics got most of my software functional now just finishing touchs and tweeks17:54
Yocto_newbi seen some of the postinstall stuff using run-postinstalls? is there an advantage to using yoctos way vs just making a start up script?17:56
Yocto_newbdoes it run the postinstall before making the image? vs startup script runs at first boot?17:57
Yocto_newbthis chat reminds me of my aol warez days.... sitting in a room with 200+ bots and no people?18:02
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neverpanicLots of people do Yocto at their day job and are currently on holidays.18:06
neverpanicThat doesn't mean their IRC clients aren't running, though.18:06
kergothaye, it's usually quiet outside work hours, but it being easter for a lot of folks makes it even quieter18:08
kergothirc is generally pretty asynchronous. ask your question, wait for a response whenever someone comes back18:09
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Yocto_newbstupid question? the idea of using the local.conf for settings is like debugging right. everything in local.conf should be moved into pacakagegroups and image file based on core image for deployment?right?18:53
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Yocto_newbstupid question? the idea of using the local.conf for settings is like debugging right. everything in local.conf should be moved into pacakagegroups and image file based on core image for deployment?right?18:59
kergothor distro, or machien, or wherever it's most appropriate, yes19:00
kergoththere are those that version control local.conf, but it's a mistake to do so, best to keep it for local build settings, testing, debugging19:00
kergothmaking your own layer and distro and image recipes is pretty easy and highly recommended. there's a sort of mental barrier, folks think it's harder than it is :)19:01
Yocto_newbso is every setting in local.conf is able to be set elsewhere19:01
kergothnot everything. DISTRO/MACHINE have to be set there or earlier, as conf/machine/${MACHINE}.conf and conf/distro/${DISTRO}.conf are parsed after local.conf19:02
kergothbut most things19:02
Yocto_newbya i made a layer just switching off of local.conf within the last week19:02
Yocto_newbso i havent found much documentation about rdepend depend and install_image is seems things dont always install if not put under the right var. i know rdepend and depend in a recipe is the difference between runtime and compile. and some things that have been installed with install_image can be moved to depends but not the other way around? what im19:09
Yocto_newbi missing?19:09
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kergothbitbake only builds what's needed, and it all starts with what you specify on the bitbake commandline19:12
kergoth'bitbake someimage' will build the someimage image recipe and what it depends on and nothing else19:12
kergothIMAGE_INSTALL specifies what packages are installed into that image. anything else comes indirectly by what those packages rdepend on, or the recipes that emit those packages depend on19:13
kergothif IMAGE_INSTALL references a packagegroup, then you could include an additional package either via IMAGE_INSTALL directly or via the rdepends of that packagegroup, or anything it depends on19:14
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kergothdepends isn't going to put anything into an image directly, ever. it only affects what gets built. if a recipe DEPENDS on something and then links against a library from it, oe's automatic shared library detection will add the rdepends implicitly, but otherwise it won't affect the image contents at all19:15
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Yocto_newbthank you that clears up a lot19:16
kergothno problem. i could go into more detail, but that's probably all you want to know19:16
Yocto_newbso something installed under image_install could be removed and switched to rdepends? or would switching it to rdepends loose packages19:18
kergothwell that depends on what recipe's rdepends you're adding it to and whether that recipe's package is already in IMAGE_INSTALL19:19
kergothex. you could move from IMAGE_INSTALL to a packagegroup's RDEPENDS if that packagegroup is already in IMAGE_INSTALL or is otherwise pulled in19:19
kergothotherwise you'll just end up with a package with a dependency sitting in tmp/deploy/ but not actually used for anything19:19
Yocto_newbthats what i was missing19:19
Yocto_newbi didnt think about the packagegroup being listed under install_image19:20
kergothlike i said, it'll only build the targets you speciyf on the commandline and what they depend on, if you add it to something that isn't already being pulled in, it won't do much unless you explicitly build those targets19:20
kergothwe have thousands of recipes, so it won't go off and build what it doesn't have to :)19:20
kergothsame for the image, we don't want packages installed bloating the image unless they're actually needed19:21
Yocto_newbsweet thank you so much for taking time to help me19:21
kergothbut consider the purpose of things. if the packagegroup in question makes sense to always pull in a given package given its purpose and scope, by all means mov eit, but if it's really only useful in this one image, it might be best left in IMAGE_INSTALL19:22
kergothYocto_newb: on a related note, especially with regard to what goes where, i'd suggest reading — it's slightly out of date, and isn't written the best, but it still covers a key principle19:24
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Yocto_newbdo you maintain your own layer somewhere?19:26
kergothNot one specific one. I work for one of the Yocto member companies as an operating system vendor (Mentor Graphics), so much of my work on yocto & oe is done for them, in their layers. I do have a variety of personal ones, but they're mostly for specific purposes and personal use, proof of concept of features before i submit them, or old prototypes that weren't viable, etc19:27
kergothI maintain meta-external-toolchain, meta-sourcery, and meta-mentor most visibly.19:28
Yocto_newbwow very impressive!!!19:28
kergothI was one of the founders of bitbake & oe back in the day, but am not nearly as involved as in the past, Richard is a way better maintainer than I ever was :)19:29
kergotha bit hard to believe it's 16 years old now. now i feel old19:29
Yocto_newbisnt openwrt and ddwrt based on yocto too?19:30
kergothlast i checked openwrt was buildroot-based, but i admittedly havent' checked it out in ages19:30
Yocto_newbya i know the old feeling i still remember aol1.0 on a floppy you had to copy it to dos to run it...19:31
kergotha big part of why oe exists is a number of us outgrew buildroot, it wasn't scaling to what we needed for long term distro maintainence. which is a big difference between the two. buildroot and its variants are fantastic for quick stuff, board bringup, etc, but isn't as great for the longer term. yocto/oe is great for the longer term but has a bigger learning curve. so it's a tradeoff.19:32
Yocto_newbi dont know never used buildroot .. yocto is my first attempt to make a distro19:34
Yocto_newbits been a rather fun journey19:34
kergothThat makes sense, building a linux distro is interesting indeed, i imagine that's the attraction of projects like linuxfromscratch as well. there's something to seeing how the pieces of a linux system fit together19:35
Yocto_newbis there an advantage to using yoctos postinstall vs making a startup script?19:35
kergothpostinstall usually just runs once on first boot, and even then only if it's explicitly marked as not being able to be done at image creation time, otherwise that's when it'll be run19:36
Yocto_newbso no difference really then?19:37
kergothnot really, again comes down to the purpose and where it makes the most sense conceptually, but many could be done either way.19:37
kergothone way to consider it is to think about the use case of installing the packages at runtime on target. what would be the behavior then? you might not care, but it helps to clarify19:37
kergothsince a postinst would run at package install time in such a case19:38
kergothex apt-get update; apt-get install foobar19:38
Yocto_newbso postinst runs within yocto not on first-boot?19:39
kergothwhen the image is built, yeah, unless it's marked as being only able to be run on target19:39
kergothsince that's when the package is installed into the rootfs, at image build time19:39
Yocto_newboh wow that makes a big difference i thought postinstall ran on targets first boot19:40
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LetoThe2ndkergoth: as you mentioned people being of.. .just for the record, i'm pretty much out of the loop until mid of may19:49
Yocto_newbthank you so much for you time kergoth19:50
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