Tuesday, 2021-06-29

yatesi have this line in a recipe's bbappend file: FILES_${PN} += " glibc-locale"00:19
yatesand i'm getting a parse error. why?00:20
yatesno, wait00:22
yatesi was trying to mute this Fatal QA errors found, but that did not work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zZJMNSZSkt/00:25
yateswhat am i doing wrong?00:25
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yatesi think i know why: i am not providing the path to the file00:37
yatesi've found that directory several places: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QQ6BW6pqKH/00:37
yatesquestions: 1) which one should i use? 2) how do you specify the path for the glibc-locale i should use in the FILES line? 3) can you specify a directory and everything underneath in a FILES command instead of every file?00:38
yatesfray: this is related (i think) to the libgcc.a problem we were discussing a few days ago.00:39
yatesthat QA problem did not arise until i puth the DEPENDS_blah += libgcc.a00:40
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mckoangood morning06:39
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX06:45
mckoanLetoThe2nd: hey :-)06:46
mckoanI have a question about meta-spdxscanner, anyone used it? dl9pf ?06:46
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mckoanquestion is: is it possible to try meta-spdxscanner without any external service?06:53
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mckoanproblem solved: dunfell branch was broken, switched to master07:03
LetoThe2ndmckoan: so it is actually possible?07:06
mckoanLetoThe2nd: still building07:07
mckoandoh! ERROR: bash-completion-2.10-r0 do_get_report: Could not invoke scancode Command07:08
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dl9pfmckoan: hi !07:59
dl9pfmckoan: there are multiple scanners08:00
dl9pfmckoan: fossology needs the backend obviously. scancode does the parsing locally08:01
dl9pfmckoan: can you pastebin more verbose output ?08:02
mckoandl9pf: hi, thank you08:06
mckoanI added in local.conf INHERIT += "scancode-tk"08:06
mckoandl9pf: https://pastebin.com/JrHeES3908:07
dl9pfeeh ... give me a sec08:09
mckoando I need python2 ?08:09
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dl9pfthey switched to py3 only 2 weeks ago and we're not on a that recent commit (scancode toolkit)08:13
dl9pfI assume we miss the py2 dependency and the layer dependency then.08:13
dl9pfor better bump scancode ... sec08:14
mckoandl9pf: it is Python 2.7.1708:15
dl9pfany python 2 might do. but let me check the latest py3 version. that will work better out of the box08:15
dl9pfmckoan: verifying a fixed recipe08:20
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patrick-rgood morning09:01
patrick-rgood morning, despite  "oe-pkgdata-util lookup-pkg glibc-utils" giving libc6-utils as a response, I get a "nothing provides libc6-utils" when bitbake <image>09:02
patrick-rcan't find any trace of a libc6-utils in my source tree09:03
patrick-rguess am missing something here ...09:03
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LetoThe2ndpatrick-r: probably because its virtual/libc or similar.09:07
patrick-rLetoThe2nd: oh ok should I phrase it virtual/libc6-utils in the local.conf?09:08
rburtonpatrick-r: you bitbake a recipe, not a package09:10
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rburtonthe recipe is glibc09:11
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patrick-r@rburton: the ultimate goal here is to add languages and locales to the image09:21
patrick-rrburton: so need commands like localectl and such in the image09:21
rburtonso add glibc-utils to IMAGE_INSTALL09:22
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RPrburton: do you know of any pending/recent arm kernel issues that could cause it to block on a read() accidentally on /proc/kmsg?09:52
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RPHaving green builds on the autobuilder feels weird :/09:59
rburtonswap with our internal CI if you want09:59
* LetoThe2nd hands RP a bunch of red post-its09:59
RPrburton: I'll pass, thanks ;-)09:59
rburtonRP: is there a bug for that kmsg thing?10:02
rburtonmy manager isn't aware of anything and he's a kernel guy10:02
RPrburton: I should write one up I guess10:03
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RPrburton: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1446010:12
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zeddRP: speaking of green. my first libc-header upgrade test looks to have been green: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/85/builds/146211:48
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zeddI have a bit more to do with the kernel update, but I can send the libc-headers update in advance and we can see how it does. My prep work for this update may have actually paid off :D11:49
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RPzedd: I noticed that, nice! :)12:30
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yatesi am confused about the FILES variable.12:32
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yatesthe reference manual lists an example: FILES_${PN} += "${bindir}/mydir1 ${bindir}/mydir2/myfile"12:33
yatesbut ${bindir} is, according to bitbake.conf, /usr/bin, and this would not be a valid path to a file in the build folder12:33
yatesaren't you supposed to specify the file in the build system as assignment to a FILES_${PN} ?12:34
yatesre: https://docs.yoctoproject.org/ref-manual/variables.html#term-FILES12:36
rburtonwhere there does it say that the paths should be based on the build folder?12:39
rburtonit refers to target paths, bitbake internally prefixes with the path to the staging directory for you12:39
yatesit does not say that anywhere, but otherwise which file is being specified.12:40
rburtondo_install writes files to a staging area.  do_package  uses the globs in FILES_* to pick files from that staging area.12:40
yatesand where does it say that in the docs?12:41
rburtonby default FILES_${PN} includes ${bindir} so anything in (by default) /usr/bin in the staging area goes into PN12:41
rburtonwell that's an implementation detail12:41
rburtoni'm telling you what happens12:41
rburtonthe docs say "the list of files and directories that are placed in a package ... such as ${bindir}12:41
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rburtonfwiw, this is how rpm and dpkg also manage their file lists.  you list the filenames you want to exist, and it handles details like where they actually are on disk at this precise moment.12:42
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yatesOK, thanks rburton for that clarification. In my opinion, it is confusing that12:47
yatesthe docs do not mention that the build system will append a special12:47
yatestask-dependent build folder to the source path being specified12:47
yatesin the assignment.12:47
yatesi have not built a rpm or dpkg package "manually", i.e., outside of an automated system like yocto, so i don't know those details12:49
rburtonlook at it this way: if the assignment was 'where the files are on disk right now", how would it know where you want them to be?12:49
yatesthe way it works is reasonable, for that reason you state and probably many others. it is just that the documents do not mention that this is the way it works. they state "...Then, provide a space-separated list of files, or paths, that identify the files you want included as part of the resulting package." To "identify" the files, to me, includes the complete path.12:52
yates the following quote from Quintilian 2000 years ago comes to mind, "One shoulkd not aim at being possible to understand, but at being impossible to misunderstand."12:56
yatesand yes, the ambivalence of the DESTINATION path did occur to me when attempting to determine the SOURCE path12:58
yates...when attempting to determine the complete SOURCE path ...12:58
overridehaving trouble getting the paths right - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/nYxmVR27Rq/. Using this recipe - https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/9TmDwtBF7g/13:02
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yatesbtw, i credit that quote to the author of my first textbook in modern algebra, John R. Durbin, "Modern Algebra: An Introduction"13:20
yates...which is excellent.13:20
overridebeautiful quote yates13:22
overridereally makes we wana do some modern algerbra right now13:23
yatesoverride: LOL. I neglected to mention the pain associated with that class...13:23
yates"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."13:24
overridecant relate, I just remember the pigeon hole principle from linear algebra13:24
yatesI'm full of ... quotes (YES! that's it, QUOTES) ... this morning..13:25
yatesAh yes, Dirichlet's Pigeon Hole Principle13:25
overridewhats the difference between systemd_system_unitdir and systemd_unitdir. Google isnt linking me to the yocto manual with definitions13:27
yatesoverride: check out the path definitions in the first part of /meta/conf/bitbake.conf13:27
rburtonbitbake.conf is your friend for any variable definitions13:28
rburtonexport systemd_unitdir = "${nonarch_base_libdir}/systemd"13:28
rburtonexport systemd_system_unitdir = "${nonarch_base_libdir}/systemd/system"13:28
rburtonexport nonarch_libdir = "${exec_prefix}/lib"13:28
rburtonexport systemd_user_unitdir = "${nonarch_libdir}/systemd/user"13:28
overridenice, always helpful having you around rburton13:28
tommygFolks, I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand how to include a kernel module that isn't included in the standard build13:31
tommygIt's part of the v4l2 driver set, specifically VIDEOBUF2-DMA-SG13:31
tommygThanks @ rburton but I've been through that. I'm not sure if it's something odd about this driver or something I'm doing wrong (I strongly suspect the latter :-)  )13:32
rburtonif you enable it as a module it will get packaged separately13:33
rburtonso you'll then have to install that package13:33
rburtonoe-pkgdata-util list-pkg-files can help you check that13:33
tommygThat could be where I need to look, thanks13:33
tommygOne other related question. If I add "CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_DMA_SG=m" to a .bbappend file (linux-tegra_%.bbappend - I'm using meta-tegra for a Jetson Xavier NX) the relevant  videobuf2-dma-sg.ko doesn't appear anywhere in the build directory13:37
rburtonin a config fragment added to the SRC_URI in the append, right?13:37
rburtonyou can't just set CONFIG_SOMETHING in the bbappend13:38
tommygBut if I add in a kernel driver for a video capture card that depends on it, the file is built. Is that normal i.e. Yocto or the Kernel builder is smart enough not to build it if it's not required?#13:38
tommygThe bbappend file13:38
tommygFILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"13:38
tommygSRC_URI_append = " file://videobuf2.cfg"13:38
tommygthe cfg file is simply13:39
JPEWRP: I'm guessing the AB uses NFSv4 for sstate/downloads? NFSv3 seems to be giving me trouble13:39
tommygin directory 'linux-tegra'13:40
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tommygI'll go checkout the oe-pkgdata-util stuff, many thanks13:41
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RPJPEW: I think so, yes ver4.114:02
RPJPEW: type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.1,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,local_lock=none)14:02
JPEWRP: Cool Thanks. I'll see if we can get our server upgraded to NFS4.1 to resolve our download locking problem14:03
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yateswhen specifying a FILES assignment, will "<system-location>/folder" be interpreted as all files/directories under <build-path><system-location>/folder?14:22
rburton(see the default FILES_${PN})14:22
yateswait, where is the "default" FILES_${PN} for a specific package?14:23
yatesrburton: in that definition i see both "<folder>" and "<folder>/*". what's the difference? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/szTGvpPQfq/14:27
rburtonformer is the folder and all of its contents14:27
rburtonthe latter is all files in that folder, not recursively14:27
yatesah! right. makes sense14:28
yatesthank you, rburton14:28
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overrideI have a systemd service that relies on nginx. I can figure if I should add nginx ad DEPENDS or RDEPENDS for this recipe. My recipe and service - , https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/bgJZtZJQ7j/14:49
rburtonDEPENDS is build time14:49
rburtonso you want RDEPENDS14:49
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overridethanks. This systemd is real confusing14:53
paulg<insert random but well deserved systemd rant here>14:54
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overridethink I've got just about everything in but I cant see nothing when I run systemctl on target14:54
overrideanybod got any debugging advice for services? I dont see nothing on the targert. Recipe seems to build fine on the build machine15:04
overridewhen I test it out with bitbake..15:04
overridecan I check for the service failing or anything in dmesg or someplace similar?15:05
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rburtonassuming you checked the services are actually on the disk15:09
rburtonthen systemctl and journalctl are your friend15:09
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overriderburton: how to confrim theyre on the disk?15:10
rburtonif you have the image booted then just use ls15:10
rburtonfrom the build host, oe-pkgdata-util will let you list package contents15:11
overrideI have the image booted - let me see if I can see the .service files15:11
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overridenot sure why I dont see the .service files on the board ..15:14
overrideI did the image-append thing for the new recipe which brings them in..15:14
rburtonso 1) check that you actually packaged the files where you thought you did with oe-pkgdata-util list-pkg-files15:15
rburtonthen 2) check you actually put that package into the image with IMAGE_INSTALL15:15
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overridemaybe i had an IMAGE_install_append vs IMAGE_INSTALL_append15:19
overrideI wasnt getting errors tho, but whatever ill try again15:20
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overridethanks rbuton: your helps always on point. I can atleast see the service on the board now..15:39
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overridedoes anyone know how to deal with systemd targets? should I have a recipe to setup those files?16:40
overrideis there a sample recipe for that?16:40
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mihaioverride: you need to 'inherit systemd' and specify SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}16:45
mihaiin your recipe16:45
overridemihai: I get that that16:45
overridebut im seeing different targets that I need to setup for a service16:46
overridehow do I go about doing that16:46
overridetheres like a multi-user target16:47
overrideand all of that16:47
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mihaioverride: I think you could do that from the service file, use Wants / WantedBy16:53
overridegot it16:54
overridethen do I need to bring over those files from the recipe?16:54
overrideI guess i would16:54
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mihaioverride: the target files? those should come with systemd16:56
mihaiunless you're defining a new target16:57
overrideyeah im defining a new target16:57
overrideI just need to a sample recipe that does something similar16:57
overridelike sets up the SRC_URI FILES_${PN} and all16:58
overrideand the do_install_append16:58
mihaioverride: I guess systemd-serialgetty could be an example17:03
overridemihai: can I give paths to multiple files in SRC_URI_append?17:16
mihaioverride: yes17:18
overridemihai: going for something like this, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/ZjZ7XQTPYx/17:20
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overridein do_install_append how can I bring over an entire directory to {D}17:52
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abellonikhem: glibc 2.34 doesn't play nice with non-gplv3: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/75/builds/3614/steps/11/logs/stdio23:08
abellonihum, I'm not completely sure this is the culprit23:12
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