Monday, 2021-08-09

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Guest4857Hi everyone06:32
Guest4857I am trying to make a USB installer for a intel device x86, I have found this in the meta-intel layer And that works somehow, but I am not sure how I setup what this installer installs on the disk, I want to have a specific partition layout for updating, but the WKS files used06:34
Guest4857is just how the USB is partitioned, but not the SATA disk I am installing into.. Can anyone help or point me in a direction?06:34
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mihaiGuest4857: I think you need to customize the install script, that actually partitions the disk and installs the rootfs07:11
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michaeloHi RP. Maybe a naive question... Would it make sense to inherit the cve-check class by default in Poky? Given that it only produces warnings, who wouldn't want to have this enabled?10:11
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RPmichaelo: In general we don't enable things which give warnings in builds, particularly which change and get worse over time10:23
michaeloRP: understood... it makes sense, thanks!10:30
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jsandmanHi, I have a BSP layer with 3 different machineX.conf. They all really use the same toolchain tuning but they use different kernel patches and other BSP components get different setup based on MACHINE. what would be the way of working using the extensible SDK? Is there a way to not have three different eSDKs given they share the same toolchain and13:04
jsandmannative tools?13:04
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RPjsandman: if you combine the locked sigs files for them, it would work. I'm not sure there is an automated way to do that currently though13:29
jsandmanRP Thanks! It seems I really need to understand this sig files based on my previous error and now this ;)13:31
jsandmanbtw. I still did not get the sigdata stuff aligned but I'm trying to get somthing going just with the minimal eSDK to sort this multiple MACHINE scenario.13:33
RPjsandman: we got part way through development of the eSDK and then the people were reassigned, we've never gotten back to finish it off properly :(13:34
jsandmanthat's sad :(13:35
RPjsandman: we will get there, just a question of when, it has so much more potential :/13:41
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FulgoHello everyone. I have decided to build over core-minimal-image my own image, but before making modifications I wanted to enable the console, so I added SERIAL_CONSOLES with the tty I pretend to use ("115200;ttyLP3" in mi case) but... I do not see anything in the serial. Is it complicated to know what I am missing? I have checking the documentation14:16
Fulgoand it seems simple... maybe debug-twaks or somethin? Thanks in advance.14:16
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qschulzif you're using U-Boot, make sure that the kernel command line (bootargs environment variable) is correctly set. You should have something like console=ttyLP3,115200 according to
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FulgoYes, I am using it. I am going to check that, I just tried to copy how it was done by the vendor XD, so I thought just with that line everything will work but... no14:21
Fulgoqschulz but that variable can be checked from YOCTO or do I need to do something different as it is in the bootargs?14:26
qschulzprintenv bootargs from U-Boot14:27
FulgoI mean, I can see the SERIAL_CONSOLES set to what it should be working using the vendor's layer14:27
qschulzbut it might be constructed on the fly, so just print it before the bootm/bootz/booti command14:27
Fulgoyes... but I cannot see the serial from uboot either so I cannot print anything ... :(14:27
FulgoThe COM port appears but nothing is printed, neither the UBOOT nor the app, so I cannot stop in the uboot to print its variables14:28
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FulgoI am back. It disconnected :/14:47
mrdmitryHi, I'm working on a small crash course on yocto and was wondering if `devtool add` can be used to generate a recipe for archive-based source package? `devtool add git://..` works perfectly fine, but trying to use source archive as fetchuri leads to "No such file or directory: .../recipetool-7sgrwrrf/work/recipe-sysroot"14:47
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Xagen_does anyone know why you would get `No match for argument` for packages when `do_populate_sdk` runs for an image if the packages it's complaining about have built?15:14
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kranzoWhat would be the proper way to override a file deployed by another package?15:51
qschulzkranzo: bbappend with FILESEXTRAPATHS appropriately set15:52
kranzoi.e i wanna deploy a static website with nginx so should i bbapend to override the default config or is there a better way?15:52
qschulzI'm not sure you want to rebuild nginx every time you make a change to your website files15:53
qschulzso a proper recipe for it is probably more appropriate15:53
kranzoy so one recipe for the webcontent and one to patch nginx to enable the custom config?15:54
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qschulzI guess so15:57
kranzothx ill give it a try16:01
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kranzomrdmitry according to page 5 of this ( this should work17:55
kranzomrdmitry is maybe the best place to start, without the actual command you issued its hard to debug your error message18:06
paulgRP, since the old sample.conf got copied and deployed a million times....   and hence it  contains old syntax....18:12
paulgPACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qemu-system-native = " sdl"18:12
paulg...any users with the above will get an error about said line, with no hint that it is actually in their local conf vs. some mystery layer that is lagging behind.18:13
paulgWhich is a kinda crappy user experience.18:13
paulgnot sure if we can ferret out the offending file name from self.whatever inside bitbake/lib/bb/ and spit that info out?18:15
paulgI was digging around in meta-virtualization and meta-cloud-services since seeing qemu made me think "go look there".18:17
paulgI'm guessing I'm not the only one.18:17
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rburtonpaulg: literally just helped debug a problem where it was listing a recipe name but the offending line was in a devtool workspace18:25
rburtonso would be good if it put a real filename/line18:25
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paulgok then, it definitely isn't just me, then.18:28
tlwoerner_zeddii around?18:28
paulgtlwoerner_, vaca, IIRC.18:29
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tlwoernerthat was last week's excuse! ;-)18:30
paulgtlwoerner,  should be back on the 12th, I think.18:42
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rfriedHow can I test inside a recipe if a package is included in target image ?19:04
rfriedI want to add a specific configuration file in case another package is included.19:04
rfried${@bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_INSTALL is the way to go?19:05
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mrdmitrykranzo thanks for the links! I did follow them and as long as package is hosted remotely (http:// or git://) it's working fine, but as soon as I use local (file://) package (it's the same archive), it breaks19:10
whuang0389is it possible to install python wheels to target via Yocto?19:11
marc1hi, looking for tips on how to create a self-extracting script that would include image files along with a couple of host tools (hexdump, imx_usb_loader, etc). Anyone pointers or example classes would be appreciated, thx!19:11
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RPpaulg: In my defence it does try to show the file/lineno, it just doesn't work:
RPProbably as variable tracking isn't turned on :/19:38
RPpaulg: and we did bump the local.conf version: but the parse error trips users up before the conf version one :(19:38
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paulgyeah I only got the conf error (which btw doesn't say it is triggered off CONF_VERSION either) after fixing the other wreckage.19:44
* paulg holds up a 4/10 olympic scoreboard.19:45
tlwoernerpaulg: okay, thanks :-)19:51
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kranzomrdmitry ok could reproduce it for local files, workaround would be a local webserver (i.e python3 -m http.server) in the path with the files to fetch but its kinda strange19:58
kranzomrdmitry fixes this, and while we try to delete the folder it shouldn't be a problem when it not exists20:06
whuang0389hi all.. just wondering if I can supply a python wheel to yocto to install onto the target device. or perhaps I need to write a do_install/do_compile step for this in the recipe20:10
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kranzocan someone tell me whats the best way to provide a patch to devtool upstream, im still not sure who is doing what in the yocto/oe universe20:13
LetoThe2ndkranzo: i think sending to the yocto ml, and ccing saul wold would be a good start.20:14
kranzoah feared that answer, i feel mailing lists are such a pain. ill have a look20:16
LetoThe2ndsorry (well, actually not, but to make you feel better :D), but thats the patch process we have in place.20:18
kranzoits fine, i just have to dig into mailing lists now (allways skipped this till now)20:20
* paulg idly wonders who is Sato and why they got an image/theme named after them.20:21
LetoThe2ndpaulg: i don' care as long as they give me booze.20:22
paulgput that in your next job application where it asks "Salary Expectations:"20:25
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paulg anyone else seeing meson-native savaging various pkgs on master?
paulgcleanall of meson-native and infected meson users doesn't seem to fix it.21:11
paulg  perhaps?21:14
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kranzook i will need some time to supply proper patches :D  so maybe till the end of the week21:21
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RPpaulg: sato and poky go together from the same theme21:27
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wing0what is happening with freetype and harfbuzz? these circular dependecies are a pain...22:15
wing0ops, sry22:15
wing0wrong channel22:16
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dmoseley@JPEW I'm trying to work with multiconfig and BBMASK to completely disable layers. I've backported the 8 commits from your PR to dunfell with only one minor mod but I'm still getting errors about matching recipes to bbappends.  Is it possible that the logic to check for missing bb files is not using the masked version of BBFILES?23:43
dmoseleyTo make matters possibly more complicated these are bbappend files being pulled in by BBFILES_DYNAMIC.23:45
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