Friday, 2021-08-27

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moto-timovmeson: partial fix
vmesonmoto-timo: what part doesn't that fix? :)03:16
moto-timovmeson: python3-setup tools-rust-native build_rust is still somehow failing to detect Rust compiler03:17
moto-timovmeson: wip
vmesonmoto-timo: I see. I'll try that tomorrow.03:21
moto-timovmeson: it might be something else with build_rust… the message is kind of a catch all03:21
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RPand of course rust failed after merging06:04
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX06:47
thekappehello man ! XD06:48
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thekappeguys, I have one question. I have a recipe that build multiple binaries and a shared library. What I wan to do is to have all the binaries into a package and the share library into another one. Next thing is that if I add the package containing the binaries to image I need the shared library to be installed too. THere is a way to tell the recipe that if the binary package is selected, the library package is06:52
thekappeautomatically installed too ?06:52
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baraththekappe: you need to make the package containing the libraries be a dependency (see the DEPENDS variable in the yocto manual) of the package containing the binary06:59
barathand to create multiple packages in the same recipe, containing different binaries, you can declare multiple FILES_libs<pn>=" {libdir}/*.so " variables etc07:01
barathI'm not sure where in the manual it talks about the latter...07:02
barathpossibly this ?
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thekappebarath: thanks07:11
baraththekappe: note that some runtime-dependencies (RDEPENDS) are automatically added to packages sometimes, when yocto sees that a binary is linked against a certain library07:12
thekappeok ! I didn't know that ! thanks again !07:13
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hansiheI have a bitbake recipe which is building a meson project. It inherits both `meson` and `pkgconfig`. In the `` file, there are calls to `<dep>.get_pkgconfig_variable('pkgdatadir')`. Unfortunately this seems to return a path in my native harddrive root, `/usr`, not in the sysroot for the package like I would expect. I understand that `PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR` needs to be set when `pkg-config` is invoked for it to return the right07:56
hansihepath, this should be handled by meson.bbclass, right?07:56
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LetoThe2ndhansihe: have you looked at other comparable recipes? i'd expect it to be handled correctly, but it might be depending on inherit ordering.08:09
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hansihemeson seems to have a `sys_root` option in their `meson.cross`, which is what meson uses to set their `PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR`, but that option is not set in the poky `meson.bbclass`08:47
hansiheI might have missed something, but I don't understand how this can work at all in the general case08:48
jorschulkoHi, I was wondering how well (if at all) yocto (dunfell) can handle simultaneous builds writing to the same sstate cache?08:49
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jorschulkoqschulz: was that an answer to my question? :D09:30
qschulzyes :)O09:33
qschulzas per JPEW "You need proper file locking IIRC, so either a local file syetem or NFS"09:35
jorschulkoah nice! the same doesn't hold true for the download dir by any chance? :)09:37
qschulzof course09:39
jorschulkothat just made my life a lot easier :D thanks!09:40
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overrideyo, how can we update the device tree without flashing entire new images?12:13
LetoThe2ndoverride: it DEPENDS.12:15
overrideLetoThe2nd: im just trying to hearout all possible options12:16
overridesince I havent got the slightest clue12:16
LetoThe2ndoverride: no, it doesn't work like that. because it completely depends on your development setup, and where the kernel gets the current dtb from.12:17
overrideLetoThe2nd: did you want me to show you my current .wks file or something? Trying to understand what all I need to let you know12:20
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overrideIm trying to see if I can add a var to boot.src or something and have uboot load the device tree from there12:22
overridethats the kinda of options im trying to figure out12:22
LetoThe2ndagain, it depends. uboot can fetch from sd card, for example. from tftp. from nfs.12:25
overrideor someone can just tell me a little more about device tree overlays12:25
LetoThe2ndif uboot uses the same, then things are more complicated.12:25
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LetoThe2ndand overlays are something completely else again too.12:25
overrideLetoThe2nd: my uboot and all the other partitions get flashed to the emmc12:26
qschulzcheck where the device tree is gotten from12:26
qschulzyou might be lucky and it gets it from a partition mounted in the rootfs (or the fs directly)12:27
qschulzit's not uncommon to have them in /boot12:27
overrideI also read something about the device-tree-compiler, apparenlt lets you edit the device tree during runtime12:27
qschulzbut again, depends on U-Boot, you can perfectly have device tree in /boot but not have those used12:27
overridewell my wks is setup to have a boot partition12:27
overrideunclear where exactly my devitree tree is at12:28
qschulzno, that's not possible, you can apply device tree overlays at runtime but it isn't mainline as far as i know12:28
overrideshould i just do a find -name *dts or something on the boards?12:28
qschulzdtc is just to produce dtb (device tree blob) or dtbo (device tree overlay blob)12:28
LetoThe2ndusually one would patch the uboot-env to pull the dtb from some connected storage. no wks involved.12:28
qschulz14:27:11        qschulz | you might be lucky and it gets it from a partition mounted in the rootfs (or the fs directly)12:29
qschulzinsinuate it might not be12:29
qschulzand 14:27:50        qschulz | but again, depends on U-Boot, you can perfectly have device tree in /boot but not have those used12:29
qschulzyou have to dig into U-Boot environment variables to understand how and where the device tree is gotten from12:30
overridealright, first thing first, whats like a sure shot way of finding out where the bsp is currently storing the device tree at?12:30
qschulzyoiu can also have uImage and fitImage, which have the device tree embedded, so many ways and as LetoThe2nd said "it depends"12:30
overrideqschuls: so look at the bootscr file?12:30
qschulzusually the command run at boot when U-boot is uninterrupted is stored in `bootcmd`12:31
qschulzstart from there12:31
qschulzit might use bootscr, might not12:31
overridegot it12:31
overrideand if its setup the bootcmd its prolly just sitting the rootfs?12:32
overridethe bootcmd way **12:32
qschulzbootcmd is a variable, it contains something12:33
qschulzcan be whatever12:33
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tlwoerneryou can also append the dtb to a zImage, in which case the only way to update it is to write a new kernel+dtb and reboot13:08
tlwoernerit's called: "being flexible" ;-)13:08
smurrayfit image is another option, it can hold multiple kernels and dtbs iirc13:09
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qschulztlwoerner: isn't that the uImage format?13:12
qschulzsmurray: yup, even dtbos too13:12
qschulzrootfs, scripts, firmware, etc...13:12
tlwoernerqschulz: CONFIG_ARM_APPENDED_DTB says: "With this option, the boot code will look for a device tree binary (DTB) appended to zImage"13:13
qschulztlwoerner: great, another format :p13:16
qschulzso I guess this works fine with bootz /me thinks13:17
tlwoernerthat's exactly what bootz is for13:17
tlwoernermost "current" SoCs/platforms are moving to fitImages, appending the dtb to a zImage (for example) is something you'd find with older boards13:21
tlwoerneruImages and zImages are slowing going away13:21
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qschulzyeah, bootm is for uImage/fitImage and bootz for zImage, so appended zImage probably work with bootz that's what I meant13:40
qschulzand the damn booti for Image (aarch64 at least)13:40
qschulzso many ways to boot stuff :p13:40
overrideqschulz: tlwoerner: i tried looking into the uboot env vars and they seems really freakin confusing. the only thing remotely similiar to device trees in there is something called eft_dtb13:41
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overridewhat format is efi?13:43
tlwoernerqschulz: additionally you could also enable extlinux, for example, which has u-boot looking for an extlinux.conf which tells it what to do13:46
overridetlwoerner: my uboot using some standard way of setting up the variables, it was called distro or something, cant remember. Im trying to see how I can update the device tree from this distro style uboot13:47
tlwoerner"distro booting" perhaps13:48
tlwoernerthe u-boot sources don't contain anything about eft_dtb or eft13:48
overridemore like efi_dtb13:49
tlwoernerwhat's the SoC?13:49
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sethfosterAnybody here mess around with meta-clang?13:51
sethfosteror the OSSystems meta-browser layer?13:51
tlwoerneroverride: does you device have a /boot/extlinux directory?13:56
tlwoernersethfoster: once in a while i try building the chromium browser for x11 from the meta-browser layer. although i haven't tried in the last 2 months or so13:58
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overridetlwoerner: /boot seems to be empthy :/ I did find a carve out for the device tree binary file in boot.scr and the uboot env... trying to figure out partiton device tree binary lives in now..14:11
tlwoerneroverride: my impression is toradex is pretty well supported, there's probably someone there you can contact for help?14:13
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sethfosteroh hey override: im working on a verdin imx8mm right now14:21
sethfosterdon't have irc history tho, missed what you asked14:21
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sethfostertlwoerner: i'm trying to get some stuff to build electron going, problem ended up being that meta-clang had some dynamic-layer overrides for chromium that didn't get applied because my recipe's named something else14:22
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moto-timovmeson: somehow I had some cruft in recipe-sysroot-native from prior hacks, "successfully" built python3-cryptography with python3-setuptools-rust-native... now to figure out the ptest mess15:03
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vmesonmoto-timo: yay!  I see your fix on the oe-core list. Thanks!15:28
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tgamblinvmeson: moto-timo: building it too. I should be able to help with the ptests shortly... rust-native do_compile right now15:53
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WadeBerrier[m]Anyone have any suggestions for pruning a shared state cache over time? Or, do we just blow it away once in a while and re-populate it?16:42
JPEWWadeBerrier[m]: We delete it every Friday. Depends on what you need, there is also a script to prune it more methodically16:53
WadeBerrier[m]JPEW: Nice. Mind pointing me to this script?16:55
WadeBerrier[m]Heh, just saw the path, thanks!16:55
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JPEWIt's in oe-core/poky16:55
JPEWoe-core or poky that is ;)16:56
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whuang0389Im getting a bunch of set scene errors that I never previously saw. Any ideas why? ERROR: Setscene task /home/whuang/yocto/build/../sources/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/openssh/ in both covered and notcovered.17:34
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vmesonmoto-timo: librsvg seems to build meta/recipes-gnome/librsvg/ -- I''ll update to 2.50.7 when I'm back from an errand.18:06
moto-timovmeson: hazaah!18:11
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vmesonwhuang0389:  is that set scene error on master or ???  Also poky or oe-core or some other distro?19:05
whuang0389no its on dunfell. im assuming i ran out of disk space or something.. trying to rebuild on a larger disk19:07
whuang0389and yea it's poky-base distro19:07
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vmesonwhuang0389: That's odd, I'm pretty sure that dunfell has a default monitor to stop the build if the FS free space is low. Let us know if the larger disk helps.19:12
vmesonI doub that sakoman broken anything on dunfell but I guess it's possible.19:13
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sakomanvmeson: I'm not aware of any dunfell breakage. If there is I want to know about it!19:14
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paulg"I dun' fell and broke mar hip."19:30
paulg(you'll have to imagine your own instance of a redneck accent for that)19:30
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sakomanpaulg: I always wondered where the dunfell name came from :-)19:57
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vmesonsakoman: lol and for anyone interested, I believe it's the Great Dun Fell mountain peak:
vmesonHardknott Roman Fort:
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vmesonmoto-timo: a bit of progress but stuck on:  with
vmesonI have to get back to actually taking  the day off so it's not like I've stared at the current build issue for long or anything.20:45
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* vmeson forced an update to include: rust-common.bbclass: export RUST_TARGET_PATH20:51
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WadeBerrier[m]There in 5 mins...23:28
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