Saturday, 2021-11-13

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frayBTW reproduced my fetch problem from this morning.. no idea why it's happening again.. but at least I can keep digging into it01:07
fraywell confirmed.. it is a mirrors issue.. enters try_mirrors and doesn't seem to exit it01:11
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frayfound it..  ENAMETOOLONG in triggers an endless loop01:37
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RPfray: someone was going to send me a patch related to that but never did send the v2 :(08:26
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RPjaskij[m]: leaving separate from bitbake seems reasonable to me, I'd be happy with a standalone tool for this16:13
jaskij[m]RP: Cool. I'm still developing this, so once I feel it's finished I'll write here again.16:37
jaskij[m]sidenote: I tried using PyDot to get pure Python parsing (as opposed to calling libgraphviz through a wrapper). Didn't work. The parse times were too long to consider.16:45
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frayRP if you are still here.. I found two issues.. the lock one (which I've got a patch for), and also there are two commits in the mirror code that cause the mirror to go _nuts_ in my config..  Why, I have no idea..17:33
frayif I revert the two commits then suddenly it all works, but I'm sure the bug they fixed also comes back17:33
frayWas going to work on the patch in a few minutes and get them sent to bitbake-devel for discussion17:34
RPfray: which two patches?17:34
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fraysec.. it's on my work VPN side, so it'll be a minute for me to find it17:36
fray(poky commits)17:36
frayremove those two and it fixes the issue..17:36
frayso what I was seeing was in the mirror config, it decided to use a filename of: (looking it up in the log)17:37
RPfray: I thought it would be those somehow. The first one you meantion was meant to fix the second17:38
frayit takes a url that has already been converted from "git" syntax to mirror syntax. then mangles the crap out of it..17:40
RPfray: that does look somewhat entertaining :/17:41
frayWhat it seems to be doing is for each letter in the / it basically grabs a letter from that string and inserts it17:41
frayrepeat for EACH letter..17:41
frayso if you take that string and do a sed s/ on it.. you get a BLANK result17:42
frayso ya.. that is what is causing the ENAMETOOLONG17:42
RPfray: its obviously looping uncontrolled. I don't have ideas offhand other than diving in and trying to figure out what the code is doing so a mailing list post and heopfully a way we can replicate would be good17:42
RPright, strings like that would just overflow the filenames17:42
fraybut that too long is a problem that also should be fixed.. I should have a patch to the list in about 10-15 minutes for that17:42
frayONCE I found/fixed that.. it was easy to realize it was the mirror url stuff that was the problem and then just bisect from what changed in gatesgarth (where I know this works)17:43
fraythe bad part of this all, it works "sometimes".. i.e. if I do a bitbake -c cleanall on this recipe, it will start working.. I have NO IDEA why17:43
frayit seems to only fail on a fresh build, which likely means it may even be task order related (again, I don't see any reason for that to be true, but thats the behavior I've seen)17:44
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frayDo you need me to send a report on those two patches to bitbake-devel?17:44
RPfray: yes please. Is there a way I could reproduce?17:56
frayI'm not sure.. that is the biggest issue right now.. I'll see if we have stuff that is public that might be able to17:58
fray(we just pushed a bunch of preliminary honister workt o the public, so there is finally a chance for it)17:58
frayok name too long sent.. if you get too copied I apologize in advance.. I've got a mail config issue (no working reverse DNS from my ISP, so sometimes the mail stops, sometimes it doesn't)17:59
RPfray: for the long lockfile name, I think we cna just truncate it to fit FWIW17:59
frayI thought about that.. but I'm inclined to just fail.. and if it becomes a real-world problem, THEN we can truncate it18:00
RPfray: it is a real world issue elsewhere :/18:00
frayup to this point, the code has been the way it's been since 2017 or before.. so I don't think anyone is really going to care18:00
RPhence the previous discussion18:00
RPI can try and sort something out18:00
fraythe other places (like sstate-cache) we've always said the caller needs to figure out the truncation strategy.. so thats what I did here.. left it to the caller..18:01
fraymight be cleaner if we can except out way back out.. but I followed ht example of the 'can't write to the disk'18:01
frayanyway, that was my thought process here18:01
fraylol got an alert "motion detected at your front door".. go to the camera, don't see anyone.. replay.. squirrel running with a walnut full speed past my front door..18:02
RPfray: sstate is a bit different to this though and the consequences of lock overlap aren't that bad18:04
RPfray: I get a lot of motion detection from raindrops rolling on camera domes :)18:05
frayok.. email sent to bitbake-devel with details on the mirror stuff.. I'll spend a bit to see if I can reproduce it, but my regular build machine is offline.. so we'll see if I can18:10
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frayAll of my other cameras I have "motion" detection off, but I do have "object" detection on.  It's pretty good for filtering out squirrels, while good at telling me someone is in my driveway (either by vehicle or walking)18:11
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frayRP got you a reproducer.. it's a bit sketchy, but should give you a chance to reproduce it..18:49
frayok steps have been sent18:53
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