Friday, 2021-11-12

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tlwoernerqschulz: you use devtool to git bisect between 5.14 and 5.14.11, find the issue, and send a patch upstream. then carry the patch locally ;-)01:00
tlwoernereveryone has their own "meta-tweaks" ;-)01:00
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mckoangood morning07:41
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qschulztlwoerner: send the patch to which upstream exactly? it's in v5.14.12 and in v5.15 so not sure where I should send it?08:49
qschulzI can carry the patch in meta-tweaks too but how do you define when to include it or not when the fix is in the same Yocto branch, just in two different honister releases08:57
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qschulzI've a host binary that I believe is a freezed python package for x86_64, how do I make sure this binary can be used on non-x86_64 hosts? I assume via qemu? the blob can be found here:
qschulzI assume it's not the first crappy thing we encounter, is there anything requiring a similar setup in some public layer I could take inspiration from?09:24
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qschulznevermind! it seems to have some source code here:
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qschulzah no, it's heavily outdated :/09:48
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RPqschulz: I think most people just only care about x86_64 hosts :(09:59
RPqschulz: qemu would probably be your only option :/10:00
qschulzRP: yeah that's what I was afraid of, do you have know if there's any such package recipe somewhere I could have a look at? I remember seeing some qemu-wrapper thingy somewhere but I don't remember if  it's related in any way to that issue?10:04
jaskij[m]So, I got around to working on that reverse dependency script. Can anyone recommend a task/package with little dependencies? Even U-boot's graph is massive.10:08
dgralHi! Regarding branches and protocols update in SRC_URI, does it concern only github repositories ?10:09
qschulzjaskij[m]: go for a native package for starters, and probably one that includes allarch?10:10
qschulzs/includes/inherits/ ?10:10
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qschulzdgral: I think we aim at forcing users to explicit the branch (or use nobranch?) soon if not already done. For the protocol, I don't know? but the git protocol deprecation is github's only for now10:11
RPqschulz: the gobject-introspection code is our heaviest user of qemu user mode10:11
RPqschulz: qemu-wrapper is focused on running target binaries natively though10:11
jaskij[m]<qschulz> "jaskij: go for a native package..." <- python3-native seems much more manageable, thanks10:18
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kanavinRP: one of these days I'd like to add avx to qemu usermode so we can modernize the qemu x86 targets10:23
kanavinRP: upstream has no interest in that, there's no use case for anyone except yocto it seems10:24
RPkanavin: would be nice. We've struggled to get bug fixes upstream in the usermode code :(10:26
kanavinRP: if only Apple would use that for 'apple silicon' transition :)10:27
RPjaskij[m]: FWIW the simplest is quilt-native. You can then expand to things like libtool-native and so on10:28
RPjaskij[m]: another option may be to call into bitbake's functions using tinfoil and maybe extend the tinfoil api FWIW10:29
RPjaskij[m]: the code that generates is in cooker.py10:29
jaskij[m]RP: thanks for the package suggestions. As for tying into the existing API, I'll leave it as next stage.10:32
jaskij[m]RP: what do you think about introducing per package clusters? It wouldn't change much, except tasks belonging to a single package would be grouped together.10:33
RPjaskij[m]: I know little about dot format and we only really use it as a way to expose the dependency data in a semi-readable way. It seems reasonable but I'd want the files to still be readable10:36
jaskij[m]RP: readable as in human/program readable? clusters won't change much - each package would have it's tasks wrapped in `subgraph cluster_TASK_NAME {` at the beginning and a closing brace at the end10:38
JosefHolzmayrTheyo dudX10:38
RPjaskij[m]: human readable. Do you really mean TASK_NAME there? or RECIPE_NAME?10:39
jaskij[m]RECIPE_NAME, my bad10:39
jaskij[m]another possible improvement (with a single line at the top) would be to change the node shape to rectangles - way less wasted space10:40
RPjaskij[m]: that sounds reasonable10:40
RPjaskij[m]: FWIW I just sent a patch for the multiconfig corruption10:44
jaskij[m]oh, cool10:44
jaskij[m]later on I realized that it doesn't matter much in my use case, since my multiconfigs are just different machines10:45
RPjaskij[m]: it is as well to fix it as it should work :)10:45
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frosteyesHi folks. I am looking into getting CUPS working in a dunfell image with sysvinit, and just noticed something "funnny"10:50
frosteyesIn the do_install the comment say "Remove sysinit script and symlinks if sysvinit is not in DISTRO_FEATURES10:51
frosteyesBut as I see it, it is directly opposite -
jaskij[m]RP: I guess having the packages be sorted alphabetically is part of human readability? NBD, just means I'll have to generate manually instead of using pygraphviz.10:53
qschulzfrosteyes: no? third argument is return value when argument 1 contains argument 2, fourth argument is in case it's not contained in arg1. At least from recollection10:54
frosteyesqschulz: you are right..10:55
RPjaskij[m]: that and wanting deterministic output10:55
RPjaskij[m]: it did used to be unsorted but that wasn't very deterministic10:55
frosteyesSorry - somehow the negotiating was inverted in my mind..10:55
qschulzfrosteyes: it's a bit confusing in that case since if true returns false and if false returns true :)10:56
frosteyesAnd I could not see any init files in the output. So thought it was this..10:56
frosteyesWill need to look further why there is no init file for starting a cups deamon :)10:57
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jaskij[m]RP: noted, sorted and overall deterministic11:01
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RPjaskij[m]: one key usecase is diffing the do files before and after a change11:12
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jaskij[m]RP: there will be two changes: 1) a few lines at the top to do basic styling 2) subgraphs, but that's only those two lines we talked about before.11:20
jaskij[m]and yes, packages will be sorted alphabetically and tasks sorted within a package11:20
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JaMaRP: I was starting to test your PACKAGE_GLOBAL_RENAMES changes and saves quite a lot :) 138 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1015 deletions(-)11:40
qschulznevermind! it seems to have some source code here:
qschulzmy bad, screen was blank for a while and aggressively hit my keyboard and resend the last message :|11:46
jaskij[m]RP: because of how dot/graphviz works with clusters, to make them work I'd have to first list all the tasks and only add dependencies later. It is sorted and deterministic, but probably lends itself less to diffs. I will probably just leave it as an option.11:48
jaskij[m]here's how it would look for libtool-native:
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jaskij[m]IMO it is worse for readability so I'll leave it as an option in case someone truly wants to generate that SVG11:57
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jaskij[m]Now I need to add filtering11:59
RPJaMa: right, it is just a shame it doesn't work so well :(12:01
jaskij[m]Almost like in those anecdotes about LoC KPIs :P12:02
RPjaskij[m]: that doesn't read so well, no :/12:03
jaskij[m]it does give a cleaner dot output if someone actually render it, so I'm going to leave it as a non-default option12:06
RPjaskij[m]: makes sense12:07
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kroonIn theory, should bitbake allow the following in a .conf file ? "foo:pn-core-image-minimal () { ... } \n ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND:append:pn-core-image-minimal = " foo;"12:12
rburtonJPEW: is it known that ncurses doesn't build for mingw12:12
RPrburton: I think it is12:13
kroon(pn-override for shell functions)12:13
rburtonRP: annoying as i had a lovely cleanup but the ncurses dependency breaks it12:13
RPrburton: you could fix ncurses? :)12:14
RPkroon: conf files don't support function style definitions12:14
rburtonRP: i value what is left of my sanity12:14
kroonRP, ok12:14
RPrburton: fair enough, I don't think I'd be tempted to try that either12:15
rburtonthe bsd version of ncurses looks more tempting every time i have to look at the ncurses build12:16
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RPrburton: the problem there started with "look at ncurses"12:18
rburtondid you see that ncurses decides where to install pkgconfig .pc files by running pkgconfig --debug and grepping the output12:18
RPrburton: I did :(12:18
RPrburton: I'm trying not to think about it12:18
rburtonncurses is right up there for terrible software to work with12:19
RPrburton: I remember thinking a bitbake ncurses UI would be nice12:20
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rburtona :linux override should apply for target builds, native builds, and nativesdk-for-linux, right?12:35
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frosteyesqschulz: just FYI - I figured out why there is no init scripts when installing cups. The problem is a packageconfig12:36
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frosteyesPACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--with-systemd=${systemd_system_unitdir},--without-systemd,systemd"12:36
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frosteyesshould have been PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--with-systemd=${systemd_system_unitdir},--disable-systemd,systemd"12:36
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frosteyesElse is SYSTEMD_DIR set to "no" and the test is if SYSTEMD_DIR is empty.12:37
qschulzfrosteyes: please send a patch with precise explanations :)12:39
frosteyesWill do12:41
rburtonbah, made ncurses compile further, but now it fails to link against mingw12:43
JosefHolzmayrThedoes patch application failure for libuidgen in the mtd-utils recipe for dunfell ring a bell for anybody?12:48
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JPEWrburton: ya. Last I checked ncurses doesn't support MinGW12:56
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rburtonit does upstream as the maintainer builds binaries12:56
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rburtoni've fixed one problem we had (forcing it to think it had sys/poll.h)12:56
rburtonfails to link now12:56
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JPEWThere was a project called pdcurses that I used to use instead, but it isn't feature complete12:57
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rburtonalpine were looking at the bsd clone12:57
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frosteyesqschulz: what is the correct mailing list to send a patch for poky - /meta/recipes-extended/cups/ to?12:59
qschulzthough I have to admit, it's not really clear that poky/meta is OE-Core from the git repo and that one should read README.OE-Core.md13:03
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jaskij[m]RP: looks like it's almost done. Just need to add argparse and run it by a friend for some code review13:29
jaskij[m]although I do need to run it on something bigger than libtool-native13:29
jaskij[m]and add tests in general13:30
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frosteyesqschulz: Thanks :)14:04
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fray /msg RP Hmm..  honister, gitsm fetcher has been running for 18 hours without any progress..  I THINK there MIGHT be a bug if it fails to fetch14:49
* fray is looking into it14:49
RPfray: main channel but thanks for the headsup :)14:50
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frayya I noticed.. :P14:52
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fraysomething to do with an internal version of qemu.  So lots of gitsm subpackages..14:52
fraythe log.do_fetch shows no problems though.. everything just seems to have stopped.. so presumably there is a loop somehwere14:53
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fray2 servers and 2 workers according to ps.. but no git, curl, etc...  So something is messed up..14:53
RPfray: github brownout issues with urls in the gitsm ?14:53
frayvery possible.. but the fact that gitsm fetcher sits and waits forever is the real issue14:54
frayit's not "doing" anything14:54
frayI can definitely still reproduce it this morning14:55
fraybut alas, nothing useful in the logs..  hit control-c and bitbake says it's waiting for something, but nothing is running according to ps14:56
frayso I'm guessing we're stuck in a loop in the fetcher because something failed to fetch14:56
frayadding -v and -D, I get the exact same output I got in the log.do_fetch.. nothing new and it just stalls14:57
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RPfray: it definitely shouldn't do that15:05
frayHmm..  (So far) doesn't seem to be looping inside of gitsm, but elsewhere15:09
frayok, it never returns from "" in download -- download_submodule... Hmm15:10
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frayok, the cause was PREMIRRORS settings.. Hmmm15:17
frayI zero'd out the premirrors and now it's working?!15:17
RPfray: circular references?>15:18
fraythere was a bug years ago where circular references lasted forever (like this)15:18
fraybut that was fixed, and I swear a test was added to prevent it15:19
frayI guess I'll dig into that next15:19
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frayI cleand the project, and now I can't reproduce it!15:45
fraySo I guess just keep an eye out for it.. no idea at thsi point how to continue..15:46
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JaMaRP: what is 'ques' op in "if op in ["append", "prepend", "postdot", "predot", "ques"]:" ?15:54
JaMaRP: nvm, found ?=15:55
JaMa        (?P<lazyques>\?\?=) |15:55
JaMa        (?P<ques>\?=) |15:55
RPJaMa: right, it is ?=15:59
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JaMaI was just rebasing my bitbake branch and noticed this addition compared to older version of that patch and was wondering if it's another debug left-over (when quick grep was showing mostly just [Rrequest]s and questionsions :)16:01
RPJaMa: no, I realised that ?= with append/prepend/remove was totally pointless. I should probably have resent16:04
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* RP is curious how much of the world breaks with the new error patch I just sent out17:15
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tlwoernerqschulz: if the issue is still present in linus' tree then send it there, gregkh (or his scripts) will likely grab the patch and apply it to various stable trees17:35
tlwoernerqschulz: otherwise you can send it to stable@ directly17:35
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jaskij[m]qschulz: my greatest discovery yet when it comes to readability of those rendered graphs: SVG supports tooltips, and moving the version and path there from the node does wonders20:26
jaskij[m]oh, sorry20:26
jaskij[m]meant to ping RP20:26
jaskij[m]Think I'll push first version for review and testing tonight20:29
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jaskij[m]Looking for feedback21:44
jaskij[m]Also, I need to update the README with the dependencies. pygraphviz which I'm using requires graphviz be installed21:45
jaskij[m]I'm especially looking for ideas on additional filters, although hopefully this won't turn into a query language ;)21:51
frayOne thing I've noticed after running the conversion script for the variable _ to :..  lots of ":append_" or similar..  should be a pretty easy pattern to search for in the script and alert people for manual cleanup22:02
khemjaskij: can you do a screencast showing it22:03
jaskij[m]Never did one in my life22:04
jaskij[m]And when?22:04
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khemjaskij:  or some screenshots22:18
jaskij[m]khem: I can add some example to the README, but it's purely a CLI tool22:19
jaskij[m]I unfortunately couldn't find a decent library to browse DAGs in a GUI22:19
jaskij[m]A full-on GUI is doable, but it would require a lot of time22:21
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jaskij[m]how do you capture a tooltip in a screenshot?22:40
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RPjaskij[m]: not looked at the code but the graphs look pretty :)23:10
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jaskij[m]the ones in the README?23:10
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RPjaskij[m]: yes23:13
RPjaskij[m]: the tooltip idea should help23:13
jaskij[m]that's actually filtered down from `bitbake core-image-base -g`23:16
RPjaskij[m]: you've seen the bootchart presentation of buildstats right?23:18
jaskij[m]don't think so23:18
jaskij[m]I actually very much learned Yocto by doing. Thrown into deep water, take over a project (small companies, over promising bosses and student employees....)23:20
RPjaskij[m]: see the pybootchart23:20
jaskij[m]And unfortunately haven't found work to work with Yocto full time23:20
RPjaskij[m]: it is for live builds rather than the task dependencies but allows visualisation of build bottlenecks and is interesting if you like visualisation23:20
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RPjaskij[m]: I've not used it for a while but just thought I'd mention it23:21
jaskij[m]oh, neat, will take a look23:21
RPjaskij[m]: there are quite a few companies looking for yocto skilled people out there23:22
jaskij[m]this script mostly came around because qschulz pointed me to "Ways to contribute" in the status meetings and from there I've landed on
RPjaskij[m]: fair enough, we definitely need better tools!23:25
jaskij[m]RP: good to know23:25
RPjaskij[m]: in some ways I'm not the right person to test as I understand the dependency trees too well :/23:26
RPI will have a play next time I have a build system powered up. Its too late for me to want to do that now!23:26
RPI know I'll get sucked into wondering if we can drop the TOPDIR references in bitbake23:27
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RPI was going to ask if anyone knew why we have that code but there is nobody online from that era :/23:28
jaskij[m]fair enough23:31
jaskij[m]it just replaces `label` with `tooltip` in nodes23:31
jaskij[m]also, what I like about the tooltip idea is that it basically doesn't change the dot file at all23:31
jaskij[m]RP: if you want a comparison, I've just pushed comparison images for the tooltip version23:32
jaskij[m]unfortunately, at least in FF, the tooltips don't work embedded in GitLab23:32
jaskij[m]Okay, I'm off for today.23:32
jaskij[m]RP: after some thinking, I'm inclined to leave this tool separated from BB. The dot files gives me all the data I need and it takes way less time to run standalone. If you want to include it, perhaps as a subcommand in devtool?23:37
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moto_timo[m]Or just a standalone in scripts/23:45
jaskij[m]Works too23:50
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