Saturday, 2022-01-15

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SkinnyHi all! This weekend seemed a good weekend to start my Yocto journey! After reading a log of blobs I dove in and I tried to build my first custom system (based on the qemu x86-64 for now). I'm having a bit of a hard time grabbing the concept of recipes. It seems that the 'meta-cloudservices' layer somehow contains the salt(stack) applications. I18:58
Skinnyonly need 'that', do I stil have to add the complete "layer" to my project ?18:58
SkinnyI have added   meta-cloud-services and meta-cloud-services/meta-openstack to my project and added "IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " salt-minion"" to my local.conf. That started to complain about missing dependencies (which I can understand) but now I have a list of over 10 layers added to my project and it still fails to "bake"19:00
Skinnyrelevant files:
SkinnyWhat piece of the pie/puzzle am I missing ?19:02
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grembeter[m]just my guess: are branch names are the same for all layers?19:14
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Skinnygrembeter[m] I figured it must have been something like that.. checked all meta layers out on the same branch and it's now building..19:33
SkinnyWhat's the easiest /preferred way of keeping those layers in sync ?19:33
Skinnyas in : I'd like to share this project (build dir) with my coworkers through git. How do I make sure they check out the right branch of every layer ?19:35
grembeter[m]I know about “repo” tool
grembeter[m]and kas
grembeter[m]So that, you need additional git repository, that keeps info about “how to checkout (and build) your project”. And you share it.19:42
grembeter[m]I’m sure there are more…19:42
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SkinnyThanks! will look into those. Build is almost succesful :)19:51
Skinny``ERROR: salt-3001.1-r0 do_package: QA Issue: salt: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:19:51
Skinny  /etc19:51
Skinny  /etc/salt19:51
Skinny  /etc/logrotate.d19:51
Skinny  /etc/salt/master19:51
Skinny  /etc/salt/minion19:51
Skinny  /etc/logrotate.d/salt19:51
SkinnyPlease set FILES such that these items are packaged. Alternatively if they are unneeded, avoid installing them or delete them within do_install.19:51
Skinnysalt: 6 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]19:51
SkinnyERROR: salt-3001.1-r0 do_package: Fatal QA errors found, failing task.```19:51
Skinnyit sort of makes sense but curious about where and how to solve this (local.conf ?)19:52
SkinnyAdding `FILES_salt += "/etc/salt/master"` to my local.conf doesn't make a difference20:01
rburtonDo that in the salt recipe itself20:01
Skinny(for that one file)20:01
Skinnyhmm.. that sounds like the recipe (from git) is not ok (out of the box) ?20:03
Skinnyadding a file in the recipe removes the error for that file but somehow that doesn't sounds right20:03
Skinnysorry for being a n00b but doesn't this way of excluding those files (by editing the recipe) keep me from sharing a yocto project in git ? Now I'm editing something that's pulled from an external source20:06
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barometzthat's what a bbappend is for20:19
barometzyou add a bbappend for the recipe which modifies it without modifying the original files20:19
barometz(or, if possibly, you make a pull request in the upstream repository so it's fixed at the source)20:20
Skinnybarometz I know the files mentioned are necessary to run the salt-minion correctly but I need/want to add them from my own layer. I think bbappend (googling that now) is what I need20:27
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Skinnyok, I have a working build now that I added the mentioned files to a .bbappend file. yay! However I'd like to have the logrotate files from the salt recipe actually included in my build so modified my local.conf with `IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " logrotate salt-minion"`20:49
SkinnyThis actually installs logrotate but the system starts complaining again about not having the `/etc/logrotate.d/salt` shipped. Who's responsibility is it (normally) to include those files into the produced image ?20:50
fraydo you know what the salt file is for?  It would be either the recipe OR an init script to generate it20:53
SkinnyI know salt (as in: I use that piece of software) and now I want to include it in a yocto build20:54
SkinnyI want the default files that are coming out of the salt compilation (/etc/salt and /etc/logrotate.d/salt) to be included in my output20:55
Skinnywhen I add `FILES:${PN} += "/etc/salt/master /etc/salt/minion /etc/logrotate.d/*"` to the .bb file of the salt recipe, the errors go away but no files are on the target filesystem20:56
Skinnysame behaviour when I add them to a .bbappend file (to be expected imo)20:56
SkinnyI would have expected that the files mentioned above (which are part of the output of the salt build) to be included in the final image20:57
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moto-timoYou need to install the files in do_install maybe?22:46
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SkinnyFILES:${PN}-minion += "/etc/salt/minion /etc/logrotate.d/salt"23:16
Skinnysee the difference ?:)  the package I want is 'salt-minion' instead of 'salt'23:16
Skinnythis seems to work but it's very late, need some sleep23:16
SkinnyThanks everyone23:16
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