Monday, 2022-03-28

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ericmHello guys. Is there anyway I can setup an encrypted rootfs for my build ?04:39
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JaMaFYI: latest ubuntu-22.04 Jammy seems to break couple -native builds, possibly because libc built with --with-default-link=no since glibc_2.35-0ubuntu3
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JaMae.g. icu-native, cmake-native are failing to build now with dunfell as well as latest kirkstone07:39
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:50
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mckoanLetoThe2nd: hey :-)07:58
LetoThe2ndmckoan: howdy!07:59
AmahnuiHello 👋07:59
AmahnuiI'm an outreachy applicant07:59
AmahnuiI'm called Amahnui07:59
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AmahnuiPlease I have difficulty understanding how the version control site works and I need help with setting it up 🙏🏽08:00
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rburtonAmahnui: at the bottom of the repos are the URLs for git clone, so you'd "git clone" for poky08:01
rburtonthe quick start in the manual is at
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qschulzAmahnui: Welcome! Hope you'll have fun :)08:02
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Amahnui rburton: Thanks alot 🙏 let get to it now08:03
Amahnuiqschulz: thank you, I'm happy to be here08:04
AmahnuiI have one more concern. Please how do I make my messages on irc to remain even when I go offline08:05
qschulzAmahnui: you need an IRC bouncer08:06
qschulzAmahnui: A handful of people here are using ircclouds I think08:06
rburtonits a paid feature of irccloud though08:06
rburtonqschulz: Amahnui is already using irccloud :)08:06
qschulzrburton: didn't look at the IRC logs :p08:07
rburtonwith the irccloud free plan it says connected for 2 hours08:07
qschulzAmahnui: there are logs of this channel here:
rburton(after you disconnect)08:07
qschulzso, at least you'd be able to see what's happened while you were disconnected08:07
qschulz(I personally run my IRC client on a remote server I do not reboot every day but I understand it's not possible for everyone)08:08
qschulza Raspberry Pi (or whatever PC) running at all times with the IRC client is possible too08:09
* landgraf uses weechat in screen on remote server for years08:10
* LetoThe2nd did the (irssi+screen)->irccloud->(element/matrix)->(weechat+tmux) progression in the last 4 years or so.08:11
Amahnui qschulz: Okay I will go check out the irc bouncer if I can afford it then I will get it and thanks for the link to the logs as well08:13
AmahnuiAbout the rebooting08:13
AmahnuiIt's impossible to not do that here as they seize our electricity here on a daily basis atleast twice a day08:14
rburtonwould be nice if irccloud would sponsor outreachy and give out free accounts08:15
Amahnuirburton: it would really be great08:16
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AmahnuiPlease I wish to ask if I can work with windows or kali08:47
qschulz"You may use Windows Subsystem For Linux v2 to set up a build host using Windows 10, but validation is not performed against build hosts using WSLv2.08:48
qschulzThe Yocto Project is not compatible with WSLv1, it is compatible but not officially supported nor validated with WSLv2, if you still decide to use WSL please upgrade to WSLv2.08:48
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qschulzsince Kali is Debian based, it might just work but I've seen Pop os fail to be used on Stackoverflow questions even though it's based on Ubuntu08:49
rburtonAmahnui: the one outreachy project we have this year is related specifically to FreeBSD, so you'll need to be running FreeBSD for that.08:49
Amahnui qschulz: Okay I'll install Ubuntu on my machine08:49
qschulzAmahnui: see what rburton just said above08:50
rburtonfor learning yocto to get started ubuntu is a good choice, but for the project itself you'll need freebsd.08:50
Amahnuirburton: Okay thank you I'll install FreeBSD rather08:51
AmahnuiThanks alot once more08:51
AmahnuiLet me begin installing it right now08:51
AmahnuiI'm really grateful 🙏08:52
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SchlumpfHi, is there a simple way, to patch a Yocto config variable into a script source file?09:20
RPDoes anyone have a deep knowledge of python threading, the GIL and signal handling?09:22
RPIt looks like python intercepts signals and queues them for the main thread to process at some later date. Using pthread_sigmask therefore doesn't do what you expect as a python script using multiple threads may receive a signal in another thread, pass it to the main thread and raise it there despite SIG_BLOCK :/09:24
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RPSaur[m]: ^^^ in case you wondered09:24
qschulzSchlumpf: you could use environment variables and pass those to the Yocto build?09:24
qschulzSchlumpf: BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE from memory09:24
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Schlumpfqschulz: I need the other way. My recipe has contains a shell script to be installed to the image. This script needs to be patched with variables from a machine.conf file09:29
LetoThe2ndSchlumpf: inspiration is at
qschulzSchlumpf: your recipe has access to variables from the machine.conf so it shouldn't be an issue to just use them?09:30
qschulzSchlumpf: then you can sed in your shell script the correct values from Bitbake variables09:31
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SchlumpfLetoThe2nd qschulz: Many thanks, I see that I have to do it myself, either with python or sed.09:41
RPI summarised the threads thing in in case upstream are interested and have any advice or want to document it09:49
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rburtonSchlumpf: for a single script, just manually sed.  if you've a load of files, something like (which needs work but would suffice for inspiration) might be interesting10:05
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rburtonRP: did a bit of CPE work, the lua cve will disappear next run10:18
RPrburton: thanks, I saw this week looked a bit of a mess :(10:20
rburtonscared to look at the qemu one10:20
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sotaoverrideIm a little lost with what Im seeing in the deploy folder, how is the rootfs growing 4 times when in et4 format? 1.4G Mar 25 18:07 Verdin-iMX8MM_opentrons-ot3-image.rootfs.ext4 235M Mar 25 18:09 Verdin-iMX8MM_opentrons-ot3-image-Tezi_0.0.1.tar10:27
rburtonsotaoverride: because the ext4 has empty space in it10:28
rburtonloopback mount it and see how much space is used, and how much is free10:29
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RPrburton: qemu ones look trivial to backport10:42
rburtonyeah building now10:43
RPrburton: ah, cool :)10:43
barometzI have a weekly automated build that's supposed to update a local premirror, in which I echo `PREMIRRORS_prepend = ""` to local.conf to remove what own-mirrors.bbclass adds. This doesn't work (it's still downloading from the local premirror), presumably because I'm holding it wrong in some way. What's the right way to do this?10:45
* RP thinks with the updated patch on bitbake-devel, the parsing hangs should be better, as should the Ctrl+C handling when parsing10:45
qschulzbarometz: I assume your mirrors are added with PREMIRROS_prepend?10:55
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qschulzand you want to remove them?10:55
barometzindirectly using own-mirrors.bbclass, yes.10:55
rburtonbarometz: all that does is add the empty string, it doesn't replace anything10:55
rburtonINHERIT:remove = "own-mirrors" would be easier10:56
rburtonwell, you want _remove, but same thing10:56
qschulzbarometz: you cannot undo _append/_prepend unless you use _remove10:56
rburtonAmahnui: so the matrix irc bridge appears to be always-on (no missing backlog when you disconnect) and is free:
barometzalright, will try that, thanks. Figured I was misusing prepend (it looks as if it works differently from +=, but I don't think I ever read the bit of manual that really explains that)10:57
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qschulzbarometz: is the part of the docs where some of the things I explained in the talk are11:02
barometzexcellent :) I'm leaving the project where I actually use Yocto this week, but this sounds like good reference material11:03
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rburtonAmahnui: are you Abongwa, who mailed me?11:06
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Amahnuirburton: yes I am11:12
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rburtonAmahnui: I won't reply to your mail then :)11:24
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amahnui[m]> Amahnui: so the matrix irc bridge appears to be always-on (no missing backlog when you disconnect) and is free:
amahnui[m]Thanks a lot 🙏🏽11:26
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LetoThe2ndhas there been some change in SRCPV between dunfell and master? IIUC, it is implicitly set in dunfell, but needs to be fetched from d on master in a python version?11:34
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cperonHi all, I have a question regarding the new override syntax using ':' instead of '_', this is new and mandatory to honnister/kirkstone. But it has been backported to dunfell but not hardknott ? is it correct ?11:35
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cperon (full message at
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Saur[m]clementp: Support for the new bitbake syntax is in Hardknott.11:45
Saur[m]RP: Interesting reading about the pthread_sigmask() issue. Seems it is pretty useless if some other random thread can cause it to be delivered to a thread where it is blocked...11:47
RPSaur[m]: that was my conclusion. I've gone back to your original approach but tweaked a bit to remove the globals11:55
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vvnhow can I build the same image with two different WKS_FILE?12:16
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wyrehi guys, I can't see how some custom u-boot environment is shipped in this recipe 🤔
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wyreI'm not sure if this is actually in the git repo that recipe is packaging
qschulzvvn: not sure to understand the question? why would you need two different WKS_FILE if you want the same image?12:24
vvnqschulz: for machines with multiple bootable mediums, e.g. a BeagleBone Black SD card and eMMC where the layout may differ. Wouldn't it be the way to achieve this?12:27
qschulzvvn: arguably they are then different machines12:28
qschulzLast time I checked (a few months back) wic would only take the first WKS_FILE it encounters, so listing more does not help12:29
vvnqschulz: yeah and it would be easy to iterate over multiple WKS_FILE but then the IMAGE_LINK_NAME will be messed up.12:30
qschulzvvn: it's not actually THAT straightforward (but probably not very complex either) to do this12:32
qschulzthe issue being with the name of the variables12:32
qschulzbecause there exists a WKS_FILES already12:32
qschulzvvn: but I personally would see support for WKS_FILE a nice to have12:32
qschulzvvn: I remember discussing this a few months back, gimme a sec to go through my IRC archive12:33
vvnqschulz: it feels always weird to e.g. grab meta-ti and create a new machine conf inheriting beaglebone.conf, or load a local.conf with sdcard/emmc specific and juggle between them12:33
vvnA concept of sub-machine would be nice, but I guess it's barely the same as a new machine config inheriting a main one...12:35
vvnqschulz: would you create a new my-beaglebone-sdcard.conf machine configuration yourself?12:36
qschulzvvn: submachines are include/require of the original machine configruation file + a proper MACHINEOVERRIDES =. in the top mnachine conf file12:37
vvnthat's right, let's keep it simple and include/require then12:37
RPNext crazy failure, does anyone understand the traceback in ? (very odd looking prserv oe-selftest failure)12:43
vvnqschulz: FYI the context is scenarios where you want the main system on a medium different than the one used at factory, e.g. using the eMMC. You need some sort of bootstrap from an SD card image to either manually format the eMMC and provision them, or dd a pre-built image (hence the two WKS_FILE).12:45
vvnI guess manually formatting the eMMC is simple enough, but it just felt more robust to describe its layout in a WKS_FILE config at first.12:46
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qschulzvvn: The issue is that sometimes bootloader configuration also differs depending on the medium used to boot it12:53
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qschulzin which case, you'd need a different machine anyway12:54
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vvnqschulz: exactly. Which is the same problem has optimizing the build: do you use a common configuration (e.g. tuning) for two different machine with compatible SoC or do you optimize each one of them with specific configs... :/12:55
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vvnI was tempted to use a common configuration and let the bootloader decide what to do depending on its boot source (which it can detect)12:57
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LetoThe2ndping on if anybody knows about the visibility of variables - have there been changes from dunfell to master? we're seeing a situation where we explicitly need to get SRCPV from d instead of it being around implicitly.13:01
rburtonsounds very odd13:02
rburtongot an example?13:02
rburtoni suspect this isn't visibility but lifecycle, are you assigning via python?13:02
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LetoThe2ndrburton: its custom code, so take it with a pinch of salt. essentially this funciton:
rburtonand what calls it?13:08
LetoThe2ndrburton: falls over on master, works on dunfell. if we also get SRCPV from d, like srcpv = d.getVar("SRCPV") instead of passing it, then it "works"13:08
rburtoncan i see an example of a caller from dunfell?13:09
LetoThe2ndrburton: call site is
rburtonyeah that was a bug in the parser, shouldn't have ever worked13:09
rburton${FOO} isn't expanded in python, only shell13:10
LetoThe2ndrburton: kthx. we really wondered :)13:10
rburtonideally, change it to getvar in dunfell too, as that's non-idiomatic13:10
LetoThe2ndrburton: thx13:11
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qschulzrburton: should we have an example in a migration guide somewhere?13:22
rburtonmost likely was in it13:22
vvndoes KERNEL_IMAGE_MAXSIZE apply the the zImage or the fitImage in case where the latter is used?13:24
qschulzmichaelo: returns invalid links only13:26
qschulzrburton: when was this done? kirkstone?13:26
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rburtoni'm actually surprised that worked in dunfell13:26
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rburtonso python functions were changed in aece74876271f692296c5f792104c627e15b5c3e13:33
rburtonwhich was 2.113:33
rburtoni think anon is handled differently13:33
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rburtonRP might remember better13:35
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LetoThe2ndsigh. can anybody give me the 5yo version of NXPs HAB in the YOEP context?13:37
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RPrburton: I thought it was a while ago too, pre dunfell13:41
rburtonthat commit changed non-anon py to not expand inline ${FOO}, the message says we already don't expand anon py13:41
rburtonso no idea how that worked for LetoThe2nd  ;)13:42
qschulzLetoThe2nd: very little specific to NXP SoC13:42
LetoThe2ndqschulz: can you elaborate?13:42
qschulzbasically what vendors need to implement is the first chain in the chain of trust13:42
qschulzi.e. bootrom verifying the bootloader (and usually  only the part that is running in SRAM, in U-Boot terms: SPL/TPL)13:43
qschulzfor NXP SoCs, it's done by CST (or some other acronym) which is accessible only after registering on their website and agreeing to an EULA13:43
qschulzthough for imx6 generation of SoC, there's an open-source implementation done by boundary devices13:44
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LetoThe2ndqschulz: that means that the SPL/TPL must be signed with some key that correlates to something that gets provisioned at factory time, right?13:44
qschulzLetoThe2nd: would be too easy but in theory yes13:44
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LetoThe2ndqschulz: and what is the practical "but"?13:45
qschulzfor imx6, the HAB contains a hash of public keys used to authenticate the SPL13:45
qschulz(actually can contain up to 4 hashes)13:45
qschulzthe SPL has the public key embedded, the bootrom will get the public key, then do the hash13:46
qschulzand check against the one in the fuses you burnt in factory (the hashes in the BootROM I talked about)13:46
LetoThe2ndqschulz: ok, so if I actually want to change the SPL later, then its enough if i sign it the same way, right?13:47
qschulzstarting from there, I don't remember exactly but there's probably also a hash of the SPL somewhere in the signed part of the SPL so that the bootrom can validate the SPL is valid13:47
qschulzLetoThe2nd: yup, just need a private key whose public key's hash is one of the ones burnt in the SoC13:47
RPrburton: I'm curious where the behaviour changed :/13:48
qschulzLetoThe2nd: and for the whole secure boot stuff without going too deep into the implementation13:48
LetoThe2ndqschulz: okay. so if i understand it correctly, in the build context its essentially some post processing stage that does the fancy signing.13:49
qschulzLetoThe2nd: *for the vendor specific part of the secure boot*, yes13:49
qschulzLetoThe2nd: also, I would highly recommend not automating this13:50
LetoThe2ndi hate secure boot and all that comes with it.13:50
LetoThe2ndnot automating, as in not CI-ing?13:50
* qschulz will avoid mentioning your laptop has secure boot13:51
* LetoThe2nd knows and hates it on his laptop(s) too.13:51
qschulzLetoThe2nd: yes, you should gatekeep who has the rights to build binaries that can be installed on devices13:51
mckoanLetoThe2nd: it requires a lot of manual operations13:51
qschulzotherwise the whole point of authenticated/secure boot is missed13:52
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mckoanqschulz: you can sign it in a second step if necessary13:52
qschulzmckoan: yup13:52
qschulzmckoan: works a bit less with wic images but indeed :)13:53
LetoThe2ndkay, thanks.13:54
qschulzLetoThe2nd: ideally, signing should be done on a machine with no external (LAN, people, etc...) access except one person coming with a byubuykey or similar to sign13:54
qschulzEverybody does it differently and to each their own threat model obviously13:55
LetoThe2ndqschulz: you got it wrong. what you are talking about is "securing boot". what i am talking about is "ticking the secur boot checkbox" ;-)13:55
qschulzLetoThe2nd: yeah I guessed though :) might not have been wise to have said it on a public and archived channel though :p13:55
qschulzLetoThe2nd: but considering that NXP have their own BSP layers, you should probably be able to ask them for support13:56
qschulzbecause some of this stuff is not straightforward (without speaking of the Yocto integration)13:57
LetoThe2ndqschulz: ya good point re nxp13:57
qschulzalso might want to contact meta-freescale folks since
vvnDo one need to enable something in particular in order to have the /dev/root device described in the default /etc/fstab?14:02
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JaMashould uninative be compatible with a host distro which has newer libstdc++ than uninative build? it already checks for glibc version, but not gcc and right now in devel ubuntu jammy where libstdc++6 defaults to 12-20220319-1ubuntu1 from gcc-12 it causes errors like:14:14
JaMa| bin/cmake: /OE/lge/build/webosose/kirkstone/BUILD/sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by bin/cmake)14:14
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JaMa| ../bin/icupkg: /OE/lge/build/webosose/kirkstone/BUILD/sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by ../lib/
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JaMabecause it mixes libstdc++ from host when building bootstrap cmake or icupkg and then sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/ when trying to run them (with dunfell as well as kirkstone)14:15
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RPJaMa: no, newer on the host will not work14:17
JaMashould uninative.bbclass try to check that like it does for glibc?14:19
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RPJaMa: yes14:21
RPJaMa: I'm sure I've meant to do that before :14:21
JaMait might be more tricky than ldd --version output used now for libc but still showing better error message would be nice14:21
JaMaok will have a look14:21
JaMaRP: and it's not possible to force building against sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/ ? instead of host's?14:23
RPJaMa: basically, mno14:24
RPJaMa: we always build against the host, then relink against uninative. This only works if uninative is equal or newer14:24
RPyou might think we could link against uninative but I tried and it isn't possible14:25
RPit would only be possible if unitnative included the compiler14:25
JaMainteresting, I've also noticed but unfortunately host_gcc_version wouldn't be very useful in this case, because gcc still defaults to 11 only libstdc++ now defaults to gcc-1214:30
JaMait might be only temporary, but still checking the version in hosts libstdc++ might be more reliable than gcc --version14:31
JaMawill try to find something portable as objdump /full-path-to-libstc won't work on different distros14:32
RPJaMa: if we can find a decent way to to it, agreed14:32
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Amahnuirburton: qschulz I have installed freebsd but it has no gui. It keeps telling me that my login is incorrect. I wish to ask if its normal that its just on the command line and if there is a way to put a gui on it.14:50
rburtonyou can install a ui, but i have no idea.14:51
rburtonnote that freebsd knowledge is considered a requirement for the outreachy project we have14:51
qschulzAmahnui: I would suspect incorrect keyboard layout for the login?14:52
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Amahnuirburton: I do, I'm currently learning it 🙏🏽14:53
Amahnuiqschulz: I actually tested the keyboard and it is working as expected14:54
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rburtonAmahnui: we're very much not BSD users here, thus the outreachy, I suggest #freebsd for bsd-specific help15:01
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hcgHi guys, I am busy preparing to move a major project of ours to the kirkstone release of Yocto. Most of our internal recipes in our layers use tags in the SRC_URI (i.e. we are not using SRCREV) and I receive the fetch error 'Recipe uses a floating tag/branch without a fixed SRCREV...' message. Does anyone know if there is a definitive discussion or15:08
hcgsome documentation somewhere explaining why not to use tags?15:08
rburtonthe short version is 1) tag names are looked up every parse, so that's a lot of slow network traffic and 2) tags can move, so you don't have reproducible builds15:10
kergothArg, anyone have any tips for nailing down issues where pseudo is showing something that was changed outside of its control, even though as far as I can tell everything relating to this task is run in fakeroot/pseudo context?15:13
kergothUnable to nail it down via inspection of the tasks, so is there any way to get more info? I recognize its probably hard given pseudo doesnt know what's going on outside of it, so its logs can't show anything new about that..15:13
kanavin_khem, moto-timo can you please comment ?15:16
JaMahcg: if you use some nice naming scheme for tags and don't want to loose that with SRCREVs then e.g. in webOS we have a bbclass which couples PV and SRCREV in WEBOS_VERSION variable and it checks that specified SRCREV matches with expected tag15:16
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vvnShould I add a custom udev rule to get the /dev/root device?15:32
qschulzvvn: IIRC, /dev/root is an mdev thing? I think we had to stop using it in script when we moved to eudev15:33
vvnqschulz: it will be very convenient in my case to abstract the sdcard or emmc, whether is being used. But I'm using systemd. Do you think I must add back a custom rule?15:36
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rfs613kanavin_: am going to try out the dunfell mixin layer for docker, any tips on how to do this? My brain is having trouble reconciling the usual branch-per-yocto-version approach, versus dunfell-mixin approach of branch-per-package.16:01
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kanavin_rfs613, you need to check out the same repo twice into two different directories16:27
rfs613kanavin_: once for docker and once for go?16:29
kanavin_rfs613, yes16:29
rfs613kanavin_: okay, and it seems I replace meta-virtualization with the meta-lts-mixins@docker branch (I tried having both and fiddling with layer priorities, but it kept taking 19.x from meta-virt)16:31
kanavin_rfs613, you don't need meta-virt at all I think16:32
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dirtyflagzeus: a do_compile_append() in a bbappend is not executed. What could i check ?16:44
kergothbitbake -e yourrecipe  and scroll down to do_compile and make sure its what you expect16:46
dirtyflagkergoth: thanks. do_compile is ok, but there is no do_compile_append, nor his content16:50
kergothmost likely your bbappend isn't being applied at all, then. at the top of the bitbake -e you'll see what files were parsed16:51
kergothmake sure your layer is in bblayers, make sure its layer.conf is correct, make sure its path lines up with the BBFILES in the layer.conf, and make sure its filename matches the recipe filename16:51
dirtyflagkergoth: thanks a loit, the last you listed was the issue16:53
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rfs613kanavin_: I got it to build. One small issue, we were using python3-docker-compose from meta-virt, which doesn't exist in the mixin layer (not sure if it should go there?). But now going to try testing it, for some reason kernel isn't booting to userspace anymore, probably unrelated, but got to sort that out now ;)17:28
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rfs613kanavin_: right, it is running now - hello-world and ubuntu test images seem to work. Minor warning because docker-init(tinit) version is a few commits ahead of the expected v0.19.0 tag.18:19
sotaoverridewhats the best compression format for rootfs.ext4 that takes care of holes / empty space?18:22
sotaoverrideloop mounted the rootfs.ext4 files and turns out most of it is just empty space (system has big partitions). I dont want to deal with uploading large files, and I havent looked into squashfs or anything else like that yet18:24
rfs613sotaoverride: the usual method in yocto is to use .wic and bmaptool18:25
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rfs613I think the advantage is this is more "transportable" between systems, as they are just regular files (one is your compressed image, and the other is a small file describing where the "empty" regions are).18:27
rfs613if you try uploading a sparse file, depending on many factors, it may well transfer the whole thing, or not be sparse upon arrival at the other side.18:27
sotaoverrideis there a python module for bmaptool like how there's zipfile, or is bmaptool meant to be more of a command line utility18:29
sotaoverrideid have to call it a a subprocess? whats the cleanest way of going about it?18:30
sotaoverrideupdate utility/app I'm dealing with happens to be written in python18:31
rfs613sotaoverride: personally I've only used the command line tool for writing images to SD card etc. Yocto already supports generating rootfs in .wic format18:31
rfs613sotaoverride: there seems to be python libs for bmaptool:
rfs613it looks like the command-line tool is in fact from this very same project...18:32
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kergoththe image classes can write out a .wic.bmap file for use with bmaptool, just add wic.bmap to IMAGE_FSTYPES18:57
kergothiirc rsync does pretty well at retaining sparseness. not sure which compression formats do it best, i'd expect gz or bz2 to be fine18:57
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RPkhem: I think upgrading go so close to final release date might not be appreciated so I'm leaning towards not doing this FWIW20:16
amahnui[m]> Amahnui: we're very much not BSD users here, thus the outreachy, I suggest #freebsd for bsd-specific help20:17
amahnui[m]Its been giving me some issues20:17
amahnui[m]I'll join the freebsd group and table my problems there.20:17
amahnui[m]Thanks for the heads up20:17
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sielickiis there a mechanism within devtool to disable the application of patches? When doing an upgrade, I find myself in the situation often of having patches that won't apply cleanly, so I'd like to just be able to do `devtool modify X`, go into the autogenerated git directory, and run `git apply` and deal with the conflicts. But the problem is devtool errors out if those patches won't apply cleanly, so I have to go edit the bbappend first, then go20:18
sielickiforward with the workflow I described, then remodify the recipe to reenable the patches.20:18
sielickianyone else ever desire this feature? Maybe I can contribute something.20:18
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dirtyflagmmh, bringed in a bit newer recipe (as .bb) (imx-sc-firmware) into zeus, but now getting20:25
dirtyflagdo_unpack: A valid package EULA with md5sum ... error20:25
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amahnui[m]I have some issues installing and using20:49
amahnui[m]freebsd on my computer After installing freebsd on my computer, I added a new user and password and everythin was fine, but when I tried to log into that account I kept getting the message that my login was incorrect20:49
amahnui[m]I don't know what to do now since I remember all the login details clearly Please I need help fixing it20:49
dirtyflagamahnui[m]: try #bsd20:52
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amahnui[m]I actually meant to send it to the freebsd group20:56
amahnui[m]Thanks 🙏🏽20:56
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