Monday, 2022-04-11

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selffhi everyone, im trying to activate otg mode in cm4 yocto image, but i couldnt see any information about it. in cm4 with raspbian, it was enough to write otg_mode = "1" in config.txt.07:41
selffi was able to enable i2c and dwc2 usb host mode support from the documentation in
selffbut i couldnt find otg mode07:42
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amahnui[m]Please I wish to ask if there is documentation on how to install yocto on freebsd as the commands given for Ubuntu are not working for it.07:54
amahnui[m]Also I wish to ask why my cursor is not showing on the yocto window07:54
* amahnui[m] uploaded an image: (320KiB) < >07:55
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qschulzamahnui[m]: there does not seem to be a list of packages to install on FreeBSD, so you'll have to figure it out yourself I guess?08:03
qschulzMaybe that's part of the outreachy internship goal?08:03
qschulzWhat **I** would do is try to find the name of the packages in FreeBSD that corresponds to the name of the package that is said to be needed on Ubuntu08:04
qschulz would probably be of great value to you08:04
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amahnui[m]qschulz:  thanks for this.08:06
amahnui[m]I wish to ask if a mouse can be used on the qemu-system window08:06
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amahnui[m]My disappears when I bring it to the window08:07
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kranzoUsing git subpath, patches will apply either for devtool or for bitbake because bitbake is patching on the subpath and devtool on the base repo... is there a way to fix that? I'm on dunfell08:08
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kranzoOr maybe a better question: what is ${S} in the context of devtool ?08:25
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Guest10Hey. What are the downsides of using pip on Yocto?08:26
LetoThe2ndGuest10: are there any upsides?08:27
Guest10Being able to install python packages on runtime easily?08:28
kranzoGuest10: well thats not using pip on yocto but on a target right?08:29
Guest10Oh yeah, I meant on a target, mb08:29
LetoThe2ndGuest10: breaking reproducibility, requiring network access, requiring a writeable filesystem, breaking license tracking, depending on intended module pulling in a lot of hidden dependencies... do i need to go on?08:30
kranzoLetoThe2nd: you are just faster in typing right now ...08:31
qschulzLetoThe2nd: not even sure it works fine with wheels packages either, I don't know exactly how they identify the tag to be used (manylinux2014, etc...)08:31
qschulzGuest10: ^08:31
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qschulzalso, if there are source-only packages you download from registries, you'll need to compile them on target, so you'll need a toolchain and -dev packages for headers08:32
LetoThe2nda.k.a. hidden dependencies08:35
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amahnui[m]I also wish to ask if the bugs on are still up to date now and how to know if has been assigned to someone or if it has been solved already.08:49
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tomzy_0Hi, I have some questions regarding the Yocto release cycle. Assuming that the versions are described as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, we can assume that the LTS release will always raise the MAJOR version and the Stable release will always raise the MINOR version? Assuming the next LTS will be released in ~ 2 years, should it be version 5.0? The second08:56
tomzy_0question is how up-to-date is this document? Within one LTS, subsequent versions of the patch appear periodically from time to time?08:56
amahnui[m]rburton_: It was mentioned on the outreachy portal that there will be a co-mentor for freebsd, Please I wish to08:57
qschulzamahnui[m]: just click on the ID link and check the status in Bugzilla.08:57
LetoThe2ndtomzy_0: it is likely, but not set in stone. don't base anything on the assumption, plwase.08:58
qschulzamahnui[m]: if no-one has commented on the bugzilla entry and it is not assigned, assign it to you and start working on it if you want08:58
tomzy_0LetoThe2nd: ACK, thanks for answer.09:00
amahnui[m]qschulz:  that was what I was worried about09:02
amahnui[m]I thought it would not reflect if someone took it.09:02
amahnui[m]Thanks I will check some unassigned bugs and begin working on it09:02
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RPtomzy_0: we have no version policy which says LTS == MAJOR. It happens we did it that way this time but who knows in future09:17
tomzy_0Ok, and as for the patches for given version? They are added periodically after every month/week or so?09:18
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RPtomzy_0: patches get merged 2/3 times a week, releases have been every ~5 weeks but we may try and speed that up a little maybe once every 3-4 weeks for a PATCH level release09:26
Schilleri need to add a step in my build between the source ./oe-init-build-env and the bitbake build command. we got our own layer where i need to edit the .templateconf file. Where should i store my sed command?09:26
tomzy_0RP: Thanks!09:27
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LetoThe2ndSchiller: automate the build with kas :-)09:29
SchillerLetoThe2nd: Can you explain it further. I dont know what <kas> is09:31
SchillerLetoThe2nd: Thanks. Maybe i forgot to mention that i run the YPAutobuilder Project already with the yocto-autobuilder-helper. I think an integration of another software is a little bit over the top (correct me if im mistaken). For my own setup i really just need to add an buildstep where i run an sed command.09:34
LetoThe2ndqschulz: coworkjer of mine offered to do a kas introduction at YPS :-)09:34
LetoThe2ndSchiller: indeed, you forgot to mention that, because then kas clearly doesn't apply.09:35
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SchillerIm pretty sure i have to edit the run-config from the yocto-auto-helper/scripts folder to add an additional buildstep before the bitbake command. Are there any dependencies with variables etc which i have to take care of or can i just add a step the sed command with no worries?09:40
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amahnui[m]qschulz: I just noticed that the package `build-essential` probably does have a freebsd alternative based of the link.09:56
RPSchiller: that should work09:56
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hmw[m]Hi when i run09:58
hmw[m]QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL", name);09:58
hmw[m]in debug mode ( gdb connected ) the application that i run crashes09:58
hmw[m]when i run in compiled debug mode without gdb connected the application runs fine09:58
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hmw[m]and i get a siggill10:01
amahnui[m]<amahnui[m]> "qschulz: I just noticed that the..." <- After doing some research, `build-essential` is already part of the freebsd base system10:04
qschulzamahnui[m]: please takes lots of notes so that you/we can document this later on10:05
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amahnui[m]Okay I will already began writing the package alternatives of `` for freebsd based on the `` site.10:08
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Schillerwhen i try to build my image i get the following ERROR: ParseError at /home/pokybuild3/yocto-worker/meta-plusoptix/build/build/conf/auto.conf:17: unparsed line: 'BB_TASK_NICE_LEVEL:task-testimage = '0'' can someone explain how the auto.conf is generated and how the Error occurs? Like i said before i also eddited the .templateconf in the builddir10:53
Schiller/meta-poky/meta-plusoptix/ to be able to use our own layer.10:53
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qschulzSchiller: double quotes instead of single quotes for 0 ?10:58
qschulzI don't know if single quotes are supported as I've never used them10:58
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td4You have used single quote then double quote '0"11:06
td4ah, no, it's from the error log11:08
Schillertd4 yes its from error log. i think i also found the problem11:09
Schillertd4 i need to edit my .templateconf before the source but the source already happens in step 5 (Unpack shared repositories) and i eddited the file aftewards.11:10
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rfriedHi simond4712:14
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amahnui[m]The package debianutils is not having an alternative for freebsd12:17
qschulzamahnui[m]: IIRC, it's for the `which` binary12:19
qschulzso just which should be there I assume12:20
qschulzamahnui[m]: there are other distributions supported which don't have the exact same packages12:21
qschulzso you can also take inspiration from those. e.g. fedora requires which package12:21
Schillerim curious. I'm working with the YPAutobuilder/yocto-autobuilder-helper. In which script is the oe-init-build-env getting sourced or where can i edit the .templateconf? I need it eddited before the source is happening.12:28
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RPSchiller: you can see it in run-config in bitbakecmd(), the cmd = ". ./oe-init-build-env; %s" % cmd12:38
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amahnui[m]<qschulz> "so you can also take inspiration..." <- Alright I will check for it13:20
SchillerRP: i'm sorry for asking but i dont have any knowledge in python. Where would i put the sed ShellCommand when i want to edit the .templateconf before the sourcing.13:23
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manuel__Hi all. I'd like to enable license tracking in my image. I added LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE = "1" and NO_RECOMMENDATIONS = "1" (to not install the license package for *every* package, as they are recommended by default) to my local.conf. The build completes fine. Then I add os-release-lic to my image, and bitbake aborts with "bitbake aborts with Nothing RPROVIDES 'os-release-lic'". Why is that? Has anyone any advice?13:35
manuel__'os-release-lic' does get listed by `oe-pkgdata-util list-pkgs`.13:36
zeddiirburton: RP: we are having a packaging discussion on the meta-virt mailing list. Is it true that procps really hardcodes /usr/lib ? That seems like it should be causing issues throughout a bunch of packages when multlib is enabled, etc. Have either of you run into that ?13:36
manuel__qschulz: Pinging you, since you didn't hear from me for so long ;)13:37
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qschulzmanuel__: the docs seem to indicate that you need COPY_LIC_DIRS and COPY_LIC_MANIFEST too13:47
manuel__qschulz: That's not how I read them. COPY_LIC_DIRS is merely another solution to the same problem.13:49
manuel__I mean, that's how I read it13:50
qschulzmanuel__: tried to grep into poky but nothing gets returned for os-release-lic13:51
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qschulzmanuel__: IMAGE_FEATURES would probably need an addditional lic-pkgs in your image recipe?13:55
RPzeddii: that seems strange to me. We run multilib builds on the AB13:56
manuel__qschulz: Same here. LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE gets read in pokys license.bbclass, but I couldn't see os-release including that bbclass.13:56
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qschulzmanuel__: license.bbclass is probably inherited by every package13:57
qschulzthe same way base.bbclass is, but cannot guarantee13:57
manuel__qschulz: Makes sense13:58
RPzeddii: I guess it is internally coded and nobody has hit it until now13:58
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zeddiiindeed. I find it strange (but what isn't strange about systemd ?) .. but I'm rolling with it. Will keep an eye out for it in other places.13:59
RPzeddii: I try not to talk about systemd ;-)14:01
LetoThe2ndRP: the first rule of systemd is...14:01
RPSchiller: since it is getting sourced for any bitbake command, just create a dummy bitbake command like "bitbake -p" which runs it once to get your template setup, then sed it in the next command, then you're good?14:03
RPLetoThe2nd: not for that reason though ;-)14:03
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alex__hi everyone, I've created an npm package recipe and I get this error:14:05
alex__I've tried to add INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "already-stripped" but I still get the error, why?14:06
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LetoThe2ndalex__: your npm package is bundling random binaries for random platforms. only sane solution is to get rid of those and force a rebuild from source that matches your build.14:08
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Saur[m]manuel__: I have a faint memory that there is a problem with using `BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS` for a package and then trying to add required dependency on it. I assume it is the same if you ignore all default recommendations using `NO_RECOMMENDATIONS`. If I remember correctly this is a problem with rpm.14:10
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alex__LetoThe2nd: thank you, I'll look into what's the right way to do that14:16
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manuel1985When exactly is yocto reparsing the recipes? I though it's whenever local.conf changes, but now I observed a few times that I changed local.conf and yocto completed the "parsing recipes" stage within just seconds14:27
frayreparsing happens when certain hash values change.  So if you add a comment, it may not reparse.14:27
frayIf you changed a variable you believe should have changed behavior, I'd suggest asking on the mailing list as it might be a bug.14:28
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SchillerRP: i fixed it. quick question. is the line 179 in run-config the first source in the YPAutobuilder project?14:34
SchillerRP: when i run "echo '# Template settings' > .templateconf; echo 'TEMPLATECONF=${TEMPLATECONF:-meta-plusoptix/conf}' >> .templateconf; rm -r build/conf; . ./oe-init-build-env; %s" % cmd14:35
Schillerwithout rm it doesn't build as expected. it just edits the .templateconf.14:35
alex__LetoThe2ndjust to understand, those files have been stripped by? because I think I don't understand this and I don't have time to do it properly14:37
RPSchiller: No, there are other calls such as layer-config14:45
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hushmoneyhow do i know when to use += or _append or :append =?14:48
LetoThe2ndalex__: no. this has nothing to do with stripping. its the npm package including random binaries. its not about stripping, its about not shipping an arm binary to your x86 target, and vice versa.14:49
qschulzhushmoney: :append vs _append => honister and later releases should use :append14:51
qschulzhushmoney: if you have an older release, if it is recent enough, it should be compatible with both syntaxes14:51
qschulzhushmoney: as for += vs _append, I suggest you read
hushmoneyqschulz: thanks14:53
vmesonMedium priority bug, even has a reproducer - Is anyone interested: License manifest loss when switching MACHINE --
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hushmoneyok reading that pdf i think has given me some clue to ask another question that i hadn't been able to define before. FOO_bar_append <-- is bar always the MACHINE? can there be context-specific vars tracking other variables?15:06
qschulzhushmoney: bar can be anything in OVERRIDES15:09
qschulzthis includes the distro name for example15:09
qschulzand if it's not part of OVERRIDES, then it's actually a variable called FOO_bar to which _append appends stuff15:10
hushmoneyah-ha, i understand. thanks!15:10
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BhsTalelHello, How to disable qemu-native-debian from being built (cuz I am building for other machine)?15:15
alex__LetoThe2nd: got it, thanks15:15
rfs613vmeson: I didn't realize it was legal to switch MACHINE like that. I always keep multiple build directories, one per MACHINE.15:19
qschulzrfs613: machine-specific recipes are built in machine-specific directories so it should be just fine15:20
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rfs613qschulz: okay, but evidently license files overlap... and I'd expect the same for tmp/deploy/cve too15:25
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qschulzrfs613: nothing is bug-free :)15:27
rfs613we can dream, can't we? :P15:27
nk058[m]Hi all. I am building an application which depends on a library. I have added that library in DEPENDS of that application's recipe. I am building an esdk, so I added library-dev into TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK:append = " library-dev" in the image recipe. However, I do not see any header file and library in the Sysroot of esdk for target. I have read many discussions regarding the same problem, but I still cannot make it work.15:28
nk058[m]Also, is Sysroot for target and host on esdk is inside the `sysroot` in top directory of extracted esdk?15:28
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kergothRP: not sure if you saw my comment/question about f-strings from friday. do you know if there's a thread about the contention on this anywhere?15:32
kergothI don't see it as a big issue, was just wondering, since i ran across some interesting related projects recently15:32
Guest5Hello, I am trying to use d.setVar('X', 'value') for setting variable in custom bbclass and trying to access the value of 'X' in other per-defined class. But I am not able to get that value. Can you please me to understand whether I am missing anything or doing anything wrong?15:36
nk058[m] * Hi all. I am building an application which depends on a library. I have added that library in `DEPENDS` of that application's recipe. I am building an esdk, so I added `library-dev` into `TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK:append = " library-dev"` in the image recipe. However, I do not see any header file and library in the sysroot of esdk for target. I have read many discussions regarding the same problem, but I still cannot make it work.15:42
nk058[m]Also, is Sysroot for target and host on esdk inside the `sysroot` in top directory of extracted esdk or it is in `tmp`?15:42
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kergothGuest5: not en ough information. you'll only be able to access it from the same task in the same recipe16:16
vmesonrfs613: we can dream and work to fix known bugs! ;-) Want this one?16:18
vmesontgamblin: do you want to keep this bug or move to unassigned: AB-INT PTEST: python3 ptest intermittent failure16:19
tgamblinvmeson: unassigned16:20
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rfs613vmeson: I think that one's still a bit over my head for now, and I'm still digging in the CVEs for now.16:36
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rfs613anybody know where task do_testimage, which are called in YP autobuilder, come from?16:52
rfs613ah, looks like I need to put INHERIT += "testimage" in local.conf17:00
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hushmoneycan i append to a variable only when another variable exists? like SRC_URI_append = " file://${SYSTEM_USER_DTSI}" only when SYSTEM_USER_DTSI has been set by a machine override17:21
kergothyou can, but it'll be an invalid url when it's not set. 'file://' isn't likely to do well17:27
hushmoneyexactly, that's why i only want to do it when the variable is set17:27
kergothuse inline python to do it conditionally. SRC_URI_apppend = "${@'file://${SYSTEM_USER_DTSI}' if d.getVar('SYSTEM_USER_DTSI') else ''}"17:27
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hushmoneylol thanks, i was jus tstarting to cobble together something that looks vaguely like that but not quite right. where is d.getVar documented?17:28
hushmoneykergoth: the URL: '${@"' is invalid and cannot be interpreted17:37
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hushmoneyworks if SYSTEM_USER_DTSI is set but if not it looks like that doesn't expand to an empty string ???17:41
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kergothhushmoney: two options, either SYSTEM_USER_DTSI ?= "" above where it's used, or change the python SRC_URI_apppend = "${@'file://%s' % d.getVar('SYSTEM_USER_DTSI') if d.getVar('SYSTEM_USER_DTSI') else ''}"17:44
kergothth eoriginal should still have worked fine, though17:44
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hushmoneythank you, assigning a default empty string works17:50
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vmesontgamblin: noted. I've taken the bug for now and may give it to a student in May.17:55
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nk058[m]> Hi all. I am building an application which depends on a library. I have added that library in `DEPENDS` of that application's recipe. I am building an esdk, so I added `library-dev` into `TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK:append = " library-dev"` in the image recipe. However, I do not see any header file and library in the sysroot of esdk for target. I have read many discussions regarding the same problem, but I still cannot make it work.18:05
nk058[m]> Also, is Sysroot for target and host on esdk inside the `sysroot` in top directory of extracted esdk or it is in `tmp`?18:05
nk058[m]Im sorry, I don't know the policy of the group that I can repost/quote something I asked earlier. If someone could answer to that. Thank you.18:05
nk058[m] * Hi all. I am building an application which depends on a library. I have added that library in `DEPENDS` of that application's recipe. I am building an esdk, so I added `library-dev` into `TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK:append = " library-dev"` in the image recipe. However, I do not see any header file and library in the sysroot of esdk for target. I have read many discussions regarding the same problem, but I still cannot make it work.18:07
nk058[m]Also, is Sysroot inside the `sysroot` in top directory of extracted esdk for target and host or it is in `tmp`?18:07
nk058[m]* asked earlier or not. If18:13
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vvnWhat is the usecase for the 'from' part of mcdepends? i.e. specifying mc:foo:bar:recipe:task instead of mc::bar:recipe:task from within a recipe?19:32
vvnis the dependency not added if ${BB_CURRENT_MC} doesn't match foo?19:32
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whuang0389Hi, I'm trying to install readonly rootfs, but Im not sure if it's actually enabled. I have IMAGE_FEATURES_append += " read-only-rootfs" in my local.conf, but I can still write to /. Is there a way to check?19:54
vvnwhuang0389: the new override syntax is IMAGE_FEATURES:append = " read-only-rootfs". You can check by running 'bitbake -e <recipe> | grep ^IMAGE_FEATURES='20:01
whuang0389hm it seems like it's enabled: IMAGE_FEATURES="debug-tweaks package-management read-only-rootfs"20:05
vvnwhuang0389: there's no magic, this feature simply adds a hook at the image creation. You can check what it does here:
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RPkergoth: I did see the comment. I'm not sure it is documented anywhere. It has come up a few times in meetings or maybe at one of the events too. Our minimum python version wasn't quite there yet and I was worried about backporting and breaking things for the LTS20:31
RPkergoth: not massively good reasons not to use them and I suspect we will have to start at some point20:32
RPkergoth: What I really don't want is "change the world" patches coming in and those are inevitable once we say we accept their use20:32
kergothOh yes, I've been guilty of that in the past, but committing after running conversion scripts sucks. I'd rather stuff be made to use it incrementally as we change things for other reasons20:32
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RPkergoth: I'm trying to avoid this one as there is enough other stuff breaking things ;-)20:34
kergothHuh, I didn't realize populate_sdk_ext chokes if you use it on a non-image recipe like meta-toolchain. Will have to fix that20:35
kergothFair enough, I was just curious about the reasoning, since options do exist. I was reading about how you can't do translations with it unless you use f-yeah or the like, but that got me thinking we should probably translate the bitbake strings someday :)20:36
* kergoth experimenting with 'external toolchain' support via pointing at an esdk to use its sstate artifacts and locked sigs for the toolchain components alone20:37
RPkergoth: We did once consider that but we decided most source code for software is in English so most bitbake users would have some understanding of it20:38
RPkergoth: translation resources are limited so they'd be better focused on our docs etc initally20:39
vvnshould we rename TCLIBCAPPEND to TMPAPPEND?20:49
kergothHmm true20:50
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vvnAnd TMPAPPEND ?= "-${BB_CURRENT_MC}" might be safer as well (catching more use cases from tweaking distro features for example)20:55
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linumshi guys!21:17
linumsshould it be easy to create an efi loader image from an image?21:18
GLumenDoes anyone actually use `--log-domains`? Is there syntax trick to getting it to work?21:28
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RPsmurray: I'm hoping you can come up with a fix for meta-agl next and the connman issue? :)22:09
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abellonismurray: I'm hoping too ;)22:10
smurrayRP: does it actually fail atm on the AB?  I've been doing test builds with latest kirkstone today and not seen a failure22:10
smurrayRP: but I've been remiss in pushing a tweak, can do so shortly22:10
RPsmurray: "bit" red ;-)22:10
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khemRP: I have taken the gcc12 patch from bero and reworked a bit, it was having musl issues, which are fixes, I think Alex ran a AB build with it I will see if I can fix the failures there and send a v3 tonight22:54
smurrayRP: I've pushed what I believe is a fix, fingers crossed.  I'm still scratching my head as to why I wasn't seeing build failures here in my builds yesterday and today22:56
khemRP: I have pushed the patch into kraj/pokt-next on poky-contrib if you have cycles22:57
smurrayRP: my apologies for forgetting about that, was off sick a couple of days, but should have remembered to look at it yesterday23:04
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