Wednesday, 2022-09-21

jaskij[m]RP: not sure if I should ping you or khem , but (in a Reddit thread) I've been asked for input and use case why I'm on Rust 1.59. I'll do my best to reply, but perhaps one of you two could also reply? GH issue:
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jaskij[m]Gnome depends on it's Rust SVG implementation, right?00:19
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PhoenixMagewhat is the location of the initramfs on the host disk after bitbaking an image?03:01
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thomasd13I have a question regrading providing an (e)SDK for the application developer: Assume the app-developer wants to build an app, which requires the linux-kernel-headers and also some custom library A. So the linux-kernel-headers are included in (e)SDK. But can I also package the custom library A also in (s)SDK?05:34
thomasd13Or is the "normal" workflow like this: app-dev will install e(SDK) on his machine to have the correct toolchains/common linux libs/kernel, and will install himself all other required 3th party libs?05:36
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RPjaskij[m]: Worryingly, kirkstone is only 6 months old and we're hitting this :(06:49
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RPthomasd13: if you have a recipe for it, yes and you can either ship the binaries in sstate and lock it down, or have it build it on demand06:50
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mckoangood morning07:00
thomasd13RP, I have no recipe for "custom library A" yet. If I would have, how can I ship that?07:04
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thomasd13Do you mean to do it "manually", so search for the built binary in sstate and provide it by hand?07:23
LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:27
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thomasd13Another question: package-X requires CMake 3.24 to build. All other packages should use the "normal" CMake version. What is the best way to handle this?07:42
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LetoThe2ndthomasd13: no good solution, bitbake is not meant to handle multiple versions of a package in a single build.07:44
thomasd13LetoThe2nd, I was thinking to explicit create a package with the name cmake-3-24, to have the "normal" version via "cmake" and new version via "cmake-3-24" by hand. Is that somehow possible?07:45
LetoThe2ndthomasd13: maybe rather "cmake-my-patched-version", and yes, that is one way to get around it.07:46
RPthomasd13: you could write a recipe which packages up the binaries if you're sure they're compatible, you will need a recipe either source or binary based07:46
RPthomasd13: what you describe with a version in PN can work but it can sometimes be a bit tricky to have work correctly07:47
LetoThe2ndRP: if it wasn't tricky, then it would be a good way (TM)07:48
thomasd13Thank you both guys! Assume i have a cmake-my-patched-version package. How can I tell yocto, that this cmake should be used for package-A ?07:50
RPLetoThe2nd: recipe specific sysroots made it possible, you just have to ensure there isn't another dependency on the other version somewhere back down the dependency chain07:50
LetoThe2ndRP: possible != simple :-)07:51
RPthomasd13: DEPENDS += "somerecipe-myversion" assuming you changed PN to that07:51
LetoThe2ndthomasd13: first stab would be inheriting cmake and then modifying the result.07:51
thomasd13perfect, thanks guys!07:52
RPLetoThe2nd: I just mention it is possible and can work, not that it is a good idea07:52
LetoThe2ndRP: hi507:52
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qschulzRP: got NVD to say they limited the CVE to jpeg-turbo 2.0.5 :) \o/07:59
* qschulz hi5 RP07:59
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RPqschulz: they tried to tell me something different but I convinced them otherwise08:13
qschulzRP: ah, well.. good job I guess then :D08:13
qschulzRP: got a very unclear message from Mitre for adding a link with the patch fixing a CVE for U-Boot, but tha'ts another story08:14
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RPqschulz: if it doesn't look right tell them and they generally get there in the end08:15
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RPqschulz: I forwarded you the discussion I had with them08:16
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RPLooks like we're down to two CVEs for master without a plan08:24
RPCVE-2022-39046: glibc
RPCVE-2022-38128: binutils-cross-x86_64:binutils:binutils-cross-testsuite
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qschulzRP: when did you forward the mail? haven't received anything on personal or pro mail I think08:28
RPqschulz: 10pm yesterday08:28
qschulztoo many mails on personal inbox, should configure the mailing lists better to only receive what i want :)08:29
qschulzI see it now, thx08:29
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TyakuHi, yesterday I speak about a problem that has been resolved, but during this we speak about bitbake-getvars. And today I need to access a bitbake variable from commandline. this is the "MACHINE" variable. Problem: I never found bitbake-getvars and google didn't help me.09:15
TyakuIs there any way to get the content of a bitbake variable from command line ?09:15
qschulzTyaku: bitbake-getvar is pretty new09:17
qschulzI think it was backported recently to dunfell09:17
qschulzin any case, you can use bitbake -e recipe | awk '/^# \$FOOBAR \[/,/^FOOBAR/' instead09:18
LetoThe2ndRP: am i guessing right that the sstate logic is in ?09:18
LetoThe2ndor is that the metadata cache?09:19
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Tyakuqschulz: Is this the unique way ? Which recipe I have to put to make it working ? Any one ? (MACHINE is supposed to be defined in local.conf and possibly somewhere with ??=)09:27
qschulzTyaku: any will do since MACHINE is set in a conf file and won't change09:29
RPLetoThe2nd: that is parsing cache. sstate is pretty much in oe-core09:29
RPLetoThe2nd: meta/lib/oe/ and sstate.bbclass09:29
RPLetoThe2nd: bitbake side they hook into and runqueue has the execution logic09:30
RPLetoThe2nd: how worried should I be? :)09:31
LetoThe2ndRP: not at all, guess just one of my devs going astray. and I'm not going to stop anybody who wants to learn more about the internals :-)09:31
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RPLetoThe2nd: was just curious on the context, I wouldn't stop anyone like that either :)09:32
LetoThe2ndRP: the trigger is the usual "why are we rebuilding so much", but I'm pretty certain that digging in that code is not the solution. yet it should be educational, hence i support it.09:33
RPLetoThe2nd: comparing sstate sigs is usually the answer to that09:33
RPLetoThe2nd: bitbake-diffisgs09:33
LetoThe2ndyep i know, but he seems to be missing something. my reproducer is not ready yet.09:34
PhoenixMagehmmm, had to increase the size of my initramfs and now when I attempt to boot I get "kworker/u8:0 invoked oom-killer" the VM I am using has 32Gb RAM allocated and 29 Gb free... I cant seem to find a switch to increase the qemu vm mem size on run? Any hints?09:34
LetoThe2ndah we've got a split in -global and -recipe classes? didn't notice, can anybody give me an executive summary? ;-)09:35
RPLetoThe2nd: very recent and not documented yet09:35
LetoThe2ndperfect summary!09:36
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qschulzLetoThe2nd: split for classes that should be INHERIT vs classes that should be inherit :)09:36
qschulz(INHERIT for all recipes to inherit the class, inherit for per recipe)09:36
RPLetoThe2nd: basically it enforces anything that are in the recipes/global directories09:36
qschulz(and meta/classes for classes that can be inherited both ways IIRC)09:37
RPideally we'll make things one or the other09:37
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jaskij[m]RP: oh? I haven't hit it yet, and feel like I don't know enough to properly explain it in that issue. Or should I move this discussion to the mailing list?11:25
RPjaskij[m]: well, we're seeing rust move forward and "obsolete" versions but that isn't really a surprise. We can mention what we're doing on that issue but we'll just be told not to do that :/11:29
jaskij[m]For... Reasons, despite a few years of working experience with Yocto I have not yet had any system put in production.11:29
RPjaskij[m]: I don't know what we should do as the stable branches aren't meant to have large version changes11:30
jaskij[m]I skimmed that discussion and people there seem more open minded than usual.11:30
jaskij[m]And yeah, I get you, 1.59 has an ICE error I seem to hit fairly often and the fix wasn't backported11:30
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jaskij[m]RP: The maintainer of RHEL and Fedora Rust packages also participated and the replies were relatively open-minded. Worst case Yocto will get similar treatment to whatever they end up on deciding for Debian.11:32
jaskij[m]But if you feel it useless, I'll just chip in with my own experience and leave it at that.11:34
RPjaskij[m]: I've commented with our position, factually11:37
RPjaskij[m]: I can't really do more. I'm not a rust person really :/11:37
jaskij[m]And I'm someone who merely writes some small services in Rust, don't really participate11:38
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jaskij[m]Is Khem still working on Rust in OE? Iirc he did quite a lot of the initial support.11:39
RPjaskij[m]: sometimes. vmeson too11:39
jaskij[m]Feel like I'll need to add some more context - I'm willing to bet that none of the Rust folks in the issue even heard of Yocto11:42
jaskij[m]RP: I'll ping Khem via GitHub then11:42
jaskij[m]But thanks for participating, hopefully they will take OE into account11:42
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rfuentessI'm trying to understand BBCLASSEXTEND. If by example, I want to add an extra feature (e.g. the dbg recipe) to an image. Can I use this variable from a custom config file (or an environment var) to do it?12:20
rfuentessI'm reading it documentation and trying to find examples. But as far I see it only for the pre-existent "native" class12:20
qschulzrfuentess: maybe you're looking for IMAGE_FEATURES rather?12:21
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qschulzand depending on which features are in it, you'd add or not a package to your image?12:21
rfuentessyeah,  EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES could be ?12:22
rfuentessthe idea that we have is to try to determine a "baking" time (bitbake <image>) if we want GDB or not in the final image12:22
qschulzrfuentess: be careful, because using this for a "debug" image only goes so far12:25
qschulzwhat we usually recommend is to have a debug distro based on your normal distro12:25
qschulzthis drastically increases build time but it is much cleaner and allows for much more customization than trying to do everything in an image12:26
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rfuentessok, I'm still trying to learn  yocto itself. But, "debug distro based on your normal distro" means, to have an extra layer that is identical to our distro but with the extra debugging features?12:31
qschulzan extra distro configuration file12:32
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jaskij[m]<rfuentess> "the idea that we have is to..." <- There's an existing `debug-tweaks` feature. It doesn't add -dbg packages, but disables root password, and adds GDB and some other stuff12:36
rfuentessuh, `poky/meta/recipes-sato/images/` this example looks interesting with the IMAGE_FEATURES  selection12:40
jaskij[m]rfuentess: what I'm doing is maintain two images, with exact same content, but one has those tweaks and some other development utilities. To make it work in a sane way, you need to set up package groups so you don't end up with different base content.12:40
jaskij[m]Used to do it with classes inherited by the images, but package groups are saner12:41
rfuentessjaskij[m]: basically you have distro.conf and distro_debug.conf where the distro.conf set the packages groups and the latest just add new ones ?12:42
jaskij[m]No, I do it all in the images12:42
jaskij[m]Didn't set up a separate distro12:42
qschulzrfuentess: you only need a distro once you start saying "I want this package to have a different file or compile option if it's in the debug image"12:43
qschulzbecause recipe data is local, and images are recipes, so you cannot modify a package recipe from your image recipe12:44
rfuentessOk, I'm starting to understand this better12:47
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rfuentessTime to read my notes and going further to try to understand properly all your recommendations. Thanks!12:50
Guest9qschulz: Do you think this can be used to have a normal kernel config file and a debug one? for now I have two different MACHINE which is not good12:55
qschulzGuest9: two machines or two distros, up to you13:00
qschulz(two distros is cleaner)13:00
Guest9qschulz: oki many thanks I preffered it with distros too.13:05
vvnis there a "yocto" way to compile virtual/kernel with allmodconfig? So that I can have a minimal kernel and host / install necessary modules afterwards?13:10
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qschulzvvn: KERNEL_CONFIG_COMMAND13:26
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dwagenkqschulz: I recently watched the talk recording of your and your colleagues presentation "Secure Boot from A to Z"  where you talk about a dependency loop in yocto with kernel-fitimage and dm-verity. You mention an adapted kernel-fitimage class that works around this issue. Is that class open source and published somewhere?13:39
dwagenkI'm currently in a similar situation with signed UnifiedKernelImages (for UEFI boot on x86-64) and looking for inspiration...13:39
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qschulzdwagenk: unfortunately no and I don't have access to this class anymore13:41
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qschulzthere's a new way of passing the root hash to the kernel via kcli parameters IIRC13:43
dwagenkqschulz: thanks. I've got a vague idea of how I'll approach it and hope no big issues come up with that13:43
dwagenkwell, it's on bare metal and the goal is to have the UnifiedKernelImage directly started by the uefi firmware, to eliminate additional components (bootloaders) in the secure boot chain. I guess kcli is not the correct tool in this scenario.13:45
qschulzdwagenk: you need to verify the rootfs signature13:46
dwagenkThe hashed rootfs and all combinations of kernel+initrd+cmdline are known in advance, so it should be achievable.13:46
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dwagenkwell, if it is part of the cmdline that is part of the signed UnifiedKernelImage13:52
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RPrburton: is a new and intersting failure mode (arm worker but probably a general issue)15:17
rburtonwell that looks horrible15:31
rburtontriggered by 3670f3685e63345df0501f26acad2044e3544d7b?15:32
rfuentessqschulz: IMAGE_INSTALL is used for the packages that must always goes with a package. Whereas IMAGE_FEATURE may be packages installed by some bbclasses or config files ?  And finally, EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURE when I want to add non-expected features from my local.conf file ?15:33
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qschulzrfuentess: IMAGE_INSTALL is a list of packages to install in an image, to be set in an image recipe15:40
qschulzIMAGE_FEATURE is for controlling the behavior of an image (doing something specific after all packages are installed in the image, installing multiple related packages, disabling root password, etc...)15:40
qschulzto be set in an image recipe15:41
qschulzrfuentess: we have extensive documentation here:
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RPrburton: maybe, I don't know. That shouldn't have changed much should it?15:44
RPrburton: I suspect it is just a genuine race :/15:44
rburtoncan't see anything else jumping out though15:44
rburtonyeah could be15:44
RPrburton: I was wondering about trying to claim it was arm specific15:45
rburtoni doubt it is ;)15:45
RPrburton: can you prove it though? :)15:45
rfuentessqschulz: thanks. I'm reading right now the and also that one. But was trying to understand why In the former the IMAGE_FEATURE is also offered as a complement to IMAGE_INSTALL15:45
rfuentessqschulz: OH!  core-image-minimal-dev and core-image-minimal just made me to understand better what you and qschulz were speaking before15:48
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kevinrowlandHi all. I'm trying to understand how bitbake knows to re-fetch a local file (those with file:// URIs) when the file has changed. I think I've got a handle on it (siggen.prep_taskhash() calls fetch2.get_file_checksums() and then siggen.get_taskhash() adds those file checksums to the taskhash). While experimenting, I noticed that if I start with a18:14
kevinrowlandfile [lets say it's in state A] and build, then modify that file [now let's say it's in state B] and re-build, then the file is re-fetched and the configure/compile/deploy/etc tasks are all re-run. Then if I _remove the modification_ [to return to state A] and re-build again, bitbake will re-compute the file checksum, land at the same taskhash as18:14
kevinrowlandthe first build, and pull from sstate cache rather than re-running all of the tasks. That's super cool, and it means bitbake can clearly hold on to multiple cache entries for one task. My question is: is there any upper limit to the number of cache entries that bitbake will maintain for a given task? Or will the cache grow unbounded if I continue18:14
kevinrowlandto modify this local file?18:14
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kergothkevinrowland: sstate cache management is up to you, bitbake never removes anything from the sstate cache dir.19:14
kergothsome folks will use access time to periodically remove sstate artifacts that haven't been used by any builds in a certain amount of time19:14
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kevinrowlandkergoth: thanks for the response19:52
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