Thursday, 2022-09-22

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mckoangood morning06:51
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX06:54
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mckoanhey LetoThe2nd, how was Dublin ?07:08
LetoThe2ndmckoan: very busy and very awesome!07:08
mckoanLetoThe2nd: :-D07:09
LetoThe2ndI couldn't stick with the YP booth as much as I would have liked, but on the other could connect with very many people :-)07:11
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abelloniLetoThe2nd: sneaking illegal products ;)07:29
LetoThe2ndabelloni: i'm kinda disappointed we didn't make it through all of the bottle. almost there, i think there's only like 5-10 shots left in it.07:31
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abelloniLetoThe2nd: didn(t you get a refill at Teeling ? :)07:56
LetoThe2ndabelloni: i just refilled myself.08:03
abelloniDid you try poitín?08:03
LetoThe2ndabelloni: no, at least not consciously. i tried the three at teeling, bought kilbeggan single pot and single grain (and handed out those two), and had a classic bushmills black at the airport to wrap things up.08:06
abelloniwe stayed a bit behind during the distillery tour and we chatted with one of the workers there08:08
LetoThe2ndabelloni: shameless plug:
abellonihe said we could ask for poitín at the bar08:08
abellonithis was 72% of alcohol08:08
LetoThe2ndhmm but thats no fun to drink straight.08:08
LetoThe2ndthe internets say teeling poitin is 52.5%, that sounds more reasonable.08:10
abellonithe bottled one, yes08:10
LetoThe2ndheh so they gave you a cask ;-)08:10
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abelloniwell, it was in a bottle but not a commercial one08:17
abelloniit is a part they sample before mixing08:18
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LetoThe2ndah cool08:19
LetoThe2ndi got pulled into "things" towards the end of the teeling party with the cisco and comcast people.08:19
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mcfriskis there a variable which points to a specific meta layer path? I'd use it for 'git describe'09:00
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mcfrisknot sure if using TOPDIR is a good idea..09:07
qschulzmcfrisk: LAYERDIR?09:07
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mcfriskLAYERDIR: "When used inside the layer.conf configuration file, this variable provides the path of the current layer." But I'm looking for this outside of layer conf..09:11
mcfriskI can use the same path which is in bblayers.conf since that is generated, a bit of a hack but could do09:12
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qschulzmcfrisk: set a unique variable with LAYERDIR in it?09:16
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fabatera[m]Would anyone confirm whether the following should work:09:43
fabatera[m]Running bitbake -c devshell virtual/kernel from a docker container running inside a screen session.09:43
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rburtonmcfrisk: what do you actually want to do? bitbake has functions to give you the layer/version breakdown you see when the build starts.  if you want to save the layer path then just do an immediate assignment in layer.conf, ie MY_LAYER:= "${LAYERDIR}"10:40
mcfriskrburton: I want to create a BUILD_ID for a layer which uses kas to setup all needed layers. Then use that for os-release, image file and SDK versioning.10:43
* RP has wondered about having a better API for layers in this area10:47
RPit is also risky though as far too easy to hardcode layer paths into sstate sigs10:47
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rburtonRP: mcfrisk there is poky-contrib:ross/layerpath...11:04
mcfriskI think I'll contibute a simple git-describe.bbclass which can be used for such, I'll document examples there.11:07
rburtonmcfrisk: have you seen image-buildinfo.bbclass?11:09
rburtonextending to have a describe function would make sense11:10
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RobertBerger@fabatera[m]: yes this works, I use it from byobu on top of the screen session ;)11:48
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qschulzmcfrisk: if you  want to change SDK_VERSIOn/DISTRO_VERSION/MAINTAINER< why not just define a new distro which includes poky.conf?12:29
qschulzand change them there?12:33
rburtonor just write your own distro, don't use poky for production!12:36
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RPrburton: the other bug we really need to fix is this systemd one with the postinst issue that keep affecting avahi13:23
RPrburton: was it appearing again13:23
* RP keeps forgetting this one13:23
* RP suspects that may be our most frequently occurring now13:23
fabatera[m]<RobertBerger> "@fabatera[m]: yes this works..." <- Thank you! Something is missing here then. I get only a blank new line after running bitbake -c devshell ...13:24
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mcfriskqschulz, rburton: yea but my 'product' is just an intermediate meta layer with some features added on top of poky, meta-oe etc. When testing the binaries I still want to know what versions are on target. It's all based on poky and with as few changes as possible. I can host the bbclass also elsewhere, it's that tiny..13:30
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JPEWRP: Can we just use `bc` instead of postinstall scripts maybe13:43
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qschulzmcfrisk: I think we are more challenging the = => ?= change in poky.conf13:47
qschulzmcfrisk: I would very much not have this, because I already foresee users coming to us with logs where the distro says poky but the version is like 100.5.18-gdecaf and this will make it a bit harder to get the proper information quickly13:48
qschulz(it's often important to know which version of poky git repo the user is using, this does it pretty well if they're using poky)13:49
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vermaeteCould it be that 'touchscreen' is still in the documentation, but not anymore in the code as MACHINE_FEATURE.13:50
RPJPEW: the hard part is ensuring it was built13:50
vermaeteca8f7ecca7c19933ffcf1a9f080a39a84318ebb4 in poky13:51
qschulzmcfrisk: you could have a distro which is literally just: require conf/distro/poky.conf DISTRO_VERSION = "git describe stuff"13:52
qschulzvermaete: nothing uses this feature in poky indeed13:53
qschulzwithout thinking too much, I'd say you could send a patch to yocto-docs git repo to fix this13:55
qschulzthanks for the report! (and looking forward to the patch :) )13:55
vermaeteqschulz Thanks, will send a patch somewhere this week.13:56
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rburtonRP: what's the bug for that?14:07
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rburtonusing run-postinsts in the tests does seem overkill.  thats got invasive and non-trivial postinsts14:11
JPEWrburton: Ya, that what I was thinking also14:12
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rburtonRP JPEW i can poke at this now14:14
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RPJPEW: I was thinking a bit more. We know dnf will be installed to run these tests so I suspect we can use some dependency of dnf :)14:26
RPrburton: ^^^14:26
RPmaybe some dbg package?14:26
JPEWOh, ya a -dbg package would probably work well. A "normal" package would probably break dnf when it's uninstalled though14:27
RPI wonder if we should create a test package somewhere specifically for this14:27
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zwelchi find myself spec'ing a microcontroller to offload some CPU tasks:  gpio, rs232, i2c, and a few low-level timing-critical tasks. I can find a part to satisfy my requirements easily enough (leaning toward something with a Cortex M), but good silicon is not enough. The question I have here today is along the lines of "who is the least evil vendor?" when it comes to uC tools, such that I can build my firmware in Yocto from source using out-of-th16:34
zwelche-box support.16:34
frayCortex M (or R) doesn't build directly from YP in most cases.  You'll need something like Zephyr or other custom (non-Linux) OS or baremetal config..16:35
zwelchFor more context, I want the binary firmware to be bundled into the RFS, such that the CPU can update the uC as needed.16:35
fraywith that said there are some vendors who do have baremetal compilation support as part of the Yocto Project.. but it's pretty spotty (to the best of my knowledge)16:35
zwelchRight, the uC firmware will be a non-OS.16:35
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frayI'm not familiar with most of the current semis for ARM based systems that include M/R functionaity on the same chip.  (I work for AMD/Xilinx, I'm really only familiar with our stuff)16:36
zwelchIIRC, doesn't the BBMULTICONFIG stuff enable this kind of scenario?16:36
frayyes it can.  Where I am, we're JUST startign to use multiconfig to do that kind of thing.  For instance out ZynqMP FPGA SoC contains Cortex-A, Cortex-R and Microblaze CPUs (in addition to the FPGA logic which could say be turned into a risc-v)..  We've got code [reccently released as EA] that uses multiconfig to build all of the parts and pieces from source for their respective ISAs..16:38
fraybut multiconfig really is (IMHO) the right way to do it.  This way developers who only care abou tthe baremetal can do "single" builds for their work.. but a system integrator can do a master build of everything16:38
rburtonzwelch: meta-arm has plenty of examples of using the prebuilt arm gcc for M to build eg TF-M.  I want to move that to multiconfig as fray says, but this way works...16:41
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zwelchfray: Yup, i"m wearing both hats. I get to write the firmware and then integrate the image into the RFS, just as soon as I spec the part and have our EE integrate it with the next rev of the board. The BBMULTICONFIG support seems a natural fit, and it sounds like the `meta-arm` bits that rburton just mentioned would let me build this firmware. Seems possible, at least.16:44
zwelchThanks for the leads. :)16:45
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rburtonzwelch: the short version is that meta-arm-toolchain ships recipes for the binary releases of the arm toolchains for R and M cores, so your firmware recipe can just depend on them and use them to build16:52
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mischieffor some reason my kernel recipe fails in do_kernel_configme. it seems that it fails because ccache is not in $PATH. my recipe for the kernel uses inherit ccache, but i don't see ccache in recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/. any idea what i can do about that?18:51
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ferlzcHi, i`m trying to use libssh2 recipe as a dependency to compile a custom recipe that needs it to compile. The problem is that I'm not figuring out which is the correct way to pass to gcc the path o libssh2 provided by yocto.19:16
ferlzcI'm trying to use EXTRA_OECONF += "lib=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libssh2"19:16
ferlzcif I check via devshell, the recipe-sysroot/lib/libssh2 exists but the folder is empty19:19
ferlzcand I'm unable to find the libssh2.so19:19
ferlzcany direction on where I should look?19:20
mischiefferlzc: did you add it to DEPENDS? you probably want to use pkgconfig to find it properly.19:29
ferlzcyes I did, how do I use pkgconfig to find the proper path?19:30
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mischiefferlzc: usually you use pkg-config --cflags for compiler flags and pkg-config --libs for linker flags.21:08
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khemjaskij: rusts rolling release model is not inline with yocto release model as you are seeing the effects and it’s a hard sell because the way they distribute the compiler and dev env is via rustup and abstracts on top of distros21:53
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khemAnd it’s not a problem on desktop distros or native environments since you can always keep up with rustup however cross build infrastructures like yocto has problems21:54
khemBest is to raise the awareness maybe it will stabilize with editions and I am hoping of you write your a/w conservatively and pin to older editions you might not have a big need for newer compilers21:55
khemRight now the modus operandi is update the compiler and move on and to their credit they have made it quite simple to do so with rustup it’s a dream for developers but a nightmare for release engineers21:57
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moto-timo@khem  ++22:18
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jaskij[m]khem my whole point of pinging you was that I hoped someone with more knowledge would participate in that issue. I know at least the RHEL and Fedora maintainer did join.23:05
jaskij[m]I have had no troubles so far, but if their libc FFI drops 1.59 using Rust with Yocto will likely become hell.23:05
jaskij[m]I read Cargo's dock a few times and it does not seem like `--locked` or `--frozen` do what we'd want and keep the build to specific update versions.23:05
jaskij[m]And asking the Rust team to backport features will go nowhere. FYI there's a `MSRV` field introduced which, once Cargo's resolver takes it into account, hopefully use solve this issue.23:05
jaskij[m]Urgh, sorry for the wall of text, Element erased my newlines23:05
mischiefspeaking of rust, do you guys know if it's possible to make statically linked binaries with rust in yocto?23:15
mischiefthe ones i tested out were all dynamic.23:15
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