Friday, 2022-09-23

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khemmischief: RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+crt-static'03:41
khemhowever your mileage may vary, perhaps use musl for better success with static linking03:42
khemjaskij: sadly true although inline with rust ethos as of now03:50
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mckoangood morning07:06
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Schlumpfgood morning07:14
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polproghi, i hav a custom layer, and arecipe called device-tree:meta-xilinx-core , and i want to append to it with a bbappend09:16
polprogbut I can't get the bbappend path right09:16
ptsnevesHey all. Has anybody ever used chroot inside a yocto task?09:17
qschulzpolprog: I would avoid anything that isn't a dash, lower-case letter or number in a recipe name (underscore is for separating the recipe name from its version)09:17
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polprogqschulz: this is my log, the layer name is meta-xilinx-core09:19
qschulzpolprog: the path of your bbappend needs to matching one of the paths in BBFILES variable of your layer (in conf/layer.conf)09:19
polprogbut bitbake lists it like that. i just need to bbappend that09:19
qschulzpolprog: the recipe is called device-tree and it's located in meta-xilinx-core, it's not named device-tree:meta-xilinx-core :)09:20
polprogqschulz: it does09:20
polprogqschulz: ah, ok! (its my first time using yocto)09:20
polprogif i name the bbappend file device-tree.bbappend it does not change the warning09:20
qschulzpolprog: so yuour bbappend should be named device-tree_%.bbappend09:20
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qschulz% is a "match-all-versions" character09:21
polprogqschulz: same warning when i name the file device-tree_%.bbappend09:22
qschulzpolprog: what's the content of /home/polprog/zturn/petalinux/zturn_test1/components/mylayer/conf/layer.conf?09:23
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qschulzand what is the full path to your bbappend09:23
qschulzpolprog: (please use a pastebin website for the content of your lauer.conf)09:23
qschulzpolprog: and also the path to the device-tree recipe in meta-xilinx-core09:25
qschulzpolprog: ok, so your bbappend should be named device-tree.bbappend I think, because the recipe in meta-xilinx-core does not have a version in its filename (not best praxctice)09:26
polprogthe bbfile is in components/yocto/layers/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-core/recipes-bsp/device-tree09:26
polprogi tried with that name too, same resutls09:26
polprogoh, no, the warning is gone09:28
qschulzI was running out of ideas :)09:29
polprogallright, let me build it and see if this fixed my main problem09:29
qschulzpolprog: what do you want to do in this bbappend?09:29
polprogI have a DTS file that i need to change. and not only that, there is another layer (part of, let's call it the "bsp") that adds extra parameters that i dont want there.09:30
polprogi need to compleyely replace a devicetree entry for an ethernet controller09:30
polprogmy new dt node has less parameters than the old one, so i end up with a dt note that has mostly new parameters, but there are two old ones that the dtc did not change09:32
polprognamely, i need to get rid of "xlnx,ptp-enet-clock = <0x4f790d8>;"09:33
polprog(this is the only difference for this controller between the old Arch Linux dt that works, and the new Petlainux dt that does not work)09:33
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polprogHm, so my dtsi file is not included at all,the bbappend is listed in bitbake-layers show-appends device-tree, how can i troubleshoot that?09:55
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qschulzpolprog: go into the device-tree WORKDIR and until you get what you want in the packages-split directory, iterate09:56
qschulzpolprog: you can "disassemble" .dtb with dtc btw, dtc -I dtb -O dts my.dtb09:56
qschulzshould help you check if the changes you made were taken or not09:56
polprogthats hwo i check if its working ;) how do i find the WORKDIR for that target (?)09:57
qschulzpolprog: bitbake-getvar -r device-tree WORKDIR maybe?09:57
qschulzit';s somewhere in tmp/work/09:58
polprogi see the workdir but there is no packages-split directory, only temp, with a bunch of files with autogenerated python10:00
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qschulzpolprog: you probably have rm_work in your INHERIT which removes the directories after a build10:05
qschulzpolprog: I suggest to -c cleansstate device-tree and then bitbake -c install devbice-tree (or -c package, install installs in image directory, package to package-split IIRC)10:06
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polprogqschulz: allright, i ran -c package device-tree and the only devicetree file i have in packages-split//device-tree/boot/devicetree/system-top.dtb10:25
polprogand that already has the extra parameters inside it10:26
qschulzpolprog: so, very likely that your changes aren't applied, or on the wrong file, I don't know10:26
qschulzpolprog: check the source files in the WORKDIR are actually the ones you expected?10:27
polprogthere arent any source files in WORKDIR, I only see the dtb files in package/ and packages-split/10:30
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qschulzpolprog: -c cleansstate device-tree and then -c configure or compile or patch10:37
qschulzpolprog: actually, add RM_WORK_EXCLUDE += "device-tree" to your local.conf, then -c cleansstate device-tree and do whatever you want afterwards and the files should still be there10:38
polprogok, so my eth-fix.dtsi is not listed in the final dts.pp file10:48
rburtonSo it finally happened: adding meta-chromium to a build breaks meta-arm because there are two different and incompatible versions of GN being used. Of course GN doesn't make releases, so this is exactly as designed.11:00
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX12:04
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ptsnevesrburton: gn is a disaster to any distro that has projects using it.12:28
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neverpanicIt's a google project. Sometimes those feel like they're not meant to work for you, only for them.12:41
rburtonsometimes? that's the clear intention12:44
rburtonwhat do you mean your source distro doesn't embed the correct gn binary to use?12:44
neverpanicJust build it in a container, or download this precompiled gn binary from $url, it's fine.12:47
ptsnevesneverpanic: then why stop there and have yocto at all :D12:48
rfuentessHi! continuing with my study for getting a debugging image. I'm trying to understand the lifetime for environment variables like `SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE`12:49
rfuentessfor our debugging image we want to change some  services "default" setting  in their respective recipe.12:49
qschulzrfuentess: can only be done from the recipes themselves or from a configruation file12:50
qschulzrfuentess: that's what I was afraid of yesterday12:50
rfuentessqschulz: I was starting to believe it :P12:50
qschulzyou really want a debug distro I think12:50
rfuentessI was playing with weak default operators but  not luck. So, if I want to have this behavior is better to run POST process command ?12:51
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qschulzrfuentess: recipe data is local to the recipe12:51
qschulzand image recipes are recipes12:51
qschulzyou cannot change a value from a package recipe from another recipe12:52
qschulzcannot change a variable*12:52
rfuentessthen things like `export SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_<package>`  is something very bad to do ?12:52
qschulzit's something that does not work12:52
qschulzSYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_pn-<package> from  a distro or machine or local configuration file should work though12:53
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qschulznote where it is added and that you need pn- in front of the package name12:53
qschulzyou could also have in your recipe: SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE:debug-distro = "false" and SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE = "true"12:54
qschulzit'll be false when building the debug-distro but not otherwise12:54
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vvnhi! when trying to compile linux-ti-staging with do_configure:append () { oe_runmake -C ${S} O=${B} allmodconfig }, ti-sgx-ddk-km fails with osfunc.c:130:2: error: #error "A preemptible Linux kernel is required when using workqueues", is that expected? Cc: denix12:55
MichaelNazzarenoHello, I'm building some weston image and I would like to have gtk4 in in. Anyone has a reference image to build and include gtk4 that is in meta-gnome in meta-openembedded. I did not find documentaiton12:55
rfuentessqschulz: thanks. I was not sure about their lifetime. Not sure why, I thought it was like a python variable12:58
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rfuentessqschulz: one question about their lifetime. What happens when a recipe start with `require <>`  I'm assuming that  on those case we are sharing whatever was defined at receiptA13:06
qschulzrfuentess: I believe this creates two contexts13:09
qschulzdepending on how the variables are set in recipeA you could potentially have different values for the same variable in recipeA and recipeB13:10
qschulzA simple example would be to save the current date inside a variable13:10
qschulzI believe recipeA and recipeB will have a different value because they are parsed at different times13:11
qschulzwhen you use includes/requires/inherits AFAIK the content of those files are included verbatim wherevever they are included13:11
qschulzcalled the "flattening" (maybe only in my head though, don't remember for sure)13:11
qschulzonce it's flattened, it's parsed13:12
qschulzwell more or less13:12
rburtonrfuentess: require is just literal text inclusion.13:12
qschulzexcept for the := operator, which triggers an evaluation of the variable directly at parsing time13:12
rburtonie if does require, then PN is foo not bar.13:12
qschulzrburton: except if you set PN in recipeA?13:13
rburtonyeah don't complicate things, i'm assuming default PN value13:14
rfuentessrburton: Ok, then it will be a huge recipe that will contain all the lines of  receiptA and then those of the receipt calling it.  Correct?13:15
rburtonwhere the recipe says 'require', the parser just pulls in the file it specifies13:16
rburtonits exactly like #include in C13:16
rfuentessrburton: thanks13:24
RPrburton: why doesn't our compiler work for R/M cores?13:36
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khemgcc-runtime issues I guess, you need right libgcc and crt13:52
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rburtonRP: mainly as the TF-M code really assumes you're using the binary compiler and not doing so is hard word :). i've been meaning to do a multiconfig setup which sets up a machine with A and M cores, so the A is 64-bit linux and the M is 32-bit/newlib/tfm14:35
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RPrburton, khem: multiconfig should handle the compiler libs I'd hope!14:55
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rburtonyeah, exactly15:26
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khemRight high time to have a template for such a setup in meta-arm IMO16:32
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vermaeteis LABELS_LIVE in poky/meta/classes-recipe/image-live.bbclass used.17:53
vermaeteThe labels itself, I can see in the GRUB booted from the USB stick.  So: kind of "yes, they are".17:54
vermaeteBut the variable 'LABELS_LIVE' isn't used in any recipe.17:54
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sotaoverridehow can I figure out which package/recipe might provide
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sotaoverrideor nevermind, found it18:36
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kevinrowlandI've seen some chatter about this on the mailing list but no good solution: I'm trying to build the eSDK and hitting "ERROR: Task pseudo-native.do_fetch attempted to execute unexpectedly". I took the hash for this task from (from the eSDK build directory) and found a matching entry in the "main" sstate-cache/ directory, so this task18:49
kevinrowlandshould have been pulled from the cache. Is the do_fetch task not fetched during the setscene phase? Any pointers for debugging further?18:49
kevinrowlandHere's a thread with a similar issue but no resolution:
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sotaoverrideI cant figure out how to cater to this runtime dependency on - I know for a fact I only have recipes for and openssl_1.1.1q.bb18:55
sotaoverridea binary that I include in my iamge somhow figures out it needs, and hints at OPENSSL_1.0.2d... I need help figuring this out18:57
sotaoverrideguess adding RDEPENDS_${PN} += "libcrypto" takes care of it..19:02
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sotaoverrideok, im just left with figuring out what package provides Please suggest a neat trick to figure this out..19:12
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jsbrondersotaoverride: take a look at oe-pkgdata-util19:14
sotaoverridethanks jsbonder: should prolly make a sticky note for it since I tend to forget about it all the time19:15
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rburtonsotaoverride: are you packaging a prebuilt binary?19:41
sotaoverriderburton: yeah19:46
sotaoverridei figured what package libopencv_imacodes was in19:46
sotaoverridenow im dealing with provides gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-audiomixer19:46
sotaoverriderburton: yocto wasnt picking up all the shared libraries for the binary itself..19:49
sotaoverridebut specifying some rdepends helped19:49
sotaoverridenot sure if its ok to add stuff like RDEPENDS_${PN} += "glib-2.0"19:50
sotaoverridebut it got this to build..19:50
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sotaoverrideoh, and I see gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-audiomixer19:53
sotaoverrideso I guess Ill just use that19:53
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rburtonsotaoverride: the easy way is to add those to DEPENDS and then bitbake will definitely be able to pick up the right rdepends20:27
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adityapurohitHi folks, does anyone have experience using the repo:// fetcher in yocto? I see documentation in yocto saying its supported but not a lot of information on how it exactly works20:40
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adityapurohitCouple of questions that I had: Do you need to have the repo tool included in HOSTTOOLS for the fetcher to work? How do I specify the protocol to be "git" as well as "ssh" ?20:41
rburtonadityapurohit: use of repo: means it depends on repo-native automatically20:45
rburtonand the protocol= parameter can be used to set the underlying protocol, defaults to git:20:46
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mischiefkhem: "khem | mischief: RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+crt-static'" yes, i tried that actually. but the result was not static. did you have success with it recently?21:08
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