Wednesday, 2022-09-28

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khemfray: if you are in comcast coverage then you can buy comcast mesh APs they do run yocto02:43
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jclsnJPEW: Getting expansion errors since the last Pyrex update07:38
jclsnIt also says the latest Ubuntu version 22.04 is not supported07:38
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jclsnGuess Pyrex is only compatible with the latest Yocto release?07:38
jclsnNo issues when building without Pyrex...07:41
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fuzzybear396515Is do_configure[foo] how I would define the configure task if foo is in DISTRO_FEATURES ?09:37
ptsnevesfuzzybear396515: no, what lead to that assumption?09:37
fuzzybear396515ptsneves I was pretty sure it was false, that's why I asked. But, I saw examples using notation like do_configure[foo] and thought that maybe that might work with DISTRO_FEATURES in addition to other flags.09:38
rburtonfuzzybear396515: as said yesterday, DISTRO_FEATURES are not overrides (or var flags).  It's just a variable.  If you want to do condititional things on it, then d.getVar("DISTRO_FEATURES") and poke at it (which is what bb.utils.contains does, it's getVar().strip().contains())09:39
rburton[foo] is a flag for the do_configure variable09:39
fuzzybear396515rburton and do_X[foo] means that foo is an override for the X task?09:39
rburtonoverrides are :like_this09:39
rburtondo_configure[cleandirs] = "${B}" sets the cleandirs flag on do_configure to ${B}.  this tells bitbake to ensure ${B} is an empty directory when it runs.09:40
ptsnevesno. the S[X] is just notation for flag setting on a variable. By default you can do it but nothing happens.09:40
rburton(this is in the bitbake manual)09:40
ptsnevesfuzzybear396515: can it be you are confusing things with PACKAGECONFIG?09:41
rburtoncompare with
fuzzybear396515ptsneves I'm pretty confused generally. So, it's not some misunderstanding of PACKAGECONFIG that's causing my confusion.09:43
fuzzybear396515I was just searching for the example recipes in the Yocto manual where they did do_configure[noexec] () { }09:43
fuzzybear396515I couldn't find it.09:43
fuzzybear396515I was having a hard time finding the OVERRIDES documentation. Thanks rburton09:44
ptsnevesthen as @rburton mentioned a glance at the bitbake manual is a good idea. It is not so long and is a great way to start grasping things. That is actually how i did it a long time ago. Jumping to the general yocto docs before the bitbake ones felt extremely confusing. :)09:45
rburtonfuzzybear396515: top hit for 'yocto overrides documentation' so not sure what you googled :). its all on
fuzzybear396515rburton I was searching within the Yocto Project manual.09:46
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fuzzybear396515I think my questions are Bitbake-specific, not Yocto-specific.09:46
fuzzybear396515I think I'd benefit from reading the BitBake Manual.09:46
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fuzzybear396515I'm confused about these Bitbake-style Python functions. Our do_configure and do_install look more like POSIX shell functions than Python functions.10:02
fuzzybear396515We have case statements and install/mv/cp calls.10:02
fuzzybear396515If the tasks are truly Python functions then these should fail to parse.10:03
ptsnevessearch for tasks. Both are supported10:03
fuzzybear396515ptsneves I see, now, thanks: .10:04
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fuzzybear396515So basically the parsing phase will try to detect which style you've used.10:04
fuzzybear396515It defaults to Python, say, and if that parse fails then it assumes sh.10:05
ptsnevesfuzzybear396515: no, it does not detect. Come on this is litereally in the introduction of the bitbake manual:
qschulzfuzzybear396515: python tasks are prefixed with "python", e.g. python do_compile() {}10:12
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fuzzybear396515ptsneves with all due respect, I appreciate you linking out to the introduction, but I just read the entire introduction after your prompting and didn't see any description of how BitBake executes tasks or how recipe authors annotate tasks to indicate the language/runtime.10:17
fuzzybear396515qschulz okay, that makes sense. I saw that I could promote my own python functions to tasks. Somehow I didn't connect that all python functions need to be prefixed with the "python" keyword. I thought for tasks it was implicitly-determined.10:18
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fuzzybear396515I read that > Only BitBake-style Python functions can be tasks.10:19
fuzzybear396515and thought that meant that tasks can only be written in BitBake-style Python functions.10:19
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fuzzybear396515I understand now that they can also be shell functions.10:20
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ptsnevesfuzzybear396515: No problem. I meant this as the original statement "I'm confused about these Bitbake-style Python functions. Our do_configure and do_install look more like POSIX shell functions than Python functions. [...] If the tasks are truly Python functions then these should fail to parse."10:26
ptsnevesIn the introduction it mentions both are supported. From the link:10:26
ptsneves"Fundamentally, BitBake is a generic task execution engine that allows shell and Python tasks to be run "10:26
ptsnevesThat means leads to the next thing i answered, tasks, and they can be sheell and python10:26
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fuzzybear396515ptsneves Oh, yeah. My confusion about the support for shell functions arose from this in the BitBake Manual: Only BitBake-style Python functions can be tasks.10:29
fuzzybear396515The context was in comparing normal Python functions to BitBake-style Python functions, though, so out of context it sounds like only Python code can be written in tasks.10:29
fuzzybear396515The support for both (and the need to annotate with python if using a BitBake-style Python function) is clear, now.10:30
ptsnevesfuzzybear396515: nice catch!10:32
ptsneves@qschulz: is this not incorrect? I found the statement in
fuzzybear396515ptsneves Now it's clear that it's not saying that "tasks may only be written with BitBake-style Python functions" but, instead, that "tasks may be written in either POSIX-compliant shell functions or in Python style, but if in Python style then they must be BitBake-style Python functions (where certain imports are automatic, where the def keyword10:34
fuzzybear396515is not used, etc.)".10:34
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qschulzptsneves: sorry, not following, what is correct/incorrect?11:00
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JPEWjclsn: set a different version in pyrex.ini12:07
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JPEWjclsn: More specifically, we always default pyrex.ini to be the latest image, so if you're starting fresh it's going to use that. You can specify a different image in your pyrex.ini file13:20
ptsnevesqschulz: In the manual there is the statement " Only BitBake-style Python functions can be tasks."13:32
qschulzptsneves: the section is called "BitBake-Style Python Functions Versus Python Functions"13:40
qschulzand the list starts with: Following are some important differences between BitBake-style Python functions and regular Python functions13:41
qschulzso I think it's ok that we do not mention shell tasks in there?13:41
ptsneveshmm i see. Sorry for the noise13:41
qschulznp :)13:43
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qschulzmmmm, I'm starting to work on a kirkstone brnch for our bsp layer (never too late..) and our custom kernel recipe does not fetch14:12
qschulzcomplains about "Recipe uses a floating tag/branch without a fixed SRCREV yet doesn't call bb.fetch2.get_srcrev()" but I use a fixed SRCREV and a fixed branch too14:13
qschulzooof, found the issue14:15
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qschulzfor some reason my copy-paste didn't copy the whole checksum14:15
qschulzI tested again with 39 digits instead of 40 and indeed, it triggers the error14:16
qschulzI think we can do a better job at guiding the user for this specific case14:19
qschulzmm I see JaMa have a patch in master for this one error14:21
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ptsnevesqschulz: can you share the patch?14:23
qschulzstill not obvious what the error could be though14:25
qschulzsakoman: hi, I was wondering if it was possible to backport to kirkstone?14:31
sakomanqschulz: sure, I can do that14:32
ptsnevesqschulz: it still wont catch you are missing 1 character due to it considering a tag/branch name correct?14:32
qschulzptsneves: yeah :/14:34
ptsneves:/ how would we catch that? Maybe the issue is that branches tags or hashes get all put in SRCREV.14:36
ptsnevesmaybe add in the message that it can also be broken hash?14:36
qschulzit's not that easy as the code that is printing this error is handling bazaar, mercurial and git fetchers14:50
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qschulznvm, can't read14:52
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ptsnevesqschulz: Recipe uses a floating tag/branch '%s' for repo '%s' without a fixed SRCREV yet doesn't call bb.fetch2.get_srcrev() (use SRCPV in PV for OE). If the SRCREV was meant to be a hash check if the length is correct as well as check for typos.15:33
ptsneveswould this be better? If so i will send the patch15:33
qschulzptsneves: I think there are two cases for this message to appear15:35
qschulz1. invalid hash (not hexadecimal character or not 40-character long)15:35
qschulz2. AUTOREV but with missing SRCPV in PV?15:36
qschulzI think we should print the correct message depending on the case15:36
JaManot only AUTOREV any non-fixed SRCREV needs SRCPV in PV IIRC15:36
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qschulzJaMa: so we could have a branch name in SRCREV provided PV contains SRCPV?15:38
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ptsnevesqschulz: a tag name for sure15:43
ptsnevesand the ambiguity remains.15:43
qschulzBut.. why?15:43
qschulzwe have a ;branch= and a ;tag= parameter for the fetcher15:44
qschulzso just force SRCREV to be a git commit hash or AUTOREV and nothing else15:44
qschulzno? what am I missing?15:44
ptsnevesah so i am in the wrong. You are right that we have these URL params15:44
qschulzI am not saying it's not what we currently support though :)15:45
ptsnevesqschulz: and AUTOINC?15:45
qschulzptsneves: AUTOREV is AUTOINC15:45
ptsnevesyou are right get_autorev sets it15:49
ptsnevesqschulz: is the SRCREV 40 character SHA-1 in every fetcher, or just in git?15:58
qschulzptsneves: the 40-character check is only for git15:59
qschulzso we could check if SRCREV is set to AUTOINC, then we know it's SRCPV that is missing from PV that triggers this issue (still to be confirmed though, haven't tested)16:01
qschulzand we can advise the user to add SRCPV to PV16:01
ptsnevesthat code check is already very late perhaps. As there ud.revisions may indeed have used the branch/tag parameters.16:02
qschulzand if it's not, we know it's an invalid sha116:02
qschulzdon't know, I have no experience in Bitbake code base :/16:03
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ptsnevesseems a bit more complicated :(16:03
qschulzptsneves: I think it makes sense to only allow sha1 or AUTOREV in SRCREV16:06
qschulzthis forces users wanting to use a branch or tag to use AUTOREV in SRCREV16:06
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qschulzwhich very much shows that it's not guaranteed to be stable16:06
ptsnevesthe thing is that the SRCREV is not even read in In the the hash is retrieved from ud.revisions[name] which, may be set by SRCREV. I do not know yet16:08
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Guest8423Hi, I'm new to Yocto and I'm getting an error while trying to build fribidi-native. Is the the right channel to ask for help?16:18
rburtonask away16:18
Guest8423Thank you. I am using a BSP based on Yocto Thud and I added meta-ros layer that I think it pulled in fribidi native and it is causing this error: | Traceback (most recent call last):16:21
Guest8423|   File "/*******/tmp-glibc/work/x86_64-linux/fribidi-native/1.0.5-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/meson", line 30, in <module>16:22
Guest8423|     from mesonbuild import mesonmain16:22
Guest8423| ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mesonbuild'16:22
Guest8423| ERROR: meson failed16:22
rburtonThud has been EOL since 2019, you know that right?16:22
Guest8423Yes, I am using the BSP package from a chip vendor  and this is my only option.16:23
rburtoni'm assuming you're using the thud branch of meta-ros, and not master16:23
rburtonyour option is to shout at your vendor that thud has been EOL since 2019 and they expect you to pay for this?16:23
rburtonwhilst people don't get angry at them, they'll continue to release obsolete BSPs16:24
Guest8423correct, I'm using thud branch of meta-ros.16:24
rburtonweird. i'd suggest removing your tmp and trying again. it has the meson wrapper but not the actual package.16:25
rburtonfrom meta-ros: "building with thud is no longer supported as of Milestone 15 (2020-12-23)." Just saying :)16:26
rburtoncan you name and shame the vendor?  its possible that there's an unofficial but modern bsp you can use16:26
Guest8423 I have tried a clean build a few times and I keep getting the same error.16:27
rburtontry "bitbake meson-native -C unpack" to force it to rebuild meson16:28
Guest8423do you think even thud branch of meta-ros os not supporting thud anymore?16:28
rburtonthe thud branch of meta-ros isnt supported. it supports thud, its just that they don't support it16:28
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Guest8423I tried "bitbake meson-native -C unpack" which succeeded and then "bitbake fribidi-native". Still getting the same error.16:33
rburtonvery strange16:33
rburtonan interesting test would be a clean poky with no vendor bsp and no meta-ros, just bitbake fribidi-native16:33
Guest8423Sure, I'll try it. Thanks.16:34
sakomanqschulz: Taking the commit you suggested for kirkstone results in oe-selftest errors:
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sakomanqschulz: So for now I can't take that.  If you'd like to research the error and submit a fix I'd be happy to reconsider :-)16:46
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Guest8423rburton: clean poky with no vendor bsp and with vendor bsp is working. That error shows up when I add meta-ros layers. Any suggestion on how to start debugging?17:09
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denixJPEW: so, I'm hitting this gdk-pixbuf breakage with ubuntu 22.04 container, apparently it is known -
denixapparently, the "fix" is to disable building gdk-pixbuf tests...17:26
JPEWdenix: Hmm17:26
JPEWdenix: Passing `--security-opt seccomp=unconfined` to docker might fix it?17:31
JPEWYou can put that in `run.args` in pyrex.ini17:32
denixyeah, disabling seccomp is mentioned there, but not sure about the consequences... I can try17:33
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JPEWMight be able to pass a custom seccomp policy17:34
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denixseccomp=unconfined seems to help - it's building w/o breakage, will see if there are any other issues17:53
rburtonJaMa: any thoughts on Guest8423 above?17:55
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JaMaGuest8423: whole meta-ros isn't activelly maintained anymore and I don't think it was doing anything with fribidi nor meson, I guess it's just thud being incompatible with your host OS as it's failing in -native18:00
JaMaGuest8423: try some old unsupported host OS in docker container (like ubuntu 18.04) if you want to build old unsupported junk bsp18:01
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Guest8423JaMa: Thank you. I am currently using Ubuntu 18.04. I used "bitbake -c devshell fribidi-native" to get some insight. When meta-ros is NOT enabled, python3 version in devshell terminal is "3.5.6" and when I enable meta-ros, python version switches to "3.7.5". Not sure if this information is useful.18:38
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JaMaGuest8423: yes newer python3 was backported from warrior to thud in
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Guest3857Hi! I am currently setting up yocto for my embedded system. I have a question related to devtool: I want to split my meta-layers into "meta-bsp" and "meta-project-specific". The bsp layer should only include pure HW support whereas the project-specific layer should only contain project specific stuff. Still it might be needed to have kernel patches19:38
Guest3857in both layers some are only for HW support the others might be project specific. How can I handle that with devtool properly? When I do: "devtool update-recipe -a meta-project-specific" all my patches which are already included in meta-bsp are copied to meta-project-specific. Is it possible to only generate the patches which are not already19:38
Guest3857included in meta-bsp?19:38
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mcfrisklinux-yocto from master is very slow to fetch/download. Would switching from git to https protocol help?20:26
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