Thursday, 2022-09-29

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mckoangood morning06:52
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qschulzsakoman: 7e64b63f96dd1d71e263e7bbbe6591e51e98395a would be needed in oe-core too08:07
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RPrburton: I stopped and restarted the build to get the clang fix into testing since I suspect you'd prefer that in the release08:53
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rburtonRP: yes, that's useful, thanks09:58
rburtonwhat changed in kirkstone in the last week that would mean pzstd is crashing all over the place10:15
rburtonah, all on the same runner10:15
rburtoni bet it has a full disk :)10:15
JaMamy 4TV disks are always full even with rm_work :)10:27
rburtonthis was an emergency worker as CI was struggling, the work disk is only 400gb :)10:28
JaMahmm wouldn't fit my downloads dir :) but I guess it uses NFS for downloads and sstate10:29
rburtonit was sstate the filled it up :). the meta-arm CI runs are a lot smaller than your monsters10:29
* JaMa had to stop running world builds after loosing access to 10+ servers10:30
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jkorsnesFOO_remove = " bar"   # i see that space prepended lots of places, but the docs says "When you use this syntax [_remove], BitBake expects one or more strings. Surrounding spaces are removed as well.". It's not clear to me why this space is needed10:40
rburtonfor remove, it's not needed10:40
jkorsnesi suppose the doc might be refering to spaces in FOO, and not in the string literal10:40
jkorsnesrburton: thanks!10:41
rburtonremove basically does .split() on the string you pass, so the string is turned into a list of items10:42
jkorsnesrburton: thanks, that clarifies. also happy to hear that's how it works, dealing with such spaces would seem error prone. but _remove is replaced with :remove in newer versions of yocto if my understanding is correct10:44
JaMajkorsnes: it's not just :remove many other places as well and there is a conversion script which helps with that (the result needs manual review as there are often some false positives or your own overrides need to be added into the script)10:46
jkorsnesthe Release 3.4 (honister) migration override syntax example seems to get this wrong10:47
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jkorsnesJaMa: i'll have a look at the conversion script, thanks10:47
JaMawhat seems wrong on this docs?10:53
jkorsnesJaMa: SRC_URI_remove_qemux86-64 = " file://somefile3"   ->   SRC_URI:remove:qemux86-64 = " file://somefile3"10:54
jkorsnesor do we have to keep the space with `:remove` syntax?10:55
rburtonRP: i'm squinting at the gcc default target arch patch and trying to understand what the problem here is10:55
jkorsnesi would hope that used the same .split() approach as _remove10:55
rburtonjkorsnes: its identical code, the syntax just changed10:56
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johankor[m]JaMa: so nothing wrong in doc per se, but preferably the space shouldn't be there after (or before either, really) the conversion. but this is just nitpick; trying to verify that my understanding is correct11:11
qschulzjohankor[m]: that's correct11:12
johankor[m]not my intention to complain. i'll gladly submit a patch, but this is such a minor thing, such patches would likely just be noise on the mailing list i guess11:14
rburtonjohankor[m]: documentation improvements are always welcome11:15
qschulzjohankor[m]: the fact is, this was confusing to some people, so even if it looks like a minor patch, it can be a nice improvement!11:17
johankor[m]rburton: , qschulz : agreed, i'll submit patches :)11:19
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ThomasRoos[m]Hi, how to see debug logs (log level debug) when running devtool?11:59
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vvnHi all -- If I set PACKAGE_EXCLUDE += "systemd-container", I end up with "package requires systemd-container, but none of the providers can be installed", is that expected?13:05
qschulzvvn: if systemd package depends on systemd-container, yes13:10
vvnqschulz: but I can't find that explicited anywhere, hence my confusion13:11
rburtoninteresting.  it's not in the package explicitly, so there must be a library causing that linkage13:13
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rburtonvvn: in master systemd doesn't depend on systemd-container13:14
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vvnrburton: I wasn't aware of such scenarios. Do you have systemd-container pulled in in a systemd-based build as well with kirkstone?13:14
rburtondo you have an old release?  ae3c8d938c261c92ecf06e2d09f7e32bc117ceb8 looks relevant13:15
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vvnrburton: nope, I'm on ca1c99013:18
rburtonyou should debug that then :)13:19
rburtonthe do_package log will talk about dependencies it adds13:19
vvnrburton: indeed, that's my reason for asking, not sure yet where to look at. Is rm_work affecting such debugging or not?13:22
vvnthanks, I'll dig into do_package log then.13:24
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vvnrburton: btw I think you worked on allowing RDEPENDS:${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-base = "" to exclude kernel-image from the rootfs, but 1) I have to clear RRECOMMENDS:${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-base instead, 2) it still pulls in ${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-${KERNEL_VERSION} and ${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-devicetree13:34
rburtonpatches welcome :)13:34
vvnas always, but I prefer to make sure that I'm on the right track and that's not once again a code 1813:36
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vvn1) is definitely a typo in the doc given but 2) is annoying13:48
qschulzvvn: RPROVIDES is fine, I don't think that's the issue?13:50
vvnqschulz: regarding which concern?13:51
qschulzRDEPENDS:${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-base = "" to exclude kernel-image from the rootfs13:52
vvnnan it's supposed to be RRECOMMENDS:${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-base = ""13:53
vvngiven the link above13:53
qschulzvvn: the link you gave is for an RPROVIDES line13:54
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qschulzvvn: it used to be RDEPENDS and it is now RRECOMMENDS since kirkstone13:54
qschulzvvn: mmmmmm, browser messed up the line I was looking at13:55
qschulzmy bad, it is the correct link13:55
qschulzand line13:55
qschulznow, I don't know exactly what we should be saying in the docs13:55
vvnat least to sync with kernel.bbclass13:56
qschulzbecause, I very much would use BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS in the image recipe instead of an RRECOMMENDS override13:56
qschulzbut we can start by fixing the docs with the simple s/RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS/ yes13:57
qschulzcan you send a patch please?13:57
qschulzfor reference, the patch which changed that in oe-core is 1c90b27d2c65cfb4f9debf0272820b6a95942f7613:57
vvnyep, will do13:58
qschulzthx :)13:58
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TyakuHi, I have a strange error when building an image: The following packages have unmet dependencies: kernel-module-jailhouse-5.10.52-lts-5.10.y-az-p01+gf6373dc3d66e : Depends: kernel-5.10.52-lts-5.10.y-az-p01+gf6373dc3d66e but it is not installable15:40
TyakuSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have15:40
Tyakurequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable15:40
Tyakudistribution that some required packages have not yet been created15:40
Tyakuor been moved out of Incoming.15:40
TyakuDo you have any ideas about what appens ? The error is during the do_rootfs() so realy at the end15:41
rburtonTyaku: the log further up should explain why that package isn't installable15:43
TyakuOh wait, I have another issue now, well I'm going to check all this mess15:43
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TyakuIf you have an idea, you will save my day :d15:47
TyakuWhen I execute the commande I see the error:15:49
rburtonthe actual log.do_rootfs has more information in15:50
TyakuW: Unable to read /......./tmp/work/x86_64-linux/apt-native/2.2.2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ - DirectoryExists (2: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type)15:51
TyakuW: Unable to read /......./tmp/work/x86_64-linux/apt-native/2.2.2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ - DirectoryExists (2: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type)15:51
TyakuW: Unable to read /......./tmp/work/x86_64-linux/apt-native/2.2.2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/etc/apt/sources.list - RealFileExists (2: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type)15:51
TyakuE: Could not open lock file /......./tmp/work/x86_64-linux/apt-native/2.2.2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (2: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type)15:51
TyakuAll this mess come after that I remove the build/tmp directory to start a fresh build.15:51
TyakuSo I think something has not been regenerated correctly15:52
rburtontbh, apt is the least tested backend, i tend to recommend opkg unless you have a very strong reason to use apt15:53
TyakuFor example in "tmp/work/x86_64-linux/apt-native/2.2.2-r0" I don't have recipe-sysroot-native15:53
rburtonit really shouldn't be trying to read from that location15:54
rburtonhonestly, switch to opkg unless you have a business need for apt on target15:54
TyakuNo we don't need apt on target,15:55
TyakuSo Ok, I'm going to change, but previously it was working (before removing the /tmp folder)15:55
rburtonis this master, kirkstone, or what?15:55
rburtonyou know that's EOL, right15:56
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ptsnevesI just noticed there can be multiple SRCREVs set for a given repo. Is this by design?16:08
khemso it can override, its like any other variable I guess16:12
rburtonptsneves: given *repo*, no.  a *recipe* can fetch multiple git repos and they each need a srcrev though.16:14
ptsnevesok maybe better. SRCREV have logic to check specifically for SRCREV_%s:pn-%s" % (name, pn) , "SRCREV_%s" % name, "SRCREV_%s" % name and only lastly SRCREV as a normal variable behavior. They are evaluated in order.16:14
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rburtonname is the name of the repo in the SRC_URI16:14
rburtonconcrete example:
ptsnevesyes. but the code will give priority to the SRCREV with pattern before SRCREV, meaning it goes through a list and the first hit is the chosen SRCEV: I thought this was a mistake, but i just found a nice use case for this16:16
rburtonone recipe, four git repos16:16
ptsnevesyes i do not mean that. I mean that for a given repo name there are several notations and some notations have priority. For example SRCREV_<name>:pn-<pn> will trump any setting. This is cool, but i wonder if it is on purpose16:18
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rburtonkanavin: can you backport "local.conf.sample: correct the location of public hashserv" to kirkstone16:21
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kanavinrburton, sure but why ask me if it's a single trivial patch?16:25
rburtonbecause i'm about to leave and you sent it :)16:26
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rburtonif i don't see it on the list tomorrow i'll hopefully remember16:26
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kanavinrburton, sent16:28
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rburtonkanavin: my hero16:28
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rburtongrumble, why is kirkstone only getting 4% sstate match on the public server16:29
kanavinrburton, I did similar tests, and the hit rate was also both low and non-deterministic (!)16:29
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rburtonkanavin: last time i tried i managed to get it to hit 100%.  something is fragile...16:30
kanavinrburton, yes, and no one to take care of it16:30
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sakomanrburton: kanavin: heh, I had just cherry-picked that patch :-)16:32
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Guest3770I have a build script that runs fine in Ubuntu using, and When I attempt to make my application with bitbake I start getting errors. Is anyone open for support19:18
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Andrew20Hello, does anyone know if the following patch applies to honister (3.4) as well? I'm seeing a very similar issue.
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rburtonGuest3770: presuming your recipe just inherits autotools? Share the errors.20:18
Guest3770It does inherit autotools in my bb file20:22
Guest3770In file included from /home/michael/Documents/MAIN_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/config/detail/select_stdlib_config.hpp:24,20:23
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/MAIN_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/config.hpp:44,20:23
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/MAIN_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/bad_weak_ptr.hpp:20,20:23
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/MAIN_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/detail/shared_count.hpp:25,20:23
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/MAIN_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:17,20:23
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/MAIN_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/shared_ptr.hpp:17,20:23
Guest3770                 from ./vendor/carmedialab/SMG/trunk/ISO15118_Stack/sources/EV/state/IsoStatesMachine.h:6,20:23
Guest3770                 from ./include/CML_Integration/cml_integration.hpp:18,20:23
Guest3770                 from src/main.cpp:13:20:23
Guest3770./version:1:1: error: too many decimal points in number20:23
rburtonThat’s entirely on you20:34
Guest3770In what way? I only included a file, I did not write the "version" header file20:35
Guest3770I admit I have an issue here, but I cannot figure out why what I am including gives me this error20:35
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rburtonWell first figure out where it came from :)20:53
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* RP tries a 4.1 rc1 build21:01
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RPTurns out no layers mark compatibility with langdale :/21:17
RPsmurray, jonmason, rburton, dl9pf, zeddii: You may want to tweak your layer.conf files21:18
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Guest3770I see that it comes from a file included in boost21:24
Guest3770In file included from /home/michael/Documents/EVCC_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/config/detail/select_stdlib_config.hpp:24,21:24
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/EVCC_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/config.hpp:44,21:24
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/EVCC_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/bad_weak_ptr.hpp:20,21:24
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/EVCC_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/detail/shared_count.hpp:25,21:24
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/EVCC_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:17,21:24
Guest3770                 from /home/michael/Documents/EVCC_Application/build-fb/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/mainapplication/0.0-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/boost/shared_ptr.hpp:17,21:24
Guest3770                 from ../EVCC_Application/vendor/carmedialab/SMG/trunk/ISO15118_Stack/sources/EV/state/IsoStatesMachine.h:6,21:24
Guest3770                 from ../EVCC_Application/src/CML_Integration/sources/EV/state/SMG_IsoStatesMachine.cpp:4:21:24
Guest3770../EVCC_Application/version:1:1: error: too many decimal points in number21:24
Saur[m]Guest3770: select_stdlib_config.hpp is expecting to include "version" from the standard C++ headers (e.g., /usr/include/c++/12/version). However, it seems you have another file called "version" in the include paths, e.g., through `-I .` or something similar.21:29
Saur[m]So either rename your "version" file to, e.g., "version.txt", or do not add `.` to the include paths.21:33
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zeddiiRP: I have the changes queued already. I'll push it when I'm back later.21:50
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jonmasonRP: on it22:03
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RPabelloni: your builds will hit this too :/22:12
abelloniah right22:12
abellonitht'as fine, it is just v3 of the meson patch I wanted to test22:13
RPabelloni: hopefully transient and will quickly get sorted. We may need to retest that mesa patch as it sounds like I reported the warnings incorrectly. I may have mixed builds up22:14
mischiefcan someone tell me what would happen if i am using the default OEEquivHash over local unix domain socket but also using a remote sstate mirror, if that same machine is also uploading to the remote sstate mirror?22:14
abelloniRP: yes but the patch doesn't apply22:14
abelloniI was going to ask for a rebase22:14
RPabelloni: fair enough, good plan22:14
RPmischief: nothing too bad, others may just not be able to reuse the sstate22:15
RP(since the local hash equiv may make matches others wouldn't be able to see)22:15
mischiefi guess i'll eat the warning for now22:18
RPmischief: we just wanted to warn users they may not see the sstate matches they might expect22:20
RPif you're fine with that... :)22:20
mischiefwould OEBasicHash be more accurate..?22:22
mischiefwe build in a stable container environment and the sstate dir is sync'd to s3 on builds from the main branch.. in the past when i've tried to use the mirror on my local dev machine, it seemed like at least some was used22:23
mischiefthough i'd worry about local variables messing it all up22:24
RPmischief: the way sstate works, either the configuration matches or it doesn't so local variables shouldn't matter22:24
RPBasicHash would avoid the hashequiv and allow more reuse for sharing, it would drop the accelerated matches hashequiv offers22:25
mischiefi mean for example, if i enabled icecc in my local.conf22:25
mischiefwould that change all the task hashes?22:25
mischiefor enabled buildhistory.. etc.22:26
RPmischief: It is usually configured to do the right thing, so buildhistory wouldn't change the hashes since it doesn't influence the output22:28
mischiefi don't think running a bitbake-hashserv instance is an option at all for us, especially since it appears there's no way to secure it22:29
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RPmischief: we share one publicly as a project so that isn't true22:30
RPmischief: note that you can run two servers against one DB, one RW and one readonly22:30
RPmischief: you then just share the readonly port with the sstate22:30
mischiefi mean that there is no transport security for the requests to it :)22:31
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RPmischief: I'm sure that could be added if someone really thought it was needed...22:42
mischiefi'm sure my employer wouldn't want things like PN flying around in cleartext across the internet, and secured transport is required for any internal services setup. i'll see how we get along without a hashserv for now :-)22:54
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mischiefthat's a new one23:18
mischief| qemu-arm: Unable to reserve 0xffff0000 bytes of virtual address space at 0x1000 (Success) for use as guest address space (check yourvirtual memory ulimit setting, min_mmap_addr or reserve less using -R option)23:18
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mischiefseems like having qemu-arm in binfmt_misc might break the build23:43
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