Wednesday, 2022-11-30

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RPvvn: I'd imagine it can be done accounting for usrmerge but I'm not sure of the specifics offhand :/00:03
RPJPEW: I'm curious which hoops you ended up going through for that00:03
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JPEWIt's actually not to bad. I'll push it to contrib tomorrow00:06
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piwakawakaHi - this is not something I've been able to find via searching, so maybe someone has some experience with this, or can suggest a similar recipe that does the same thing? The issue is that I have a third-party recipe that _deploys_ a file (i.e. the file ends up in /tmp/deploy/images/.../) and it also inherits the nopackages class, so there's no01:59
piwakawakapackages created. I want to add this deployed file to my rootfs image - i.e. "install" from the deployment location, and have all the bitbake dependencies correct for the right build ordering. I can't create a .bbappend to define do_install_append() because of the nopackages class in the original .bb recipe. Does anyone know if it's possible for a01:59
piwakawakanew recipe to install a _deployed_ file into a package? Can do_install(_append) use `install${DEPLOYDIR} ...`? If so, how do I make sure the original recipe is built (i.e. deployed) first? Do any famous examples exist?01:59
piwakawakaHi - this is not something I've been able to find via searching, so maybe someone has some experience with this, or can suggest a similar recipe that does the same thing? The issue is that I have a third-party recipe that _deploys_ a file (i.e. the file ends up in /tmp/deploy/images/.../) and it also inherits the nopackages class, so there are no02:00
piwakawakapackages created. I want to add this deployed file to my rootfs image - i.e. "install" from the deployment location, and have all the bitbake dependencies correct for the right build ordering. I can't create a .bbappend to define do_install_append() because of the nopackages class in the original .bb recipe. Does anyone know if it's possible for a02:00
piwakawakanew recipe to install a _deployed_ file into a package? Can do_install(_append) use `install ${DEPLOYDIR} ...`? If so, how do I make sure the original recipe is built (i.e. deployed) first? Do any famous examples exist?02:00
piwakawakasorry for the dup -  thought I was editing the previous comment02:00
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vvnRP: the /lib symlink hack didn't work, but setting MACHINE_FEATURES_BACKFILL_CONSIDERED="qemu-usermode" works around this and successfully compiles glib (pull in by systemd) with musl and usrmerge on kirkstone. Not sure whether it's a bug or not and if we should warn against this machine feature from the musl recipe?05:16
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thomasd13Good morning guys. I have a little problem with my cross-debugger (gdb) built by yocto: When I try to execute it, it says: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file06:52
thomasd13But the shared library "" is installed. And if I'm doing an "ldd gdb" it also gets listed by its full path06:53
thomasd13I've moved from Lubuntu 18.04 to 22.04. At 18.04 it just worked as expected. Has anyone an idea whats wrong here?06:54
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thomasd13This log explains in detail:
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thomasd13Found the issue! Strace helped me out :)07:28
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mckoangood morning07:46
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:55
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thomasd13I've got a problem here which I cannot solve. After installing the "", I cannot execute aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gdb. It fails, because it cannot find the
thomasd13The wird thing is, that it apparently searches in "/tmp/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...." paths for it08:19
thomasd13This path shows also up in the Does anyone knows more about it?08:21
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pasherringthomasd13, dumb question, but, are you sourcing the sdk env file before running gdb?09:27
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chryshcan you guys recommend platforms with three MIPI interfaces, where 3 cameras can stream in parallel for an industrial application? We are currently using an NVIDIA TX2 platform (with one camera attached over USB), but am now thinking where to go from here.09:30
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thomasd13pasherring, when I do it, the error occurs, when I am not doing it also the error occurs09:37
thomasd13At 18.04 I dont have to source the env file to execute the gdb successfully09:38
pasherringthomasd13, ah, now I read through all of your messages. Ubuntu 22 is incompatible with 18 (and 20 for that matter),  due to glibc IIRC. So, most of the system libraries won't work, because most of them link against glibc.09:39
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thomasd13pasherring, wait what??09:40
pasherringSo, you basically, have to build again the SDK for the newer distro. Or run from inside some container.09:40
thomasd13so I would also need to upgrade the yocto buildserver to ubuntu 22, to build an sdk which runs on a ubuntu 22 machine?09:41
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pasherringYes. But, also keep in mind that by doing so, some of the recipes may break09:42
pasherringWell, not exactly the recipe, but, the compile-build cycle.09:42
thomasd13pasherring, do you have any link or more details about the incompatibility of 22.04 against 20/18 ? I would like to understand this in greater detail09:43
pasherringthomasd13, yeah, about that...  hehehehe I am trying to find the reference, but, so far, could find. I am keeping this in a IIRC basis.09:44
thomasd13I thought using 22.04 (LTS) is fine, since its listed at the Supported Linux Distribuations in the yocto manual09:45
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pasherringI think there was some breakage in glibc headers. Some stack related symbol. But, I can't clearly remember. My solution at that time was to accept defeat and roll back to 20.0409:46
thomasd13omg. I just spend 3 days to setup my new 22.04 dev-machine09:48
thomasd13So this error will apply to everything, which is built by yocto and will executed on a development machine which does not run ubuntu 22.04 ?09:49
pasherringthomasd13, it was basically related to this topic:
thomasd13pasherring, thanks, i will work through that09:52
pasherringthomasd13, Not sure about how the issue manifests itself, so, I have no idea how this could affect the several packages built. I'd say that whenever a package would use the symbol SIGSTKSZ, I'd expect this to break. But, this is fairly low level interface, and I'd expect lower level packages - such as gdb - to become problematic.09:53
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RPvvn: that will have just pushed some work onto target at first boot or disabled introspection10:19
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thomasd13Im still fighting with the yocto-sdk. The yocto-sdk installer runs without any error message. Trying to executing the aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gdb with strace:
thomasd13For some reason, it tries to find a particular .so in /temp/xxxxxxx..../yyyyyyyy... I know this path gets replaced during the SDK installer process with the actual install directory as a post step.11:02
thomasd13But why does it not work at (l)ubuntu 22.04 ? I just tested it on a fresh/plain image11:03
xcm_hello. i'm trying to build pigpio. i found a .bb recipe here . sadly it fails saying that "Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:", referencing files in /opt and /usr/local/lib/python3.8 . the strangest thing is that the target has python 3.10, so i think11:04
xcm_something's going very wrong11:04
rburtonxcm_: that recipe is not pretty.  try just making a new recipe that just does inherit cmake11:06
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RPthomasd13: there are some elf sections we do string replacements on at install time so I'd guess that hasn't happened there?11:14
thomasd13RP, is there any way i can debug this here? Why the hell should that work not anymore at 22.04 ?11:15
RPthomasd13: I think you probably need to put some debugging around the sdk installer and find out if/where something is failing to run or failing to make the changes needed11:16
thomasd13I mean it just not realistic, that I am the first person who observers this kind of problem??11:17
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rburtonvvn: file a bug re the musl/glib thing please11:18
RPthomasd13: we have 22.04 autobuilder workers and we run sdk and esdk tests on them FWIW11:18
thomasd13RP, did you test an yocto-sdk-installer built on 18.04 on a 22.04 machine?11:19
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RPthomasd13: scripts/ is one of the key things we use to relocate the binaries so you can get some of these scripts outside the sdk to be able to see what they're doing11:19
RPthomasd13: no, that wouldn't be tested11:20
RPbut reproducible builds means the two sdks should be the same. If they're not, that is a bug11:20
thomasd13okay.. gets deleted after the installer has finished. I will search this script somewhere else :)11:21
RPthomasd13: it is meta/scripts in oe-core11:24
thomasd13thanks a lot RP11:24
RPthomasd13: getting the arguments and steps right is tricky which is why I'd suggest hacking an installer to print the commands it runs11:25
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aleksandarsimonovvn I tried what you told me to do yesterday (added RPI_KERNEL_DEVICETREEOVERLAYS:append = "overlays/mcp2515-can2.dtbo") and got do_compile() error while compiling kernel12:16
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aleksandarsimonoFrom which I conclude this is custom dtbo12:16
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mschnelteHi. I have setup a shared bitbake-hashserv that is read-only for clients but can be written to from the build agents. Stupid me has forgotten to set BB_HASHSERVE to "host:port" of this hashserver. I did only set the upsteam server. Now my looooong time build has finished, i have a nice sstate and hashserver database on the build agent, but not on12:40
mschneltethe shared hashserver. How can i export the data? Now that I have corrected the BB_HASHSERVE="<host:port>" will a rebuild from sstate do the job? I would really try to avoid to rebuild without sstate just to repopulate the hashserver.12:40
mschnelteor can i just copy the files from tmp/cache over to the hashserver?12:41
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RPmschnelte: there is a database file in cache/ (not tmp.cache)12:55
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mschnelteRP: hashserv.db, right? I have copied that file over to the hashserver. I have started the server with --log DEBUG and when I start the build on the client , i see a "Client connected" message. Immediately followed by a client disconnect. But I have 0 matches. I would have expected to see several requests for hashes to the bitbake-hashserver? How13:07
mschneltecan i debug that better?13:07
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RPmschnelte: yes, that is the right file. the build will cache things locally so it depends what you tried really13:09
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mschnelteHere is what I did to debug: On the build agent I set SSTATE_DIR in order to make sure it needs to contact the SSTATE_MIRROR. I then ran bitbake core-image-minimal.13:20
mschnelteThe result: Sstate summary: Wanted 547 Local 0 Mirrors 544 Missed 3 Current 808 (99% match, 99% complete).13:20
mschnelteThat should show that the SSTATE_MIRROR works correctly, right?13:21
mschnelteOn the client side with the same SSTATE_MIRROR I get 0 hits. So I supsect sth is throwing my hashes of. Is there a way to get the hash of one task on both side and compare them?13:21
mschneltetypo* On the build agent I set SSTATE_DIR to an empty directory in order to make sure it needs to contact the SSTATE_MIRROR13:21
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mschnelteAnother question: Does the bitbake-hashserver only to "browse" the key/value pairs? Or is the api only allowing for "request key -> get value" calls? I.e. the hashserver can be put to the public internet without the risk of revealing which hashes are on the sstate server?13:24
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RPmschnelte: bitbake -g will write a file which has all the hashes in13:25
RPmschnelte: sorry, bitbake <target> -S none13:26
RPJPEW, qschulz: Following our discussion yesterday, I wondered if we should try a multiprocessing Manager to replace the remaining use of persist_data in the fetcher13:32
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JPEWYa, maybe worth looking at13:37
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mschnelteRP: tnx for the hint. I digged and here is for example a hash difference: hash for dependent task is 5e6422a75d41cfcda806cf9b009108f29a498184738f28c9cd8a88fcd9bf2e1e which is different on the other machine. They have different Ubuntu versions installed. Is this14:04
mschneltethe cause? If so what to do to prevent this? should i best run the builds in a container based upon the same image?14:04
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RPmschnelte: no, it shouldn't be the distro14:14
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mschnelteHmm, this hash difference is on gcc-source. I am trying to drill down till i have no more dependent tasks by using bitbake-dumpsig. E.g. the sig of is different but when i call  bitbake-dumpsig -t binutils-cross populate_sysroot to follow up on that. i get "ERROR: No sigdata files found matching14:24
mschneltebinutils-cross do_populate_sysroot". Do i need to do that different?14:24
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vvnRP: rburton:
RPmschnelte: gcc-source's stamp directory is somewhere different so you can probably manually get further if you know that15:03
RP(in workdir-shared)15:03
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xcm_hello. i notice uboot has a default env somehow, which includes bootdelay=2. i need to change that at image build time. how can i append to this file?15:14
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abellonismurray: meta-agl is failing check-layer-nightly on langdale because of meta-pipewire:15:21
mschnelteRP: Tnx, but the gcc stamps are found by bitbake-dumpsig. What is not found is binutil-cross15:22
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mschnelteRP: Ok, looks like i need to add the architecture for native tools. If i run bitbake-dumpsig -t binutils-cross-x86_64 it finds it.15:35
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xcm_turns out that an add-on package was setting this, so this is not the out-of-the box behavior15:38
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JPEWRP: Deduplication metrics (how many items we send across from the workers to the cooker):
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mschnelteFor the record I solved my problem. In the end it still had to do with the hashserver. After I fixed the hashserver misconfiguration I did not delete the database of the local hashserver which was then still filled with data that was not in line with the upstream. I deleted the build directory and run the build again. This time with 99% sstate16:29
mschnelteThis was a lost day - well at least I learned sth ;D16:29
mschnelteRP: Tnx for the pointers!16:29
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vvnWouldn't it make more sense to build the kernel in a multiconfig (to use a different initramfs distro) rather than building the initramfs in a multiconfig?16:36
vvnproblem is using a multiconfig for the initramfs requires to build the kernel twice, which doesn't make sense as only the kernel from the main distro is used16:37
vvnPREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-dummy" can't be used because the initramfs might need to embed a kernel module (which would be empty for linux-dummy)16:38
vvnUnless there is a way to make the initramfs multiconfig depend on the built kernel instead of rebuilding it itself?16:50
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JaMa"YPS Social Hour Wednesday" isn't free-to-attend, right? for those who already started to drink in expectation of promised OE Happy Hour :)18:14
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phako[m]I have something escaping the sysroot here... /home/jgeorg/Projects/Yocto/plain/poky/build-kirkstone/tmp/work/cortexa57-poky-linux/mtca4u-fw-programmer/1.0+git999-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux/../../libexec/aarch64-poky-linux/gcc/aarch64-poky-linux/11.3.0/ld: cannot find /lib/ No such file or directory - any hints on how to debug that?18:53
phako[m]I cannot express how much I hate massaging 7 years of grown cmake into something that plays nicely in a cross environment19:00
RPphako[m]: are you passing --sysroot through to the compiler/linker or is something filtering the flags?19:00
phako[m]yeah. the linker flags look ok apart from some weird rpath that is passed into19:00
RPJaMa: not sure, I think you need to ask the conference organisers or denix19:01
JaMaack, it's not just for me (as I don't mind drinking without company :)), but I've recommended few people today (based on e-mail from denix yesterday) just before it got postponed to Friday19:05
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xcm_hi. could someone help me figure out how to change the contents of the generated u-boot-initial-env?
xcm_for example, i find bootdelay=2 in the env, but i need it to be -219:39
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phako[m]grmpf, its our convenience crap to do deal with non-standard install paths...20:00
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denixJaMa: sorry, there was an organizing mixup...20:34
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RPJPEW: did you share your patches anywhere?21:47
JPEWNo. Let me rebase and I'll push them up21:48
* RP has been struggling to multitask today, not feeling great.21:48
RPJPEW: I'm curious what you generated stats with21:48
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moto-timohuh UBOOT_INITIAL_ENV is not documented22:04
moto-timoxcm_: I'm pretty sure you can add your own uboot-initial-env and then define that variable, but I am no expert in that specific space22:05
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* moto-timo not multitasking well either22:08
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RPJPEW: interesting. I think there is a bb.utils function missing there?22:37
RPJPEW: I see you moved to the separate class, did that help much?22:37
RPI guess we'd have to change the way they're saved22:38
RPJPEW: I think my two patches (one large pickle and the zstd one) both slow things down22:38
JPEWMoving to a separate class didn't hurt and makes it real easy to turn on and off22:55
RPJPEW: right, I was wondering about making a debug option. Pros and cons :/22:56
JPEWI'll try dropping your two patches to see what it does tomorrow22:56
RPJPEW: I'll try and pull that basehashes piece into a separate patch22:57
JPEWIt's unfortunately hard to get consistent cpu timing numbers when zoom is running ;)22:57
RPJPEW: haha. This is why I do it on my build machine but even there I get 0.3s noise :(22:58
RPit is due to the parser threads not parsing things in exactly that same order each time22:59
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