Tuesday, 2022-12-13

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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:35
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mckoangood morning07:42
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tomzy_0Got a question08:51
tomzy_0basically I am using Yocto mostly for generating custom embedded OS for couple of platforms.08:51
tomzy_0Is using Yocto for manage multiple software projects (like hundreds of them) something common?08:53
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tomzy_0If yes, are there some presentations or materials about that?08:53
LetoThe2ndtomzy_0: you mean, more like a binary distribution upstream that the projects can share?08:54
tomzy_0maybe? :P  not sure what I mean TBH, just thinking of Yocto is used in cases without any specific platform. But yeah, your scenario makes sense08:56
tomzy_0LetoThe2nd Let's say we want to publish some binaries, using Yocto for that makes sense? We could probably use generic x86 machine for that. Maybe try some generic ARM machine configs (?) to try support other architectures?09:00
LetoThe2ndtomzy_0: maybe https://youtu.be/7plHWCHGv1c09:02
qschulztomzy_0: anything different from a full image binary will not make sense09:08
qschulzif you're planning to build .deb/.rpm binaries for people to use on any system, Yocto is not for that09:08
qschulzYocto is for *building distributions*09:08
LetoThe2ndwell, it depends a bit if you ask me.09:09
qschulzLetoThe2nd: it's the same as asking if I can use Debian package feed on your Yocto image09:10
qschulzor maybe I missed something entirely (wouldn't me a first :) )09:10
LetoThe2ndthe lines between building a highly standardized distro (many do that) and providing a statically linked binary application can be quite blurry occasionally. but yeah, if your concern is mostly about the application, then i would also say that its not a yocto story.09:10
qschulzyeah it's not the same thing as some desktop SW vendors do with just providing an rpm/deb for major distributions and then expecting this to work everywhere :)09:15
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tomzy_0LetoThe2nd: , qschulz as always, thanks for ideas and knowledge09:20
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mcfriskhow do force rebuild of initramfs? It doesn't seem to get regenerated after kernel changes. old initramfs seems to be pulled form sstate when kernel changed and main rootfs got regenerated. or I'm missing something..10:07
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mcfriskdid not have prserv enabled, and two different kernel compilations result in different kernel signing keys. could that be the reason why initramfs doesn't regenerate if kernel changes?10:20
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RPmcfrisk: the sstate hashes are based on inputs so the system won't have any way to know that the same input would result in different output10:32
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mcfriskRP: yes, but still this is odd. I forced linux-yocto recompile, then compiled main image which got re-generated. But initramfs doesn't get recompiled. With prserv the version numbers would change, and show that initramfs and main rootfs have different versions of kernel modules. something doesn't add up..10:38
RPmcfrisk: that does seem odd as a force would cause the hashes to change. It sounds like some dependency isn't functioning correctly10:43
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sion33Hi all, Can anyone explain why runqemu from yocto with slirp functions as expected and it does not work by use of the SDK?10:50
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sion33Yocto Qemu has the user backend support for netdev but in the SDK it is missing.11:00
rburtonsion33: poky 0641f17c282fee04d3b53bb2cd5b3cc1eb59a4d0 might be relevant11:02
sion33rburton: Cheers, for your answer11:06
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qschulzTIL git fetch is not concurrency-safe......12:04
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jclsnUh I just upgraded to an older Xeon processor with 22 cores. Compiling Yocto is much more fun like this ^^12:58
jclsnWhere were the benchmark results again? I would like to do one13:00
jclsnAh found them13:04
shoraganjclsn, do you have a link?13:26
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jclsnshoragan: https://github.com/shr-project/test-oe-build-time13:27
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shoraganjclsn, thanks13:29
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ThomasRoos[m]ptest question - wonder if it's a good idea when writing a ptest for a lib to have just a RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest to another package using that lib, or more packages using that lib? Idea is that this should ensure that the program can be build (and run?) when using that e.g. upgraded lib.14:07
rburtonwe rebuild everything when stuff changes, so "my app doesn't work anymore" is less of a problem as it would have been rebuilt14:09
ThomasRoos[m]hmm. but this does not make sure that when stuff changes it can run, only be built? right?14:11
payamhi guys14:13
payamI never needed to create a virtual machine I linux.14:13
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rburtonThomasRoos[m]: right, but presumably the tests for the library run.14:15
payamso what I want to try here is try out kuksaval server and send some can signal to it.14:15
payamand I want to do it all in linux14:15
payamis there any GUI CAN program for linux that reads a database and sends them14:17
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rburtoni suspect this is the wrong channel for questions like that14:20
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payamrburton, so let me explain more. I want to boot up a GUI yocto image. and send CAN signals to it. Do I download Virtuab box or is there any emulator I can use?14:26
rburtonyocto comes with runqemu14:27
rburtonwhich has complete integration if you build a machine with eg MACHINE=qemux86-6414:27
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payamokej and I how do I run it?14:30
payamI mean how do I see it running on qemu14:30
rburtonMACHINE=qemux86-64 bitbake my-image-name; runqemu qemux86-6414:34
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rburtonidea: buildhistory containing md5sum of files in packages14:35
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rburtonthat would be useful14:35
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payamrburton, is the image a wic.xz file?14:48
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qschulzrburton: https://cgit.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/tree/meta/recipes-graphics/cairo/cairo/CVE-2019-6462.patch did you send something in the end?15:26
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rburtondamn me for not putting a full source in that15:31
rburtonqschulz: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/cairo/cairo/-/issues/35315:32
rburtonqschulz: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/cairo/cairo/-/commit/ab2c5ee21e5f3d3ee4b3f67cfcd5811a4f99c3a0 says merged in 1.17.615:33
rburtonqschulz: if you're looking, you should change that to a backport of the merged commit15:34
qschulzrburton: not looking at the right one ;)15:34
qschulzbut I was about to nag you about this one too :)15:34
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qschulzrburton: I sent the patch for cairo just before, didn;t know you were actually to do it :)16:23
qschulzs/to do/doing/16:23
rburtonha, sorry16:24
rburtonthough i'd do it whilst it was open16:24
qschulzrburton: don't worry, i'm fine if yours taken too, doesn't matter to me :)16:25
qschulzthough I'm more interested if you were planning to work with upstream cairo on CVE-2019-646216:26
qschulz(the assert to if change)16:26
qschulz(full disclaimer, I need to fix those CVEs in Buildroot :) and I don't know if they'll like this patch, so better avoid a discussion if something's started somewhere :) )16:27
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qschulzrburton: actually, the patches for CVE-2019-6461 and CVE-2019-6462 are swapped :)16:45
qschulzi'm wondering why there's a CVE for an assertion instruction? how is this exploitable?16:58
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rburtonqschulz: ffs17:07
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IlanTI am following youtube livecoding  for yocto project for SDK session 4.  When i try to exercise for extensible SDK session , I could install the ext_sdk  but when I used  bitbake build simplehello , i am getting this error: unable to find any recipe {  administrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new$ devtool build simplehello17:24
IlanTNOTE: Starting bitbake server...17:24
IlanTNOTE: Reconnecting to bitbake server...17:24
IlanTNOTE: Retrying server connection (#1)...17:24
IlanTLoading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:0017:24
IlanTLoaded 1310 entries from dependency cache.17:24
IlanTERROR: Unable to find any recipe file matching "simplehello"17:24
IlanT }17:24
IlanTthis is my complete log17:25
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ ./tmp/deploy/sdk/17:25
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ ./tmp/deploy/sdk/poky-glibc-x86_64-example-image-armv7vet2hf-neon-qemuarm-toolchain-ext-3.1.1.sh17:25
IlanTPoky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) Extensible SDK installer version 3.1.117:25
IlanTEnter target directory for SDK (default: ~/poky_sdk): ~/sdk_ext17:25
IlanTYou are about to install the SDK to "/home/administrator/sdk_ext". Proceed [Y/n]? y17:25
IlanTExtracting SDK..............................................done17:25
IlanTSetting it up...17:25
IlanTExtracting buildtools...17:25
IlanTPreparing build system...17:25
IlanTParsing recipes: 100% |##########################################| Time: 0:00:5817:25
IlanTInitialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:00:0317:25
IlanTChecking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |###############| Time: 0:00:0017:25
IlanTLoading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:0017:25
IlanTInitialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:00:0017:25
IlanTRun devtool --help for further details.17:26
IlanTWARNING: attempting to use the extensible SDK in an environment set up to run bitbake - this may lead to unexpected results. Please source this script in a new shell session instead.17:26
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ env17:26
rburtonnext time, pastebin please17:26
IlanTOECORE_ACLOCAL_OPTS=-I /home/administrator/sdk_ext/tmp/sysroots/x86_64/usr/share/aclocal17:26
IlanTCC=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc  -march=armv7ve -mthumb -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard -fstack-protector-strong  -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security --sysroot=/home/administrator/sdk_ext/tmp/sysroots/qemuarm17:26
IlanTCFLAGS= -O2 -pipe -g -feliminate-unused-debug-types17:26
IlanTParsing of 774 .bb files complete (773 cached, 1 parsed). 1311 targets, 60 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.17:27
IlanTNOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies17:27
IlanTInitialising tasks: 100% |#######################################| Time: 0:00:0017:27
IlanTSstate summary: Wanted 0 Found 0 Missed 0 Current 0 (0% match, 0% complete)17:27
IlanTNOTE: No setscene tasks17:27
IlanTNOTE: Executing Tasks17:27
IlanTNOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.17:27
IlanTINFO: Using default source tree path /home/administrator/sdk_ext/workspace/sources/simplehello17:27
IlanTNOTE: Starting bitbake server...17:27
IlanTINFO: Recipe /home/administrator/sdk_ext/workspace/recipes/simplehello/simplehello_git.bb has been automatically created; further editing may be required to make it fully functional17:27
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new$ devtool build simplehello17:27
IlanTNOTE: Starting bitbake server...17:27
IlanTNOTE: Reconnecting to bitbake server...17:27
IlanTNOTE: Retrying server connection (#1)...17:27
IlanTNOTE: Reconnecting to bitbake server...17:27
IlanTNOTE: Previous bitbake instance shutting down?, waiting to retry...17:27
IlanTNOTE: Retrying server connection (#2)...17:27
IlanTLoading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:0017:27
IlanT  -c, --clean           clean up recipe building results17:27
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ ls17:27
IlanTbitbake-cookerdaemon.log  cache  conf  downloads  sstate-cache  tmp17:27
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ ls17:27
IlanTbitbake-cookerdaemon.log  cache  conf  downloads  sstate-cache  tmp17:27
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ ls ../../sdk_ext/17:27
IlanTexample/ images/17:27
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ ls ../../sdk_ext/layers/poky/meta-live/recipes-example/17:27
IlanTexample/ images/17:27
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ ls ../../sdk_ext/17:27
IlanTconf/         README        sources/17:28
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ devtool build ../../sdk_ext/workspace/recipes/simplehello17:28
IlanTNOTE: Starting bitbake server...17:28
IlanTERROR: No recipe named '../../sdk_ext/workspace/recipes/simplehello' in your workspace17:28
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ ls17:28
IlanTbitbake-cookerdaemon.log  cache  conf  downloads  sstate-cache  tmp17:28
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new/build$ cd ../17:28
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new$ ls17:28
IlanTbuild  meta-live  poky  readme.txt17:28
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new$ cd build/17:28
IlanTcache/        conf/         downloads/    sstate-cache/ tmp/17:28
IlanTadministrator@administrator-Precision-7760:~/Yocto_new$ devtool build simplehello17:28
IlanTNOTE: Starting bitbake server...17:28
IlanTNOTE: Reconnecting to bitbake server...17:28
IlanTNOTE: Retrying server connection (#1)...17:28
IlanTLoading cache: 100% |############################################| Time: 0:00:0017:28
IlanTLoaded 1310 entries from dependency cache.17:28
IlanTERROR: Unable to find any recipe file matching "simplehello"17:28
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IlanTsure i will do17:29
mrybczyn[m]qschulz: an assert is a possible denial of service. You close down a service remotely, that could be causing damage17:30
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Guest60is there a command I can use to see which recipe is pulling another recipe to be installed into the final image? i.e, if there's a recipe called B that's being installed, how can I figure out which recipe is requesting B to be installed via RDEPENDS?18:36
kergothoe-depends-dot can help you figure that out after running a bitbake -g <yourimage>18:46
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jonmasonis there a easy way to speed up fetch times?  I'm seeing 80k/s trying to get the kernel sources to run a menuconfig20:18
jonmasonIt'll be like 2h at this rate20:18
JaMalinux-yocto sources? binutils usually take longest from yp mirror, but the easy way is to never delete downloads directory20:20
JaMaand share it as premirror with as many builders as you can20:21
jonmasondoing all that fun stuff20:21
jonmasonits for gatesgarth, which I probably pruned20:21
jonmasongit clone of the linux-yocto tree is giving me 9MB/s20:24
jonmasonso I'm just going to use devtool to reference this tree and build from it20:24
jonmasonjust trying to see if there is a smarter way20:24
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RPjonmason: I think we changed the mirror config in later releases somehow to help for some of these cases. I don't remember what we did20:45
RPJPEW: don't suppose you had any further thoughts on sockname?20:46
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JPEWI can't see how it would do that20:50
JPEWI think some sort of "outside observer" (strace et. al.) is still going to be the best option. strace annoyingly won't traces threads and not subprocesses though20:51
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JPEWerr, threads and not child processes20:51
RPJPEW: I can't see it either but the logs say it did :/20:55
* RP is freezing, going to have to do something about more heating tomorrow20:56
JPEWI mean obviously it _happened_, just not in a logical way you would expect from reading the code20:56
JPEWWhich means either A) the code is doing something unexpected or B) something outside of the code is doing it20:57
JPEWAh, OK. We can make it do threads but not forks21:01
JPEW(strace that is)21:01
RPJPEW: I think strace will be a nightmare to interface :(21:04
JPEWRP: Maybe21:05
JPEWI have a PoC, just need to figure out how to make it generic enough21:05
JPEWabelloni: Ack, I left a debug print in that argparse patch21:13
JPEWSending V4 :(21:14
abelloniI feel like my current build is never going to end...21:21
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JPEWRP: You won't like the top patch on https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib/log/?h=jpew/bitbake-server-strace , but the patch below that will let you strace e.g. `bitbake --server-wrapper="/usr/bin/strace -f -b execve -o trace.txt -e unlink --seccomp-bpf" ...`21:48
JPEWIf bitbake server is unlinking, that will find it21:49
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JPEWRP: I suppose if we wanted to make this less "public" we could trigger it just as easily with an envvar instead of a command line argument22:12
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RPJPEW: we can't really run all the builds on the autobuilder under this until it reproduces :/22:46
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RPJPEW: I'm wondering about https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/commit/?h=master-next&id=ff115df8b4bd61503efee85e932a71f2b39aa424 ?23:20
RPabelloni: I wonder if your builds are taking a long time due to my sig changes? :/23:26
RPJPEW: abelloni: I fast tracked the sockname change in so if we see another failure we can hopefully debug it a little more23:32
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