Monday, 2023-01-23

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PhoenixMagetlwoerner: FYI, one of the radxa devs has an up to date mainline u-boot that works with Rock 3a, I believe they are submitting patches05:41
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:35
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mckoangood morning07:40
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ptsnevesGood morning all :)10:36
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ArgaKhanHello. I ran Bitbake and it's now at its 243rd hour. Is this normal? No freezing or stuttering but it seems like it took too long. qtdeclarative_do-compile, icedtea7-native_do-compile, qtbase_do-package-write-deb, gcc_do-package-write-deb, binutils_do-package-write-deb, librsvg_do-package-write-deb, libwebp_do-package- libwebp_do-package-write-deb seems to be in progress.10:59
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JaMa10 days is a bit too much11:10
ArgaKhanJaMa: I'm also afraid to cancel because I thought it froze in 140 hours and canceled :(11:11
JaMaany OOMK in dmesg?11:11
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JaMacheck e.g. htop if there is any visible load from bitbake triggered processes, if not then something went wrong11:12
JaMaeven if you cancel it, it should reuse all finished tasks11:13
ArgaKhanI'm on tty3 screen, will bitbake be canceled if I switch to tty1?11:14
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ArgaKhannow the ethernet lights are not working either I tried to connect via ssh but11:14
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ArgaKhanI searched for bitbake in htop. Time writes 0 and cpu mem usage is 0.11:17
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ArgaKhanThere is an error in dmesg: Out of memory: Killed process 3237 (Cooker) total-vm:1131408kB, anon-rss:69296kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:32kB, UID:1000 pgtables:1980kB oom_score_adj:011:18
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ArgaKhanlikewise surfshark got killed11:19
JaMaArgaKhan: than you need more RAM or at least swap11:19
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ArgaKhanJaMa: Should I open swap space and start it again with tty3 then?11:20
JaMaArgaKhan: and possibly adjust PARALLEL_MAKE/BB_NUMBER_THREADS/BB_PRESSURE_MAX_* if you're using some insane combination11:20
JaMahow much RAM do you have?11:21
ArgaKhanno i don't use these variables11:21
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ArgaKhan8gb regular ram, 2gb swap space11:21
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rburtonthat's pretty much a bare minimum for building entire platforms, to be honest11:22
JaMathen set PARALLEL_MAKE/BB_NUMBER_THREADS to something lower than the default ${@oe.utils.cpu_count()} especially if you have more cpu cores11:22
ArgaKhanYes, I suffered a lot :(11:22
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ArgaKhanJaMa: It is a 4 core 8 thread processor. Intel i5 processor. Do I need to set it?11:23
JaMalower BB_NUMBER_THREADS to something like 211:24
ArgaKhanalready doing 8 simultaneous transactions11:24
JaMayou can keep PARALLEL_MAKE, but still add more swap11:24
ArgaKhanok then11:24
ArgaKhanthank you11:25
JaMaqtdeclarative isn't too demanding, but if your image includes something like qtwebkit/qtwebruntime then you'll need more than 8+2g11:25
ArgaKhanyes it contains. just in case I'm allocating 144 gb swap :D11:26
JaMaand it should finish in lets say 24 hours, if it's running again for more than 100 then cancel it for sure and check htop/dmesg11:27
JaMaprobably less as you might be half-way done11:27
ArgaKhanLet's see. thanks11:29
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sa7mfoIs there a good way to get rid of "WARNING: Duplicate inclusion for /work/layers/meta-xxx-base/recipes-core/images/"? I have several layers that are built on top of each other and every layer is adding something to the previous image file. Is there a good way to build such hiarchy without getting that warning?13:07
sa7mfoI use "require" to include the image files13:08
mckoansa7mfo: .bbappend ?13:08
JaMasa7mfo: use require only once per path13:09
sa7mfosorry, I will try to rephrase. I have and requires Another meta-layer has that requires and that requires X-dev.bb13:11
JaMaand which one is included multiple times?13:12
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JaMarburton: still breaking "git am"? seen in ppp patch13:19
rburtondamn it sorry13:19
JaManp :)13:25
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sa7mfoJaMa:  Most of the files is included multiple times now :/13:29
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sa7mfoI will try to work something out with bbappaned instead13:32
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JaMasa7mfo: ok, you forgot to say that Y-dev requires both Y as well as X-dev, but it's shown in the digraph13:39
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JaMain our case we have similar hiearchy of layers (4 levels), but with and, so upper layers can include various .inc without multiple includes13:42
JaMaas well as .bbclass for more "generic" image features to inherit13:42
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* alessioigor waves all13:52
alessioigorFYI If I add api-documentation in the DISTRO_FEATURES (honister) the recipe upower stops to be built:13:52
alessioigorIs there a way to disable api-documentation effects for that recipe?13:52
JaMaalessioigor: try it with supported release and if it works there you might be able to find which fix to backport13:55
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rburtonalessioigor: set GTKDOC_ENABLED="False" in the recipe (or in your distro/local.conf with GTKDOC_ENABLED:pn-upower)14:01
alessioigorJaMa, rburton: Thanks!14:04
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td40I might have some resources to work on devtool to support multiple versions on recipes. I'd like it to work with multiple versions of for example kernel recipe with changing PREFERRED_VERSION and keeping multiple sources versions in workspace/sources, workspace/appends. It would improve a lot in workflow in my company. Would you be open for such14:35
qschulztd40: mmm I thought this was already supported? what are you missing or rather, what's your issue?14:40
qschulzbecause I did a devtool modify u-boot on kirkstone, it found my preferred provider (u-boot-tsd) and created a bbappend in the devtool workspace called u-boot-tsd_2022.10.bbappend14:40
qschulztd40: ah, I see that the sources onlyu have the name of the recipe and not its version14:41
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td40I might oversleep some big change but last time I checked it was not supported. I will come back to you, but yes, I'd love it to contain multiple versions of sources as well, so developers could work parallel on kernel master and master_next :)14:43
td40I'll verify, but I think it's still not fully supported14:43
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qschulztd40: in any case, I assume if we get proper tests of the new feature(s) and it makes sense, that should be ok14:44
td40great, thank you for quick answer :)14:44
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qschulzthe issue is we don't have a devtool maintainer, so until we get a patch to look at, I guess there's not much more we can say :/ ?14:45
td40right:D  then I'll probably go back with a patch in some long time:)  thanks14:46
landgrafqschulz: or volunteer to be a maintainer :-)14:48
td40I need to think about that. I did some patches to devtool already so I know the code. Is there some requirements I need to meet to become a maintainer?14:50
td40besides having a lot of time14:51
landgrafa lot of time... who has this?14:52
qschulztd40: I would guess doing reviews of patches to devtool, fix or help fixing issues in devtool when they arise?14:53
td40that I know:D  I thought of some formal requirements. but seems not :)14:54
qschulztd40: a patch against this to make it official if you want :) but I don't think we require anything. In any case, just providing reviews/acked-by/reviewed-by even if you're not officially listed as maintainer is *really* helpful14:57
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kergothHmm the older distro crops docker images are busted due to use of too-new buildtools tarballs. Don't wnat to be using a 4.1 buildtools tarball, the newer python breaks with older yocto stable branches15:56
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rburtonRP: hm sdk packaging should be reusing the image_types logic.  i wanted to switch to something not-xz as it takes forever but that's not trivial.16:12
RPrburton: I think I ended up concluding it wasn't worth the pain16:13
rburtonunifying it seems like a sensible thing to do if its not a lot of effort, considering its not trivial to eg experiment with tar.zstd SDKs.16:14
rburtoni'll put it on my backlog of things to look at. shouldn't be *too* difficult, especially if we refactor a bit of the image code at the same time into a nice module :)16:14
RPrburton: I can understand users needing different image outputs, having multiple sdk types didn't seem to have as much of a need16:14
RPrburton: the image code is horrible, last time I looked there were other areas that needed work in priority16:15
RPit is rather complex :/16:15
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kergothsdk packaging is a mess in some other ways too, it acts like it should support formats other than shar, but you can't relocate without it since all the logic is embedded into the shar instead of split out17:06
kergothbeen meaning to submit a change to split it all out into one of these days17:07
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dacavHi.  I'm writing a .bbclass that all my recipes are going to INHERIT.  Is there a way to collect data in a single build-global variable?17:24
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qschulzdacav: no, because the bbclass is just included verbatim in the recipe and recipe data is local to the recipe17:30
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dacavI see.  And what about DEPLOYDIR?  Can I `inherit deploy` from my bbclass in order to get DEPLOYDIR? Will this force all the recipes to implement on_deploy?17:33
dacavMy goal would be to collect certain information for each built recipe, then aggregate it all as last step17:35
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qschulzdacav: that makes sense yes. you would still need to write the do_deploy task to deploy something into DEPLOYDIR17:38
qschulzdacav: I would also look into how we manage license.manifest because this is also a collection of artifacts from multiple recipes17:39
dacavThanks for the hint!17:39
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dacavqschulz: what if I inherit deploy from my.bbclass, I write a do_deploy, then I put INHERIT += "my" in my local.conf.  Will this break recipes that declare themselves a do_deploy?17:49
qschulzdacav: yes17:50
dacavouch, not what I want probably :)17:51
qschulzso you can borrow the same mechanism as deploy bbclass but use different names and sstate paths I believe17:51
qschulzor maybe simply using do_deploy:append would be enough17:51
dacavOr can I read the variables of the recipes I DEPEND upon?17:51
qschulzyou want to read a variable in recipe A from recipe B where in recipe B you have DEPENDS = "recipe-a" ?17:54
qschulznope, not possible, recipe a data is local to recipe a and cannot be accessed outside of it17:55
qschulzyou could (ab)use the sysroot to communicate info between recipes but I would not recommend17:55
dacavRight... otherwise the answer to the previous question about global variable would have been yes.  Sorry :D17:55
rburtondacav: what are you actually trying to do?17:56
dacavrburton: I need to put together a report for licensing purposes.  license.manifest is covering already part of my needs.  I've attempted to use meta-doubleopen (buggy) and meta-spdxscanner (buggy and depening on python2).17:58
dacavI figured I could get away with less than the whole SPDX for each recipe17:58
rburtonwhy not use the built in spdx stuff, then you don't need to write anything17:58
rburtonalso you can get more info out of the license code, what is it you actually want?17:59
dacavWhat spdx stuff would you recommend me to look at?17:59
dacavIn our situation some dependencies come from yocto, and others unfortunately from a bunch of git-submodules of a main module18:01
dacavrburton: create-spdx > how did I miss this?  :)18:02
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dacavrburton: create-spdx.bbclass doesn's seem to exist here.  Was it added after dunfell?18:05
dacavI have to go.  Thank you rburton and qschulz for the hints :)  I'll check what I can do while we upgrade by looking at the suggested material18:07
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PhoenixMageHow can I get a list of packages that will be installed in an image?23:03
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abellonibitbake -g image23:06
abelloniyou'll have the list of what is built in pn-buildlist23:06
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RPabelloni: that is a list of recipes that will have builds triggered by an image, they might not all be installed23:07
abelloniyes, I was going to mention that :)23:08
halsteadkhem: Your last build had to be cancelled for maintenance. Please queue it back up if you could.23:11
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