Friday, 2023-03-10

moto-timoRP: how does MCNAME get populated?00:00
RPmoto-timo: see mcextend.bbclass00:00
RPmoto-timo: this isn't actually a multiconfig, we're just (ab)using the class00:01
moto-timoRP: I remember you mentioning this approach before, but I didn't quite understand ;)00:02
* moto-timo gets excited00:03
RPmoto-timo: I posted about it on the list back in 2019 but I want to actually use it now00:03
RPmoto-timo: the parsing time of a recipe generating 80 variants isn't great though00:03
moto-timowith that shiny new reporttool hammer00:03
moto-timoor whatever... the regression thingy00:03
RP"resulttool report tmp/log/oeqa" is what I'm using locally and that as worked for years00:04
moto-timoI'm poorly trying to describe the work alexis has been doing00:05
* moto-timo wishes sleep actually happened on a predictable basis00:05
RPmoto-timo: right, that is great but the reports themselves are also really helpful00:06
RPe.g. after running this crazy parallel insanity, I can see a report of the results00:07
moto-timoI need to carve out some time to play with this... and maybe revisit visualization stuff from "the dashboard project"00:08
moto-timowith SIGNIFICANTLY less data to parse, it would have been easier ;)00:09
RPmoto-timo: you could probably just do it from the data in the report output00:10
RPmoto-timo: it was tap-base btw, thanks. I was thinking when it said empty class it meant it was present but needed some submodules, probably "base" confused me00:13
RPof course there are loads more missing but I'll keep hitting it00:13
RPor perhaps sleep00:14
moto-timoRP: we lost a lot of manual fixes during a perl-cross/perl upgrade. It's part of what I was trying to do with
moto-timofor vanishingly small values of "am"00:21
RPmoto-timo: right, we'll get there! :)00:29
moto-timo🌞 😎00:30
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masonAnd the final answer is, IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " kernel-module-xt-nat "01:41
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zwelchdid kirkstone-4.0.8 get released? i see the version bump but not the expected git tags02:42
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BoJallingHi all, anyone with yocto on the Xilinx ZynqMP platform? I'm specifically thinking about generation of the boot.bin and .bif files07:28
LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:33
LetoThe2ndBoJalling: maybe try to be a little more specific. do you want to do this, and can't find a starting point? you're doing it and it doesn't work? ...?07:36
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BoJallingYes, sorry for being so vague. I has just been assigned to a project where the previous developers hadn't really used Yocto before, so it's a bit of a mess that I need to clean up. I big pile of yocto combined with a _lot_ of external scripts and tools. I want to combine it all in the normal yocto flow, ending up with a image for a qspi, containing everything. My problem is that I cannot really07:50
BoJallingfind examples of people doing this, so am I on the wrong path?07:50
LetoThe2ndBoJalling: its still extremely vague, not knowing what magic is hidden in those scripts and tools. I am quite conviced that it can be done properly (e.g. packaging, writing classes, maybe multiconfigs), but neither am I a Zynq user nor can I give advice based on the description. If it is closed IP, your best bet is probably hiring a consultant with knowledge in that area.07:54
KareemZarka[m]hey so i have a patch for wic/plugins/source/bootimg-efi , this patch is failing when i use wic cp on autobuilds even tho I added bitbake (mtools)``, the patch reviewer sent me this error  ERROR: Can't find executable 'mcopy' ```, what else can i do ? on my host machine this works fine yet on autobuilds it fails ...07:54
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BoJallingLetoThe2nd: When I build for the default machines provided by Xilinx, I get the following: ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'kernel' (but /sources/core/../meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp/recipes-bsp/bootbin/ DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it). Close matches:07:59
BoJalling  linux-xlnx RPROVIDES kernel07:59
BoJallingERROR: Required build target 'core-image-minimal' has no buildable providers.07:59
BoJallingMissing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['core-image-minimal', 'u-boot-zynq-uenv', 'virtual/boot-bin', 'kernel']07:59
BoJallingArgh, doh!08:00
mcfriskBoJalling: fwiw, I also build/test ZyncMP device but run plain qemuarm64 machine based image, including plain linux-yocto kernel with it.08:16
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kayterina[m]ptsneves:  I think I know how I broke pickle yesterday. I must have ran bitbake outside the docker container(ubuntu 18) on host Ubuntu 20 where the python version was indeed 3.8.09:45
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seccarHi, I am looking for help regarding debugging a coredump that occured on target, for this I used to build the yocto SDK to have the debug symbols, but I still miss the source file when analysing the core dump with GDB. Is using the SDK the good thing for debugging coredump ? If so is is possible to also have source file included, if not do you guys have an idea on how to have also the source ?10:18
alessioigorseccar: You have to use an image with dpb-pkgs feature enable. That feature puts debug sumbols into an additional file present in .debug directory ad the same level of the binary.10:20
seccaralessioigor: do you mean "dbg-pkgs" ?10:23
alessioigorseccar: Yes10:24
rburtonseccar: are you using gdb on the build host or the target?10:26
seccaralessioigor: ok thanks, IIUC this will add the .debug on the target, but my use case if to debug on my host machine (I retrieve the coredump and want to exploit it on my machine) for this I use the SDK that also include the `.debug`  folder10:26
seccaralessioigor: pointing GDB to the SDK rootfs with `sysroot` work great and I can have comprensive backtrace, but I still miss the source file10:27
rburtonseccar: try reading
rburtonyou can build a shadow rootfs which is all full debug symbols and sources10:27
seccarhum thanks for pointing the doc (I read it ... but seems I skippe the part talking of IMAGE_GEN_DEBUGFS )10:29
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Ad0I try to install -d -g group -o user mydir but it says user does not exist11:42
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Ad0user is created in another layer in another recipe but it should exist!11:43
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rburtonAd0: do you depend on that other recipe?11:45
rburtonso how does the sysroot for the recipe you are doing install in contain a passwd which defines the user?11:46
Ad0all that user information is local to the recipes and not some global thing?11:46
rburtonthere is no global thing11:47
rburtonevery recipe has its own sysroot11:47
Ad0I will use a bbappend instead for that recipe that created the user11:47
Ad0that should solve it11:47
rburtonwhat you're asking is possible, you just depend on the recipe that creates the user11:47
Ad0yeah I struggle a bit with how to structure my layer. to litter the files all over the different recipes or have it in my own recipe depending11:48
Ad0DEPENDS += "userrecipe" didn't work11:54
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Ad0do I have to use inherit?11:54
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Ad0hm that's only classes11:57
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Ad0it worked, thanks rburton11:58
Ad0but I should make a decision to whether I should have it in my own recipe vs just having it as an append in the other recipe because now it's a mix of both11:59
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d-s-eIs there a reason, why most python recipes don't have a native version? I can fix this for the ones I need with bbappends, but I wonder if patching those upstream would make any sense?12:32
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huseyinkozanHi, I am getting "[798]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()" at custom Toradex image. I tried setting XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland at started script but doesn't solve.12:46
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JaMad-s-e: if that native dependency is fairy common, than there is high chance it will be accepted upstream12:47
huseyinkozanAnd, there is no display at LCD12:47
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d-s-eJaMa: It's the cantools package and all its dependencies, what I need. I don't know if this is common.13:03
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rob_wseems my image is not able to use curl with https urls ... even if i ignore ssl certs from the server13:40
rob_wany hints on how to go about that ?13:41
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rburtonrob_w: did you install ca-certificates?13:51
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rob_wi did ... server is self signed .. so i use --insecure on curl cmd but still fail13:51
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rburtonsounds like you want to speak to #curl13:53
rob_wi did, no luck yet .. but i think its a tls gnutls issue13:54
rob_wbut ur maybe right .. i bet i miss some extra option13:58
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* sakoman wonders why he's suddenly getting dozens of LinkedIn connection requests from people he doesn't know14:02
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JPEWsakoman: You've been discovered!14:09
rob_wah i read that there is a difference when linking against openssl or gnutls where gnutls doesnt like "key usage" exentions14:10
rob_wso seems my curl and libcurl are gnutls as that is alos stated in the error14:10
rob_wso i can re-compile that against openssl ??14:11
sakomanJPEW: If this keeps up I may ask one of them why14:18
JPEWsakoman: Many of mine are head hunters, which I don't accept as a rule14:20
sakomanJPEW: I usually don't accept any from people I've never interacted with14:20
JPEWI usually get a round of new people when I post a video of a talk I've given, and I'll generally accept them if its got some (obvious) relation to that14:21
JPEWBut ya, social networking can be a PITA14:22
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sakomanJPEW: Ah, mystery solved!  One of the requests included a note with the post that triggered their request:
JPEWsakoman: Ah, that would do it14:27
rob_wfixed, need to choose ssl instead of gnutls for curl14:28
rob_wwhat would be a sane way to overlay a different PACKAGECONFIG option to a underlying recipe from a different meta- .. should i just add a prper bbappend and reset PACKAGECONFIG there ?14:30
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kanavin_rob_w, that's one option, another is to set PACKAGECONFIG:pn-recipename from your distro config (that's what distro configs are for)14:49
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JaMarob_w: there is also issue in gnutls when they cert path contains identical certificate twice17:07
rob_wi switched to openssl for curl so hopefully gnutls is out of the loop17:08
JaMarob_w: fixed recently
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khemSSL NSS or GnuTLS perhaps should be a distro feature17:23
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furywhat do i do if i need an older version of libvpx than the one in meta-oe? (the one in zeus, 1.8.1, fails to build for armv6, the last one that supported armv6 was 1.6.0)23:16
furydo i have to figure out the md5sum and sha256sum stuff or can i skip those and just point it at the right repo & tag?23:17
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paulgfury, if it was tarball based, and the old tarball is gone - it isn't hard to convert it from tarball to repo+srcrev(i.e. tag)23:45
paulgI had to bisect something many moons ago and still had the hack-patch kicking around as an example you can use.23:45
paulgyou don't need the spray of SRCREV lines - those were just my bisect points.  Just pick the SHA of your v1.6.0 tag23:47
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furyactually, looking at the recipe in zeus, it is indeed just a srcrev and repo url,
furyso what's the "right" way to do this as opposed to the hacky way i'm thinking about, which is rename that file to 1.6.0, point it to 1.6.0's rev23:56
furyadd another recipe in my own layer, make my layer higher priority, and/or PREFERRED_VERSION_libvpx = 1.6.0 somewhere?23:57
furyideally i'd just downgrade the version for armv6 only23:57
furysince that's the only reason i have to downgrade23:57
furyi wouldn't mind the newer version if i was building for pi 4 for instance23:58
furyjust dont know how to do that in yocto speak23:58
paulgI'd start with PREFERRED_VERSION_libvpx and see where that goes.23:58
paulgNote that I'm a kernel guy, so probably not the ideal source of advice...23:59
paulgIt is Friday night, so you get what you get.  ;-P23:59
furyit makes enough sense to me, albeit i've been a bit rusty in yocto the last few years :P23:59
furylast time i touched it was probably 2019, early 2020 ish?23:59

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