Monday, 2023-05-22

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* Entei[m] uploaded an image: (70KiB) < >04:20
Entei[m]What does this mean?04:20
Entei[m]i need zicsr and zifencei extension support on clang04:21
Entei[m]The wording is little confusing. Do I do this? `-menable-experimental-extensions=experimental-zicsr,experimental-zifencei' ?04:22
Entei[m]s/`-/\`-/, s/'/`/04:23
Entei[m] * The wording is little confusing. Do I do this?... (full message at <>)04:23
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mckoangood morning06:49
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Entei[m]khem: The [Clang RISC-V User Guide] ( mentions that llvm currently implements version 2.1 base ISA spec. However I observe 2 things :... (full message at <>)06:56
Entei[m]s///, s///, s///06:57
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michalsieronHello, is this a right place to ask about licenses used in meta-openembedded recipes?07:42
michalsieronI was wondering why yasm specifies MIT license, when in the COPYING used in LIC_FILES_CHKSUM there is no mention of the MIT license.07:44
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:14
mckoanLetoThe2nd: hey!08:15
LetoThe2ndmichalsieron: seems like a bug08:16
michalsieronwell, then that's weird as here is the commit that explicitly changes it
michalsieronand back then there was also no mention of MIT08:17
mckoanmichalsieron: the proper LICENSE definition in the recipe is resposibility of the author. In this case 'yasm' has a complex license model as described by the COPYING file08:17
mckoanmichalsieron: may be a bug or a typo or a misunderstanding. You can ask to the author08:17
LetoThe2ndmichalsieron: the commit is also before the SPDX style license names. but yeah, the license structure of yasm is complex according to their document, and is definitely not appropriately represented.08:18
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tomzy_0[m]I have problems with compiling
tomzy_0[m]It ends on `interpreter_wrapper.h:28:10: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory09:25
tomzy_0[m]|    28 | #include <Python.h>`09:25
tomzy_0[m]Python.h seems to be in recipe-sysroot09:26
tomzy_0[m]$ find . -name Python.h09:26
rburtoneasist thing is to tell NXP. their layer, they fix it.09:26
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tomzy_0[m]is that it is placed in python3.10 is a problem? is there a variable that could help to point bitbake to correct spot?09:27
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rburtonwell i presume you're using their hardknott layer with oe-core hardknott09:27
tomzy_0[m]sorry, wrong link09:28
tomzy_0[m]should be kirkstone
muhbayREGISTER Abcd.1234 m.baykal3434@gmail.com09:32
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Peter[m]123halstead: Thanks v much for the hashserver write-up (for some reason your message doesn't show up for me in Element but just found it in the IRC logs :-/) Going through it now and yes will update if we find any issues.10:58
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muhbayi just cloned bitbake set SRC_URI. But it is not downloading. Is it normal?11:05
muhbayi can download SRC_URI files using fetch.   fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, d)11:05
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rburtonmuhbay: what are you actually trying to do?11:08
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muhbayi am trying to learn pure bitbake without openembedded.11:12
muhbaydoes SRC_URI automatically download files using poky classess?11:14
rburton talks about using bitbake without OE11:17
rburtontends to be an academic exercise only11:17
rburtonwithout oe, you need to define the fetch task11:17
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rburton is the fetch task in oe-core11:18
muhbaythanks. i was thinking it is a feature of bitbake.11:19
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rburtonbitbake is the task executor (and helper functions, like the fetchers).  it comes with no tasks, which is why it's mostly academic to use it without something like oe-core.11:20
muhbaycan we use bitbake for other purposes such as building rtos?11:20
rburtonyou can use _yocto_ to build rtos, there are zephyr and freertos layers11:20
rburtonbut you can use bitbake to build anything, just define the tasks and off you go11:21
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yoktoHi, does the manual cover every possible defines (I mean RDEPENDS or something similar)? Because I think I came one that I couldn't find if I'm correct11:28
rburtonyokto: it _aims_ to. If you find something missing, file a bug ideally11:29
yoktoSo the conclusion is that the manual should cover every define. I will do that thanks11:31
yoktoWhat is the official git repo? is just a mirror and on I can't file anything11:34 is the official git repo of poky.  a git repo is just source code, github/gitlab also doing issues is part of their value-add11:35
rburtonbugs are at bugzilla.yoctoproject.org11:35
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yoktogot it thanks11:39
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angmanHi! I'm learning dependency handling in yocto. I am a little confused about how to use the depends flag vs the rdepends flag.13:07
angmanCould you please tell me what is the difference between these two flags?13:07
angmanbitbake-user-manual said  ```The [rdepends] flag works in a similar way but takes targets in the runtime namespace instead of the build-time dependency namespace.``` ,13:07
angmanBut unfortunately, I could not figure out what this meant.13:07
angmanI created an experimental recipe, swapped the depends and rdepends flags, and observed how the output of the bitabake -g command ( changed. However, the output of the bitabake -g command ( does not seem to change at all when these two flags are swapped.13:07
LetoThe2ndangman: DEPENDS: needs to be available when the recipe is built. RDEPENDS: needs to also be installed on the target.13:11
LetoThe2ndangman: example: if you want to compile something written in C, then you definitely have a DEPENDS on gcc (or similar), but not an RDEPENDS. You don't need it in the resulting image. whereas a bash script that you install to /usr/bin does not need anything in DEPENDS, it can be just copied over - but it needs bash as an RDEPENDS.13:13
angmanThank you! but I understood DEPENDS and RDEPENDS variables. I want to understand depends and rdepends flags!13:14
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LetoThe2ndah! okay, sorry for the misunderstanding.13:14
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jnugen[m]Hi everyone! I've got a problem that I haven't been able to find an answer to.13:37
jnugen[m]I have a layer that builds an image that has a bunch of packages. I would like to make a new layer that modifies the original layer to remove some of those packages. The issue I'm having is that some sub-layers have "layer.conf" files with LAYERDEPENDS in them.  I need to "edit" those files to remove some of the dependencies. Is there a good/any way to edit those "layer.conf" files?13:37
JPEWangman: IIRC DEPENDS is basically short hand for a [depends] expression (It does other things too)... I don't recall exactly off my head but maybe something similar to `do_configure[depends] = "${@' '.join(s + ':do_populate_sysroot' for s in d.getVar("DEPENDS").split())"`13:42
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JPEWangman: So [depends] is the more general form, and DEPENDS uses it to do a specific task13:42
JPEWI believe RDEPNDS and [rdepends] have the same relationship, but it's much less common to use [rdepends]13:43
angmanI think DEPENDS and the depends flag are quite different: DEPENDS is combined with deptask to define dependencies between tasks, while the depends flag does not do that.13:45
angmanIn any case, I would like to know the difference between the DEPENDS and RDEPENDS flags...13:45
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sudipangman: iirc, RDEPENDS is runtime depends, and DEPENDS will mostly be used for build time13:46
angmansorry, I mistype. I would like to know the difference between the depends and rdepends flags...13:47
angmanI think DEPENDS variable and depends flag is not same.13:49
JPEWangman: Ya, it does use deptask, specifically `do_prepare_recipe_sysroot[deptask] = "do_populate_sysroot"`13:49
angmanThat's right. Let me get my questions straight for a minute.13:50
JPEWangman: Out of curosity, why the fixation on [rdepends]?13:50
angman> Out of curosity, why the fixation on [rdepends]?13:52
angmanIt was because it was included in an OSS recipe I was working with. I asked the question because I am concerned about descriptions that I do not understand the meaning of.13:52
angmanSorry for the long preamble, etc. My questions are as follows.13:54
angman* DEPENDS variable and depends flag are different (I think)13:54
angman* I don't know the difference between the depends flag and the rdepends flag.13:54
angman* What is the difference? Or is there no difference?13:54
JPEWangman: DEPENDS and [depends] are different but do similar things (control build time dependencies). TBH I have no idea why you would use [rdepends] over RDEPENDS in a recipe; it's a pretty rare thing to do (e.g. OE core only appears to do it for SDK recipes)13:56
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angmanHmmm... I wish there was documentation somewhere, as the code seems complicated and hard to understand.14:13
JPEWangman: [rdepends] has a little documentation.... but not a lot and it's not terribly clear14:14
JPEWIf you figure it out, that would probably be worth while to clarify14:14
RPJPEW, angman: rdepends lets you use package namespace instead of build time, so you could have a [rdepends] = "bash-doc:do_packagedata" and it would resolve correctly14:14
RPit knows how to resolve bash-doc to the bash recipe14:15
angmanyes, I know that..14:15
JPEWRP: Ah, that make sense, is that the only difference?14:15
RPJPEW: I think so14:15
JPEWCool. Ya that is not like RDEPENDS at all then14:16
angmanDoes this mean that the depends and rdepends flags are considered the same?14:16
RPangman: they work the same way one takes a recipe namespace target and the other takes a runtime package name target14:17
JPEWIOW, they do the same thing, the difference is how the "target" (e.g. "bash-doc") is interpreted; depends is a recipe, rdepends is a package defined in a recipe (??)14:18
angmanThe target of depends flag is recipe file? really?14:19
RPangman: a recipe name, PN specifically14:20
RPangman: whereas rdepends uses something from PACKAGES14:20
angmanAhhh, so that's how it is! I see!14:20
angmanI understood it well. Thank you so much! 😁14:21
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angmanjnugen[m] I'm sorry, I have pushed your post away. If anyone is able to answer the question, could you please answer it for ?14:32
angman> I have a layer that builds an image that has a bunch of packages. I would like to make a new layer that modifies the original layer to remove some of those packages. The issue I'm having is that some sub-layers have "layer.conf" files with LAYERDEPENDS in them.  I need to "edit" those files to remove some of the dependencies. Is there a good/any14:32
angmanway to edit those "layer.conf" files?14:32
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rfuentessif I'm trying to run yocto in a docker image, is it a good idea to try to preserve the non-root rule ?14:36
LetoThe2ndrfuentess: yup14:37
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rfuentessbut if the lifetime  of the docker image is so limited, why is still a good idea ?14:57
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rfuentessbut looking into the sanity.bbclass I can see all the other checks ...15:07
rburtonrfuentess: some software refuses to build as root.15:09
rburtonand, well, it's best practise to do as little as root as possible15:09
rburtonalso not sure on the impact of being root when you run pseudo, that might be prone to break15:10
fraybeing actual root and running pseudo will likely lead to problems (and potentially VERY unsafe behavior of the system)15:13
fraywe use docker to do our builds, the build happens in a location with a long life span, but the docker part is 'short lived'.  We _never_ build as root, we always limit permissions for the build15:14
LetoThe2ndrfuentess: in a nutshell, because being root in a container is essentially root on the machine.15:16
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friederIs there a way to get the env from bitbake at the same time when running the bitbake command?15:29
friederIf I run "bitbake -e xyz" separately the env differs from the actual "bitbake xyz" due to changed timestamp in DATETIME.15:30
rfuentessrburton fray  LetoThe2nd : thanks15:32
friederThe background is that I want to parse the env for variables like IMAGE_NAME to find out the filename of the resulting image. But as IMAGE_NAME includes the timestamp I never get the correct filename.15:33
friederHm, I guess I could just override DATETIME to a persistent value by using "bitbake --postread=override-datetime.conf".15:41
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rburtonfrieder: use the non-timestamped symlinks which are basically for this reason15:54
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friederrburton: hm, right. Why didn't I think of this before? Sounds so obvious. I will try that. Thanks!15:58
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LetoThe2ndLast orders for YPDD colocated with EOSS in Prague:
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cybergoldfishI'm writing a recipe for getting analysis data during final stages of a build. Is there a way to call an equivalent to tinfoil's get_recipe_file() func from within a recipe? Can't use tinfoil directly from recipe (or call out to script that uses tinfoil) since tinfoil tries to start a new bb server, which is impossible due to bitbake.lock16:26
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jboHey guys, I created a meta-custom/recipes-kernel/linux/<kernel>_<version>.bbappend file. upon invoking bitbake, I get:19:25
jboWARNING: No recipes in default available for:   meta-custom/recipes-kernel/linux/<kernel>_<version>.bbappend19:26
jbowhat exactly does this mean & how do I resolve it?19:26
nerdboyit means it can't find linux/<kernel>_<version>.bb in any other layers19:30
nerdboyso you're trying to append to a recipe that does not exist in the build config19:31
jbonerdboy, thanks - that is helpful. how do I figure out what i am doing wrong? I used "oe-pkgdata-util lookup-recipe kernel" to figure out which kernel I am using and I checked uname on the running device as well19:33
jboI assume I got the wrong kernel_version.bbappend then?19:33
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jboapparently I got the version wrong. I now have xxx_%.bbappend and that seems to do the trick :)19:43
jbothanks for explaning the issue!19:43
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paulggcc-12.2.0-r0 do_compile - 28m11s (pid 7104)21:23
paulgWe really need an ASSUME_NATIVE_IS_GOOD_ENOUGH=121:24
paulgrecompiling gcc every day 'cause a butterfly farted gets old in a hurry.21:24
paulgNot saying we should "support" it - just make it an option, and you get what you get.21:29
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dariohow close to that can you get with ASSUME_PROVIDED?21:49
nerdboyeek, i thought the threshold was set to mammals...22:02
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