Friday, 2023-08-25

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Marian78I'm building from core-image-minimal the following wic image:01:57
Marian78wic ls my-image.wic01:57
Marian78Num     Start        End          Size      Fstype01:57
Marian78 1       1048576     27797503     26748928  fat1601:57
Marian78 2      28311552   1118281727   1089970176  ext401:57
Marian78 3    1118281728   1164419071     46137344  linux-swap(v1)01:57
Marian78What I need to make in order to dd this image to the hard-drive and the second partition to grow to the disk size?01:57
Marian78From I see that this can be make after dd with01:57
Marian78Is this the correct way?01:57
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LetoThe2ndMarian78: no the first step would be to rearrange he partitions so / actually is the last one. after that, you can use systemd-growfs for example (always talking about in-system operations)06:02
Marian78Yes, I'm trying first to re-arrange the partition, I thought that WKS_FILE can be putted also in the .bb, it seems to work only on the local.conf and the wks.ini needs to be on my_layer/wic/ to work06:05
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adrianfMarian78: It's simple if you do it after dd. Doing it at the first boot of your target device is more complicated. Therefore you probably need an initramfs. It's usually not possible to grow a mounted partition and a mounted file-system.06:11
Marian78yes, I'm booting initramfs and I have the wik in /boot06:12
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Marian78I want to dd and grow the last partition06:12
Marian78the problem is that I'm not able to change the partition order using WKS_FILE06:12
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LetoThe2ndadrianf: systemd-growfs does exactly that, its commonly used to create one-size-fits-all sd card images for the raspi and likes.06:46
LetoThe2ndMarian78: why are you not able to change the order?06:46
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Marian78I finally managed, I didn't expect that the needs to be putted as a SRC_URI to be transferred to WORK_DIR06:47
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Marian78+LetoThe2nd  can you please point me to the "systemd-growfs"?07:10
LetoThe2ndMarian78:, and this is how we use it:
Marian78thank you07:17
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adrianf+LetoThe2nd: Yes, I know about systemd-gowfs. if there is an initramfs and a recent version of systemd it just works. But that's not always the case.07:27
LetoThe2ndadrianf: yeah systemd being around and working is not always a given. but at least on ARM stuff, it definitely works without an initramfs too.07:28
LetoThe2ndok, not sure about a live partition. it might be limited to non-mounted ones.07:29
LetoThe2nde.g. an additional data partition or such.07:29
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adrianf+LetoThe2nd: Good to know. I remember there was an issue with growing the GPT partition and with growing the mounted ext4 when I tried that some time ago. I will think about your advise if I need to improve our implementation some when.07:34
Guest89trying to find a gnu parallel recipe for the dunfell version. but i couldn't find it in the current version. where can i find it?07:35
LetoThe2ndadrianf: np as we're talking about it, i realize that we're using it just for the relatively limited usecase of growing the data partition located at the end, so it might be too limited for a number of use cases indeed.07:35
LetoThe2ndGuest89: if its not there, then we do not know about it.07:36
Guest89 LetoThe2nd thanks07:37
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kanavinRP: if there's some nasty bisect job with ppc fails I could do, I have a few days. Or something else bringing it closer to being fixed.08:21
RPkanavin: The only way I'm having any "progress" with it is to load the autobuilder and run tests to rule out different combinations. If I run 2-3 qemuppc-alt and one fails, I know that the issue is still present08:26
RPkanavin: I'm kind of running out of "likely suspects" though08:26
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LetoThe2nddoes oe-pkgdata-util help with finding out what puts something into the deploy dir, even if it is not in the rootfs? specifically, a closed bootloader09:12
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ptsnevesLetoThe2nd: I know no reason it would do so09:21
LetoThe2ndptsneves: thats my guessing too :-(09:22
ptsnevesI guess you could search the workdir for all the recipes that have the file in it. Before something goes to the deploy dir it needs to be in the recipe's workdir directory.09:24
ptsnevesDEPLOYDIR = "${WORKDIR}/deploy-${PN}" is the recipe related input directory09:24
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mcfriskare run-ptest scripts supposed to not capture errors into return value?10:17
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rburtonmcfrisk: it should fail if the tests failed10:57
rburtonand the stdout should be useful10:58
rburtonRP: as promised  Up next is the kernel.10:58
kanavinmcfrisk, they absolutely are. A lot of ptests pipe output into sed, which obscures the return value but we're slowly fixing that10:59
kanavinquite often sed doesn't catch all possible fails, or the output looks fine but the return value is not10:59
kanavinmcfrisk, *the are supposed to catch* :) english rules of negation are a pita, sorry11:00
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mcfriskok, then I'll try to add some "set -eu" or similar. It's also hard to capture additional traces and log files when a test fails if errors are not capured systematically and lots of wrapper scripts are used..11:03
kanavinmcfrisk, which ptest are we talking about?11:04
mcfriskfor example openssh11:05
kanavinmcfrisk, the 'standard' approach can be seen here
mcfrisk"set euxo pipefail" would help there, and IMO a lot of other places too11:07
kanavini.e. add || echo "FAIL: python3"  prior to pipingo into sed11:07
kanavinyou need to ensure the whole thing fails, not just any particular command in the script11:08
mcfriskbut return value is always zero in that too11:08
kanavinthat's ok, having a FAIL: token will ensure the fail will be reported11:08
mcfriskyes, but if you can't tell which/when test failed, other than the stdout later on, then you can't do extra things like capturing log and temp files11:09
mcfriskIMO should be || (echo "FAIL: python3" ; exit 1)11:09
kanavinmcfrisk, we considered that, but then you lose per-test split reporting done by sed11:10
mcfriskbut even that fails without -o pipefail when output to sed11:10
mcfriskthis doesn't work now and I can't inspect what is going on with the system, in kernel, in logs from test and syslog: while true; do run-ptest openssh || break; done11:12
RPrburton: thanks, looks good. Need to get the qemu upgrade in!11:12
rburtonyeah i'd send backports but the upgrade is queued in next so i won't bother :)11:13
RPrburton: fair enough. The update is horrible :/11:14
rburtonif its that bad i can post backports and we can hold off 8.111:16
rburtoni worried they were going to do crazy things when i asked if the goal was to be able to build without using the configure script, but no they wanted to explicitly wrap meson11:16
RPrburton: they require a pyenv which doesn't work. I found a way to hack it11:16
rburtonvenvs with pynative should work though, so that needs to be fixed too :/11:17
RPrburton: it sees meson is up to date in the native sysroot and says "don't need to do anything"11:18
RPrburton: qemu wants the meson binary in the venv bin/11:18
rburtonoh they're venving meson? wtf.11:18
RPkanavin: FWIW I've now ruled out the binutils upgrade11:18
* RP isn't entirely sure what to test next for qemuppc11:19
kanavinRP: maybe roll back weeks and weeks of commits and test that to at least establish a clean point in the past11:21
mcfriskroll back qemu for ppc only?11:21
kanavindbus would be totally broken on 32bit in 15 years and now it's not \0/
RPmcfrisk: I've just put 7.2 onto -next, will test the qemuppc-alt target with that11:24
RPkanavin: nice :)11:24
kanavinon all 32 bit, risc-v as well :)11:24
RPkanavin: Rolling back and testing some previous commits is probably the best plan...11:25
kanavinRP: that's what I meant by a nasty bisect job, I can help out with that11:25
kanavinRP: I've also sent y2038 fixes upstream for glib, perl, tcl, strace, python, curl, and some others. It's all collected here
kanavinglib was actually corrupting its data, and not just truncating timestamps
RPkanavin: some good work there and scary finds!11:29
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kanavinRP: pretty much all of this was found from running ptests in a simulated year 2040. I kinda have to roll back what I said previously about them :)11:32
RPkanavin: they do have some uses :)11:32
kanavinthe scary part is that if a component has no ptests, there's no other way to confirm it will not break in post-203811:33
kanavinthere's overall system testing via testimage of course, but it only goes so far11:33
* mcfrisk applied some patches to openssh ptest and left it looping, beer 'o clock! cheers!11:48
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rburtonRP: done with
rburtonthat's just master but a step in the right direction12:25
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RPrburton: nice! definitely, thanks :)12:42
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ptsnevesHas anybody ever seen task hash mismatches happening only in tinfoil.build_targets? Is there anything special about it? I cannot even see any stamp generated to debug14:12
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DvorkinDmitryI need to have NTP enabled with systemd (to sync the local time from the servers) + NTP server that will provide NTPD data for internal subnet in Yocto. What recipe would you recommend? NTP or Crony or some else?14:39
* kanavin wonders if systemd nowadays provides all of it :D14:44
kanavinif it has a bootloader, then why not ntp server *and* client too14:44
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DvorkinDmitrykanavin, afaik, no :)14:46
kanavinthat's only the client? :)14:48
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DvorkinDmitrykanavin, yes. It is only the client :(14:50
adrianfjust found my bug in the devtool ide test. sorry for the noise.14:52
rburtonDvorkinDmitry: if you want to run a proper server then ntpd seems like the safest bet14:52
DvorkinDmitryrburton, yes. thank you. classics is the best choice if unsure14:53
ptsnevesAm i right that if a download of a sstate cache archive fails halfway and artifact exists in the DL_DIR then the next run will use the halfway downloaded sstate cache artifact? That is the only explanation to what I am seeing14:54
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rburtonptsneves: that would be a bug if so, but i could believe it happens14:58
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ptsnevesrburton: Oh I see that had some attempts at avoiding similar situations by checking for file size != 0 and if the file exists14:59
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DvorkinDmitrymay I set DEFAULT_TIMEZONE in the image file? feels like it is not accepted there15:03
ptsnevesI think it is tricky because contrary to normal downloads, for sstate cache files we do not have a hash of the file. Or do we?15:04
rburtonthe download should just write to a temporary file and rename when it's actually complete15:08
rburtonDvorkinDmitry: as discussed yesterday, you can't do that15:08
rburtonyou need to use local.conf, your distro.conf, or a bbappend to set DEFAULT_TIMEZONE15:08
ptsnevesrburton: Yes but for wget it is notthe case. It just goes to DL_DIR15:09
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khemRP:  any breakthoughs for the qemuppc timeouts ?18:24
khemhow many taps should be created ? I created same number as ncpu and it still runs out of taps when building core-image-ptest-all18:25
khemso I guess it shoud be more than ncpus ?18:26
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