Wednesday, 2023-10-11

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Guest81when creating the image, i saw that the recipe named "valgrind" was built. how can i find out which recipe has a dependency on this tool?07:11
landgrafGuest81: bitbake -g07:12
landgrafand then look for task-depends.dot07:13
Guest81landgraf thanks, i will try when the build is complete.07:13
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Guest81trying to build "arm-compute-library" and getting following error:07:36
Guest81ERROR: Multiple versions of flatbuffers are due to be built (/opt/yocto/sources/my-tegra-bsp/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/flatbuffers/ /opt/yocto/sources/my-tegra-bsp/meta-my-common/recipes-devtools/flatbuffers/ Only one version of a given PN should be built in any given build. You likely07:36
Guest81need to set PREFERRED_VERSION_flatbuffers to select the correct version or don't depend on multiple versions.07:36
Guest81"meta-openembedded" layer priority 5, "meta-my-common" 50. why am i getting the error even though my layer is higher in layer priority?07:36
Guest81sorry, trying to build "onnxruntime"07:37
Guest81okay, i found my problem.07:40
mckoanGuest81: where do you set PREFERRED_VERSION_flatbuffers = "1.12.0" ?07:40
landgrafmckoan: they don't07:41
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landgrafmckoan: only layers priority07:41
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Guest81trying to build "arm-compute-library" and getting following error:
Guest81any idea?07:55
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mckoanGuest81: an idea reading 6 lines?08:04
Guest81mckoan sorry, im a rookie :D .
drkhshhi, has anyone seen a conflict between gcc-cross-canadian's and glibc's libmcheck.a (lib32 on x86-64) in sdk builds before? i'm on kirkstone08:08
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Guest81mckoan "arm-compute-library" recipe inherit scons and i'm getting the following error.08:10
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:50
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rburtonRP: building a fresh minimal image for arm64 to try with your reproducer script09:16
rburtonin theory this machine is stupidly parallel so should be able to run lots at once09:16
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alberto_pianonRP: yesterday I had issues with my IRC mobile client entering and exiting the room, so I was not able to follow the conversation I started, sorry :)09:32
alberto_pianonRP: when you refer to a merged tree as the only use case in the past (for linux-yocto), what are you referring to precisely?09:33
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alberto_pianonRP: I may have found an example of what you are saying here
alberto_pianonIIUC in that case both branches are fethced but no one is checked out, and the whole checkout thing is handled here, right?
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bhstalelIs inkscape tool mandatory for creating SVG diagrams for docs ? Is there another easy tool ? I tried google slides but its format is incorrect.10:25
landgrafalberto_pianon: it's recipe's responcibility to work with second branch if needed10:26
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rburtonbhstalel: anything that makes SVG10:26
rburtoneg draw.io10:26
bhstalelI tried to expot SVG from google slides but Michael said the format was incorrect, maybe I will try draw.io10:26
bhstalelrburton yes10:26
landgrafalberto_pianon: 2023-10-10 09:21:04     RP      landgraf: right, it is assumed the recipe would do what it needed with the other revision10:27
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landgrafalberto_pianon: I've sent few testcases to bitbake-devel to test multiple branches usecases based on your question. You may want to take a look =)10:27
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neofuturhi all, I just had a huge problem related to updating my ubuntu 18.04 host while builing on dunfell 3.1.1010:30
neofutursame problem that had been reported on this IRC channel one year ago :10:31
neofutur<Schlumpf> After Updating my host OS, I get an error when compiling icu_68.2: "tmp/sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by ../lib/"10:31
neofutur( I m not the boss choosing to never update dunfell or ubuntu, just working on it )10:32
neofuturin the end the problem was that ubuntu 18 host upgraded to
neofuturproblem fixed after switching back to the host to
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neofuturbut my question is : the clan way to fix that would have been to upgrade uninative ? any good practices about maintaining a long term project that started years ago on dunfell 3.1.10 ?10:36
alberto_pianonlnadgraf: thanks, just...  where did you actually send the testcases? It seems I did not receive anything in bitbake-devel...10:42
landgrafalberto_pianon: you can find it here
mcfriskneofutur: maintain your build env like yocto upstream does, e.g. build on same distro. If distros are an issue, introduce containers.10:58
alberto_pianonlandgraf: thanks!10:58
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neofuturmcfrisk I am on the same LTS distro, but 18.04 updates changed to
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neofuturso "same distro" means " never update anything ? never ever apt update/upgrade ?11:41
mcfriskneofutur: that is good, your distro version same as yocto upstream. Now yocto upstream has done something about this becuase maintainers and autobuilders are building dunfell.11:42
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mcfriskneofutur: does this help?
neofuturwill read ! thanks !11:47
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neofuturwe do use uninative, but it seems that :11:53
neofutur<Schlumpf> I thought uninative would protect against that?11:53
neofutur<RP> Schlumpf: as long as uninative is newer or equal to that on your host11:53
neofutur( quote from here : )11:54
mcfriskneofutur: I'm not expert on this but sounds like uninative needs to be recompiled11:57
neofuturon this project, the same old uninative from years ago is always used, stored in a local premirror11:58
neofuturso its older than the brought by ubuntu 18.04 updates11:59
neofuturnever changing uninative/3ee8c7d55e2d4c7ae3887cddb97219f97b94efddfeee2e24923c0cb0e8ce84c611:59
neofuturincluding yocto/poky/build/tmp/sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/
neofuturso, question could be : is it recommended to always upgrade uninative to newer versions, even thou you stay on an old dunfell 3.1.10 ?12:01
mcfriskneofutur: yes, but changes in the build environment require updates now. for reproducible builds the build host environment needs to be preserved. All kinds of interesting updates come from Ubuntu and Debian updates too..12:01
mcfriskneofutur: depends on what your requirements are. to me updating to latest dunfell on regular basis is the minimum. if this requires updates to build hosts, then so be it.12:02
neofuturI agree with that, but I m not the guy dediding that on the project12:02
mcfriskrebuilding uninative may be something on dunfell branch which has not yet been done on yocto project autobuilders, I presume, if this issue is not seen there yet.12:03
neofuturthanks for your answers !12:03
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RPalberto_pianon: the other day I was basically saying old linux-yocto recipes used to use that approach. I don't think anything currently does any more14:10
RPalberto_pianon: those recipes internally looked at the other branch14:10
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qschulztlwoerner: any gut feeling on the rk3588s patch for meta-rockchip kirkstone branch?14:26
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tlwoernerqschulz: i'm happy to apply it as you've sent it. i don't feel that ATF was ever a good name for it (if we wanted to be specific it should have been TFA, but i prefer the more generic name going forward)14:36
tlwoernerso i'm not keen to perpetuate a bad name forever to ease a short-term back-porting issue14:37
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qschulztlwoerner: sorry, got confusing signals from your sentence... could you please rephrase?14:39
tlwoerneryou sent a rock-5b backport for kirkstone, removing the rock-5b-specific kernel and u-boot14:41
qschulzbecause the patch I sent keep using the ATF_DEPENDS which you seem to not like, but you say you want to apply the patch14:41
tlwoernerat the end you stated: [renamed INIT_FIRMWARE_DEPENDS to ATF_DEPENDS]14:41
tlwoernerand then pointed out we should probably talk about it14:41
tlwoernerso that's the thing to which i'm referring above14:41
qschulzYup, got that. "i'm not keen to perpetuate a bad name forever to ease a short-term back-porting issue" vs "i'm happy to apply it as you've sent it"14:42
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tlwoernerany backporting, going forward, will have to manually change the name from INIT_FIRMWARE_DEPENDS to ATF_DEPENDS, despite the added work14:44
tlwoerneri'm okay with that14:44
qschulzunderstood, thanks14:44
tlwoernermaybe i misunderstood your comment (your reply to your patch)? i thought you were asking that we revert INIT_FIRMWARE_DEPENDS back to ATF_DEPENDS in master so that backporting would be easier?14:45
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tlwoerneri'm planning to apply your backport, Anthony's "Allow KERNEL_IMAGETYPE override v3" (with fixups), and an older "nanopi-m4b: add" that i submitted a while back that i don't think anyone reviewed (but is pretty straight-forward)14:47
tlwoernerqschulz: i still think there is a better way to specify that a Rockchip family is either using TF-A _or_ rkbin (i.e. my virtual/tpl patch)14:49
tlwoernerbut i think it gets messy because, if i understand correctly, the things that rkbin provides and the things that TF-A provides don't completely mesh14:50
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qschulztlwoerner: ok, so. Backporting from master to kirkstone is not fun because of the ATF_DEPENDS to INIT_FIRMWARE rename in master14:50
qschulzand it is technically possible that somehow a backport from master to kirkstone won't trigger a git conflict if the git context doesn't have ATF_DEPENDS/INIT_FIRMWARE in there14:51
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qschulzthe issue I have with updating INIT_FIRMWARE in kirkstone branch is that this variable is overridable from conf file/bbappend14:52
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tlwoernerdo you want to apply a rename patch to kirkstone ahead of your rk3588/s backport?14:52
qschulzand for downstream users, it isn't nice (though I personally do not care)14:52
qschulzso, the other thing we could do is have both variables for example to support both the current downstream users and also ease backports14:53
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qschulze.g. something like ATF_DEPENDS ??= "${INIT_FIRMWARE}" (haven't thought too much about it tbh)14:54
qschulzspoiler alert, I like to torture my mind :)14:55
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paulgon a machine I've never used for yocto before...15:11
paulgCurrently  1 running tasks (695 of 696)  99% |############################################################################################################## |15:11
paulg0: linux-yocto-6.5.5+git-r0 do_devshell - 1h25m29s (pid 217173)15:11
paulgwhat the heck has it been doing for 90 minutes!?!15:11
bhstalelpaulg Did a new terminal get opened ?15:13
rburtonyeah it probably popped open a tmux or screen or something where you're not looking15:13
riveryocto? *screams*15:14
paulgthe build/session was already running under screen - probably confused the hell out of it?15:14
paulgAlthough I almost always do my stuff under screen, so nothing "new" about that workflow.  Must be sth to do with this particular box.15:15
* paulg ignores it for now - not wanting to get sidetracked; didn't need that box anyway.15:17
paulgno new screen or tmux sessions according to "ps" - just odd.15:18
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paulgmachine was just idle, pining for the fijords15:18
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rburtonif you care, check the task log15:22
rburtonor ignore it and move on ;)15:22
paulgfor now I'm more interested in solving the ttyS1 missing getty on AB 1% of the time.15:24
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alberto_pianonRP: the thing is that someone could still use that feature somewhere. To handle this and other similar issues (eg. recipes with custom do_unpack functions like firmware-imx), I'm thinking about updating and checking the file index at given stages also after do_unpack, in order to be able to throw warnings for "known unknown" unpacked files, at least. Makes sense?15:32
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Guest67hi is there a command to know from which layer bitbake is inheriting a class from?17:03
Guest67from example if I have foo.bbclass in layer A and foo.bbclass in layer B, how can I tell which layer it is coming from?17:03
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vmesonGuest67: You might try:  bitbake -e core-image-minimal | tee log  ; grep foo.bbclass . Does that help?17:06
landgrafGuest67: this depends on the order of layer appeareance in bblayers.conf iirc17:06
JaMasee BBPATH variable17:08
landgrafthe easiest (at least for me) way is to add some sort of debug output into foo.bbclass itself and check where it came from.17:09
JaMaorder of layers in BBLAYERS is the most important part, but layer.conf can do weird stuff with BBPATH (but most public layers are sane now and follow the convention)17:09
smurrayI believe "bitbake-layers show-overlayed" shows classes17:12
Guest67ah thanks! everything helped :)17:14
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Guest98JaMa I want to ask you a question about this:
Guest98I'm trying to build "arm-compute-library" in the same way but i get the same error you mentioned. i'm using scons.bbclass from kirkstone. Do you have any suggestions on how i can solve it?17:21
JaMaGuest98: meta-webos/recipes-upstreamable/arm-compute-library/ scons here is too old for MAXLINELENGTH17:22
JaMameta-webos/recipes-upstreamable/arm-compute-library/ = ""17:22
rburtoni guess we should add arm-compute-library to meta-arm at some point17:23
Guest98JaMa you are always help me for every question i have, thank you so much! now, rookie on duty! i will fix it!17:24
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rburtonJaMa: do you pull in meta-arm yet?17:35
rburtoni note rpi doesn't use it yet afaik17:35
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JaMarburton: no meta-arm in OSE builds17:36
JaMabut well maintained arm-compute-library in meta-arm would be nice17:36
khemrburton: have not realized a need yet but it might make sense for supporting systemready etc.17:37
rburtonyeah two copies already17:37
rburtonlets write another from scratch!17:37
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rburtonoh three as that doesn't have webose17:38
rburtonarmnn is on the list too fwiw17:39
JaMaI think there are more :)17:39
JaMaarmnn is also in webosose17:41
JaMa7b3d2a81f13 armnn: fix do_install with CMake 3.24.017:41
JaMa0f036347fd2 armnn=r1 (fix build with gcc-13)17:41
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RPalberto_pianon: not really since anyone can add files at any time, they don't have to do it during unpack18:00
RPalberto_pianon: I think this is just a limit we have to accept18:00
RPalberto_pianon: the build creates files for other reasons, or changes them (with sed or reautoconf)18:00
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pvogelaarHi, with devtool deploy-target I can deploy a package to the target via ssh. Is there a way to do this if the recipe was build with bitbake and not with devtool? So the files are in the build directory and not in the workspace.19:43
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khempvogelaar: I dont think there is 1 to 1 match.20:06
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