Tuesday, 2023-10-24

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moto-timoisolated ptests in docker-container is VERY handy00:53
moto-timofray: isolated per-package (recipe) ptests are the way to go if you are on a new enough release... core-image-ptest-python3-cryptography for example (or meta-python-image-ptest-<foo> )00:57
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fraymoto-timo: thats what I'm doing is running those tests, but I'm getting a lot of failures from parallel instances of QEMU now, but at least I have it running..01:10
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moto-timoit's a mental shift to be sure01:11
frayI can't use the YP version of QEMU, I need to use the qemu-xilinx so I'm able to emulate teh heterogenous configuration01:11
frayI'm getting a lot of failures during booting the more parallalization I do..01:12
fray(failures as in hung boots)  so I'm wondering if qemu is running out of resources or has some other internal problem01:12
frayalso on microblaze (which is a more simple design) after booting the passed in IP is getting cleared when udhcpd runs.  I suspect maybe there is a kernel config or something causing this, but I really don't know.. Haven't investigated enough01:13
frayand if parselogs is enable it always fails, so I have to disable it.  I can't find a way to add additonal exclusions for my configurations...01:13
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moto-timofray: I have definitely had to adjust memory and smp/cpu resources to get ptests to run. Are you using runemu?01:16
frayit's qemu-xlnx itself that seems to be having an issue.. the freeze up is happing prior to u-boot starting01:18
fraythere is a hand-off between the cortex-a and the microblaze firwmare CPUs..  it's like the cortex-a is sitting there waiting for the firmware CPU to say "go" and never gets the signal01:19
fraythe other alternative is the virtual serial port from the cortex-a went off in the weeds and I'm just not getting any ouput01:19
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frayon the xilinx Versal FPGAs, the FPGA, various hardware, and power management is handled by the microblaze CPU.. so it has to setup the wiring for the cortex-a to "go"01:21
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moto-timo<sarcasm>Modern hardware designs have eliminated the serial port. stop trying to use it.</sarcasm>01:34
* moto-timo shakes his tiny fist to the heavens for all the wasted hours because there was no DB-9 header on the PCB.01:34
frayI was told a lot of our boards have moved to ftdi, jtag and serial are muxed over it.. actually eliminates additional headers and makes it 'easier' on developers..01:35
moto-timoyup. I've heard these rumors. I've seen designs without any of that and cursed the engineer.01:36
fraygot the timeouts with only two parallel qemu sessions.. moved to 1.. and re-running the ptest.. if this passes, there is definitely something funky on our end01:41
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moto-timofray: I’d like to say I have a lot if confidence in qemu development in the last 4+ years. But I don’t like to lie.02:03
fraywell the AMD/Xilinx fork exists because (apparently) the QEMU developers said that they didn't need to model heterogenous systems..02:14
fray(shared memory/devices, but different CPUs)02:14
khemyeah I like ftdi, less cables and these days sticking it on a usb is awesome infact these days I am getting boards which has USB-C ports for serial02:17
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khemfray:  I do run 40+ qemu's in paralllel02:17
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Guest62hello, building a yocto image for nvidia xavier NX, it is working well apart from a spi sensor (icm20689) no device is created at bootr despite the dts containing the right entry and the 6050 driver being built and present on target04:42
Guest62any suggestion welcome as I have tried all I could think of04:43
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:00
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diecore_Hello guys! I've managed to build the custom kernel without issues using a custom recipe. My problem is that even that the patch works and generates the extra source files for adding a new driver in the kernel the do_compile_kernelmodules does not create the kernel module needed and doesnt show any errors. Any ideas ?08:11
kanavinRP: I did yes. Amended patch was sent to the ML.08:36
RPkanavin: ok, thanks. I think I'm losing track08:49
kanavinRP: I'm down with a sore throat, I'll answer a couple of emails, then probably be on sofa for the rest of the day08:49
RPkanavin: with AUH, I think you and I need to agree on the approach David should take. Should layers be handled internally to the AUH script or iterated over by the top level AB helper?08:50
RPkanavin: sorry to hear that :(. Any chance you could quickly look at the AUH stuff so we can unblock David?08:50
RPkanavin: hope you get over it quickly!08:51
kanavinRP: yes. first, AUH itself takes the layer location as a command line parameter. Layer 'discovery' or hardcoding can happen from scripts that execute it. I guess that's settled?08:52
kanavinotherwise, I'll reply to the email now08:52
RPkanavin: I was thinking iterating at a higher level gives us more control e.g. maybe at some point sending different sublayers to different maintainers08:52
kanavinlet me just check there's no fever08:52
kanavinmild, 37.208:54
RPkanavin: if you need to go that is fine, I just wanted to say that if you looked at anything, I'd like to try and ensure we agree on that one before more work gets done!08:55
kanavinRP: I wrote an answer, can you check it makes sense?08:58
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RPkanavin: yes, I think so, thanks09:18
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Guest62hello, building a yocto image for nvidia xavier NX, it is working well apart from a spi sensor (icm20689) no device is created at bootr despite the dts containing the right entry and the 6050 driver being built and present on target09:40
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kayterina3Hello. I want to split one script to a different package, I have FILES_myrecipe-bla="/etc/init.d/myrecipe-bla", but the file is not put under packages-split/myrecipe-bla unless I remove "etc" from FILES:${PN} (and readd all the other /etc/ files I want). Is it the intended behaviour? I expected have the same file present in both packages.10:43
rburtonkayterina3: did you add myrecipe-bla to PACKAGES?10:44
kayterina3PACKAGES += "${PN}-bla"10:44
rburtonthat is the expeted behaviour10:44
rburtonthe packages are processed in the order that they are listed in FILES10:45
rburtonyou appended so PN takes /etc first10:45
rburtonput -bla at the beginning of the list, not the end10:45
kayterina3It never crossed my mind. Where is that documented? The way the files are "consumed"?10:47
rburtonwhat order would you think they were evaluated in when multiple FILES claim the same files?10:48
rburtonarguably the FILES entry should repeat the ordering note10:49
kayterina3It is logical. I was focused on FILES and not PACKAGES.10:49
neverpanickayterina3: https://docs.yoctoproject.org/ref-manual/variables.html#term-PACKAGES10:49
neverpanicnevermind, rburton was faster.10:50
Rich_1234Is there any easy way to basically set a dependency in a local.conf file. I am using an existing recipe and rather than edit that I am wondering if there is an easy way to force a package to be built before that, in case I need my GPU drivers built first10:51
neverpanicThe canonical way to do that is do add an entry to DEPENDS in your existing recipe. If you don't want to modify that, use a bbappend.10:55
rburtonyeah, that10:56
rburtonyou _can_ do it from local.conf but that's so horrible.  use a bbappend.10:56
Rich_1234right bbappend sounds like what I need10:56
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reatmonIs a tool or something that I can use to test the connection to the hash equiv server?  I think we might have some firewall issues in our data center and need a quick way to know that I am correctly talking to the server or not.14:34
JPEWreatmon: There is a bitbake-hashclient command line tool14:35
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reatmonThanks.  I will look into that.14:35
reatmonyep.  my build servers cannot reach the server...  but my desktop can...  Time to hit up IT.  Thanks Joshua!14:42
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JPEWreatmon: np14:48
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kayterina3Can I trigger bitbake to regenerate the files under /etc/rcX.d/ of the image rootfs? Ideally, rebuild the ones that come from my recipe.15:20
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rburtonif you changed the recipe that generates them then bitbake imagename will rerun that recipe and rebuilt your image15:20
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rburtonRP: tgamblin: https://git.yoctoproject.org/patchtest-oe/tree/tests/base.py#n187 <-- that's at least one of the tinfoil entry points15:27
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RPrburton: so we do execute15:46
rburtonis that trying to identify what recipes were touched by the patch?15:49
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mischiefwhat's a good way to manage CVE checks? one big file with a list of ignored ones? bbappends on each recipe with ignores and patches?17:13
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Guest84Hello, I try to create a yocto recipe to install "mitmproxy" (python software). Here is my recipe: https://pastebin.com/kKYXc7gu I when I execute my image, some files seems to be inserted but I don't find mitmproxy in the image or the python module.17:16
Guest84As the project is not using "setup.py" but pyproject.toml I try to do as here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69889804/add-python-project-based-on-pyproject-toml-to-yocto-image.17:16
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mischiefGuest84: did you try to build the recipe by itself and check its log files and output?17:26
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khemGuest84:  inherit python_setuptools_build_meta17:41
khemin place of setuptools317:42
khemyou also do not need the setup.py hack17:43
Guest84Thanks I am watching it, need upgrade to nanbield17:50
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mischiefalso how the hell do you build a go program. are there any examples of complex go programs being built in recipes?18:09
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khemmischief: complexity is subjective :)18:22
khemthere are several examples e.g. in meta-virtualization18:22
khemand some on meta-oe as well18:23
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khemsee https://snips.sh/f/YPFvjZ3saq18:23
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mischiefi figured out part of the problem, i need to inherit go-mod18:26
mischiefwhich seems to have the unfortunate side effect of doing network access during do_compile18:26
mischiefnow i have a new problem. two -native recipes that build go programs are needed at build time by another recipe, but during prepare_recipe_sysroot they install the same files due to go modules :-/18:28
khemyeah select one to provide it and let other remove it via do_install:class-native18:35
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mischiefkhem: i dont need any of the go module crap though, i just need the binaries produced (this is go gRPC crap btw). i can probably just safely remove all of the module stuff.18:42
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khemmischief: you can look into what this class is doing and then shunt what you do not need or conversely use what you need and do not inherit it18:52
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mischiefi donot think i can replace all of go.bbclass :-) but i can probabl work around what do_install is doing18:55
rburtonmischief: your distro can set CVE_STATUS as needed18:56
khemyeah depends how big a chainsaw you have18:56
rburtonmischief: see cve-extra-exclusions.inc or whatever its called in core18:56
mischiefwe do require `conf/distro/include/cve-extra-exclusions.inc`18:57
rburtonand you can do the same if you want to knock out more, say you've decided that an issue isn't important enough or you've mitigated it19:01
mischiefrburton: yes but if we patch we need a bbappend anyway or modify recipes in our layer. just wondering if global lists or local to recipe make more sense19:03
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rburtonif you've already written a bbappend then do any cve status mangling in the bbappend19:03
rburtonbut you can say 'yeah this isn't important to us' in a distro config if there's no append and it's just a judgement call19:04
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mischiefwell this is stupid. go class installs files and directories without write bit in some cases. can't delete them normally :-(19:51
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frayI'm having an issue, one my aarch64 systems (using test image, which configures the kernel command line to set the IP address) and using 'poky'... I can see the during qemu boot that dmesg shows the IP being set, then gets to userspace and the IP is there.  When I move to a different machine (32-bit arm) I see the IP set in the dmesg, but it gets to userspace and the network is not setup.  I do see udhcp20:35
fraycalls (and no dhcp server from qemu).  Does anyone have a suggstion what I should look for to explain the difference in behavior?20:35
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khemfray: is host x86_64 always?20:58
fraysame host, same poky.. difference is the kernel config21:00
fray(and arch)21:00
frayI just can't figure out what is 'different'21:00
frayif I remove the /etc/network/interfaces (default) file, then it comes up with the rigth I[21:00
frayright Ip21:00
RPfray: network interface naming from the kernel ?21:07
frayboth eth0.. but different interface drivers21:08
fraythe aarch64 is a 'macb'.. rebuilding the 32-bit so I can compare21:08
RPfray: systemd? we had some issues with its device renaming which I think we disabled in the end21:08
frayno standard poky, no systemd21:10
frayOk, now I'm breaking myself..  Whats the magic for 'runqemu' to use the same tap device that testimage uses?21:11
frayI just did MACHINE= ... runqemu nographic  but it doesn't appear to have setup the tap.. (still verifying)21:11
fray(I'm trying ot figure out why testimage doesn't work for one machine but does for another.. so I'm grasping.. but trying to reproduce even the working I'm missing something)21:12
frayor is test image logging in on one machine and setting it, and not setting it on the other and I'm looking at the wrong part?21:13
RPfray: runqemu should be the same as what testimage does21:13
fraythat's what i thought21:14
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fraydebugging I broke something.. now I can't get runqemu to work at all..  Not sure what I did, but I'll have to figure it out..21:28
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Guest84khem : thanks it works like a charm with python_setuptools_build_meta21:31
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