Wednesday, 2023-12-20

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destmasterWhen trying to connect via SSH I'm getting " kex_exchange_identification: read Connection reset". The issue concerns the permission of the /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key file. Changing to "400" it works.07:51
destmasterI've added to my recipe07:52
destmasterFILE_PERMISSIONS:${PN} = " \07:52
destmaster    ${sysconfdir}/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key       400 \07:52
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destmasterbut this issue is still present.07:52
abludestmaster: I do not think I have come across "FILE_PERMISSIONS" and do not see it in current Yocto branches. The right way to fix the permissions is to make sure to install it with the correct permissions. How do you install the key? "install -m 0400 <source> <target>" should do the job.07:55
destmasterablu: I'm installing the /etc/ssh directory doing a rootfs overlay. cp -r ${WORKDIR}/overlay/etc/* ${D}${sysconfdir}/07:58
destmasterI will try to install with the 0400 permission for the specific file07:58
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destmasterHi, there's a yocto recipe for the libtwolame ? I need it in ffmpeg for my image08:48
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dvergatalRP: around?10:15
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RPdvergatal: yes10:19
dvergatalRP: I've seen you have fixed useradd10:19
RPkhem: that is good to hear, I was hoping they'd help!10:19
dvergatal        # This is due to the [depends] in useradd.bbclass complicating matters10:19
dvergatal        # The logic *is* reversed here due to the way hard setscene dependencies are injected10:19
dvergatal        if (taskdependees[task][1] == 'do_package' or taskdependees[task][1] == 'do_populate_sysroot') and taskdependees[dep][0].endswith(('shadow-native', 'shadow-sysroot', 'base-passwd', 'pseudo-native')) and taskdependees[dep][1] == 'do_populate_sysroot':10:19
dvergatalback copy button10:19
dvergatalRP: this is what I meant10:20
RPdvergatal: right, I'm hoping we sorted that10:20
dvergatalRP: cool I need to test it than btw. is there any possibility to add it to kirkstone?10:21
RPdvergatal: I'm torn on that. The runqueue change was pretty invasive :(10:21
RPdvergatal: I didn't make minor changes but had to fundamentally change the way some things worked10:21
dvergatalRP: OK10:22
RPdvergatal: it also adds new "API" so probably not good for the stable series10:22
dvergatalRP: I will need to wait than for new LTS or somehow override *again* library files10:22
RPdvergatal: library code and bitbake :/10:23
dvergatalRP: yeah10:23
RPdvergatal: I was just happy to fix it at all to be honest10:23
dvergatalRP: I'm happy too10:23
dvergatalto be honest :)10:24
dvergatalRP: in this only the one related to useradd.bbclass is necessary, right?10:26
RPdvergatal: the commits are listed in that bug, three changes10:29
RPyou need the runqueue one and that one10:29
RPthe other is a cleanup10:29
dvergatalRP: yeah but I'm asking about changes concerning tests10:29
RPdvergatal: oh, yes. the others are just to stop it regressing10:30
dvergatalRP: oh I see it in the commit's msg10:31
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dvergatalRP: the last rqdata.init_progress_reporter.next_stage() is needed?10:51
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destmasterI'm getting this error on compile my package11:07
destmaster" error: possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_WARN If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow."  What is the possible reasons?11:07
destmasterSUMMARY = "MPEG Audio Layer II encoding library"11:07
destmasterHOMEPAGE = ""11:07
destmasterSECTION = "multimedia"11:07
destmasterLICENSE = "LGPL-2.1-only"11:07
destmasterLIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=ade9a053df81f5b9408d2f4f5546df86"11:07
destmasterSRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz"11:07
destmasterSRC_URI[md5sum] = "400c164ed096c7aea82bcf8edcd3f6f9"11:07
destmasterSRC_URI[sha256sum] = "cc35424f6019a88c6f52570b63e1baf50f62963a3eac52a03a800bb070d7c87d"11:07
destmasterS = "${WORKDIR}/twolame-${PV}"11:07
destmasterinherit autotools11:07
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rburtonif you're reading the logs destmaster, you need to inherit pkgconfig11:55
RPdvergatal: you'll get warnings without it11:59
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dvergatalRP: ok thx12:05
dvergatalRP: I was just thinking that it is doubled and nothing between both of them because there is this removal of old code12:06
RPdvergatal: ideally we'd remove one and change the timings line elsewhere but when writing that patch I had other bigger problems12:09
dvergatalRP: ahhh OK I get it12:09
dvergatalRP: i was not sure why it is doubled thx for explanation12:10
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dvergatalRP: unfortunately this patchset in my case does not solve the issue but I have applied the changes on kirkstone13:52
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RPdvergatal: you added the dependency needed?14:00
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dvergatalRP: what dependency?14:00
dvergatalRP: in DEPENDS or what?14:02
RPdvergatal: did you add USERADD_DEPENDS = <something> to the recipes you need it in?14:02
dvergatalRP: hmm no just DEPENDS14:03
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RPnot how it works14:03
dvergatalmhmmm ok14:03
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dvergatalRP: yeah I have mindlessly copied the code and started to run thinking it will work now after your suggestions I have verified useradd.bbclass and you are yeah:P there is this part of the code...14:06
dvergatalRP: still the same14:15
RPdvergatal: not much I can say. We wrote a test case which reproduced the problem, then we fixed it and we proved it fixed the failing test. It was all on master though14:17
dvergatalRP: I wounder if it may be because I'm using GROUPMEMS_PARAM which uses user from USERADD_DEPENDS14:19
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simonewHi together15:01
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dvergatalRP: unfortunately it is still not solving the issue with the proper order of postinst-* scripts17:11
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RPdvergatal: that is a different bug and there are different patches related to that17:30
dvergatalRP: but it is written in here for that Bug 13904 and Bug 15084 it fixes the effects17:32
dvergatalRP: ahhhh so you mean that in addition with Jan's patch it fixes the effect in setscene?17:39
khemyes cool, I have re-enabled my ptest jobs again thanks for sorting the ptest run mess17:58
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JPEWAnyone familiar with the file-rdeps QA check: I sent this but I don't know if it's supposed to work that way or not:
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pidgeRP/rburton: Image testing info. First, the qmp screenshot triggering I'm going to have to find a way of telling the test that qemu and sato are actually up and fully rendered. Right now (unless I toss some ugly time.sleep which I do for my generation code) here is the status of all qemu machines:19:13
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pidgeqemuloongarch64 Doesn't build19:15
pidgeqemuppc Yes19:15
pidgeqemux86 Yes19:15
pidgeqemuarm64 Blank screen, but time.sleep(60) works19:15
pidgeqemumips64 Blank screen, but time.sleep(60) works19:15
pidgeqemuriscv32 Doesn't build19:15
pidgeqemuarm Yes19:15
pidgeqemumips Blank screen, but time.sleep(60) works19:15
pidgeqemuriscv64 Blank screen, but time.sleep(60) works19:15
pidgeqemuarmv5 Guest hasn't init display19:15
pidgeqemuppc64 Blank screen (maybe wrong tty?)19:15
pidgeSo, thoughts on a way to discover if the screen is actually rendered yet?19:15
JPEWpidge: If your using DRI, /sys/kernel/debug/dri should be able to tell you that19:19
JPEWAlso maybe modetest (from libdrm)19:20
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RPpidge: does dbus-wait not do this?21:22
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RPJPEW: why is the packagedata change an RFC? I guess I'm trying to work out why its controversial?21:55
RPpidge: It is a little sad so many of those are blank but I guess this is why we need the test!21:56
JPEWRP: I just don't know if that makes sense for the QA test to do that, and it was kinda easier to explain it with a patch (maybe RFC is the wrong tag)21:57
JPEWI mean, it fixed my problem, but that doesn't mean it's "correct" :)21:57
RPJPEW: fair enough. I suspect is probably is the right thing to do even if the package data "format" isn't great21:58
RPJPEW: btw, I'm really worried about the spdx dependency problem now. It blew up in testing and I don't know how to make everything work :(21:58
JPEWYa, I was trying to think about how to fix that21:58
JPEWRP: I guess I'm missing why excluding do_create_spdx from abisaferecipes affects the allarch signatures22:01
RPJPEW: some of the recipes in this list are machine specific22:03
RPJPEW: we have a kind of "guarantee" that when they change, they don't change ABI and therefore other things don't need to rebuild/change22:04
RPthe linkage suddenly makes the allarch thing machine specific for the spdx task22:05
RPat least as I understood the failure anyway22:06
JPEWRP: K, I'm trying to run the test locally to dig deeper22:06
RPJPEW: you can probably simplify the test down to a simpler target which uses useradd22:07
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RPJPEW: put another way, the abisafe code allows allarch recipes to depend on machine specific ones22:10
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pidgeRP: It's not that they're blank, it's that sato/qemu takes a bit to get things up and rendered and before that happens the screenshot is taken. I've a utility test to take the screen shot and the first time around only a few of them had anything. big old sleep hammer made the rest show up. So the thing I think I need to figure out next is: How to ensure that sato is up, running, icons loaded and rendered before I take the screenshot.22:30
dvergatalOE_EXTRA_IMPORTS is no longer supported from local.conf in nanbield?22:44
JPEWdvergatal: Ya, use addpylib instead22:44
dvergatalJPEW: thx22:45
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JPEWRP: Ok, I got the selftest to reproduce, so that's a start. I'll try to suss out whats going on here and what we can do about it22:57
dvergatalJPEW: it's building now :D22:58
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dvergatalRP: I will test it on nanbield now because i saw there are so many changes that i think that just this 3 commits won't be enough in case of kirkstone23:00
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RPpidge: have a look at dbus-wait as I'm fairly sure a dbus event is send by the desktop23:15
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JPEWRP: I have an idea. It's mad scientist levels of BS... but it just might work. I need to really chew it over though to make sure it's going to work23:42
* JPEW orders a whiteboard for his office23:42
JPEWMaybe I'll post an RFC tomorrow if I'm not to ashamed of it :)23:44
RPJPEW: I'm curious :)23:48

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