Saturday, 2024-02-10

RPpaulg: I didn't offer to explain it, I just knew how to find that one. I have no idea why it is working at all tbh00:00
RPpaulg: the strip() is a python string manipulation function that removes whitespace so the combination of variable names, functions and programs there is ironic00:02
usviSaur_Home: I am terribly sorry, I need to go to sleep. I realized it is 2 hours past midnight00:02
usviI will read replies in the morning tho00:03
RPpaulg: it is only run if if (extra_sections and kernel_image.find(d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGEDEST') + '/vmlinux') != -1)00:03
paulgof course!  my mind was 100% focused on the *task* strip, and not the Python ('cause I suck at python)00:03
RPpaulg: so I guess only mips does that00:03
paulgnamespace overlap completely led me down the garden path.  :-/00:05
paulgas for why qemu mips doesn't trigger the extra_sections check ... would require further investigation.00:08
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paulgprobably doesn't plonk down a vmlinux would be my initial guess.00:09
RPpaulg: I remember mips doing something weird with striping so we lost our test case and it regressed00:09
RPmakes me wonder if we could remove some code00:10
paulgremoving code is good.00:10
RPpaulg: makes you loads of friends, they start emailing you :)00:11
paulgoh yeah, I know it well.  :)  It is nearly always a good way to kick the hornet's nest and get the vocal minority all wound up.00:13
paulgIt has been 9 years.  Should I try and remove EISA again?
RPpaulg: have a go at bitbake layer priorities :) Hopefully I won't leave that one 9 years before I try again00:15
* RP notes Saur is awake and that RP hasn't handled a patch :(00:28
paulghere is another amusing hornet's nest moment.  From a LF TAB member, no less!
RPpaulg: nobody noticed the && true in the makefile :)00:30
Saur_HomeRP: Just upgraded our platform to 4.3.2. Prefer to do it late on Fridays so that the builders can populate the sstate-cache for all products during the weekend.00:31
RPSaur_Home: I'm depressed that despite my efforts I'm no where near close to sorting the patch queue and I really don;t like that patch so a great way to end the day :(00:32
Saur_HomeRP: Sorry00:33
Saur_HomeRP: If you do not want to take it, then I will not trouble you with it again. Since this is in a bbclass, I can handle it on our side by copying it to one of our layers and modifying it there.00:47
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paulgPoky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) 4.3+snapshot-5590cf4341ad51cdd3e550c71ee95ae8eb6fc0dd edgerouter ttyS001:46
paulgedgerouter login: root01:46
paulgroot@edgerouter:~# cat /proc/version01:46
paulgLinux version 6.6.15-yocto-standard (oe-user@oe-host) (mips64-poky-linux-gcc (GCC) 13.2.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun 401:46
* paulg giggles01:46
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Saur_HomeRP: Regarding the virtual/ warning: Wouldn't it be better to recommend that the virtual/foo is replaced by defining a VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_foo variable and using that instead?07:37
RPSaur_Home: it should say that, yes07:42
RPSaur_Home: I'll send a patch07:44
RPrburton: - glib on qemuarm64, same memory test error07:48
simonewRP: we use virtual-  instead in meta as well e.g. in grub-bootconf for RPROVIDES. We should change that then as well right? I can send  another patch.07:54
RPsimonew: I'm less worried about that since it isn't as common a problem so torn on whether it is worth changing. It technically isn't right though07:57
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simonewOk, It seems only 6 recipes are affected. Should be therefore limited08:05
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simonewJust checked now out of interest: the switch virtual/ to virtual- seemed not to cause big issues back then. I've sent a patch now for it, but if not considered worth it, also fine.11:36
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usvihmm. kirkstone vfat writes garbaged names my old u-boot cannot decipher16:23
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paulgDo we (yocto) have a twiki page or similar for using the "crash" utility?  There is a recipe in oe for it, but kexec/kdump/crash aren't mentioned on
paulgAnd with a name like "crash" -- google isn't helpful at all.  Might as well try and google "the"19:47
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RPpaulg: we don't that I know of19:58
RPpaulg: I tried to fix that strip thing properly as it was bugging me19:58
paulgphoronix headline: RP bugged to death by strippers late friday night.19:59
paulgFWIW, the old edgerouter turd did build+boot 6.6.15 on core-image-full-cmdline after your fix ; not that any sane individual would care.20:01
RPpaulg: I do have one here...20:02
paulgyea, but you are like me - we don't qualify as "sane".20:02
* RP can't argue with that20:02
mischiefis there a mips problem afoot?20:19
mischiefi have a ci20 collecting dust :-)20:20
RPmischief: not really, I think we fixed the issues we had with the glibc upgrade20:25
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mischiefare there currently automated builds for mips i can see somewhere?20:37
RPmischief: qemumips:
RPalso qemumips*-tc toolchain tests20:43
mischiefokay, just wondering since i just saw scarthgap branch in my pull and i tried it with qemumips and got a strange error20:52
mischiefmaybe a fun bug with my gentoo host system :)20:52
mischiefdoesn't happen with qemux86-64
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RPmischief: that does look a bit weird22:02
mischiefRP: so far no such issue in my ubuntu container on the same machine, so it's probably just an untested version of something in the host tools of gentoo22:10
mischief.. like when having a very new make broke a bunch of old makefiles22:11
RPmischief: let me know if you work out what it is caused by, I'm curious now...22:47
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Saur_HomeRP: I saw your message to rburton earlier regarding glib and some memory error. I do not know if it is the same error, but we are affected by, which is the reason we have opted to stay at glib 2.74. With 2.76 and 2.78 we get random memory corruptions.23:09
RPSaur_Home: this is a glib test suite failure in the low memory signalling from dbus23:11
RPcauses intermittent failures in ptests23:12
Saur_HomeOk, probably something else then.23:13
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mischiefRP: i have no idea what is wrong, because running opkg-build by hand works :-D23:31
Saur_HomeInteresting. I just realized that glib issue 3064 has been closed. Seems we will finally have a solution in 2.80. :)23:39

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