Friday, 2024-02-09

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JaMahow many dependencies do you need for hello world in node? and why is it fetching them for more than 30 mins from the registry? :(01:45
JaMaand I thought that watching chromium's log.do_compile in tail -f will be the most boring activity today01:46
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JaMaor there could be some dependency loop in shrinkwrap as it fetched e.g. 20 times already (sometimes 6.0.0)01:49
JaMa9960 fetches, nice! NOT01:50
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RPJaMa: better to make sure you got it!08:59
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rburtonmanuel_: "yes".  the QA on the autobuilder uses testimage/qemu.  we use testimage/FVP.  some use lava. Some use Labgrid.  I'm sure there are others using something else.09:35
LetoThe2ndDiogenesMountain: no, what you want is a dev-distro09:49
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kanavinRP: the busybox patch should probably not be taken10:10
kanavin'busybox: Use ISO 13400 timings in zcip'10:11
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bertonHello all! I submitted this patch to backport a feature to bitbake 2.0. Does anyone know that it is allowed to do this type of backport to bitbake 2.0?10:28
RPkanavin: I'm torn on that. In some ways it does sound like a useful "embedded" targeted patch. I know there are the downsides too10:33
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michalsieronhello. I have a question that I am afraid I already know the answer for, but maybe there is some solution.10:46
michalsieronIs it possible to change the location mktemp (that's being ran during build process) uses for temporary files/directories?10:46
michalsieronbecause normal way, that is setting environmental variable TMPDIR conflicts  with the bitbake's TMPDIR10:47
michalsierondo I have to patch sources that run mktemp?10:48
rburtonmichalsieron: TMPDIR isn't exported so it won't be seen by mktemp calls10:52
michalsieronrburton: yeah, but if it was, then it would conflict10:53
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rburtoncorrect. but it isn't, so...10:53
michalsieronrburton: so my question is is there some other way to change the directory mktemp uses?10:53
rburtonmktemp uses the path it is told, or TMPDIR in the environment if set, or /tmp10:54
rburtonmy question remains: as a hypothetical this isn't relevant, so why are you asking?10:54
manuel_rburton: I tried to find out what FVP is but failed. says "fixed configuration virtual platform". Sounds like "preconfigured virtual machine" to me. Can you confirm?10:54
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rburtonmanuel_:  the short version is its a closed source qemu-like for arm.10:55
michalsieronrburton: because there is this recipe for sbsigntool, which depends on ccan, and ccan during do_configure tries to run a script from file created with mktemp10:56
michalsieronand I have /tmp mounted with noexec, so it fails and I cannot build it10:56
rburtonmichalsieron: don't mount /tmp noexec, because stuff like that happens10:56
manuel_rburton: Thanks. That explained it better than the entire ARM page did.10:56
rburtonmichalsieron: honestly we should probably check for that and fail early because that's not an uncommon pattern10:56
michalsieronIt took me quite some time to even figure out why the build was failing10:57
michalsieronBecause the script from ccan didn't exit early when running from /tmp failed, so do_configure succeeded and it only failed in do_compile10:58
rburtonyeah, it's fun.  anything using meson for example will write temporary scripts and binaries to /tmp (whereas autoconf uses the current directory).10:59
michalsieronThat's more of a ccan issue, but I agree that a check in bitbake for /tmp mount options would be great10:59
rburtonpatches welcome! :)10:59
michalsieronrburton: at which point would such check be even made?11:03
rburtondoes stuff like "is this file system case-sensitive" and "is the build directory on nfs"11:03
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chepHi, I'm building a recipe which installs a script in `/usr/bin/`. This script is mandatory to build another recipe which depends on the first one. When I add `FILES:${PN}-dev += "/usr/bin/"` I can see the file in the -dev package (with dpkg -c) but it is not in the sysroot of my second recipe. Headers and lib are present in sysroot, only the script is missing. Can anyone tell me why ?11:12
rburtonbecase bindir isn't staged, you normally can't run target binaries on the host11:13
chepso what is the right way to do this ?11:14
rburtonyou can add bindir to SYSROOT_DIRS, or extend the recipe to have a native version which will stage the binaries and you can depend on that instead11:14
rburtonmichalsieron: what distro are you using? trying to isolate where the noexec comes fro11:14
cheprburton: ok, thank you11:15
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michalsieronrburton: oh, that is probably linked to our server setup. but it is a RHEL11:15
rburtonfedora doesn't use noexec, but maybe rhel is special11:15
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michalsieronour other servers are ok in that regard. so far I've found only one, so as I said earlier, it may be that this specific host has different fstab version installed11:17
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rburtonusing a script i determined that none of the AB workers have noexec /tmp so i don't believe any of the mainstream distros do that by default (unless that's something that halstead changes when setting up a new one)11:28
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michalsieronrburton: you think a warning like that would suffice? "/tmp is mounted with noexec. Unexpected failures may occur!"12:05
rburtonhonestly i'd be tempted to make it fatal12:09
rburtonsend a patch and we can see if anyone screams :)12:09
michalsieronI would rather not break anyone's builds :D12:10
RPmichalsieron: I'd make it fatal12:11
RPmichalsieron: it is much better to tell people about these kinds of problems up front12:13
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moto-timowhen was addpylib first introduced? my git foo didn't find it yet15:18
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moto-timonevermind, it helps to not be on ancient branch15:20
moto-timosigh, I thought it was before mickledore15:27
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RobertBergerWhat's the best practice with respect to (host/native) Python version compatibility when you write a bbclass with Python tasks?15:33
RobertBergerTo be more precise:
rburtonRobertBerger: if its supported by bitbake for that release then it should work in your class15:34
rburtonobviously whoever wrote the class _could_ just say "this needs 3.11" but that would be annoying15:35
RobertBergerWell in this case it's about which is supported from Python 3.1115:36
RobertBergerAnd changing the Python Version just for ONE layer, which does not work with the default Python version on Ubuntu 22 makes me a bit nervous15:37
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RPRobertBerger: that is a bit too recent unfortunately :/15:38
RobertBergerThere are already many moving targets, not sure I also want to use an "untested" Python version15:38
RobertBergerAnd apparently there are people who don't use the latest poky master, so that's even worse I guess.15:39
JPEWRobertBerger: That function is convenient, but it's not hard to roll it yourself, so I suggest doing that for compatablity15:40
RobertBergerThe BitBake readme says 3.8 or newer
RobertBergerIs there somewhere not newer then x.x?15:42
JPEWAs a _user_, you can run bitbake with python 3.8 or newer; as a developer, you can't use any python features that are  newer than 3.815:43
RobertBergerOK that makes sense15:44
JPEWThe manual is written from the users perspective; a comment to explain that for developers might be useful15:44
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rburtonyocton: i like your proactive testing of native/nativesdk builds!15:59
rburtonburnt once, never again :)16:00
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yoctonrburton: hehehe better catching it at patch review than an ugly warning in AB runs :-p16:01
yoctonI wonder if it's something that patchtest can realisticaly do.16:03
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halsteadrburton: I use distro defaults for tmp16:06
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mischiefsigh. i try to set IMAGE_LINGUAS = "" from a .inc file but somehow including core-image after that results in the default from and i dont get why17:22
mischiefbitbake-getvar seems to be saying IMAGE_LINGUAS = "" is "set?" but it is not a soft assignment..17:24
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mischiefokay, bitbake-getvar is full of lies. if i set it to some value like "fnord", bitbake-getvar doesn't even print it17:29
mischiefdeleting build/cache build/tmp/cache seems to have sorted it. am i missing something special about variable dependencies with IMAGE_LINGUAS?17:40
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khemdepends on image you choose to depend on, some smallish images set it to nothing for saving some space,18:20
khemyou can do something like IMAGE_LINGUAS:append = "..." wherever you are trying to add it18:21
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DiogenesMountainLetoThe2nd: Thanks for the reply. Not sure that is possible in this case, but if it can't be done through images, then it can't be done through images.19:06
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LetoThe2ndDiogenesMountain: "it can't be done through images"19:32
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vmesonon my system, llvm-native takes 1000s seconds in do_compile with little happening in parallel. Seems like a mesa dependency... if I knew more about mesa, I'd check if all ~2000 .c/cpp files are needed or if the mesa dependency could be avoided...21:34
vmesonoh, that's covered already in: documentation/migration-guides/migration-4.2.rst  :21:35
vmesonIf this is undesirable, you21:35
vmesoncan set the value of :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES_NATIVE` in your configuration such21:35
vmesonthat ``opengl`` is excluded21:35
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rburtonvmeson: mesa needs llvm for the shader compilers22:51
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paulgException: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'mips64-poky-linux-strip '23:23
paulgERROR: Task (poky/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/ failed with exit code '1'23:24
paulgRuns fine from a devshell, so it is time to hunt down that annoying trailing whitespace on the 1st line I posted.  :-(23:25
RPpaulg: is that an older release. It sounds familiar :/23:30
usvihow do I stop this sub-versioning(?) evilcorp-evilprod-update_1.5.0-kirkstone41-r0.1_armv7at2hf-neon.ipk   that r0.1 . the 1 keeps changing up. I want to stop it23:30
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paulgRP, latest master on everything - as of like 3h ago.  Only "strange" thing I've done is revert the edgerouter delete from meta-yocto-bsp, 'cause I wanted to build a new image for the old turd.23:32
paulgchecking a qemumips build now to compare...23:32
RPpaulg: kernel-arch.bbclass:KERNEL_STRIP = "${HOST_PREFIX}strip ${HOST_STRIP_KERNEL_ARCH}"23:36
RPpaulg: try making kernel.bbclass:    strip = d.getVar('KERNEL_STRIP')23:36
RPstrip = d.getVar('KERNEL_STRIP').strip()23:36
RPpaulg: why you're awakening the dead, I'm not sure I want to know23:37
paulgDon't worry - I'm the one that sent the removal, so I won't be asking for re-addition!23:37
RPpaulg: That was what was making it all the stranger! :)23:39
paulgIt was one of those "I should do something with it, or it needs to go into e-waste."  moments.23:39
paulgGot up to 8C here today which kicks in the Canadian "spring cleaning" mentality...23:43
RPpaulg: it is warmer there than here!23:44
paulgRP, your addition of ".strip()" suffix seems to have fixed it (thanks) - don't ask me to explain it though!23:46
paulgwhy didn't that blow up on qemu mips (which is also 64 bit)23:47
paulgFor the record, it would have taken me hours to track down that whitespace.  :-P23:48
Saur_Homeusvi: That is the PR server doing that. It increases the .X part whenever there are changes in the output compared to the last time you built the recipe with that version. It is to make sure two different builds get different versions, which is necessary if you are creating a package feed.23:50
usviSaur_Home: ok thanks. what I want to really do is I want to grab the resulting ipk and encrypt it with a custom sh script. can I in anywhere get a handle of the actual ipk file which was build? like verbatim, including the r0.1 thingy. Of course I can parse it but would be convenient to postprocess it after everything else was done23:53
Saur_Homeusvi: Are you just after that specifik package, or are you building an image and want all packages that go into it?23:55
usviSaur_Home: only one is needed23:56
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usviI have been googling around with archive class but I'm just too stupid to spot what to do23:57
usviin environment I see only vague references23:59

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