Friday, 2024-02-23

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khemI guess one way is to explicitly add an empty package and add it to final image03:28
mischiefkhem: was that in response to me?03:29
khemyes :)03:29
khemI was afk03:30
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:42
* alessioigor waves all07:42
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mckoangood morning07:50
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RPlandgraf: looks like there are patches for that qemu issue09:11
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landgrafRP: The ones from Richard? :)09:22
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RPlandgraf: yes09:49
RP[PATCH 0/3] linux-user: Rewrite target_shmat09:50
landgrafRP: yes, this one. I can test them locally once I have both reproducers.10:00
luc4Hello! Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to add pulseaudio to a yocto image?10:06
landgraffor example10:07
mckoanluc4: it won't be so straightforward10:12
luc4mckoan: in fact I did that but I can't make it work for the moment10:12
luc4mckoan: pulseaudio seems to crash, that is probably the main problem10:12
luc4mckoan: also, it seems it tries to write, but fails as the image is readonly10:13
luc4mckoan: this is the crash that I see
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JaMaluc4: you will need to debug why it's crashing, start by building read-write image and check that it works there, then you'll need to figure out how to redirect the writes to writeable overlay or temporary directories11:13
JaMabut there probably won't be exact tutorial how-to avoid stack smashing in pulseaudio on readonly filesystem11:15
JaMaor ask some AI to smash some random tutorials for you, but gl if you do :)11:16
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dvergatalRP: around?11:34
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Guest18Hi all12:58
Guest18I have built image for stm32mp1 hardware with openssh included in it. But we have noticed that during boot loading of sshd service is taking longer time and boot time of my device is getting increased and creating some other issues.12:58
Guest18Is there any way so that i can load(loading is taking time even without launching) this service after complete booting up my device (from some other script when everything is loaded) and then launch ?12:58
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rburtonGuest18: is that ssh for production or for development?13:10
rburtonpresumably its the key generation13:11
rburtonbut that will only impact the first boot13:12
rburtonso you should look into what is actually taking time13:12
Guest18Earlier we were using dropbear and it was working fine with it but when we migrated to openssh see the issue13:12
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Guest18Yes, i can understand that for the first boot as it will generated keys13:14
Guest18But this is there with every boot13:15
Guest18I have tried by renaming /etc/init.d/sshd by to some other name by making rootfs read/write then i saw reduction in boot time by around 12 Sec13:18
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rburtonif you have a read-only rootfs then where is the host key being written?13:18
rburtonsounds like its not lasting over a power cycle, and being regenerated every boot13:18
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Guest18We are saving keys to one of preserve path and its being checked there13:19
landgrafRP: | qemu-x86_64: QEMU internal SIGSEGV {code=MAPERR, addr=0x20}13:19
Guest18and we have verified that key generation is happening only for first time13:20
Guest18modified sshd_config file to  ---> HostKey /mnt/ubifs/preserve/ssh_host_rsa_key13:23
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RPlandgraf: with the patches applied and my hack dropped? :(13:49
landgrafRP: with the patches applied. On checkout without your hack13:55
RPlandgraf: might be good to report that too them13:55
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nayfeHello everyone, I struggle to understand meta-intel way to handle CVE in relation with kirkstone LTS version, if someone can help me? thanks by advance14:09
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rburtonnayfe: maybe give more context and what you don't understand?14:50
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nayfeI'm not sure if reported CVEs from cve-check.bbclass applies or not on our product, and if Intel has some policies concerning layer support for cybersecurity? I can follow linux-yocto way with "OE-core CVE metrics for kirkstone" mails and reports on release notes, but I can't find something similar for meta-intel14:56
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rburtonmeta-intel uses the linux-intel-lts kernel which is actively maintained14:57
rburton"kernel" and "CVEs" is fun/interesting, depending on your point of view14:57
rburtonFYI, almost every backported fix will have a CVE from now14:58
rburton is what meta-intel builds (master, presumably kirkstone too)14:58
rburtonthe easiest thing to do would be to email specific questions to the meta-intel maintainers as they're not often on IRC14:59
AdrianFIs this Python warning interesting? bitbake/bin/bitbake-worker:210: DeprecationWarning: This process (pid=2423953) is multi-threaded, use of fork() may lead to deadlocks in the child.15:04
AdrianF  pid = os.fork()15:04
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nayferburton thanks i'll see with them :)15:12
RPAdrianF: we're a lot more careful than most python programs in that regard15:17
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AdrianFRP: Sounds good. I was not sure if this would be helpful for bitbake experts who are not yet on Python 3.12. But with Python 3.12 this warning is also thrown for Popen from Python core. It's not only in the Bitbake code.15:27
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RPAdrianF: we've been aware of the challenges around mixing threads and processes for a while but I think we do things safely. It is possible something changed in 3.12 which may mean we need to revisit it but we are quite careful15:31
JaMaI'm using 3.12 for all my local builds for a while and the only issue I've seen was the deadlock after build finished in kirkstone for which the fix was already backported there as well15:38
JaMaother than those SyntaxWarnings, thanks for fixing them15:39
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tlwoernerdoes anyone know of an example where 2 wic files are generated using one bitbake invocation?16:50
tlwoernermy feeling is that wics are associated with MACHINEs, so if i want 2 wic files i'll need 2 MACHINEs16:50
RPtlwoerner: surely they're image related so two images?16:55
rburtonyeah you can set the wic file to be used in the image recipe17:05
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khemmoto-timo:  I am seeing a ptest build failure in meta-perl for libencode-perl -
khemit seems it is set to conflict with perl-module-encode but its ptests dependencies pull in perl-module-encode17:56
moto-timokhem: i18:19
moto-timokhem: I'll take a look, but probably I should drop that recipe. I think it is included in perl itself.18:19
moto-timokhem: I think I added that a long time ago before I understood the packages split.18:20
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moto-timokhem: let's get rid of those recipes ;) patches sent18:52
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simonewabelloni: wrt to the libsoup issue when upgrading libxml2, I checked with glibc and musl, this issue was fixed already as far as I can see by khem. I will send a patch for the upgrade therefore.19:09
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rm5248hi, I need to create a custom tar file that contains the rootfs and a script from my layer in it.  How can I refer to this script?  everything that I see seems to be either "how to install file into rootfs" which is not what I'm looking for.21:48
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yoctonsimonew: FYI, I just got an answer from NVD for a mail sent february 6th. Maybe 2 weeks between NVD mail and CVE_STATUS update is a bit short?22:18
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