Tuesday, 2024-03-05

moto-timokhem: ok. that helps. I am somehow suspecting opkg right now, but that is perhaps a red herring.00:02
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RPkanavin: package upgrades on the ab, now? :/00:15
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luc4Hello! I created an image that is using systemd-networkd, but I see that I also have ifupdown and connman inside. Is this wrong? Are those in conflict?09:44
kanavinRP: yes, I fail to see the problem?09:46
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thomas_34Hello, I got a couple of warnings like this: "WARNING: Duplicate inclusion for /home/dock/oe/arago/sources/meta-arago/meta-arago-distro/conf/distro/include/branding-core.inc in /home/dock/oe/arago/sources/meta-arago/meta-arago-distro/conf/distro/arago.conf"09:57
thomas_34Can I somehow use bitbake to produce me a logfile, where I see which .inc-Files have been included from where?09:57
thomas_34For now im grepping through the sources, but its to complicated to find the root issue of duplicate inclusions.09:58
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yoctonthomas_34: "bitbake -e" maybe?10:01
thomas_34yocton, Ok, I try that after bitbake finishes current build10:02
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RPkanavin: we don't have M3 sorted and I could really have done with the build time to try and sort out the things in -next. It was just frustrating to cancel my failing build and then see the upgrades one take all the workers10:08
kanavinRP: ah I'm sorry about that. Had no idea.10:08
kanavincancelling mine would've been fine10:09
RPkanavin: it worked out ok as things seemed to run quickly overnight thankfully10:10
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guestkatiHello, how can I link a -native recipe to /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 instead of build/tmp/sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ? The use case is that it is a tool that I use to another pc without having build the project. For now, I change the location with patchelf12:43
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RPwhat the heck went wrong for https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/86/builds/6504/steps/14/logs/stdio to fail? :/13:48
RPhmm, meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/devtool.py:        testrecipe = 'python-markupsafe'13:49
RPbut surely that would fail deterministicly?13:49
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JaMadidn't the devtool add fail before that?13:52
JaMaI don't see it in the log, but I would guess the recipe wasn't created this time (for some undeterministic reason)13:52
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RPJaMa: That would explain it better I guess13:56
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JaMaFWIW: I've manually repeated the steps and it worked here with master as well as master-next of poky13:58
JaMaINFO: Recipe /OE/build/poky/build/workspace/recipes/python-markupsafe/python-markupsafe_0.23.bb has been automatically created; further editing may be required to make it fully functional13:58
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JaMaand with 404 url (manually edited to cause failure) it fails with reasonable error message14:06
RPJaMa: something clearly went wrong but what? :/14:07
JaMayeah :( I was just checking if the test shows the log from failed devtool and it does for me (at least for broken url in case you hit transient fetch failure), but such error is not shown in your link14:11
JaMaI guess it could be also same race condition some other test cleaning the generated recipe from workspace? but I don't know enough about oe-selftest if it's even possible effect of self.track_for_cleanup(self.workspacedir)14:13
RPJaMa: the selftests should run in their own locations so shouldn't interfere with each other14:18
RPJaMa: I've filed https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15418 and put a link to the cooker log in there14:21
RPI can't spot anything obvious offhand but comparing it to a successful test run may show something I guess14:22
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RPIt does show the file in a "thread" specific builddir /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/oe-selftest-fedora/build/build-st-268093/workspace/recipes/python-markupsafe/python-markupsafe_0.23.bb14:23
RPmoto-timo: of course that opkg issue didn't recur, which is good and bad14:29
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moto-timoRP: of course :/14:35
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jdiezI'm building a recipe that requires a version of rust >= 1.70.0. Currently, the rust in poky/meta is 1.68. So I added the meta-rust (https://github.com/meta-rust/meta-rust) layer to my config, and specified it in my recipe's DEPENDS as "rust (>= 1.70.0)". However, `bitbake -g <recipe>` shows that it is still choosing rust 1.68.0. Any idea why?15:43
JaMaset P_V15:47
JaMasee RUSTVERSION in meta/conf/distro/include/tcmode-default.inc15:47
JaMajdiez: also see https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-lts-mixins/ which jas rust backports as well15:48
jdiezJaMa: thanks, setting RUSTVERSION works. not sure I understand the purpose of meta-lts-mixins15:56
yoctonIs it OK for me to close an AB-INT once the fix is merged? (I'm asking for https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14341)15:56
RPyocton: yes please!16:01
yoctonRP: Done :)16:02
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JaMajdiez: https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-lts-mixins/tree/README?h=kirkstone/rust-1.7016:03
TyakuHello, When you do "devtool modify myreceipe", then when you do "bitbake myrecipe", is it supposed to build the sources as they are in the workspace ?16:04
JaMajdiez: you didn't say what release you're currently using, but if you need rust 1.70 in kirkstone based build, then this branch is exactly for you16:04
jdiezoh I see. I'm using mickledore16:04
JaMaand it sets RUSTVERSION already in layer.conf https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-lts-mixins/tree/conf/layer.conf?h=kirkstone/rust-1.70#n1616:05
JaMayou can try it in mickledore as well (I would guess it will work)16:05
TyakuThis is how I understand it: https://wiki.koansoftware.com/index.php/Using_devtool_to_modify_recipes_in_Yocto but In my case it's always taking original sources for the build. Not the sources from workspace. Previously it was working I don't understand.16:05
TyakuI have a line in the bblayers.conf that point to the workspace, so [...] ?16:05
moto-timowith the new virtual-slash QA warning, what should `RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:class-native = " virtual/java-native"` be in meta-java https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-java/tree/recipes-core/ca-certificates-java/ca-certificates-java_20180516.bb#n10316:05
jdiezJaMa: yeah, that seems better than meta-rust, which does not work for target builds of rust. I'll give that a try next, thanks!16:06
JaMamoto-timo: VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_java-native16:07
moto-timoJaMa: so `RDEPENDS:${PN}:append:class-native = " VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_java-native"` ?16:08
JaMaand set VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_java-native somewhere, but not sure if this whole RDEPENDS is really needed16:08
moto-timoJaMa: me either. Just trying to squash warnings on this ancient code base16:09
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moto-timoand that is truly ancient ca-certificates anyway.16:09
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JaMaI'm fortunate not to use meta-java :)16:10
moto-timoOccasionally I have a customer that needs it. And _somebody_ needs to be reviewing and merging patches :/16:11
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mckoanTyaku: there's an error in my wiki. Please refer to the second section and build always using devtool build16:15
mckoanTyaku: updated the wiki page ;-)16:16
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Poppy74hello all, strange issue with vscode-bitbake. With the example task we got:16:17
Poppy74Error: The bitbake task detection didn't contribute a task for the following configuration16:17
Poppy74any advice to fix ? cheers16:17
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rburtonederibaucourt: ^^^16:27
TyakuThanks mckoan16:36
TyakuBut there is no "devtool build" in second section (?) https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/TipsAndTricks/Patching_the_source_for_a_recipe16:37
moto-timoTyaku: #3 `bitbake <recipe>` is roughly equivalent to `devtool build <recipe>`16:39
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mckoanTyaku: I mean the section related to linux kernel, sorry16:44
landgrafI have switched rootfs to be readonly and system stopped booting. Mount point for additional partition (/opt/app in my case)  doesn't exist (and cannot be created due to the fact rootfs is readonly). Is it bug or feature?16:44
mckoanTyaku: in fact the error is in wiki.yoctoproject, please refer to https://wiki.koansoftware.com/index.php/Using_devtool_to_modify_recipes_in_Yocto16:46
rburtonlandgraf: be sure the mount point is in the rootfs, surely16:47
mckoanTyaku: updated even the wiki.yoctoproject page :-)16:47
landgrafrburton: Shouldn't wic plugin create one?16:48
rburtonlandgraf: possibly?16:51
rburtonlandgraf: might be a bug :)16:51
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Guest36could someone guide me, how to remove syslog package from busybox in poky?16:56
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OnkelUllaGuest36: Perhaps this is what you're looking for --> https://docs.yoctoproject.org/dev-manual/init-manager.html#using-systemd-journald-without-a-traditional-syslog-daemon .16:59
landgrafrburton: It's a bug according to this comment https://github.com/yoctoproject/poky/blob/master/scripts/lib/wic/plugins/source/rootfs.py#L211 :) Submitting a fix.17:03
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Guest36OnkelUlla thank you17:05
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jdiezJaMa: once i confirm that the kirkstone/rust-1.70 branch of meta-lts-mixins works with mickledore, how would I go about requesting a backport?17:44
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zeddiianyone know of where to find some cmake hints ? I'm grepping meta and not finding what I'm looking for, and my general reading on cmake is not finding me anything useful.19:00
zeddiiceph is searching for python3 development and not finding it, no matter what hints I pass.19:00
zeddiiso now, I'm just trying to see if I can make it STOP searching for python, and I can't even do that.19:00
moto-timozeddii: it's most likely calling FindPython https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPython.html19:03
* moto-timo vaguely remembers fixing this somewhere else...19:03
zeddiiright. and what's crazy, is I'm grepping the entire build directory to find all instances of that and commenting them out. and yet... same thing!19:03
zeddiiI wonder if it is finding a cached value ?19:04
zeddiisince I'm hacking the files, I'm obviously not running clean in between my runs19:04
* zeddii wonders if it is using python and not python3.19:05
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zeddiiah no, definitely python319:05
usvia/W 3119:05
* zeddii starts removing the python3 class files19:05
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moto-timozeddii: also there is a 18.2.2 release though I doubt it helps19:15
moto-timozeddii: and yeah, my bad, I meant the FindPython3.cmake19:16
zeddiiI removed them all in the package build, and it finally changed the error message to yell at me that no python3 finding classes were available.19:16
* moto-timo shakes a fist at CMake AGAIN19:16
zeddiiso that's progress.19:16
zeddiibut I still can't find out what is calling it to find it.19:17
zeddiithe do_configure() in the run file looks odd, but I don't know what a good one looks like for cmake19:17
* zeddii googles19:17
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zeddiii.e. WTF is the PATH: in this:19:17
zeddiiaha. the cmake class probably munges it up.19:18
moto-timowtf why did it paste that?19:18
jdiezokay, getting further in my build... now I'm running into a problem where a rust dependency I need uses bindgen, which requires libclang.so. I get this error message: `thread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to find libclang: "couldn't find any valid shared libraries matching: ['libclang.so', 'libclang-*.so', 'libclang.so.*', 'libclang-*.so.*'], set the `LIBCLANG_PATH` environment variable to a path where one of these files can be found19:20
jdiez(invalid: [])"`19:20
jdiezis there a recipe that builds libclang? I didn't find it, but I may not be looking in the right place19:20
moto-timoI vaguely recall we want Python3_ROOT_DIR set... https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/531c0d11a1c5d39fbfe6aa8a521f023abf3bf3e2/cmake/modules/FindPython3.cmake#L12819:20
zeddiiyah. looking at the cmake.bbclass it does already try and arrange for what it might want with respect to python19:21
jdiezmeta-clang perhaps?19:21
moto-timoit looks like there is some weird legacy duplication in the cmake class https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/tree/meta/classes-recipe/cmake.bbclass#n17619:23
moto-timooh well19:23
zeddiiyah. and I'm seeing what looks like host contamination. it is saying not found for the libraries, and then mumbling out a number that matches my host python19:25
zeddiiI'll leave it alone for now, but will challenge the meta-virt list to help me out on ceph, since I'm inclined to pend my master-next push on sorting it out.19:25
moto-timolibdnf has something similar19:26
zeddiiyah. it is weird. those should always be from the cmake.bbclass from what I read, meaning, it already provides them19:26
moto-timolooks like upm unsets ./meta-oe/recipes-extended/upm/upm_git.bb:EXTRA_OECMAKE += "-UPYTHON_EXECUTABLE -DWERROR=off"19:27
moto-timobut that's probably python2? meh19:28
moto-timoCMake: solving one problem by creating 1000x others.19:28
zeddiiso much flailing. my searching online just isn't helping either. I'll let it bubble in the background a bit more19:28
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moto-timomaybe this old patch ? https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-virtualization/tree/recipes-extended/ceph/ceph/0001-fix-host-library-paths-were-used.patch?h=master-next&id=b1494ddbb061ef1a44332be28a926f85419f002719:30
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kanavinRP: I started a package update build with fixes, you can cancel if needed20:12
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