Tuesday, 2024-03-19

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* marex discovers ... git branch --edit-description + git format-patch --cover-letter00:01
marexthat was the last bit I was missing for so long , now I can track both cover letters and patches and patch versions in git00:02
marexthank you OE docs00:02
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moto-timomarex: nice thank you00:36
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marexmoto-timo: thank Opdenacker, he wrote that doc per git log :)00:52
marexabelloni: ^00:52
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moto-timo#yocto sings the praises of michaelo00:57
marexmoto-timo: high praises, odes even00:59
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moto-timoRád zpívám01:00
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX10:01
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DvorkinDmitryIt seems, Kate editor is the most lightweight editor that looks like complete IDE. Do anybody use it for Yocto/OE projects? If yes, do you have any recommendations for bitbake command execution from "build tab" of the editor? Do anybody have some plugins written for Kate? Or would you recommend another convinient IDE?11:24
rburtonDvorkinDmitry: vscode has an actual yocto plugin11:26
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DvorkinDmitryrburton, thanks! Looks good. did you hear about any other IDE supports bitbake? QTcreator, for ex11:35
rburtonno idea11:35
frosteyes+1 for vscode11:35
rburtonyocto has been throwing hard actual cash at vscode and obviously we need to continue to shout about this if you had to ask :)11:36
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DvorkinDmitrythank you11:40
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frosteyesFYI - I have just send a patch for gcc-sanitizers in kirkstone, where I hit a bug when running on newer kernels. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding it.11:43
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deribaucourtDvorkinDmitry: You are arriving right in time for a new VSCode extension v2.3 release in the next days ;). Feel free to give us any feedback as well!13:15
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Guest65We get an error with pseudo when it is packaging the dbg version. Our recipe contains several git based SRC_URI and SRCREV_FORMAT looks like this: "repo1_repo2_repo3_repo4_repo5_repo6_repo7_repo8_repo9". So the path is somewhat like this:15:05
Guest65Is there some way to hash the sha1's together to make a shorter name?15:05
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Guest65I am loosely aware of pseudo context and non pseudo context. It might be that simple if it runs with more tasks in parallel perhaps15:06
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rburtonGuest65: set SRCREV_FORMAT (see other examples in core).  that shouldn't be the cause of pseudo problems though.15:07
Guest65OK. I'll look15:09
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khemshadow patch for copydir and upgrade to 4.15.0 dont go well with each other19:03
khemboth are in master-next and its failing to patch19:03
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khemI have fixed it with - https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib/commit/?h=kraj/gcc-14&id=f85af1597d075a78bbb732b514544683ff192e7219:08
khemyou might want to pick and squash it in19:08
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RPkhem: thank for that, I've done so and rebuilt21:02
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khemRP: this is the patch I was talking about - https://lore.kernel.org/openembedded-core/20240318021558.99372-1-f_l_k@t-online.de/21:16
moto-timokhem: do you know why the `rpi-bootfiles-20240312-r3 do_fetch` is soooooo slow? It is taking well over 30 minutes already... seems like `BB_GIT_SHALLOW = "1"` is not enough?21:37
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RPkhem: it is in master-next21:48
khem@RP: thx21:50
khem@moto-timo: I think it’s because we do not have a src mirror so shallow tarball is not downloadable I think shallow git clone should have worked but don’t know why it did not21:51
khemDid you have prior checkout of the tree21:51
moto-timokhem: I guess I don't21:55
khemhmm so I guess, we need to host the shallow clone at some mirror22:02
khemfor this to work, BB_GIT_SHALLOW = "1"` does not mean that it will use shallow clone for fetching SRC_URI, it will only indicate that it can consume a shallow git tarball22:03
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moto-timokhem: yeah. I don't pretend to be an expert on all those knobs. The solution in this case was take the dog for a walk and enjoy Spring.22:50
khemthats a good win-win but we need a mirror to host the shallow tarball, I am trying to figure out.22:51
khemsince meta-raspberrypi does not have infra of its own its a bit dicey22:52
moto-timokhem: yeah. let's keep this in mind moving forward with scarthgap. I already need a mixin layer for u-boot :P22:56
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moto-timokhem: ziguana sauna the new rustacean station (listening to 2 year old podcasts)23:28
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