Wednesday, 2024-03-20

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denixJPEW: pyrex images don't have ssh installed?00:47
JPEWdenix: No, probably not; what would you need it for?00:49
denixJPEW: accessing internal resources, e.g. git-over-ssh and scp of some customer binaries inside recipes...00:50
denixso, only the client part of ssh00:51
JPEWOh ya. Um that should work, we use ssh in pyrex all the time00:51
denixhmm, are you using ssh directly or some proxy/agent setup?00:52
denixls-remote ssh://git@<edited>  failed with exit code 128, output:00:53
denixerror: cannot run ssh: No such file or directory00:53
JPEWpyrex-shell command should let you poke around and try to debug00:53
denixthat's the latest ubuntu-22.04 pyrex image00:54
denixok, I'll try pyrex-shell00:54
JPEWI'm afk but I can look tomorrow00:54
denixyeah, no problem00:54
denixJPEW: thank!00:54
denix$ pyrex-shell ssh00:55
denix /bin/bash: ssh: No such file or directory00:55
denixbut I'll dig deeper :)00:56
JPEWHuh ok. I'll look what we do tomorrow00:56
moto-timoanybody know what is needed to build wayland/weston (core-image-weston) for rpi5? I haven't quite gotten there yet and I feel like I set too many PREFERRED_PROVIDER01:18
moto-timoI have no idea if `vc-graphics-hardfp` is needed, but it is failing in `do_install`01:19
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moto-timokhem: thank you. We'll get there.01:46
khemmoto-timo: vc-graphics-hardfp should not be needed since we have vc4 now a days01:47
moto-timothe raspberrypi OS experience is pretty good, so we're just missing a few things01:47
moto-timokhem: that's what I thought. thank you for the confirmation. I think we have some bad assumptions for wayland and friends in the metadata.01:48
khemdeploying from source vs deploying from binaries is a whole difference thing so dont compare to raspianos01:48
moto-timokhem: I just mean the specific cmdline or ttys available etc. I don't mean the build.01:48
khemmoto-timo: on 32bit we used userland drivers in the past which did not support wayland properly and had to carry ton of patches01:49
khemone of these days I will delete the recipe01:49
* moto-timo happy to have been oblivious.01:49
moto-timoSadly right now I cannot even boot if the "UART" pico debug isn't plugged in. But I'm still early days on what I am doing.01:50
khemalways look at :)01:50
moto-timou-boot "works". linux-raspberrypi "works". rauc works.01:50
khemfor a reference,01:50
khemI dont use u-boot with yoe distro01:50
moto-timoWe have no choice for many OTA implementations.01:50
moto-timo(well, we have some other options for rauc)01:51
moto-timokhem: I should start hacking on a yoe distro config too ;)01:51
moto-timokhem: I might actually be able to help YOU for once.01:52
khemI would say clone poky and clone meta-raspberrypi and build core-image-weston for pi501:52
khemif it does not build then complain here :) I would be interested01:52
moto-timoyeah, the DISTRO_FEATURES and the PREFERRED_PROVIDER s are the issue so far.01:52
moto-timoI'll start over from a simpler config.01:52
khemI never got my pi5, it got lost in ether01:52
kheminternational shipping is hard I guess01:53
moto-timoI was blessed to receive two after 8 months of waiting.01:53
moto-timoI think I ordered in September01:53
moto-timoso more like 5 months of waiting01:53
khemI have no place for boards in my work room I have to expand to shed for h/w lab :)01:54
moto-timoI'll kick the yoe-distro can tomorrow. I have some interest in submodules right now.01:54
moto-timoI have a rack to assemble sitting on the living room floor. I've been wearing myself out lately though.01:54
moto-timola la la01:54
khemwife says these dont look pretty so she is rooting to move them out of house, I even have been allocated some real estate in shed01:55
moto-timosend them to me. I have an entire "workshop" that has not been activated yet. lol02:06
moto-timoSaul would approve of this message.02:06
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vvnwith meta-freescale, what should do into MFGTOOLCONFIG when running a simple example as bitbake core-image-minimal -c populate_mfgtool?03:32
vvnThe class complains that "MFGTOOLCONFIG is empty so populate_mfgtool cannot be run."03:32
vvnis there an example somewhere I could check?03:35
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vvnhum apparently the built-in command emmc_all should be enough to write the .wic.gz image, but I get HID(W):LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE04:22
vvnwhich seems to be a misleading error, because with another file such as imx-boot, I get a quick yellow "10%" before printing the same error message04:23
vvnAny experience with meta-freescale and flashing image to emmc with uuu?04:24
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khemRP: libbsd multilib fix staged in master-next is causing mg build regression -
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:17
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ernstpHi! What is the best way to call recipetool for a pypi package?12:43
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ernstprecipetool create that is12:44
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rburtonernstp: with the pypi project url12:52
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Guest62what is the best way to get docker compose (instead of docker-compose) i.e docker compose as plugin?13:20
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Guest62note: yocto kirkstone with virtualisation layer installed13:21
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michalk0Hello everyone! is there any way in Yocto to generate image for only one partition? Now my layer generates .wic.gz with all partitions described in wks file, but I need to generate image only of my rootfs partition - I need it for SWupdate, to use in dual copy strategy. I need to create custom image for that, with custom wks? or Yocto has specific13:48
michalk0mechanism to do that?13:48
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florianmichalk0: This should be really easy: IMAGE_FSTYPES:append = " tar.gz ext4"13:50
florian... or whatever you need.13:50
michalk0I should try, thanks :)13:52
JPEWdenix: $ pyrex-run which ssh13:54
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Guest65Im trying to build my own custom image with gstd, however, I'm getting this error: 'python3 bdist_wheel ' execution failed.15:01
Guest65ERROR: gstd-1.0-r0 do_compile: 'python3 bdist_wheel ' execution failed.15:01
Guest65ERROR: gstd-1.0-r0 do_compile: ExecutionError('/home/ubuntu/roby/imx8x-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/armv8a-mx8-poky-linux/gstd/1.0-r0/temp/run.do_compile.3897032', 1, None, None)15:01
Guest65ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/ubuntu/roby/imx8x-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/armv8a-mx8-poky-linux/gstd/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_compile.389703215:01
Guest65Log data follows:15:01
Guest65| DEBUG: Executing python function autotools_aclocals15:01
Guest65| DEBUG: SITE files ['endian-little', 'bit-64', 'arm-common', 'arm-64', 'common-linux', 'common-glibc', 'aarch64-linux', 'common']15:01
Guest65| DEBUG: Python function autotools_aclocals finished15:01
Guest65| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_compile15:01
Guest65| /home/ubuntu/roby/imx8x-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/armv8a-mx8-poky-linux/gstd/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/python3-native/python3: can't open file '/home/ubuntu/roby/imx8x-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/armv8a-mx8-poky-linux/gstd/1.0-r0/git/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory15:01
Guest65| ERROR: 'python3 bdist_wheel ' execution failed.15:01
Guest65| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.15:01
Guest65ERROR: Task (/home/ubuntu/roby/imx8x-kirkstone/build/../layers/meta-myos/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/ failed with exit code '1'15:01
Guest65This is the I'm using:
Guest65Is this a problem with poky kirkstone?15:01
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LetoThe2ndGuest65: at least the version that you're linking too has not been syntax converted, so the package specific operations at the bottom will not work15:04
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LetoThe2ndGuest65: at least the version that you're linking too has not been syntax converted, so the package specific operations at the bottom will not work15:06
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LetoThe2ndGuest65: and the next guess would be setuptools15:07
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Guest47need docker compose as opposed to docker-compose on kirkstone, any help appreciated15:08
Guest47meta-virtualisation layer added15:08
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Guest65LetoThe2nd What would be a possible fix?15:08
LetoThe2ndGuest65: using the version from meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia?
LetoThe2ndGuest47: AFAIK docker-compose is not in meta-virtualization on kirkstone?15:12
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Guest65LetoThe2nd Thanks, that indeed worked and compiles fine now. Could you explain in more detail what syntax is not converted?15:14
Guest65I dont see the issue here tho: , except FILES_{PN} which would turn into FILES:{PN}15:16
LetoThe2ndGuest65: I can immediately spot RDEPENDS, which is a high ranking candidate for problems. plus possible other fixes over an seemingly outdated recipe, which I'm not keen into digging TBH.15:18
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Guest47LetoThe2nd: it is but I require  docker compose (a space not a dash)15:21
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LetoThe2ndGuest47: so this, right?
denixJPEW: mine returns nothing15:26
JPEWWhat image are you using?15:27
denixJPEW: I tried 22.04, 20.04 both "oe" and "oegarmin"15:27
denixJPEW: I was going to try "oetest", but there's none for 22.0415:27
LetoThe2ndGuest47: foundries seem to have done a backport to kirkstone, use at your own discretion/caution:
JPEWdenix: What version of Pyrex?15:29
denixJPEW: latest. 1.9.0?15:29
JPEWdenix: Huh, how bizzare. Hang on and let me dig around a little15:30
denixlayers/meta-pyrex (master=) $ git pull15:30
denixAlready up to date.15:30
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JPEWOk, I was able to reproduce it15:33
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Guest65LetoThe2nd The kirkstone one from openembedded does not provide the python package tho, what would be the work around? From the repo, only 0.15 uses. Kirkstone uses 0.8 tho15:41
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LetoThe2ndGuest65: then probably you ned to come up with a custom recipe that suits your needs.15:59
denixJPEW: what was it? easy to fix?16:02
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JPEWdenix: Ya, I think ssh just wasn't installed. Testing now16:06
JPEWdenix: Meetings are interrupting me :)16:06
JPEWI'll try to get a new release today or tomorrow at the latest16:07
denixJPEW: no problem. was just wondering if I was doing something bad16:07
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denixJPEW: what was the image you were using that had ssh? is it public?16:25
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JPEWdenix: Well.... I _would_ make a release but ubuntu PPA seems down at the moment17:06
JPEWMaybe it will be back after lunch17:07
denixJPEW: it's not urgent... I got an ugly workaround for now - disabling AUTOREV and fetching internal stuff with 18.04-oe image. as long as internal stuff doesn't change often, I can wait a bit17:09
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Guest65How to convert17:25
Guest65PACKAGECONFIG_remove_pn-packagegroup-myos = "video"17:25
Guest65to new syntax? (kirkstone)17:25
rburtonturn _ to :17:26
rburton(there's a script in oe-core/scripts to convert)17:26
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denixJPEW: huh, another weird component that does repo://blah;protocol=https and it fails with ssh not found. not sure why repo sync needs ssh...18:08
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nindoja2hello. I'm developing a layer and would like to add a task that only runs against target recipes. I'm currently doing `addtask func_name before do_build after do_fetch` and it's firing, but I can't figure out a way to only have that task run for a target recipe. I've also tried a few different ways in the function itself to return early if it's not18:44
nindoja2for the target but I'm not coming with any good approaches. Any thoughts or best practices?18:44
JPEWdenix: repo is a wonder of technology18:50
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rburtonnindoja2: you can use an override when writing the function and define a no-op for class-target19:37
rburtonie do_configure:class-target() { : }19:39
rburtonobviously you actually want to make class-native no-op19:39
rburtonyou _can_ do it by looking if the recipe inherits native in py, but overrides are eaier19:39
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nindoja2rburton: Hmm. I tried doing that, but I was unable to get that to work for a new task I'm adding (post fetch, but before build). I wonder if it has anything to do with addtask and a recrdeptask. I'll poke at that again and if it doesn't work, I'll post something more detailed with a pastebin link.20:32
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nindoja2rburton is there a different way to override target vs native in python for a custom task? I tried: `python do_data_collect-native` but when I try to add task, with `addtask do_data_collect before do_build after do_fetch`, I'm getting errors about `do_data_collect` not existing, which makes sense because I've defined it with `-native`. But when I21:03
nindoja2specify `-native` to addtask (`addtask do_data_collect before do_build after do_fetch`) I get a warning: `addtask ignored: "-target before do_build after do_fetch"`21:03
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nindoja2here's a paste of a minimal version of what I'm doing:
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