Tuesday, 2024-04-30

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LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:03
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LetoThe2ndIts done - Scarthgap 5.0 is released: https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/yocto/message/63014 - join us for the live celebration later https://www.linkedin.com/events/yoctolivecoding2-0ep1-kickstart7189341088954925057/comments/ (4PM CEST at https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester)10:07
LetoThe2ndThanks to everybody who made this happen!10:07
XogiumLetoThe2nd: congra !10:12
RPThanks to everyone who helped make it happen :)10:13
Saur_HomeYay! :)10:14
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rburtonwoop woop10:22
dl9pfCongrats to the release everyone!10:22
rburtonLetoThe2nd: where's the mastodon post to annoucnce the release? :)10:39
LetoThe2ndrburton: strange, there should have been one. Let me check.10:40
LetoThe2ndrburton: interesting, seems the posting tool tricked me and did only LinkedIn. Fixed now.10:44
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michaeloYoohoo! Plus we'll be able to say that Scarthgab was released in April.12:28
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yoctonCool! Congrats everyone :D13:44
LetoThe2ndLivecoding 2.0 EP1 and Scarthgap release celebration in 15 minutes: https://www.twitch.tv/theyoctojester13:45
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rburtonLetoThe2nd: no metal hold music, i'm disappointed in you13:58
LetoThe2ndrburton: couldn't find something easily13:59
JPEWRP: I tentatively may have figured out how to deal with siggen ABI safe tasks in SPDX14:00
rburtonwell someone got a posh webcam14:02
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RPJPEW: ah, cool. Was that for spdx 2.x as well?14:25
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nickwhitlockhello. has anyone used the `meta-nvidia` layer before? it doesn't appear to be yocto project certified but a client is needing it for a project14:42
nickwhitlockspecifically, i'm using this fork: https://github.com/tjoslin/meta-nvidia14:43
nickwhitlockI have it configured just as the README suggests. I'm using `poky` and I added the layers that I needed with bitbake (`git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded`, `git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-virtualization` under `nanbield`) - it's complaining about the following:14:45
nickwhitlockERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'virtual/libgl' (but /home/test/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/libepoxy/libepoxy_1.5.10.bb, /home/test/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/cairo/cairo_1.16.0.bb DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)14:45
nickwhitlockmesa-gl PROVIDES virtual/libgl but was skipped: PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl set to libglvnd, not mesa-gl14:45
nickwhitlocklibglvnd PROVIDES virtual/libgl but was skipped: PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 set to mesa, not libglvnd14:45
nickwhitlockNOTE: Runtime target 'matchbox-terminal' is unbuildable, removing...14:45
nickwhitlockMissing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['matchbox-terminal', 'gtk+3', 'libepoxy', 'virtual/libgl']14:45
nickwhitlockNOTE: Runtime target 'packagegroup-core-x11-base' is unbuildable, removing...14:45
nickwhitlockMissing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['packagegroup-core-x11-base', 'matchbox-terminal', 'gtk+3', 'libepoxy', 'virtual/libgl']14:45
nickwhitlockERROR: Required build target 'core-image-x11' has no buildable providers.14:45
nickwhitlockMissing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['core-image-x11', 'packagegroup-core-x11-base', 'matchbox-terminal', 'gtk+3', 'libepoxy', 'virtual/libgl']14:45
nickwhitlockJudging from the logs, it looks like the solution involves adding `libglvnd` as the preferred provider for `libgles2`. I did this, and a bunch of other problems came up.14:47
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nickwhitlockThis, specifically: https://pastebin.com/M5ru6kkg14:48
nickwhitlockWould this be a question better suited for the mailing list?14:49
rburtonnickwhitlock: better suited to mailing the maintainer or meta-nvidia or filing a bug in their github14:49
nickwhitlockunfortunately it looks like their github doesn't have an Issues tracker on it, but I can try reaching out to the maintainer of that repository specifically and seeing.14:51
rburtonyeah i'd just mail him14:51
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LetoThe2ndrburton: yeah much posh around here ;-)14:58
LetoThe2ndthat was really weird, it seems that Twitch lost the connection 15 times - I have 16 recordings in the log now.14:59
nickwhitlockHypothetically if I were to adjust the layers myself to fix the problem, what would I need to look into?15:00
nickwhitlockBecause the issue here seems to be that the .rpm for the nvidia recipe (this uses RPMs??) is linking against stuff that doesn't even seem to exist.15:00
nickwhitlockWhen I am in my build directory and do `grep -sr libwayland-client ../meta*`, all I'm seeing are references to: `../meta/lib/oeqa/files/buildhistory_filelist2.txt` and filelist1.txt15:00
nickwhitlockI'm specifically saying in my `local.conf` also to not even build wayland.15:01
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kanavinnickwhitlock, the readme specifically instructs:16:09
kanavinPREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl = "libglvnd"16:09
kanavinthere's also 'PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 set to mesa, not libglvnd'16:10
kanavinI suspect you need to set that accordingly16:11
kanavinin general, if 'a client' is using nvidia, they should ask nvidia to provide yocto support in the form of a well maintained layer16:11
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kanavinand not leave it to volunteers hobbyists and independent consultants16:11
rburtonyeah, every customer of nvidia that uses yocto should make it very clear to nvidia that they're using yocto and want proper support16:12
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nickwhitlockyeah, so i set the fields indicated in local.conf. They don't explicitly call it out in that README.md but I also set `PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2` to `libglvnd`. They do mention `libgles1` and `libgles3` though.16:16
nickwhitlockWhen I do that, I get the issues indicated in the pastebin above16:16
rburtonare you using nanbield?16:17
* rburton shrugs16:17
rburtonlooks like nobody here uses that layer, so ask the author16:17
nickwhitlockyeah, i reached out to them over email to see if they had any ideas16:18
marexoh, the nvidia metalayer discussion ? :)16:19
marexcongrats to 5.0 release, it will be awesome for sure, it already is16:19
nickwhitlock> yeah, every customer of nvidia that uses yocto should make it very clear to nvidia that they're using yocto and want proper support16:21
nickwhitlockin general yes, i agree with you16:21
nickwhitlockhowever, we are supplying the customer with chip-down nvidia products, so they ask us for a lot of nvidia stuff16:21
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JPEWRP: yes I think it can help SPDX 2 also16:44
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toricis it possible to tell cargo-bitbake to generate a recipie for an older version of yocto?16:49
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RPJPEW: that would be awesome as I think that might be the worst regular failure on the autobuilder for scarthgap16:56
JPEWNeeds a bitbake change, but it's not too invasive and should be able to be back ported. I can send an RFC later this week16:58
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RPJPEW: I'm curious :)20:23
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